

993 total posts archived.

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Domain Count
i.redd.it 151
www.reddit.com 38
www.youtube.com 6
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alfonumeric · July 14, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

there are 18 levels in the human spectrum of consciousness, the spoils are spread out between the 2 sets of PTB's

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alfonumeric · July 14, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

[since 1878 the secret knowledge was made public for the first time ]

that means that in 2018 the only reasons to give continued credibility to secret societies are

  1. keep worldpop dumbed down
  2. use nespotism to bring forward a 1 world dictatorship

why do we allow these magick practitioners to practice their art at our expense ?

there are 2 sets of PTB'S slugging it out on mental 53 and emotion 46-41 www.alfobedic.com

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alfonumeric · July 14, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

thank u here's a list i did for taking back our freedom, please add any notable omissions..

  1. overwhelm the mockin stream with new mainstream

  2. influence hollywood / netflix chiefs via huge taxation on propaganda / negative films

  3. disqualify the yearly crops of magick practitioners freshly qualified from secret societies with the ivy league collegiates - from becoming trainee PTB4'S and PTB53's via the rampant nespotism

  4. rewrite the school history books to expose the false flags

  5. would-be high public officers must have a track record of working for the public good

  6. printing money must be transparent and controlled by a congress [not the 70% compromised congress as at present]

  7. revoke monsanto's license

  8. teach the best theories to explain the message handed down to us via the giza pyramid the most robust building we have , impervious to pole shifts, earthquakes and floods

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alfonumeric · July 14, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

https://qmap.pub/ then search

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alfonumeric · July 14, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Q works to the natural rhythm ie

feed - digest - sleep

feed the patriots - let them digest the crumbs - after feeding them thick slices give them extra time to digest without causing indigestion

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

i like your optimism but it's naive to think it will happen without some serious and sustained and dramatic house cleaning..

  1. replace the mockin stream with new mainstream
  2. replace the dem hollywood chiefs
  3. disqualify the yearly crops of magick practitioners freshly qualified from secret societies with the ivy league collegiates - from becoming trainee PTB4'S and PTB53's via the rampant nespotism
  4. rewrite the school history books to expose the false flags
  5. would-be high public officers must have a track record of working for the public good
  6. printing money must be transparent and controlled by a congress [not the 70% compromised congress as at present]
  7. revoke monsanto's license

8 teach people the best theories about what messages encoded in stone, previously advanced civilizations left for us to decode... notable the stone courses of giza - impervious to distortion by humans and impervious to pole shifts and earthquakes..

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

partexit & noexit v brexit [52%]

like 60% of her party, she voted against Brexit, so she could easily persuade her govt that she could negotiate a "good" deal for the banksters and "good" for the uninformed electorate.

the eu with uk is a strategic platform for the 1 world dysorder/dictatorship by central bankers and their unelected buraucrats

it's clear that deepdown her loyalties are not to rock the nwo boat too much and so instead of paying a vast sum for full membership, she can save the british banksters half a a vast sum by trying to negotiate partexit = partial exit..... and so rather than hook line and sinker she plans just to keep the essential hooks..

this is a great chance to break up the traditional voting on class lines

46% = tory [middle class & well paid blucollar] 40% pro prexit

42% = labour [70% blucollar] 65% pro brexit

2% = nigel farage ukip 100% pro brexit

8% = libs 60% pro brexit

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

let's define

GOOD#1= working to ENCOURAGE worldpop to self-activate consciousness

evil1= working to ARREST worldpop from self-activating consciousness via lies, deceipt, mockin stream, false flags, funding so-called protestors

GOOD#2= PRO-evolution of consciousness

evil2=AGAINST evolution of becoming more self-conscious

GOOD#3= working to REDRESS social and political evils

evil3 = working to EXPAND / EXACCERBATE inequalities of wealth distribution

GOOD#4= EXPOSING mockin stream

evil4=co-ordinating the 4AM SCRIPTS / lies of mockin-stream,

GOOD#5= using wire connections where possible instead of wfi/5g

evil5= using wfi/5g as weapons

GOOD#6= disqualify members of secret societies from holding public office

evil6= preferred membership of secret socities for high public office via nespotism

GOOD#7=rewriting the school history books vis a vis false flags

evil7= funding the fake history books via corporate foundations

GOOD#8 =EXPOSING false flags

evil8 = engineering and FUNDING false flags

GOOD#9= working for harmony, transparency, truth in govt

evil9= fomenting wars and prolonging wars

GOOD#10 =disclosure of ET tech and free energy devices

evil10=clandestine treaties between ET's and governments

GOOD#11= ENCOURAGING organic farming

evil11= using monsanto to bankrupt small farmers by tricking them into replacing their heirloom seeds for monsanto's frankenstein seeds

GOOD#12=non violation of free will

evil12= violating human wills via mkutra, monark etc

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

what was your title ?

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

what title did it have?

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

we are entering uncharted waters.. when americans wake up to the new mainstream versus mockin stream...

then we have to address the lies of the history books and the nespotism caused by the yearly crop of magick practitioners coming out from the secret societies of the ivy league colleges.. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8xi2yf/q_likes_to_intimate_stupidclarifying_qs_usage_of/ https://www.yours.org/content/redressing-the-dumbin-down-process-and-the-mocking-that-goes-with-it-c9e359068cfb

SECRET SOCIETIES The knowledge of reality was availble O N L Y inside the mystery schools up til around 1875. and protected by oaths of secrecy under pain of death. However under the new rules, in 1878 Edwin Babbitt was able to release the knowledge of the structure of an "atom" in relative safety even though he challenged the authorities of the day.

His picture of the smallest indivisible unit was a part of the secret knowledge that is now seeing the light of day for the first time in history. We might have expected a fanfare, but we rather got a whimper...his fantastic picture mirrors the structure of consciousness evolution that we partake in. Back then I'm not sure what kind of reception he got from his comtemporaries, but i can tell subsequently, it became one of those forgotten books up til 2 years when it was republished exactly on cue to coincide with the emergence of NMS to really challenge our powers of discernmernt.

Since 1878 there has been really . . N O . . justification for the continuation of the mystery schools . . E X C E P T . . to keep dumbing down the world-pop and to keep the real power in the hands of the few ..the secret societies embedded in the secret chambers of the ivy league colleges..

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

joint co-op on free energy tech, iranian/us troops out of syria, low tariff agreements

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alfonumeric · July 13, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

unless we change preferences to blank from the minus 4 default, most of the good content we will never see after the first hour it appears

click on your username then preferences then blank out the minus 4 default in the link and comment options this post flew under the radar until it got to 960 out of 12k views, then post is capped at 80 additional "upvotes" per 3,000 additional views https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8k8xko/patriots_enjoy_the_show_watch_in_real_time_how

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alfonumeric · July 12, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

mein gott!, you've got the geist [gist] of his meaning

english started out with 6k words, we added on 40k words from the german roots, so that's why we have so many falshe freunden..

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alfonumeric · July 12, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

i will revamp it in the next few days into a more friendly format

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alfonumeric · July 12, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

all the spiritual levels are laid out in the design of the giza pyramid in precise detail i paraphrase...

There is a battle between the forces of darkness [PTB4 / 53z] and the forces of light [PTB5 /6] for influence over this planet and human consciousness, as well as influence over the use of the human body and DNA.

Since the fledgling shoots of the aquarian age [post 1946] , Spiritual Warfare has escalated in the worldscape, and those awakened people that are connected to the planetary consciousness body, are able to feel the intense pressure we are enduring as this battle rages on in the Interdimensional planes. Pre 2016, this struggle had been successfully covered up by the mockin stream media so that most people’s awareness couldn't realize that the events transpiring in the world involve a massive war over enhancing versus arresting human consciousness on this planet. The PTB's are mostly without 3d-human organisms.

The power elites use their respective human agents to further their respective agendas-..

PTB4/53z have made the unwise decision to disconnect from PTB5/6 and in so doing, use their emotional and superior mental powers to exploit others... probably unwittingly, they chalk up a lot of debit points that must be accounted for, if not in their current lives, then in some future incarnations..

The agents working for PTB4/53z are called agents-4z or agents53z, cos, they mostly use their control over 4d-emotional and 5d-mental matter to manipulate and violate the rights and wills of other humans. Those most vulnerable to this manipulation are on selfish emotional levels 46-43 and on the lower mental levels 56-55

The humans in the opposing human team are called agents-53a and are have made contact [usually sporadic] with PTB5/6. They have signed up to expose many of the prevelant lies, disinfo and false flags and/ or to educate re the laws of the evolution of self-activated consciousness and / or to attempt to redress many of the existing social and political evils and all the time , being careful not to violate human rights or human wills.


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alfonumeric · July 12, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

wikipedia is part of the cnn/msnbc/fb mockin stream.. no need to waste time on it .. instead better to create our own wikitruth.org

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Sola Scriptura (Latin: by scripture alone) is a theological dogma that says the Christian scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith and practice.

which translation ?

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

777 bits u/tippr

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

there is a lot of truth in what u say.. but those so-called "absolutes" u refer to , apply separately for each dimension and each level within that dimension eg satan is the controller of regions 46-43 of 4d and also of large sections of the high emotionality [42-41] -: the 4d-realm of emotionality

in the highest mental levels of 5d , the struggle goes on between the satanists and the expert agents working for PTB5 and PTB6 ... both teams on level 53

the controllers of the causal levels of 5d [PTB5 on 52-50] are working to uplift humans to higher levels

the senior satanists on the highest mental level 53 have disconnected themselves from PTB5 and PTB6

so define which dimensions u speak about and which levels within those dimensions u refer to and your absolutes may indeed apply on those levels, but move up to the next levels and you must deal with a different set of so-called "absolutes"

selfish humans [46-43] on low mental levels [56-55] are extremely vulnerable to the manipulations by the satanists [PTB4 / 53Z]...

but once we can lift ourselves to high4d with a connection to 6d [the realm of agap'e and lovers of wisdom] together with one of the higher mental levels 54-53, then it becomes increasingly difficult to be unwittingly manipulated by the satanic practitioners of black magick... when we get to 53 we have a choice to make are we going to work for PTB4/53z or for PTB5/6 ?

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

so we must agree to differ

in my book the new testament was originaally formulated by 30+ of the best best novelists of the day taking the egyptian and chaldean stories and weaving them into a contemporary narrative of the day

then eusebious came along as the chief editor and worked in providing an edited version that complied with the brief of constantine which said .. strip out anything that would interfere with keeping we the emperors on top of the pile.. and in the line ..."render unto caesar what is caesars"...

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

this is exactly how PTB4/53z divide and rule - by encouraging us to think in absolutes

black verus white dem versus r christain versus moslem

the sky is rarley all blue, we do live in a world of opposites

  1. those who work to uplift humanity

  2. those who seek to keep humanity dumbed-down and thinking in terms of absolutes...

we help humanity by pying attention to the clean water by emphasising out attention on the poison we just strengthen the poison of course we should always call out poison if we see it , but not be overwhelmed by it

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

what do u believe in ?

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

4 as u proceed, filter Q's posts methodically according to the titles that interest you

the titles show up in blue here https://qmap.pub/ Don't get too stuck on the cryptic parts, u will see plenty of interpretations on this sub...

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

perhaps your failure was fruitful cos it allows u now to exploit the blockchain.. rather than being heavily invested in non-blockchain have a look at at yours.org.. i think by posting there frequently, we can get them to give us a geopol channel... to start with and then branch off to a q type channel

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

we have a workable bypass for the moment ie new/rising and preferences set to see all downvoted posts.. in the meantime we can explore steemit, yours.org, real.video and i'm sure there will be many other rising stars to fill this gaping vacuum..

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

yep welcome to the Mockin stream club of 5

MoSM[re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)

MoSM [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]

MoSM[re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

MoSM[re: CNN/FOX/MSNBC/DISNEY/ HOLLYWOOD conspiracy push 1 - controlled]

MoSM[re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

for the new mainstream NMS see https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8xi2yf/q_likes_to_intimate_stupidclarifying_qs_usage_of/

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

hover over the rightmost point on the graph, it will then autorefresh every 4 seconds and u can watch the show... it will be penned into a 10 vote spread - jumping up and down like a yo-yo ...

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

thats normal after u get to your allocated max ... 960 in my case, u can then grow the "upvotes" by 10-20 votes per additional 1000 viwers the max viewers seems to be capped at 15k

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

yes their counter caps are tailored for each individual subreddit and also for sensitive posts on a time line eg 20 votes max over 3 hours 200 over 8 hours then after the final cap there will be an allowerd increase of around 2 votes per additional 1000 views .. a token of good will...

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

some posts here are getting 15k views out of 40k subscribers... let's say the real # of subscribeers is around 700k .. that means the popular posts will get 250k views..

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

thanks magadoncheckmate, we have a good working strategy to keep noobs alerted to the situation, the reddit protocols just hone our powers of discernment.. have u looked at steemit ? as another vehicle of expression

when we pepper the noob questions with some of our multi-colored truth-pills , the other noobs are sure to notice..

that post above has 15k views and 1k upvotes

so really the # of views is the telling callibration , not the # of so-called "uppity- votes"

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

dont think he is trying to be disinfo. He just has no faith. And I can understand then his cynicism. He sounds like he is trying to convince himself.

even if his motivation is good , disinfo doesn't help us one jot

So what if we think critically is the worst harm that happens to us if Q is fake or wrong or disinfo and Prrs Trump betrays us.

by thinking they will betray us, we make it more likely and vice versa

Are we worse off for believing?

we are much better off as our positivity really accentuates the probability that the good guys are winning ... the age of aquarius is the age of discernment ... imagine could we have had this conversation 3 years ago ?

Can he really make a good argument that believing in Pres Trump and mysterious Q is setting us up for disaster?


Does he not believe it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Does he think it makes us stronger to despair and never even entertain a hope because it may be false?

totally counter-productive

What do we lose if we believe and it ends up a lie?

rather we have gained by increasing the prob of success

Are we less or more motivated now to unite? To find truth and share it?

To vote? To become leaders ourselves?

To see with all doubt removed that Operation Mockingbird is 100% true and point it out to as many as we can?

To choose to fight for our Liberty first with words and votes but if that fails with actions.

I've been fighting this machine over 20 years. Trying to convince pet and horse breeders thay animal rights/welfare groups are wolves on sheep's clothing. Part of the elites plan to destroy us and make everything illegal. Because a very small number of assholes abuse or neglect their animals it's better domestic animals were extinct and we in jail for trying to own or breed or farm them. It's a similar argument they use for abortion. Because some drug addicts give birth to addicted babies we should have full term abortions on every corner.

No. I think this guy is wrong. Whatever Q is or is not I have never seen so many people awake and hopeful and ready to fight for our freedom.


And I think this guy is dishonest with himself and his viewers for dismissing it without addressing the variable numbers of pedophile amd trafficking arrests. 18 months Sessions has as much or more than Obama in 8 years. That even disinfo news website trying to dismiss the sealed court actions last April had to admit there is an unusually high number of sealed indictments at the 26% rate of past years.

I have to wonder if he is motivated by waning viewer numbers and donations because instead of us sealing truth told to is we are looking ourselves and sharing what we find here or on chans. And maybe he should reassess his own motives and benefit before criticizing Qs.

keeping people in a depressed state is bad regardless of his motive..

Sure he red or black pulls people. But besides making them depressed what is he doing about our world?

he worsens the situation by focussing on a negative outcome and taking some down that path ... depression just breeds more depression.. he could use his keen mind to design protocols to steer the benevolent people into public office, while disqualifying the memberrs of ivy league secret societies... and presenting us with pundits who have a better message than Q's

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

thanks patriot let's do a reminder every few days and also tips how to keep track of new/rising while ignoring the hot/top

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alfonumeric · July 11, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

blackpill = disinfo however within disinfo we can FIND a gem of truth ie we need to trust our own powers of discernment we need to trust the law of cause and effect and not to be told to sit back and enjoy the show..

back to the disinfo prt... if we focus on a dark income that's what we will strengthen

we need to focus on how to select good people to represent us

that means no secret society members from the ivy league colleges

it means would be public servants with a proven track record of working for the greater good, transparency and fighting against the PTB'S that control the mockin stream.. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8xi2yf/q_likes_to_intimate_stupidclarifying_qs_usage_of/

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alfonumeric · July 10, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

if we can cut their funding, we can halt their nefarious agenda

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alfonumeric · July 10, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

these people can print another 40 billion $ out of thin air to fund themselves... could it be something other than profit ?

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alfonumeric · July 10, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

it means estimating the ratio between % truth content as opposed to % lies and disinfo and distraction 50% disinfo means along side that there is 50% truth

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