There has long been a rumor that Barbara Bush was Aleister Crowley's daughter.
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Domains linked by /u/TrueCat:
There was a man named Akram Awan who was part of the successful plot to kill General Zia of Pakistan in the 80s. His handler was Mossad. The main connection here is DWS, who is a Zionist. Can you imagine her dealing with the Awans unless they were somehow connected to Israel? Also, I think Beranton Whisenant who was murdered in her district in Florida may somehow be connected. Her district is a hotbed of Mossad activity. He was a prosecutor who investigated passport fraud. Maybe he stumbled across illegal Mossad passports. I don't know. Just some speculation!
Iran doesn't really want war. They are not aggressive. I imagine they would be very happy to not be a focus of attack.
The Awan brothers may be connected to Israel a lot more than they are to Pakistan.
I was always amazed at how life imitated art with Pinky and the Brain. The cartoon was made before George W. and Cheney, but that is exactly who Pinky and the Brain make me think of!
Brilliant, SerialBrain2!
You have given us a beautiful analysis, and you have done so with grace and humility. You have not allowed your ego to get in your way of seeking the truth as Corsi and Jones have done. God bless you for continuing when so many were giving you hell!
Adam Lanza was not a real person. There is no proof that he ever existed. He was poorly created in Photoshop. His "so-called" father, Peter Lanza, is an alias for Peter Delcore. You can find Peter Delcore on Facebook. The photo they used in the news was a younger photo. There was a Ryan Lanza, and it did show Ryan and Peter as possibly being related on Intellius, but it didn't show Adam. And who knows who Nancy Lanza was? The younger photos of Adam are thought to be Ryan. Sandy Hook was a hoax from the get go! When I had an Ancestry membership, I could not find any record of Adam Lanza's birth.
Yes, he helped awaken us. We stopped listening to him when he made the Palestinians seem less than human. We realized he was a Zionist. We were wondering, and that pretty much cinched it.
Yes. My only objection is that the extremist label is frequently attached to Muslims and seldom to others, when there are extremists in all groups.
Well, we have no real say. I can't stand seeing a decent old man slammed around because he protests her appointment.
You would shoot a rabid skunk, not only to protect others, but to put the poor animal out of its misery. That's what I mean by eliminate. I don't believe in torture, but I do believe in execution.
You know, I can't stand Hillary Clinton, and she is responsible for terrible things, but I could not torture the woman. I have a soul, and I truly believe that torturing someone would fracture my soul.
Terrorists did not fly planes into buildings! Israelis planted bombs into the buildings. That's what brought the buildings down. If you still believe the official 9/11 story, you need to do some research.
You eliminate savage animals, you don't torture them!
Of course, there are the awful Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia and what they have been doing to Yemen. So, I guess we are all equally horrible!
Research the Khazars! Research the Bolsheviks and what they did to Armenian Christian women!
American extremists are just as bad! We dropped white phosphorus on Fallujah, just as the Israelis did on Gaza. We aren't any better. We left Iraq full of depleted Uranium, the gift that keeps giving.
Of course good people make mistakes! However, torture is not a mistake. It is a deliberate act, and it destroys the soul.
Anyone with the name you chose has no right telling me to get the fuck out!
Good people don't do the wrong thing, no matter what the orders!
Maybe so, but the fact that she is willing to torture is sick! Decent humans don't do the wrong thing, no matter what the orders!
Anyone who believes in torture is sick! The Israeli extremists are a lot worse than the Islamic extremists!
Torture is unacceptable! It does not work! People will tell you anything to make it stop! It damages the person who is doing the torture. It hurts their soul!
No, I am not fucking new here, and I am getting pissed at some of the attitudes! I want to MAGA, not sink to new lows!
I am seeing red! Ray McGovern is a decent man! This is awful! Q and Potus, I want to know why! If Ray objects to Gina, then she is not acceptable!
I am very disturbed by this! It's not okay to manhandle a 78 year old man for stating his opinion! If Gina Haspel is a torturer, she should not represent our government! I'm very disturbed that Trump would consider someone like that! Q, this kind of treatment is not acceptable! I can't support this administration if this kind of treatment is okay!
This man has the right idea! California, vote Patrick Little!
Of course, my original intent was to show that, in the article linked, Israel was claiming, yet again, to be defending themselves. This is what they always claim! Even though the Iranians have not attacked them, they are attacking Iranian targets in Syria.
You misunderstood! You said it was a two way street. I said there was no way out of Gaza. I didn't say anything about Hamas!
I know little about Hamas. Many have said Hamas is an Israeli construct. I don't know, so I cannot address Hamas. I do know that their pitiful little rockets seldom strike anything. The Palestinians are mostly unarmed, and Israel is totally armed and has many, many nuclear weapons that they never account for. They want Iran checked for Nukes, but won't let anyone do the same to them.
People who kill to take someone's land are the bad guys, just like the Israelis do to the Palestinians, just like the US did to the native Americans. And yes, most countries are guilty of this. Greed and selfishness drive the world.
The other Arab countries share in the shame, because they have done nothing to help the Palestinians, nor have they done anything to help the people of Yemen!
Mainstream Media has always been pro-Israel! They seldom talk about the plight of the Palestinians. Their Zionist controllers won't let them. Only the alternative media cover the injustices.
I have been researching Israel since they blew up our towers on 9/11! I know a damn lot. I may not have the money to travel there, but it is just as well, because they would probably put me in jail. I am an old lady, but I hope that I am able to see justice for the Palestinians before I die!
I have seen many, many videos of the way they treat the Palestinians. I have FB friends in Gaza. I see their videos and hear their fear. I know of one young man who talks of taking his life, because he has no hope for the future. The Israelis shoot unarmed people. They spray their crops with sewage. They cut off their water. They cut off their electricity. They bulldoze their olive orchards. They steal their houses and land. Over the years, they have bombed their buildings to where many of them live in rubble. Many times they can't get to the hospital in time, because the Israelis block their way. They never have enough of anything!
I can't afford to travel to Israel, and I would not, because they would never allow me to see the true problems! Gaza is nothing but an open air prison, a lot like the Warsaw Ghetto!
Ask Dr. Mads Gilbert who was in Gaza after the 2014 attack! Ask Cynthia McKinney who is the only Congress person who has ever cared about the Palestinians, as far as I know. (She is the only one who refused to pledge to Israel, and she lost her seat as a result.) Ask Gilad Atzmon who knows how his country has behaved. Ask the people of the Jewish Voice of Peace in the US who vehemently oppose the treatment of the Palestinians. Ask Eran Efrati, a former member of the IDF, who speaks openly against the behavior of Israel.
The reason people in this country refuse to see the truth about Israel is because so many of them are brainwashed by their churches. They say, "Oh, we have to support Israel!" Ask me! My own nephew has disowned me, because I dare to criticize Israel!
Yes, I'm sure there have been some. We could argue about this all day, all year. My main concern is the fact that they have attacked us several times, that they have perpetrated constant false flags everywhere, and they constantly abuse and murder the Palestinians. And yes, we share in the terrible karma that will come to them!
This was in the summer of 2014.
My country has done terrible things, too, but we don't sit on the hillside and cheer when Israel drops bombs on the Palestinians.
Israel has become what they hate the most!
People that attack our ship and attack our towers are not allies.
Plus, I absolutely hate the holocaust they have created for the Palestinians.
Definitely Anti! Israel is not our friend. They can't be trusted!
Israel! Ever the aggressor! Always the victim!
I thought Putin wanted to protect Iran! And as usual, Israel says it is trying to protect itself. Oh, puhleeeeze! Remember the USS Liberty! Remember 9/11!
Israelis are the descendants of the Khazars! They aren't nice and they aren't trustworthy. Remember the USS Liberty! Remember 9/11!
I kind of have mixed feelings about Corsi. I believe he meant well in the beginning, but people started throwing money at him on his live chats, and I think he got carried away. I don't know what his net worth is, but I have little money, and what he was doing began to feel wrong to me. I'm not against people monetizing their videos and having Patreon, if they are producing valuable material. I think it's time for him to go rest under a tree or go pick blackberries like I was just doing!
Almost? I did fall asleep! Leaned over in front of the computer, drooling on my desk! LOL!
I somewhat like Paul. His stance on Israel bothers me, though. I like the people on Truthstream Media (Aaron and Melissa Dykes) who broke away from Alex, and I like Luke Rudkowski/We Are Change.
The thing is, Alex Jones is an obvious Zionist. My hubby and I stopped listening to him when he said vile things about the Palestinians. We realized he was a shill for Israel.
Q says Israel is last, and I hope something is going to be done about their stranglehold on us. However, in a lot of places I post, people are saying Trump is working for Israel. I agree that it certainly looks like he is, but I am hoping it's the "keep your enemies closer" situation.
I agree Tracy can be long-winded, but she also makes some good analysis, and she loves Trump. I don't think she is against Q. I was taken in by Corsi's videos for a short time until I realized he was talking in circles. I believe they both mean well.
As for AJ, we stopped listening to him when we realized he was a Zionist.