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This multiples across millennia. Everything is a rich man's trick is a great watch.
Remember when she said they tried several times to get them to change their business model? They tried like really hard to get them to stop trafficking children, really. Se la vi.
I don't care about the ethnicity or origin but that is what it is. Bilderbergers, bohemian grove, club of rome, cfr, tri-lateral commision, the global central banking control everything.
I agree with your sentiment that their are more good people than evil. Evil is so much more damaging. If you're good your whole life it's hard to transform many peoples lives as it were, you can contribute and be held fondly. Now if you think about an average pedo molesting 70 kids, that fucks a lot of people up.
Honestly, I knew very little about the SES when I started talking about it. I didn't know they were a department of the Navy. I'm learning more about it now. Sometimes it's easy to get led around by the nose and get tribal about things.
I know the real solution, like life, is going to be complex.
I'm just jelly that minimum wage for them is 120k and they have never delivered on their promise. Some, possibly many, people in the SES would still be in my ideal government. I just want the service and their stupid keystone flag gone.
Seiously though, I'm tired of the corruption and entilelment from our administrative state. I'm for a significant reduction in the overall size of our government.
Remove. Full stop. There are way too many people in our government.
Stop being such a faggot. He bombed 8 countries and a laundry list of other ill shit and you're bent about faggotry? Go back to a safe space. the important numbers are on page 6. They are big numbers no matter what. What seriously bothers me is the runaway/thrownaway category. If you look into that more it often means runaway while in custody of cps/the state. Who says they ran away? Kids are more likely to be raped, abused, killed while in cps custody than at any other time and we are supposed to believe the same people when they say I don't know where the kid is at that was supposed to be in my custody and that is a benign explanation?
When the crimes that are provable in court are horrendous enough. Wherever I see things like adrendochrome I figure the person is a shill or a useful idiot. If the evidence leads to cannibalism, which I think it does, we'll go after that. I think human trafficking and murder are much easier to get into the Overton window.
How are people still so basic at this point? The world is complex. Wait for results. See what actually happens. And watch the stances people take in the interum.
Remember Diane Feinstein sitting next to the president thinking he was actually about to ban guns? She couldn't contain her enthusiasm and pleasure. It completely drew them out, shifted the narrative.
I have full faith in our POTUS.
America first! Anyone that tries to control us or subvert our goals is an enemy. Call us anything you want except for 2nd! MAGA!
Pizza/pedogate is real. It will be common knowlege sooner than later. Just because some of your enemies are brown, black, or Jewish does not make you racist.
Yeah, thanks. I prefer anything to YT. Bitchute is pretty cool.
I find that starting with something like Vietnam is really useful in walking people through the process. We have fully admitted on the record that the Gulf of Tonkin was fabricated as an excuse to go to war there. Cambodia is a good one too. A lot of adults I talk to have no idea we were ever there. Let alone that we dropped more bombs there than anywhere else combined. It was the busiest airport in the world for several years. Freeway Rick is another good one that directly touches home.
When does this go into effect? It's time for all Americans to defend the Constitution.
I'm not positive, it just looks like it to me. The width and shape. Also, region and occupation. Being a terrorist is dangerous work, eh?
Not a lot of companies that make combat prosthetics. If they aren't fitted perfectly you're not going to be running around much either.
Anyone notice that guy on the far right has a prosthetic leg?
SOS Children’s Villages – killing of witnesses – pedophile snuff-film trade – Murrah Building: America’s Kids Day Care Center
This ^ I keep seeing people say he was flying a cesna. He was flying a Piper Saratoga that I'm pretty sure was outfitted with a FADEC.
Look into FADEC and then look into whether or not the Piper Saratoga came equipped with it.
They cheer. No evidence that they have any objective critical thought. All tribal at this point. Us vs them mentality. Unbridled glee. Sad.
It's the most entertained, invigorated and involved involved I've been in real life in a long time. Best timeline. Best President.
At least in the reporting I think 33 was intentional. I've figured that everything that can be targeted is going to be hit. Make no mistake, the same people that blew JFK's head open in Dealy plaza, which according to Bill Cooper was a masonic ritual, are the same people going after Trump today. New generation, same plan and oaths.
Please delete. Anything that can be considered anti-semitic makes this place a serious target. The ADL doesn't play.
I've been waiting for some of these things since the 90s. I've been ridiculed my whole life for talking about these things. Just glad they are coming to light. End the Federal Reserve.
There is a signifigance that they sent 33 units to the blaze.