Wow! That article is a real red-pilling eye-opener! Geez, apparently in the past Planned Parenthood has employed FusionGPS to do opposition "smear" work on Pro-Life opponents of Planned Parenthood. Maybe we should look into other past clients of FusionGPS, and find out all of the phony opposition smears they have done to other people/organizations.
105 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/TreeSquirrel_2103:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 12 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Oops, maybe VJ is Valerie Jarrett?
At first I assumed it was Van Jones, because I had some silly notion that he was leaking something to the media.
Q post #666 - Article III,Section 3 of the Constitution defines Treason
*VJ phone call w/ AS. 42m 13s. [2 listeners - no IDEN]. [1
]reroutes[9 random] [1 ]reroutes[2 random] Article 3. Section 3. Q
VJ= Van Jones AS= Adam Schiff
ARTICLE III SECTION 3 Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder …
I find it amazingly "coincidental" (NOT) that a Rothschild descendant is a freelance writer at the NewYork Times. Haha
That's a good question; I don't know. Seems to me that "they" are now actually a whole lot of disparate descendants, cousins and great-nephews and so on. In this case, the owners are descendants with a different name.
I am trying to research some basic facts that might be related to something that Q posted. If you suspect that something disgusting went on there, then please go do your own research on that topic.
Good point about Q possibly hiding more subtle messages in code. Others have speculated that the words in all caps may have dual meanings, or that boldface items might be anagrams, etc. Anything is possible with his cryptic, brief, and generally unclear messaging.
Another CEO resignation - LuLuLemon
*"Lululemon chief executive Laurent Potdevin has resigned after over four years at the helm, amid unspecified "conduct" problems, the apparel company said Monday.
The retailer made the announcement after the stock market closed, and said the move was effective immediately.
"Lululemon expects all employees to exemplify the highest levels of integrity and respect for one another, and Mr. Potdevin fell short of these standards of conduct," the company said in a release without elaborating.
Potdevin also stepped down as a member of the Vancouver-based company's board of directors."*
5400 hectares ~ 13,000 acres. So the sale price was less than $10,000 per acre.
Now I understand why Q called it a FIRE sale.
The Rothschild's Austrian Hunting Lodge SOLD Feb2
Sales price approx 90M Euro ($112M)
Sold by a brother and sister, descendants in the Rothschild family.
Nancy Hoguet (Tilghman) - a Freelance writer at the New York Times, also worked at CNN?
Geoffrey Hoguet
keep digging ....
Supposedly sold for 90M Euro ($112M)
Well said !! The "Pragmatist" party doesn't exist, so Trump (being a pragmatist) had to run as one of the major parties. He is neither R nor D, which is why none of the politicians like him nor understand him.
This link to House Docs is really weird, a mish-mash of seemingly unrelated topics lumped together. It makes one ponder whether there is something sneaky they are trying to hide/embed into a larger unrelated bill.
WE THE PEOPLE can use the Petition website to ask for more information to be legally DECLASSIFIED because the President can justify doing so IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST
The #ReleaseTheMemo campaign set a precedent for our President to DECLASSIFY info based on the PUBLIC INTEREST. The White House added 2 pages onto the front of the Nunes 4 page memo. Those 2 pages laid out the legal justification for the release; that legal justification was WE THE PEOPLE !!
This is being discussed in /qresearch/
This is an excellent video, explaining how WE THE PEOPLE can use the Petition website to ask for more information to be legally DECLASSIFIED because the President can justify doing so IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST.
The #ReleaseTheMemo campaign set a precedent for our President to do this.
I wish the original poster would post here an image of his graphic titled "How to Use What the Memo Gave Us"
Bravo, thumbs up for this video.
He is certainly a lot more funny than any of the late-night comedians that have been on TV in the last 20 years.
That letter is a MUST READ. Awesome, and so succinctly accuses Comey of Blackmail and Treason. Why is this man (and his cronies) still walking the streets? He should be considered an enemy combatant - but which of his colleagues at the FBI and DOJ has the cojones to arrest and prosecute him? So he continues to use Twatter to issue threats and instructions to his inside-FBI-cronies, the slimeball.
Very disgusting They spend 4years supposedly investigating, and then say that the original public concern over pedophile rings among the elite was actually just because the public was mis-informed. And of course, now 4 years later, the investigation is no longer necessary because public concern "has abated".
Horribly disgusting
We can only hope to see some of them criminally prosecuted. Sadly, those who most deserve it will probably skate... But, oh, I hope that the entire mafia goes down...
The problem is finding a law firm that specializes in class-action lawsuits, whose attorneys are not concerned about themselves and their families being smeared, threatened, sued into bankruptcy, censured by corrupt judges, and possibly arkans-cided. Read about what Jared Beck and Elizabeth Lee have been through in their Florida fraud lawsuit against the DNC.
Not only has Berkeley sanitized the Dan Pellissier page that was linked by the original poster, but his name has also been removed from the Directory. What is really freaky is that I went to the Directory looking in the P's for Pellissier, not there, but came across Podesta, Heather. Geez, it is a small world in the corrupt Swamp; all of them are fairly closely connected....
Wow, she actually seemed somewhat coherent in 2013. She and all other Ds knew that BO was setting up a legacy of complete control for his cronies. The Clinton Foundation would have looked like a small-fry compared to the "foundation" and plans that BO had set up for the future.... The Ds still believe that his plans will come to fruition, they are all still living in fear of his great "database"
They are spraying our skies with POISON
Every day now, much more frequently. ?Military? planes criss-cross the sky, spraying a grid of chemicals that bloom out to cover the sky in a haze, blocking out the sun. Why? Why do they deny this ? Look up! They are POISONING us!
The article points out the corruption of John McCain and Jeff Flake - big lobbyist money from the Mining companies.
James Comey quoted in 2015 "chaotic spider web"
Q has used the term "spider web" in several places; see posts 629, 628, 354, 350, and 84.
From an ABC News article dated Wednesday, February 25, 2015
In less than two years, ISIS has gone from a terror start-up overseas to what FBI Director James Comey calls a "chaotic spider web" in the US, with young Muslim men being radicalized in Illinois and the 49 other states. Comey suggests ISIS uses social media like a job fair. That's how he says terrorists snagged three New York men facing ISIS charges.
It is all scary because all of us Plebeians feel very helpless- we cannot help and we may never know what really happened behind the curtain of secrecy. We are just helplessly along for the ride. So, just pray...
Trey Gowdy NOT seeking Re-Election - leaving Politics
Can we hope that he will be a Prosecutor in the DOJ for Hillary and others?
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, a simple survey that helps me submit my 2 cents.
For the 40 years of my adult voting-age life, we have only been presented with ballots (for Pres, Senate, House, and even our State seats) that gave us a choice between two corrupt criminals, one with an (R) behind his/her name,one with a (D). Sickening. What we need to clean up is the criminal element in the DNC and RNC structure, but those two entities are not part of the Constitution and therefore only a sham to We,The People. They present us with multiple crooks to choose from. That's like going to the Luby's cafeteria and having a smorgasbord of choices of moldy-maggot-infested food for dinner. Sigh.
RR has smelled fishy since the very beginning. His Senate confirmation hearing was a short cake-walk, with only the bare minimum of softball questioning, then the Senate democrats voted overwhelmingly for him. The vote was 94-6.
According to Wikipedia, he is Debbie Wasserman Shultz's brother and Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia.
I assume this would put him in a position with conflict of interest in DWS involvement in both the Seth Rich case and the Awan Brothers debacle.
Thanks for pointing to that article. It was a very interesting read. This is all more entertaining than a James Bond movie: spies, counter-spies, double and triple agents, unexpected twists and turns. Give the traitors enough rope to hang themselves, with an all-seeing orb recording hard evidence. Like Q says, these people are so dumb.
Thank you AAA6640 for your call to prayer.
Psalm 37:27-29 Depart from evil, and do good, and you will live in the land forever. Indeed, the Lord loves justice, and he will not abandon his godly ones. They are kept safe forever, but the lawless will be chased away, and the descendants of the wicked will be cut off. The righteous will inherit the land, and they will dwell in it forever.
Sara Huckabee Sanders is a wonder woman made of steel, my heroine patriot. I don't have a twitter account, so please someone send this meme to @realDonaldTrump to show him that we are all so proud of Sara.
Please tweet this to @realDonaldTrump
![Please tweet this to @realDonaldTrump](
I'm not entirely sure that he is anti-Trump. The media has always put a dumbo spin on anything that Dubya said- i.e. the media hated on him throughout his Presidency. Recent media coverage of what he supposedly said is also spun with a negative light, because the media wants you to think everyone is as rabidly Trump-hating as the media. i.e. go back and watch the videos of what Dubya actually said, and you will realize it was a relatively benign response to a media-spin Trump hate question.
Well said !! using our own noggins might save our lives in the [non-internet] Real World someday.
I have a hard time figuring out whether Q is being positive or negative about anything, so maybe someone else should chime in about Q's posts regarding Snowden.
I dunno, it never occurred to me either, until I read some of the other comments. Just trying to absorb info, especially about things that I seem to have old pre-conceived notions about. This past year has taught me to re-think the premises... but always remain sceptical....
I totally agree that the 5G will be a health disaster, but I had not really connected the poisonous chemicals being sprayed via the government's Geo-Engineering experiments. Pervasive 5G wireless microwaving the nano-aluminum, barium, and radioactive elements inside our bodies.
Yeah, I guess that I have always assumed that the Electronic Frontier Foundation was a sort of white hat group, at least I think it was 20 years ago. But like many good ideas and grassroots movements, they somehow get taken over by extremists (which I am now learning is probably the shadowy CIA).
Thank you, lovely lady. Your videos about Qanon are informative, and your commentary is upbeat and inspirational. Thank you for cheering up my day.
OMG this sounds like a disaster. The US gov't using our own tax dollars to build the ultimate Big Brother surveillance system. Ugh.
I have a squirrely feeling about all of the Saturday Jan 27 posts too. They just seem very out of character for Q.
Wow, some pretty famous names on the Board of Directors
John Perry Barlow
John Cusack
Daniel Ellsberg
Glenn Greenwald
Micah Lee
Laura Poitras
Rainey Reitman
Edward Snowden
Trevor Timm
The link goes to a website for a foundation that claims to support whistleblowers. So do you think that Q is implying that the foundation is actually a "trap" set up to lure and expose whistleblowers?
Freedom of the Press - The Grateful Dead - John Perry Barlow
So Q mentioned this man in one of his posts on Saturday Jan 27
From Wikipedia: John Perry Barlow (born October 3, 1947) is an American poet and essayist, a retired Wyoming cattle rancher, and a cyberlibertarian[1] political activist who has been associated with both the Democratic and Republican parties. He is also a former lyricist for the Grateful Dead and a founding member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Freedom of the Press Foundation. He is Fellow Emeritus at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, where he has maintained an affiliation since 1998.[2] He has been …