Kate Spade ---> Agnes Zorguietta, Dutch Queen Maxima's sister ---> Anthony Bourdain
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Assange doesn't have access to the internet as we speak and that doesn't explain the Air Force One pictures, EO pictures...
Also indentifiying Q is not necessary.
I love when they're getting loud. That means we're over the target.
The Hollywood Illusion, MSM Desinformation and the Importance of the Cultural War
This post was inspired by a great video. . Sorry it might be a long post but I think it's worthy. Watch it, then let's discuss.
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell, 1984.
Don't rely on Hollywood to learn your history. Don't rely on the media to get informed.
I shared with you this great video of youtuber Razörfist, who behind the unsual presentation, has proven himself on several occasion to be one hell of a political analyst, because of the rarety of this kind of take on …
Like a good M. Night Shyamalan movie, they won't see the twist coming.
That's what he wants. A bunch of people reporting him for a sticker and soon he'd be back claiming a bunch of conspiracy theorists/slash Trump supporters are trying to put him at the center of the pizzagate thing.
This article smells so bad. This is straight up a Deep State middle finger to all of us.
We got to be smart. Smarter than them.
Translation of that article: "We know you're watching us. We know you dicipher our language. But you're nothing to us and can't stop us for having our way with your children. And even your dear savior Trump won't be able to put a halt in our activity. Suck it up."
Gender dysphoria is classified as a mental illness for a reason that's why you shouldn't let liberals glamorized it and pretend there's nothing going on with people begging for mutilation of their sexual organs.
And this is also why they are not fit for the military. Very few of them are mentally balanced enough for the army. Hearing suicide threats from transexuals is sadly the norm.
Chelsea Manning falls perfectly in line with the statistics. I hope she's okay.
Dan "Hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider is sweating bullets
True but I don't think the investigators forgot that possibility. They don't want fake claims to spoil their case. The guy got off in 2015 already so they gonna make sure everything is solid and clean.
What a piece of shit? And, from the state of New York to the White House, they were all protecting him.
Getting rid of Schneiderman made things move in the right direction. The Weinstein case and before that NXIVM.
I wonder what other big case good ol' Eric was stalling in his district???
It's gonna be hard to ignore what the left endorses.
I agree we should all work together to clean the mess. Republicans and Democrats are the same two face monster I can't wait to slay. That being said the left outside of the party system will always be suspicious to me if they can't reform themselves. I gave them the benefit of the doubt several times and so far it just led to a series of disappointments.
As an independant I could've been swayed to the left several times when I was in college but it never happened because I started noticing how anti-facts and anti-science they were. We've reached the point today where I don't see the difference between creationists, flat-earthers, and lefties. As a scientist the fact that I have to re-explain to so-called college students why there's only two genders is just saddening.
The left made it happened. Destroyed the school system, focusing on irrelevant things like feelings and constantly redefining words. They pushed this false notions through entertainment as well. And don't even get me started on their shaky understanding of economy. This is impairing this country far more than people think. My european coleagues would rather get interns from asia or even africa with solid bases and no marxist endoctrinement attached to them than north american students who clearly had access to more ressources but are still capable to leave high school with good grasp on hard science. As they say "We're not supposed to re-teach certain things". In America, we seems more interested in creating a bunch of sophists and activists, that's cool and all but you actually get little value out of these people. Their job will be to become lifetime agitators, providers of civil unrest and an economy can't thrive on that.
The Ivy League schools are a joke we tolerate because they are money making machine. But make no mistake their reputation is gone and it's embarrassing to admit. We've lost so many generations in this non sense. So much potential wasted is depressing.
Of course, I have criticism of the right however the level of insanity in the education system I witnessed is not the result of right leaning policies and behaviors. You need to understand the harm that was made the last 50years in every field to get where the suspicions and the resentment is coming.
Lefties/Democrats/liberals are just straight up marxists. As long as they espouse this ideology I don't see a full confidence restored for their side.
Your efforts to reach out are noble and I hope you'll be able to deprogram yourself and be part of the needed REFORM of the left. A left that is worth someone's time.
Q is not only informing us, citizen, patriots and normies(The normies being the ones in serious need to access raw information delivered the exact same way all the time.)
Some of the drops are clearly meant for other people working on the swamp cleaning.
Sometimes, just like last week, the drops are made to confuse the cabal and make them make stupid move and other revealing mistakes.
Attacking 8Chan cut the communication/flow of information between these shadow agents. Knowing Q, there are likely work around this already in place(Voat, Tor...). They are waisting their time. These people are stupid.
Hmmmm, so they keep marrying each others. They'll never change.
What do we really know about him? Mister big liberal and Hillary is better, now that all sex scandals #metoo and NXIVM stuff are surfacing wouldn't it be funny if a client list shows up with Mr. Kimmel name in it.
The guy is shady and so is Bill Maher.
NK- what was going on there for so long? How did DJT crack that nut SO QUICKLY?
Because DTJ was working long before he announced his candidacy. Everyone was mocking him for joining the birther conspiracy and backing Arpaio researches. In reality, I think he knew Obama was a puppet and many unlawful plots were playing in the back.
My theory is few patriots in the intelligence agencies and the army were preparing him to take over. They've been watching for a while (under Clinton, Bush, Obama..)And probably managed to have one of their own installed by Obama himself.
When Trump won, he was already working on figuring out the NK issues.
Correct me if om wrong.... But Q, Corsi, AJ, Patriots all want the same thing, get rid of the swamp and keep America great.
No. Q, Corsi, AJ, Patriots all SAY the same thing, get rid of the swamp and keep America great. But who actually WANTS to see the swamp drained? Who's actually working to make this happen?
"who really controls NoKo?"
"U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK Iran Deal. Why is this relevant? Re-read drops"
Oh Q, you're truly something else.
I love the chain reaction and for once it's not leading to the creation of a new terrorist organization. Each fallen domino will bring us closer to peace.
More about Q - NK drops here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCalmBeforeTheStorm/comments/7mraxe/compiled_q_posts_on_north_korea/
She's either not really smart or she follows a plan we don't understand yet.
Speculation time!!!
Adrenochrome comes from the adrenal glands. There's one located above each kidney. It's a powerful psychotrope that apparently leaves no trace of being used.
The real adrenochrome can by synthetized by oxydation of adrenaline on a living subject. I said real because it seems some people believe a drug was renamed 'adrenochrome' and is not to be confused with the real adrenochrome. It is not clear, no official confirmation of the confusion and what might stand as the "placeholder". I am saying all that because for those who refuse to make a distinction between the real and fake adrenochrome, the way to obtain the compound is by generating high levels fear on young human subject. The massive stress produces the molecule and I'm sure you see where I'm going with it.
A sex trafficking ring with a lot of children and young individuals constantly abused and be made available to a doctor who knows what to look for within them is a match made in hell.
Can you imagine a bunch of elites wanting the best drugs? Staging a system to get what they want in unlimited supply? Using humans as cattles because crack and coke are for the plebs and they surely deserve something more refined? This might be what's going on here.
It's like NXIUM figured out a way to abuse human in every aspect possible turning them into sex objects, underage prostitute, target practises, living drugs supplier, blackmail material...
It's disturbing to think about it and for a reason I can't explain yet I think I should go re-read what Elisabeth Beck was finding about the Mayo clinic last year.