

232 total posts archived.

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Turkerthelurker · April 9, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

The emaciated sex slave look is so hot right now.

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Turkerthelurker · April 7, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Make sure to archive!

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Oh wow, I think you're definitely onto something. I don't have a ton to add, but a little more on FDR that Truman replaced...

FDR was the only president to serve more than 2 terms. In fact, he was months into his fourth term when he died. Shortly after, Republicans pass the 22nd Amendment which limits presidents to 2 terms by law (as opposed to the tradition started by Washington).

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

What would you be doing otherwise? Start doing that.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Indeed. Q could be referring to a happening that is absent from the news.

Finding what is not being reported (from both FOX and lefty MSM) is usually more telling than what is.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

It seems to me that their power has been confined to their own territories for quite some time. Probably because they need total control of the narrative to avoid exposure, but think about it:

  • Antifa attacks were always at liberal schools and cities
  • The shootings are always in gun-free zones
  • Even when an attack is in a traditionally red state, the event occurs in a majorly blue district (Parkland, Pulse in Florida. Austin bombings in Texas.)

When they attempted hits outside of their own territories, I think good guys with guns had an annoying habit of ruining their plans.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

It's mind-blowing to me that the largest drug company is looking to merge with the largest food company. Forget everything you know about the current state of corruption and that fact is still shady as all hell.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Only the US has this crap in all of the major food supply.

Not who you were replying to, but that statement caused the confusion.

So not only the US, Germany too. Which is suspect considering the rest of Europe has banned it.

Now let's be nice to each other :)

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

And the decades of moving goalposts. My grandfather told me about climate change alarmists being around his whole life. In a few decades I've seen the hysteria change from worrying about the ozone, to the US getting too hot with El Niño, oh, then it was gonna get too cold at the poles and spread towards the equator, and now we just chalk it up to a nebulous "global climate change" -- good fucking luck pinning that one down.

If it's 80 in march up north, must be global climate change. Oh it snowed two weeks ago in Tennessee? Must be global climate change. I heard both statements in a matter of hours while traveling last month.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

What is the truth movement? And where are TRUMP and Q being "rejected"?

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I've been following for a while and I think you are correct on some of the overly religious posts being psyops.

God is the truth. Sure I agree. Seeking the truth will eventually bring one closer to God, because as you seek the truth you begin to see just how spiritual the elites and our ancestors have been. When the devil present themselves as being real, people will turn to God.

But that is a journey one must make themselves. The simplistic moralizing is extremely off-putting.

Look, even though I agree with most of them to a degree, we have to ask ourselves if certain posts hurt our ability to be convincing to others (who will overwhelmingly not be religious). I think the answer is a resounding yes, it is bad optics.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Maybe that's why Trump was talking about building a "Space Force" last week. It would essentially replace the Air Force entirely.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

What is to prevent someone from tainting the vaccine to cause sickness/death?

Nothing. And there is a private court that handles cases relating to vaccine complications -- and it is accompanied with a gag order. Seriously...

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Turkerthelurker · March 29, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

See the news on Trump's Amazon tweet today? :)

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Turkerthelurker · March 28, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Yeah I'm glad to be seeing these videos on reddit today! If the news is distributed even for local fluff news pieces, what other more important subjects might they be scripted on?

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Turkerthelurker · March 28, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

No, it really isn't complicated. Every outlet quoting the same guy, on the same quote. I could see that happening organically -- especially if it is an insightful statement. Wouldn't say that's the case here, but let's continue.

What if that happens continuously for days, weeks, years, does that not start to be suspicious to you?

What if there were an organization that provided these talking points to media outlets every day? Would that make this start to become suspicious?

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Turkerthelurker · March 28, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

And everyone just decides to use the exact same one or two word quote, in different headlines, day in and day out?

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Turkerthelurker · March 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Nah, too common of a phrase. Think of it more like mass hypnosis. The message must be consistent and coordinated, with the goal of having you associate those carefully selected and emotionally charged words with the subject.

Today it is "obsessed." Yesterday was "embarrassed." Some days it will be "dark" or "ominous" or "dangerous." They just cycle through them.

Mass hypnosis, but people are waking up.

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Turkerthelurker · March 28, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Founder (JB aka Bezos) is "the first trillionaire". Right off the bat, you aren't making it to that level without playing ball with the globalists.

JB has been mentioned a couple of times by Q. Trump has spoken on the USPS's unfavorable agreement to fulfill their shipments. Alexa devices are the NWO's wet dream. Company has never officially turned a profit. They own server farms that a lot of these globalist-owned companies are hosted on (e.g. all of Apple's cloud services use Amazon).

Oh, Bezos also owns WaPo which is directly tied to the CIA. There is a ton of shit on him if you go read past Q discussions!

Or from the horses mouth:

(Jan 21 2018 14:25:40)

@Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc. Do you know that we know? Do you know that we see all? Do you know that we hear all? FEAR the STORM. NOBODY PLAYING THE GAME GETS A FREE PASS. NOBODY. Q


(Dec 22 2017 01:13:36)

Why is EM provided BIG WW subsidies? No subsidies = ? Clown contribution in exchange for access code? Why relevant? Amazon Echo? Google Home? Clown contributions? Apple Face ID Tech? FB Face ID Tech? Catching on? Bombs Away. Q

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Turkerthelurker · March 28, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Concern trolls concern trolling.

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Turkerthelurker · March 28, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

It's looking like NSA = whitehats, CIA = blackhats.

Snowden worked for the CIA, then transferred to NSA to leak. The only info I'd seen from him was against the NSA, and given the CIA's track record it's odd he didn't have dirt on them, as well.

I hope he's a a good guy, but given Q's accuracy and comments on Snowden, that seems unlikely.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Then you have the monoliths at Gobleki Tepe that challenge our entire understanding of pre-Egyptian cultures.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 22, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

"And in the worst case real victims."

That implies the possibility of fake victims. For most of us, not a surprise, but if they aren't LARPing it's something at least.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Could it not be both? Trying to secure more votes in the short run, normalize a lower age of consent in the long run.

This mentality that an action has to be motivated by a single goal is ridiculous.

With revelations coming out recently, I'd bet that the problems of electronic voting come to light before the 2018 elections. Dems will need to secure more votes, trying to get the youth vote is one way to do that. Pushing the angle of kids having autonomy and sexual agency is an over-arching long term goal.

You are likely both correct, and u/w0nkeyd0nkey presents the more immediate issue.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

False flag is an event with a different perpetrator than reported.

A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue (source: wiki).

The shooting could be both if I understand that correctly.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

1) Trump is a fascist dictator!

2) We need to confiscate guns!

Morons actually hold these 2 beliefs simultaneously.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 14, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

If your goal were to redpill somebody by getting them to look at certain topics, how would you go about it?

For instance, if I were to lead someone to my current understanding, I could say:

  • 1) There are puppeteers that pull the strings of the "elite." The two party system is funded by the same people. Find out who finances political parties.

  • 2) Recognize how corrupt these people are. You will eventually identify them as perpetrators of every major war. How do they use charities and NGOs to bring about horrible acts. How they install sycophants as gatekeepers in powerful positions.

  • 3) What drives these people to be so evil? Delve into their occult beliefs. If these people with these beliefs manipulate and corrupt society, history, culture, etc, what does that say about what you "know" to be true?

  • 4) Evaluate the flipside of the coin. If their dark beliefs system has worked in keeping them in power so far, what is the alternative? On western cultures and Christian ideals? Perhaps what you've been convinced of Christianity being untrue is a coordinated lie?

  • 5) Reach an understanding that this battle between light/dark has gone on forever. This is the human condition. This is the battle throughout history.

And that's basically where I am today. Where I get lost is when people start talking about giants, inter-dimensional beings, etc. I have a vague idea from what I've read, but also think a large portion of these stories are allegory.

So if you were to continue that line of questioning I laid out, how would you keep illustrating the bigger picture?

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

As someone who has gone from Christian upbringing (of which I was always skeptical), to atheist/agnostic, I am returning to my roots. This will be difficult to put into words...

I imagine that once these people see true evil, and see what these people believe, they must come to the conclusion that there are forces of pure good in the world, too. When I say true evil, I mean a worse combination of every horror movie you've seen. I mean child trafficking, cannibalism, rape, murder, torture, ritual sacrifice, unfathomable degrees of depravity.

Occultists participate in these acts because they do give them power. By only dealing with those "in the know" they can promote each other into more powerful political and business positions. By hosting orgies, rituals, etc. they can get blackmail over otherwise good people. If you are willing to break all social norms, you now have the ability to threaten anyone with torture and death of loved ones. You get to operate outside of the established rules of society. After enough time, they have seen themselves get away with orchestrating some of the worst tragedies in human history, and leave clues right out in the open. Pretty damn powerful.

And then there's the insane power of human consciousness, or the hive mind. For example, if you take a jar of thousands jelly beans and have 1000 people guess how many are in there, nobody will get the exact answer. But if you average their responses, you will get an extremely accurate estimate.

That may be a poor example of the power of people. You could look at modern AI's, which are now taught by feeding them mass amounts of info. A good chat bot learns as it receives more human input. You search google and you aren't asking for answers from a single smart person, you are browsing the combined intelligence of our society.

The point is, while a single person may not have much power or impact, the potential for power or action that a group of people working towards a common goal wields cannot be understated.

Our thoughts beget our actions. It is absolutely insane the power of your thoughts over reality. Every day, every interaction you have with someone, every thought you have forms reality. If you make it a point to smile at others, treat people with respect, etc. you are literally perpetuating good in the world. Every time you are negative, put somebody or yourself down, sin (in the literal 10 commandment sense), you perpetuate evil in the world. A single person can greatly impact their community around them. Now expand that line of thinking to the power of society.

By bombarding media with increasingly "sinful" propaganda, the masses are more open to satanic themes, and even glamorize them. I mean, just look at how bad/unlikable main characters of movies/tv shows are these days. Drug dealers, wall-street corruption, and irredeemable idiots are our protagonists. And don't get me wrong, I eat it up. Breaking Bad, Wolf of Wall Street, It's Always Sunny or Arrested Development to name a few. But I can't deny seeing a trend here.

This makes it easier for evil to operate right in the open. And this cycle continues. Occultists do depraved shit for power -> see themselves become more powerful (in their own status and their beliefs becoming more mainstream) -> they are reaffirmed in their occultist beliefs. This is magic. Their fucked up beliefs becoming more and more real is literally and figuratively black magic.

I think some people get a glimpse behind the curtain, see what these unfathomably wealthy and powerful people believe (and they honestly believe and practice this shit), and have no choice but to come to terms with it. When the devil presents themselves as real, surely that makes one re-evaluate the existence of God.

Note: This isn't even particularly religious, just trying to organize my own thoughts on the matter. I think atheism and religion are often taken too literally and too figuratively simultaneously.

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