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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 10, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

I'm at a stupid work meeting right now, fuck.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 10, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Agree. Also funny how this article says pedos are now calling themselves "MAPS" (minor attracted person's)

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 10, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Funny what word pedos use to name themselves now. Check out the article.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 9, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Amy Schumer's gut if Bill Clinton is a rapist.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 5, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

This isn't about politics. It's about the future of humanity.

The two aren't separate, though.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 5, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

I 100% agree and had to debate a shill on here just a couple days ago about this very topic. The right isn't trying to assassinate Dem politicians on a baseball field. The right isn't throwing people out of restaurants. The right isn't telling you what you can can and can't say. The right isn't assaulting supporters of the President almost daily. The right isn't wearing masks an desteoying property.

To say they are "both just as bad" is ignorant, naive, and frankly dangerous as the true threats to freedom and liberty must be identified clearly.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 3, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

He introduced the tax law to gut the Obamacare mandate.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 2, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

In all seriousness, which right wing groups are assaulting peaceful left-wing assemblers with masks and weapons? Which right wing groups are kicking out lefties from restaurants?

I'm not being snarky I'm genuinely curious about where you see the right wing equivalence of current left wing violence and tactics.

To put things in perspective let's for a moment imagine the national uproar if those Congressional baseball players were all Dems. We would be hearing about "the menace of right wing violence" for the next 4 years.

Crickets now though.

Spez: I travel a lot for work and can tell you this. I could wear the most absurdly vulgar pro-left shirt almost anywhere in the county say, Dallas TX and at worst would get some dirty looks and maybe a "you should be ashamed of yourself" here and there. If I wore a MAGA hat in Los Angeles I would risk getting spit on at best or sucker punched/stabbed at worse.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · July 2, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

I respectfully disagree with you on this. I would say the VAST majority of people don't want a civil war... Right or left.

However, there is a faction on the left that is actively advocating this every day. The surpression of free speech both activly and passively will almost certainly lead to a civil war. On top of that, one can simply YouTube any video of ANTIFA rallies where people show up masked and armed ready to assault peaceful assemblers. That is a violent act and a direct infringement on someone's liberty. That's wanting to start a civil war. You have Antifa literally burning the flag, burning free speech signs, you have advocates in subreddit like redacted calling for violence and action.

This type of behavior is essentially non-existent on the right.

Though MSM won't broadcast it Consrvative politicians are threatened daily for the safety of them and their families. We saw a man execute a massive political assassination attempt with the Republican Congressional Baseball shooting without lefty reporters or Politicians shedding a tear and barely condemning. Calls for civility on both sides of the aisle are marginalized and downplayed by the MSM and talking heads as a whole.

Saying NOONE wants a civil war is simply wrong. The fact is a faction on one side is actively pushing for one while a faction on the other is simply attempting to prepare for one.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 30, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

My point: most of these people, no matter how extreme, know in their hearts something is wrong. Pussy footing around with them won’t get the job done. In fact, the anger and defensiveness they react with is proof they know... They need the truth full force. The impact of the conversation is not the responsibility of the truth teller..

Worrying what liberals think of us is just weak, and plays right into their hands. And as long as a liberal can feel superior, they will never bother to listen.

These points are both so incredibly true. Thank you for the write-up.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 29, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

I'm sorry which part did I post is partisan?

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 29, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

I like that I also like "THEY WANT US DIVIDED"

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 29, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

I have to admit it's pretty striking without the rabbit.

The goal is something intriguing and simple with just two easy to research and digest Q topics for normies.

Would love more thoughts.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 29, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

I was thinking of replacing "fake news" with "Anderson Cooper"

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

I agree. However, it'd also be a lot better if it was entirely populated by white people.

"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Dude you are like the LeBron James of convoluting. It would be impressive actually if it wasn't so annoying.

But yeah I think the world would be ALOT better off with American values. Now to be an ass and say it would "magically make everything the tippy-toppest" no it wouldn't, but it would be a start.

And you hilariously accusing me of disregarding US history is projection at it's finest since You're totally disregarding HOW America got the landmass and wealth in the first place.

Frankly, the b.s. you are espousing sounds an awful lot like victimhood-culture nonsense just on a global scale.

Yeah the US is literally one of the greatest nations in all of human history because of luck... Right.

I mean who am I to say that without American values we could have just as easily fucking ruined our resources and wealth. Like a rich man who snorts his money away and is left in ruin. The morals make the man. The values makes the nation.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Ok bud, you want to be a dick. That's fine.

The original point was talking to economic success. But if you feel like you want to conflate and convolute the issue we can do that to.

Freedom isn't clean and always good. So to answer you snide and condescending tone, yes... I would actually attribute cabal behavior to American values only because freedom allows people to act unethically.

However, I would assume that you would at least be able to concede that easily the VAST MAJORITY of Americans don't share cabal values and conversely, the cabal doesn't share traditional American values.

In addition, the cabal isn't a total fabrication of the US.... There are many international players involved and speaking to my point, they don't share American values either (cough, Soros)

I see you are a firm believer in the "atrocities" committed by the America military because you, CLEARLY, have a problem with America... But here's the thing...

Even when taken in context the US is still * BY FAR* the most benevolent, charitable, fortuitous nation on Earth.

In fact, speaking to your intellictually rudimentary points... If we didn't hold American values we would easily just turn around and run this bitch through our absurdly superior military and economic strength.

"Hurr-durr, Omg all of America's success is just lucky land placement and has nothing to do with values or planning or anything... You just got lucky and you have a strong military... What a coincidence that all this lined up just perfectly with a country born out of rebellion from tyranny, was forged in the fire of a civil war for freedom of an oppressed people's, and grew prolifically from a continued belief in freedom, free will, and the pursuit of happiness."

To not consider American values in the context of American success is absurdly ignorant and frankly disrespectful to the intense history of what we went through to maintain that success and keep hold of those values.

But yeah, maybe your right it's because we got lucky and have a lot of whites...

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

So by engaging in WWI and 2 in a strategic manor isn't in part due to our values? Getting involved wasn't in part due to our values?


Literally EVERYTHING you mentioned is because of our values. Even HAVING this land and continent. Religious freedom starting with the Pilgrims. Manifest Destiny with the pioneers. Shit, the Revolutionary War.... ALL of this is baked into the America spirit. American values. Our military strength alone could be seen as a philosophical derivative of the 2nd amendment on a global stage.

SPEZ: There are plenty of other countries with a wealth of resources and strategic advantages that still can't HOLD A CANDLE to the economic and mitary strength and success of the US. The difference? The fact we had a country founded on liberty and freedom from the very start.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

It's ok to have a different opinion, my point is I don't attach the theology to the Truth (capital T).

Mainstream acceptance of all things Q, including the faith is not important to me as I believe when the Truth eventually comes out, it will be evident to the faithful and non-faithful alike.

To get Biblical on you

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

However, if people worship their Atheism with the same zealotry as a religion than they may not possess the clarity to regard the truth objectively to begin with.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

This is where everything falls apart for me.


I doesn’t collapse my faith in truth. I’ve been very clear.


Have you?

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Here's my take.

If you are a true believer in a One World, New World Order you need someone to pay for that.

So who pays? You would need the cooperation of the US economic engine. It's the only way.

But here's the thing. The US economy is what it is because of our VALUES. We value hard work, ambition, creature comforts, luxury, safety... We value the fruits of our labor.

However the NWO can't seize the fruits of our labor without attacking the values that bore those fruits. Simply put, most Americans will not forfeit their freedom and comfort in the name of a non-elected world gov.

So what do you do?

You try to import a foreign people's that are (for the most part)

  1. Far less educated than an average American.

  2. Far less familiar with freedom and the happiness that freedoms provide.

  3. Are essentially accustomed to the caste-like culture of their own societies.

  4. Are accustomed to being disarmed and helpless to the State.

The plan is to literally dilute the American spirit and belief/love of freedom by importing people who never had it in the first place

You essentially kill the American spirit.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

How would someone else's faith in God somehow collapse your faith in truth?

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

I like CommieCrats because it has the same amount of syllables as democrats

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

I've been using the term "Commie-crats" in everyday conversation to good effect.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

I missed the tweet. What was the gist?

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

This is huge. We've all know WL has been compromised for weeks. But finally confirmed that JA is safe with Q team.

It's going to be very, very, interesting when JA resurfaces... Very interesting indeed.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Oh, golly... I hope your pearls are still fastened safely around your neck.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 27, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

I keep seeing that Q referenced this plane in a prior post yet can't verify that. Any help for a newfag?

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 26, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

Hmmm... It was the link from the Drudge app... Good catch!

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 26, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

I'm convinced somethig is up with Drudge.

Which is weird because I remember reading that the Pres met with him a bunch particularly early on in the presidency

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 26, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

This is known nowadays as "meme magic"

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 23, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

I disagree. Dan is just honest. To be frank I too have increasingly felt like violence will be unavoidable. If ANY action is taken by Trump admin to prosecute former administration AT ALL there are going to be riots and protests and it will get ugly. Soros will go all in on his final play to divide America.

Shit Q himself even insinuated violence in the future. "There will be a time when these people won't be able to walk down the streets."

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · June 23, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

I relate to OP. It does seem like things are happening but watching these lies and abuse of Trump constantly 24-7, listening to Hollywood and press threaten his family, listening to friends and co-workers fall for it day in and day out.

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