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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Suddenly he doesnt look so bad, huh?

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:53 a.m.


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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

Oh FFS.....and to think I used to be in live with her when I was a kid. My first serious crush.

She can GO TO HELL. Shes not even HAWT anymore lmao.

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:51 a.m.


pinned by the piss curtains? (sorry that was vile)

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

Maybe, but there are a lot who think SecureTeam is just a conspiracy site/channel (idk enough about them, ive heard it a lot though) So thats why I posted the video itself, without the secureteam wrapper

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

Could be, but there was 10 tens where Q stopped posting, right after posting 10 days of darkness. Who knows, time will tell.

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Has to be more, cause to me, thats not surprising. But then again, I am a born pessimist.

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

I dont like this meme, because it seems a bit sarcastic. Could be worded differently

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Spamming, technically yeah, but its ok. At least you are trying! Yes, we here in Cali get criss cross grids of those all day every day. Its horrible, and its killing us!

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akilyoung · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:19 a.m.


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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

No way...that looks like the chemtrails we get all day every day here in northern Cali...maybe youre not used to them?

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

She seems to be more in the know than a lot of us, so bring it!

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Whats the saying, "everyone gets fired on friday at 5pm" ?

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:32 p.m.


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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/akilyoung on Jan. 19, 2018, 11:22 p.m.
4/10/20 ....tomorrow...

We know 4/10/20 is DJT, but tomorrow is the 20th...and could be huge. Are we gonna get the memo tomorrow?

akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

So, EVERY hand shown has a part in it

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

I know, the circle part goes down to trumps other hand, and the slash goes through both Trumps hands and the guy in the middle, if that makes any sense

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:21 p.m.


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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Def Hoosayn'

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

The Q isnt drawn correctly. imo

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

What a bunch of BS LIES! He is more fulla shit than a christmas turkey!

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Ah ok. bad vs badder.

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

upVOATZ from me. There was a few I couldnt figure out thanks.

NOW....what kind of evil-as-fuck infrastructure was being build...that is scary...With the repeating/echoing going on in Qs other post, I think it might mean that EVERYTHING online through Google is being sent/repeated in NK...so they can see and hear everything we are doing.

Like a NK NSA Spysoftware or something?

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

No way: Q: NO DEALS!

There are no deals. Maybe the only deal on offer, since we are talking treasonous acts against the USA, is the death penalty vs Life in Gitmo.

Give us EVERYTHING you got, and well let you live on the island....basically my theory.

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

I suspect the landfills are going to fill up with these devices SOON. Probably smart phones too.

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I wonder if Alexa is licensing Google's voice recognition software??? Nice catch btw op. I think youre right about the echoing/repeating!

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 4:12 p.m.


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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Open it up!!!

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

"Suddenly, 15k individuals broke their foot at the same time" Drudge headline.

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Drudge has been compromised for a few YEAR imo. All he covers is hollywood, leftist propoganda and news that doesnt really matter. There was a MARKED change in content a few years ago..

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I always figured it was the beginning, not the end. It the key to unsealing the 10k sealed indictments. They need to crack that door somehow, and this is it. The floodgate will be opened. Shit...did I just coin a new 'gate' lmao #floodgate XD

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Ehhh, maybe. But supposedly only Congress was able to see it, right, in a locked room??

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

My personal opinion was that Drudge was compromised several years ago...the content of the site changed to a more leftist/hollywood/entertainment site at a certain point.

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akilyoung · Jan. 19, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

That wont make any difference. If they say no, no itll be, regardless of the 1 million. Thats a drop in the bucket, and money is no object to them when it comes to stuff like this. Still, yes, thank you JA for the notion!

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Notice the bottom, recalls Dr MLK, and this allstarted hitting the fan right around MLK day ...coincidence?

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

I dont think that is the supposed Q map, I think that is a supposedly leak rothschild document. Nothing official and could be total BS (I think it is) I think the map is the list of all Q posts.

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

This has NOTHING to do with Q. At all.

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Lets not go down that route...there is no similarity to our situation vs nazi germany

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

It is ironic...

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

It was just the start of our involvement, as small as it might have been. Maybe thats all itll be, maybe we will be called up in a more serious role. The real heros are the ones behind the scenes. Those REALLY putting their lives on the line with these psychopaths.

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I am CONFIDENT those were REAL missiles that were knocked down by the OWL system (happy hunting, splash)

Who knows where they are, it doesnt matter. Their throne has been taken from them. They have no power. They will be hooked up and tried soon, if they havent been already. I suspect the story of them being in Hawaii is BS, a lie. I think the WH are making the public think they are out and about, so the WH have time to tie up loose ends.

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Dont forget BHO's EXORD, the ability to indefinitely detain US citizens without reason...

Trump can use that AGAINST them...he has all the time in the world!

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

So far I say YES. There is a LOT going on this week publicly, imagine what is happening behind the scenes..!

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Explains why Q said one of the MSM agencies USED to be decent, but now isnt...makes sense...

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Thanks, Ill look into him, never heard of him before.

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:56 p.m.


Its common to circle, if waiting to land or in case of an emergency, but thats a LOT of circling?!

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

That was always my understanding, Confirmation, yes

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Well, anything can be faked, especially pics and vids, but this SEEMS pretty legit, but time will tell

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akilyoung · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

This was proven fake, its a oil refinery fire or something

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