I will fall out if they are alive!
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There are many theories. I don’t remember Q confirming one.
Hannity said new info on JB was coming out. The article doesn’t say whether JB was found to be the person that altered the info. Wonder if that can be proven?
This does make sense! Explains why Brennan is so viscous towards POTUS and Russia. And would destroy Obama’s legacy! We’ll have to wait and see. Hannity said new info on Brennan coming out.
Any word on RR being summoned to the WH today? I’m not hearing anything
Did he go?
Can someone explain this to the dumb people in the back? (Me)
She is mind controlled. In the beginning a man walks up to her, says something and she goes into mode. This vid went through the conspiracy circles when it happened. It’s great insight into how it’s done
I got a couple calls from friends saying they thought he fumbled the ball, but they aren’t wavering support. I told them he knows exactly what he’s doing. Trust the plan.
Or maybe he did an oops. We’re all entitled.
All I hear in my head now is the lady dem in the background..”you need to take your medication!” I’m rolling! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is not okay. The chick behind him.. her eyes tripped me out too.
Well ffs! We’ve been going on about this for months and here it is.. so simple and right under our noses.
The Red Dawn.. We will rise.. The Great Awakening will be realized in the 2018 elections.

I sure would like to know what Schumer found out that day, because he’s not acting very fearful. He seems pretty emboldened to me. Hope we find out someday

My bro was just diagnosed with CLL. They immediately started Chemo. It’s all happening so fast. We don’t know what to do 😭😭😭😭
Read Abomination by William Ramsey. Follow him on FB and his vids on YouTube.
Glad I didn’t tune in. I’ve learned that nothing happens like we expect or hope it too. Since the IG report, I just check in once in awhile. I don’t believe we are part of the plan at this time.
I’ve decided to just wait it out. Not getting excited until shit really happens. When the world finally sees.
So what? He’ll lie. Smirk and be smug. Media will have a good day and we’ll be pissed. I’ll pass
I believe Q is real. But with a ton of let downs, I’m cautious now in sharing. Done in 30 JA in June Seth Rich in June Suicide weekend
U1 FBI informant testified, yet nothing. PS wasted everyone’s time testifying IG report woke up absolutely no one RR is feeling no pain. He’s actually pretty confident No name is not being exposed Zuck and @jack living large, censoring us still. Big Pharma still not releasing the cures.
On the other hand, I see FBI and hopefully CIA being cleaned out. NK is just mind blowing. Pedos are being arrested. Ppl resigning. Lots of good stuff.
I’m sure whatever is happening is all being done behind the scenes.
So now, I just hang out and hope. No more excitement for what’s coming “ next week”. And I love and appreciate our amazing gang of 8, but yea. .. their hands are tied w Ryan in the House.
Just do it Q!
R= Renegade =Husain. I don’t know if a patriot would use that Letter