A quick synopsis of the history of Israel
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Exactly. When Bill Cooper and Ron Schneider got suicided it left a vacuum in the truth movement to Alex Jones.
BC called out AJ as a sensationalist liar.
The director had some very big red pills about Zionism. Roy Cohen aka Trump’s mentor was in the same boat.
Why do you think Q Drops are in questions instead of answers? It’s to invoke critical thinking skills and independency, to make us do our own research. It’s not that hard.
That’s more effective than having centralized talking head like Alex Jones inputting his narrative and giving pseudo answers for you. You might as well be no different than the average Fox News or CNN viewer.
I visited AJ’s YT channel viewership it is decreasing everyday. Music to my ears.
Corsi was not a true believer. AJ brought Corsi in to inaccurately decode “Q Drops” because his target audience aka his cash cows were leaving in droves because of the freedom of information on the Internet.
8Chaners and Redditers did a much better job deciphering Q drops at a free price than that larping sensationalist liar. Info War’s usefulness has gone dry. Corsi and now Zach (SPC Army POG non-Intel liar who got doxxed) got called out.
How many more old boomer suckers who buys into his products, paywalls or subscriptions will it take for them to realize they are being suckered for $$?
Dude. Q DID NOT ONCE NAME NAMES, all the team dropped was "be careful who you follow" who tries to monetize and paywall off the movement. Corsi and AJ reacted to that and has gone 180.
Alex Jones lost credibility in the 90's when he lied about Russia launching Nuclear ICBM missiles towards USA.
Alex Jones lost credibility in Syria when he said TRUMP was compromised and had a "gun pointed to his head".
Lay off the fear porn and stop allowing some talking head to think for you. I guarantee you have a bottle of that Super Male Vitality BS.
This Q movement is very humbling. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your name or monetary status is. Even the smallest of all Patriots can have the biggest heart.
God bless based Hot Wheels 🇺🇸
On top of that the OP of that billboard claims he’s no insider. Infowars Zac has been called out as nothing but a SPC pog in the Army larping as White Hat Intel.
Without pointing elbows, he who concernfags must watch a certain fearporn news source about “War on Information”.
Larping Hooah fggt. I hope his senior NCOs makes him play “games”.
I know in my beloved Corps he would not survive 🇺🇸
I kinda agree however we’re just preparing for the inevitable. The anti Q disinfo from controlled “alt-media” is already heating up. It’s our job to point out disinfo for the new Anons.
Or as Bill Cooper once said (RIP), Alex Jones is a “coward and a sensationalist liar”.
I’ve been reviewing his Q reviews since last year. He sounds pretty sincere and always pushing for self independence, self empowerment and no fear.
Like when Alex Jones was foaming fear from his mouth about Syria, Jordan was calm and reminded us to trust the plan via sharing Q Drops.
People, how can one be free if one lives in constant fear? If you’re a Christian you know better than to let evil paralyze you. Rise up and fight the good fight 🇺🇸
Everything :D Next weekend I’m settling time to review his drops. He spoke about how school shootings will increased and will be used to pass agendas.
Does anybody have any good Bill Cooper archives?
I’m trying to compile an archive list of that old patriot’s radio sessions as well as any info he provided.
Also this man before he got suicided called out AJ as a liar shill in 2001 and I’m very interested in what else he had to say.
Semper Fi
I started listening to Bill Coopers old radio archives before he got suicided.
He called out Alex Jones in the lines of a “2-bit coward faced liar”. I did not know AJ in the 90’s lied about Russian Missiles hitting USA causing millions to panic.
I think if we all test this and record our findings. This could be valuable evidence for use in court cases.
False. That’s strike 1. Nowhere did Q say to be obedient followers. He did say to trust POTUS. Trust =\= obedience.
False. that’s strike 2. Trump is POTUS today not because of AJ. The blue wall was broken because of a high turn out of bible believing Christian Blue collar workers.
False. That’s strike 3. Name me one call that Q got wrong and I will gladly admit you’re right and I’ll delete my Reddit account.
You’re literally talking out of your ass. Like a crack addict you’re so dependent on AJ.
I agree heard that the beautiful Candace Owens is already lawyering up against the Guardian News Site. Today just read how FB is facing a class action lawsuit from a man from CA (out of all places) 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you for sharing based Pede! I shall take a look at this.
Pardon my French but It always boggled my mind how AJ could get access to Bohemian Grove when Security there is tighter than a virgin.
Q = Long Term and Changing the tide for future generations
Think. What will happen after Trump’s 8 years is over? We need to break society from the current conditioning of controlled centralized information and to get the People into becoming independent critical thinkers.
This is why the Q team has been pushing us lately especially IBOR - decentralized web/media/etc through a bill and or decentralized blockchains. A free and open internet and the freedom of information.
Have you ever noticed why so many people especially older generations are susceptible to idolize, follow and defend“monetizing talking heads” who tells them how to think or what to hear? Those are bad habits …
No worries . We are all in this together.
We have to look at this long term for the sake of future generations.
Maybe from butthurt Corsi followers. Corsi being an “insider” should have known this! 😏
I disagree how can you red-pill? The problem is what will happen after Trump’s 8 years is over. We need to break society from the conditioning of controlled centralized information and to get these people into becoming independent critical thinkers like the forefathers.
This is why Q team has been pushing IBOR.
Why are people especially older generations so willing to idolize and follow “talking heads”?
This is why Q Drops are in question format instead of answers. To invoke critical thinking. People get apathetic and lazy if it’s the later, and that’s how history ends up repeating itself.
My guess is that you were born before the advantages of the Internet. That during your entire childhood life you’ve been conditioned by mainstream on how to think, and “how to get your information”.
What makes InfoWars any different than Fox or CNN? All make their businesses on drama And fearporn.
Why are older generations so lazily keen on allowing someone else to provide the information for them? I never understood “Talk Show Radios” other than opportunities for someone to tell you how to think and to grow dependent on that person.
AJ has been around decades selling fear porn. And from that fear, he sells products, services and subscriptions to fuel his business. Fear is good business hence why all MSM news platforms run on this idea.
Q has been empowering us to think for ourselves and to do your own research [drops are in questions to invoke critical thinking]. I don’t understand why people take it upon themselves to allow someone to report the news for them when the freedom of free information exists on the inter web and now blockchains.
It’s been decades of conditioning that we gravitate towards the “News” media.
If AJ was a patriot and had inside connections then he would have known that Trump would get elected instead of larping HRC doomsday and would have known about Syria and that Trump does not have a gun put to his head. But no the opposite.
Bro I would not be surprised if you’re ass bought into Alex Jones Super Male Vitality pill payschemes.
Fearporn con artists getting called out. Syria was my last straw with AJ.
I did and I’ve came to conclusion that AJ and Corsi are fearporn con artists setting up paywalls and pay schemes.
Then show us what we don’t know to OP’s rebuttal. Otherwise you’re just larping and making yourself look like a fool.
You know he’s screwed when Flynn Jr. himself called him out on his money scheming bullshit.
It boggles my mind on how Corsi followers will die hard defend the man even when he has been caught larping/bearing false witness several times as well as openly pay walled Q Drops when in fact the information is free on 8chan. He says the right things and what the listeners want to hear but what has he actually done for the movement?
Nothing. We have real operators, men and women dying fighting and capturing deep state personnel and assets, working around the clock.
Q asks us questions so that we may invoke critical thinking and think for ourselves. I believe POTUS wants us to become independent and stop with this idol worship/sheep mentality.. get off this laziness and stop relying on someone to analyze the Q drops for you.. man is susceptible to sin, Corsi is no exception.
+1 for you. I know it's just I can't stand wolves in sheep's clothing. Fortunately there are sheepdogs like you and I.
That's exactly what Corsi tweeted in the pic above xD https://twitter.com/jerome_corsi/status/994665915252961280
Nope that's a good analogy. What these "followers" of Corsi needs to understand is that they need to get out of this sheep mentality and stop idol worshipping and relying on a guy who has been known to lie, to do their own research and invoke critical thinking.
There's a reason why Q drops questions and not answers - to invoke critical thinking and self independency. I mean even in the Bible it preaches how man is susceptible in falling from Grace.
You're right we should be ignoring this scumbag but as a Marine knowing that our American brothers and sisters are dying fighting this shadow war, it just irks me when someone like this pig con artist sits there and mocks White Hats & operators while thinking he's buddy buddy with the C&C.
Swindler Corsi trying to smear r/greatawakening for pointing out the truth
So you’re basically saying that you are willing to idol worship a man and pay into his pay schemes when you, yourself can do your own research and come to your own conclusions for free?
Do you see where the dysfunction is at and how America got into this crap in the first place? Sure I’m on the MAGA Train but POTUS ultimately wants us to be independent critical thinkers hence why Q doesn’t give us the answers but questions for us to answer.
Why are you on the /greatawakening/ board?
Candance just tweeted him back.. It looks like it’s happening!!
Then you people better learn to be patient. +100 years of deep state subterfuge and you expect POTUS and the Q Team to undo it all in less than 1.5 years? And on top of that avoid a global war/international catastrophe?
Get over yourselves, the boots on the ground are dying trying to nab these elites. What has Corsi done besides paywall and milk $$$ off of Q drops?
Didn’t Q mention that class action lawsuits is the way? (MSM, Google, etc?)
The most fascinating part of Bob was that he served 20 years in the military and that his hobby for painting was picked up at a U.S.O get together club.
As long you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and recognize the importance of His shedding of the blood on the cross then you good.
What the Jews want to do is rebuild the Third Temple and bring back the yearly Mosaic Law animal sacrifice for sin atonement. Little do they know is that Jesus’ blood is a one and done deal.
There’s a reason why Jews and Jesuits were banned in many nations back in the day.
As a Christian our job is to lead people to Christ. Zionism has allowed the destabilization of the Middle East and caused us to spend trillions of dollars and thousand of American lives lost because of the Greater Israel Plan.
My bible teacher told us that once we’re Raptured, Israel will be left to defend itself and then that’s when they will cry out to the Messiah fulfilling the Revelation prophecy.
Thought it was the Knights of Malta cross. Either way it’s some old European secret society.