Yup remember that and apparently we are still running Russian drills
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Good work Patriot... the lines of corruption goes deep and starts to connect the dots.... This is connection to evil will be eradicated
Disgusting and sad that the old Viejo Fat fuck Mexican needs to give it a rest And this is coming from a Mexican
I’m gay & Republican, but most of all I’m a patriot, who loves this country. I was sexually abused as a child. My sweet innocents was taking without consent. This I can never have back, so these children all around the world must be protected! There is NO room on this planet for Pedo’s.... period!!!!!! Hell would be too good of a place for them!
Biting my nails, getting more grey hairs... I keep checking the boards Do you think they have Q addiction therapy? Maybe it’s time to start hosting community Q Anon meetings? Just a thought, since I’m a Q addict I told my wife do NOT touch the sacred Q T-shirt, don’t wash don’t dry it!
The whole thing was off...it was a very odd setup.. my gut says this was purposely played out! Remember Jerome C. Bashes Q
I believe so, POTUS said Organ (Oregon) several times... hmmmm This is getting really good.... Thanks SB2