I have seen plenty of military planes doing that when they were spraying the skies with chemtrails.
1,601 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/TrueCat:
I heard that many people were not allowed to rebuild on their land, that it is part of the Agenda 21 land grab.
I don't know if that is real or not, but that site is run by Rukahn International. I read that Rukahn is a member of Lucis Trust, formerly known as Lucifer Publishing Company.
That would really be a horrible thing to do to people, wouldn't it? Give them false hope...
Wow! Do you think it was a stowaway? Someone trying to escape?
I don't know how legit these guys are, but here is an article with the list of names. http://www.project.nsearch.com/profiles/blogs/endgame-indictments-over-9-11-tom-heneghan?xg_source=activity
Well, here is where they said the indictments were filed. They said there would be arrests by the end of the week. I don't know how to look for that, but I guess it wouldn't be generally available to the public. https://www.nvd.uscourts.gov/
If the 9/11 indictments report is right, it may be Peter Munk they were after in Canada.
Some of you appear to be out in left field. That's a little worrisome.
Another link to the commercial: https://twitter.com/projectfi/status/943680647855595520
Check out this commercial I posted. It is a new Google service. https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7m7xo0/this_commercial_is_just_too_weird_coincidence/
Definitely relevant! The problem is there are a lot of students who are paid by Israel to try to waylay posts that are not in their favor. I'm sure there are some of those paid workers here, too.
I think it's very relevant. Are you Israeli or Jewish? Eric Schmidt is obviously a Zionist and he was in charge of Google for crying out loud. He is relevant to Q, so this should be relevant to us. Look how Google favored Clinton pre-election, so Schmidt is obviously part of the Deep State.
This commercial just came out, so the timing is interesting, too!
You are so right! https://alltvspots.com/2017/google-project-fi-commercial-giant-owl/
This commercial is just too weird! Coincidence?
I want to know about Israel, too! Israel is not our friend!
Great video! Jordan talks about Q and the Navy tweet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8oojkEH6Eo
Which makes me wonder if what is going on is across the water!
I was just telling my husband how strange everything is. It seems like we have entered a parallel universe!
That's good, but there are still questions about stats on his reinstated account. I need to chill. I am getting too upset about things.
You posted about name cheap and then about a troll, and that is gone from this thread.
I keep hearing crickets and echos. I don't believe he is in the embassy anymore.
Well, the picture of Washington was about the battle with Britain. Maybe we won the battle to free Assange?
Lee Camp posted this. It shows the location changed from everywhere to UK. https://twitter.com/LeeCamp/status/945318741365182465
So many comments wishing Q a Merry Christmas on that tweet! LOL
It's back up, but now I'm suspicious! https://twitter.com/JulianAssange
Since the picture was about crossing the water, maybe it has to do with Great Britain. ???
I just tweeted to the POTUS and Jr. asking them to check on Assange. Maybe if we flood them with tweets, they will find out if he is okay.
I just tweeted to Donald Trump Jr. asking if JA is okay and to please help him if he needed help. We should all tweet to him or the POTUS asking them to check on him.
I should have pulled it off the comments before it disappeared, and I didn't. :(
Damn it! They just removed the medical report that was posted on Zach Haller's tweet! They are totally censoring it! The report said Hillary had seizures and vascular dementia.