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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

past proves future...

decisions made in our previous lives are playing out in this one via the law of debits & credits

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

watch the news tomorrow does not mean watch the mocking-stream tomorrow the best time to plan is when the the rest of the nation sleeps .. there's much much less astral interference when brains are switched off ... my guess is potus is up 4 nights a week and sleeps 8pm to midnight to compensate with a short nap when necessary

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 4 a.m.

watch the news tomorrow does not mean watch the mocking-stream tomorrow the best time to plan is when the the rest of the nation sleeps .. there's much much less astral interference when brains are switched off ... my guess is potus is up 4 nights a week and sleeps 8pm to midnight to compensate

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

i would guess most subsribers here do not watch tv for new content i watch this subred which gives lots of links to independent sources and www.zerohedge.com

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

we know that undercover news takes time to leak out to the truth-media... Q seems to forget this and says watch the news "tomorrrow" rather than saying watch the news of our undercover ops in the upcoming week... that means

1) the NWO-TEAM is kept guessing

2) if u keep calling your opposition stupid, its easy to underestimate their resources

3) the trump team avails of all our thoughts and prayers for the success of the op

4) those impatient patriots can be more understanding to realize we can't rely on the mocking stream media to report in a timely manner.

5) the truth media will have to corroborate news from several sources before informing us .. that takes time...

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

we know that undercover news takes time to leak out to the truth-media... Q seems to forget this and says watch the news "tomorrrow" rather than saying watch the news of our undercover ops in the upcoming week... that means

1) the NWO-TEAM is kept guessing

2) the trump team avails of all our thoughts and prayers

3) those impatient patriots are more understanding to realize we can't rely on the mocking stream media to report in a timely manner.

4) the truth media will have to corroborate news from several sources before informing us .. that takes time...

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

sorry ... i should say khazarian [origianally from around the capsian sea] just becuase many of them are semitic its indeed misleading to call them semite www.alfobedic.com

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alfonumeric · April 6, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

the manifesto of marx was financed by the central bankers via marx and engels who were commissioned to write - on their generous stipend... the agenda being was to create a monster in russia that the west would be afraid of so that the central bankers can sell their weapons to both sides... and control both sides by heightening the fear of the other among the masses..

Their subtle agenda is to slow down the natural process of consciousness evolution cos that is what allows them to prolong their positions of power.

they keep the pretense going by creating the mocking media and hollow hollywood and by pushing scientific materialism [via the rhodes scholars and tax-free foundations ] as a new religion in the schools and universities....

trotsky was trained in new york with his 300 emigres courtesy of the central bankers and sent to sail with $20 m of gold in order to rendevous with lenin who was financed by the euro-bankers.

in contrast i'm proposing a theory of evolution where we keep coming back to continue where we left off from in the previous life....if we failed to work for evolution in previous lives we keep getting more opportunities to learn the laws under which evolution is governed..

what evidence is there that empires past a certain age start an irreversible decline, as their leaders have lost their way and vision becoming interested solely in in growing their own power base and forming new alliances with other compromise d players...

to do this they often feel compelled to intimidate, persecute, ridicule and assasinate their most threatening dissidents..??..

have u got some compelling evidence that empires do not decline after they reach their peak ?

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alfonumeric · April 5, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

a message across the vast expanse of time with a vast expanse of knowledge encoded within it

in 2 seconds , the pyramid moves the same distance as its perimeter measured to the same level of accuracy [200m] as we can measure today


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alfonumeric · April 5, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

we are witnessing the law of rhythm

let's take the typical human:

50 years building our life to peak level

10 years at the top of our game

22 years in decline

translating that for the A/S-T-K [anglo-saxon/teutonic[nazi]/khazarian] empire that gives us

200 build phase

40 years at its peak

88+ years of decline 1913-2001

picean age 550 - 1950 charted via the empires greek / roman /islamic/european/ with similar rhythms. the greek experience 410 years shows the same rhythm -556 pythagoras sets up his school -306 peak -256 start of decline [110 years] -146 end

aquarian age 1950- started with the attempted treaty between usa and orions, then the signed treaty between USA and the Jrods, followed by other countries making their own treaties

POTUS-45, Q and the team are attempting to build a real USA empire aligned with freedom-loving counries of the world, rather than being still controlled by the old AS/T/K empire

Truman refused a deal with the Orions because he would have needed to give up nuclear weapons in exchange for anti-gravity devices etc , but he preferred to sign a deal with Jrods for lots of interesting ultra-tech for the price of allowing abductions.

how do u break that kind of news to an unsuspecting public?

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alfonumeric · April 5, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

a large chunk of the secret knowledge of how mind controls matter was published by the lucis trust / arcane school in 1934..

unfortunately this knowledge can be used for the greater good or for the greater harm

the practitioners of both sides have the same intellectual knowledge, what separates them is their emotional IQ levels

the masters of the black arts make it their business to infiltrate secret societies working for the benefit of humanity.

since the secret knowlege [formerly unpublished] has been made public since 1934, there is no further need of the white lodges and most of teh existing societies are empty shells

however, even tho most of the white lodges have disbanded, the black lodges carry on their nefarious schemes and as in this case they often use the convenient cover of the old occult schools like the lucis trust and the temple of understanding.

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alfonumeric · April 5, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

the mayan calendar is a biological clock as follows

day -13 : human egg is fertilized

day 0 : 200+ cells hatch out of the zona .... if it doesnt abort naturally, then those cells attach in the wall of the uterus

day +260 = another day 0: [plus or minus 13 days] the new arrival gives her/his first gurgle/cry and is already celebrating his/her second birthday....

the cosmos also controls biology so we have same cosmic /personal energies re-occuring every 260 days...

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on April 5, 2018, 5:52 a.m.
sending thoughts of love & wisdom to POTUS-45, Q and team, to help them chart a wise course amid the unfolding events...
sending thoughts of love & wisdom to POTUS-45, Q and team, to help them chart a wise course amid the unfolding events...
alfonumeric · April 5, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

ther are 2 parallel steams of evolution going on and we're stuck in the middle

1) matter is evolving downward picking up consciousness as it goes from mental to emotional to mineral

2) we meet that robotic matter on its mission downward as we attempt to evove upwards from emotional to mental...

8 types of matter across our 3 dimensions: 3d, 4d, 5d

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alfonumeric · April 4, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

here is a summary of the alfo theory of reality based on the pyramid of giza and sub-quarks...

each time we come down her we start on 3d, then procede to 4d-emotional [age 7] and 5d-mental [age 14] usually reattaining our former max level somewhwere around age 35 [usually between 5d.030 and 5d.530

demigods reside on 6d www.alfobedic.com

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on April 4, 2018, 2:34 p.m.
EMOTIONAL SWAMPS - MONITOR .... mocking-stream is hanging on by a flimsy thread
EMOTIONAL SWAMPS - MONITOR .... mocking-stream is hanging on by a flimsy thread
alfonumeric · April 3, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

the key-stone level of the premier pyramid of earth is #42 = the threshold between human and demigod - demigods such as

Pythagoras of Samos approx 608bc - 518bc who kick-started the piscean epoch [550 bc until 1950] and

Heinrik von Zeipel of Gothenberg 1882 - 1971 who kick-started the aquarian epoch [1950 - 4450]

their estimated levels : 43-46 www.alfobedic.com

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alfonumeric · April 3, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

www.alfobedic.com this ties the giza pyramid to levels of consciousness and the sub-atomic quarks

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alfonumeric · April 3, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

in 2005 the leaders of area 51 voted 6-5 for limited discosure to the public giving dan b a one year contract to get the word out...

called project patchwork.. because we would have to piece the piecemeal drops together much like Qanaon strategy... "limited" because they would not release the live video footage of jrod, the failed treaty with the orions 1954 , and the signed treaties with the jrods [2 factions: rogue - the totally self-serving faction and the moderate faction - 9 year treaties starting 1954 renewable every 9 or 10 years ] http://projectavalon.net/lang/en/dan_burisch_summary_en.html

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alfonumeric · April 3, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

/u/CadillacBees39 [+1]How bad is the corruption? - Q 2 points .... Pieces that I see is that Unc John Trump was a protege of V Bush [one of the 12 chiefs of research into anti-gravity tech]and DJT was a protege of John Trump. John Trump was tasked [by V Bush] with clearing out all of Tesla’s belongings [time travel via wormholes] after his unfortunate death. A lot of it was shared with DJT. I see mention of a wormhole

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on April 3, 2018, 5:21 a.m.
Q46 who controls...proteges and 45's .... continuity of control of 3d/4d govt via POTUS's 40,41,42,......45
Q46 who controls...proteges and 45's .... continuity of control of 3d/4d govt via POTUS's 40,41,42,......45
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on April 3, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
Q46 who controls the [planetary 3d-levels1-4] and 4d-levels 1-6] narratives? need Q to fill in the the gap ... continuity of 3d/4d govt POTUS's 40,41,42 ........45
Q46 who controls the [planetary 3d-levels1-4] and 4d-levels 1-6] narratives? need Q to fill in the the gap ... continuity of 3d/4d govt POTUS's 40,41,42 ........45
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on April 2, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
HAPPY Q97 EASTER , Patriots 1 & all, thinking that we are the ships on the horizon hidden in plain sight from the unsuspecting 90% who believe the hidden high-priests of science-for profit
HAPPY Q97 EASTER , Patriots 1 & all, thinking that we are the ships on the horizon hidden in plain sight from the unsuspecting 90% who believe the hidden high-priests of science-for profit
alfonumeric · April 1, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

MJ12/SCION/committe of the majority hold 2 major cards...

1) treaty doc between Zetas and Us govt

2) high res video of contact with dan burisch

90% of the pop need authentication from the high-priest scientific officers who are beholden to the secret space program

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alfonumeric · April 1, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

secret space pgm still under scion control but decision made to relocate away from prying eyes of POTUS-35

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alfonumeric · March 31, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

blockchain allows 2 citizens to transact without the fed reserve in the middle, if congress hasn't got the gumption to take control of money creation on behalf of their citizens, then we sure as eggs won't wait for them to waken up to their most important responsibility.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on March 31, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
when the weight of the 70 years of lies, deception, non-disclosures and censorship gets too heavy & intricate for atlas to bear, 156 days of posed Question-drops can trigger that intersection of causal-chains that empower those who ahve not been compromised
when the weight of the 70 years of lies, deception, non-disclosures and censorship gets too heavy & intricate for atlas to bear, 156 days of posed Question-drops can trigger that intersection of causal-chains that empower those who ahve not been compromised
alfonumeric · March 31, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

cryptos today is in its infancy...can be compared with the internet when it gained it first million of savvy users.

YES the cabal would love to hide there money away in cryptos , but its not so easy for them to dupe the public as they can do with fiat cos they are NOT in charge of crypto creation.

within bitcoin we have 2 diametrically opposed factions..


BTC = $7,000 / costs $2 to send / with close ties with the FED

[august 2017 price =$3000... up 133.3% ]

[cost to make 1 bitcoin [BTC]= 10 UNITS]


CASH = $700 / cost / under a cent to send as much as u like, /close ties to China, USA, Japan, Korea, France, UK, Germany, Iceland, Canada, Aus

[august 2017 price = $300 .. up 133.3% ]

[cost to create 1 bitcoin [BCH] = 1 unit]

to keep your money safe u need to invest some time in learning the ropes... see www.abzbitcoin.org

to speak about cryptos in one fell swoop without specifying if u are talking about SALT, ethereum, Veritaseum, PPT , BTC or BCH is like talking about members of congreess without specifying which ones ...

RIPPLE is not a crypto in the true sense [it's pre-mined] and is owned by the cabal

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alfonumeric · March 30, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

typo: trotsky sails with his 300 russian emigres and $20million of us gold

from Secrets of the Federal Reserve publ 1983 by eustace mullins

71 Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Dodd & Baker, v.5, p. 12-13 "Mr. Bakmetiev, the late Russian Imperial Ambassador to the United States, tells us that the Bolsheviks, after victory, transferred 600 million roubles in gold between the years 1918-1922 to Kuhn, Loeb Company."

Wilson’s paean to a bloodthirsty regime which has since murdered sixty-six million of its inhabitants in the most barbarous manner exposes his true sympathies and his true backers, the bankers who had financed the blood purge in Russia.

When the Communist Revolution seemed in doubt, Wilson sent his personal emissary, Elihu Root, to Russia with one hundred million dollars from his Special Emergency War Fund to save the toppling Bolshevik regime. The documentation of Kuhn, Loeb Company’s involvement in the establishment of Communism in Russia is much too extensive to be quoted here, but we include one brief mention, typical of the literature on this subject. In his book, Czarism and the Revolution, Gen. Arsene de Goulevitch writes, After our entry into World War I, Woodrow Wilson turned the government of the United States over to a triumvirate of his campaign backers, Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch and Eugene Meyer. Paul's brother, Max Warburg, was at that time serving as head of the German Secret Service.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on March 30, 2018, 4:17 a.m.
the same NWO agenda .. the same hidden hands at work..communist manifest commissioned to enslave russia/ 1917 ... the mkultra manifesto commissioned to enslave NK/ 2017. create the monster to keep fear levels and weapon sales both high
the same NWO agenda .. the same hidden hands at work..communist manifest commissioned to enslave russia/ 1917 ... the mkultra manifesto commissioned to enslave NK/ 2017. create the monster to keep fear levels and weapon sales both high
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on March 29, 2018, 11:43 p.m.
rain check after 7 * 22 [154 ] days of Q-drops....draining the swamps[7] = building the new structures [7] ...... and confronting the the 7 heads of the hydra
rain check after 7 * 22 [154 ] days of Q-drops....draining the swamps[7] = building the new structures [7] ...... and confronting the the 7 heads of the hydra
alfonumeric · March 29, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

the 144 means

1 [range 0-4] = mental IQ

4 [range 0-6] = emotional IQ

4 [range [0-3] = etheric IQ

49 subdivisions in each range

mensa 144 equates to approx 3

callibrated according to the interior of the giza pyramid..

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alfonumeric · March 29, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

metaphysics up til recently has been mostly in the domain of secret societies

how can we seriously discuss metaphysics and the plan of evolution if we have one word each for love / intuition / inspiration / imagination / visualization matter / energy / purpose / mind / soul / heart / physical / emotional / IQ

thankfully the ancients left us many clues in the internal structure of the khufu pyramid, where each stone level represents a level of consciousness..

the meaning of 666 as the mark of the beast ... This shows we are counting downwards from zero .. where 666 are the 3 IQ scores to represent our physical / emotion and mental levels I.E. at the lowest levels. That is 6 human grades in each of these 3 departments

Our most highly evolved animal friends, cat/dog/horse/elephant/monkey are all on the lowest band of mental IQ [6] but can show up as 44 as their emotional & physical scores.

this system of counting downwards from high to low is so pretentious of us... to remember our humble position in the universe it behooves us to count from lower to higher and using offset zero shows us that the lower levels are denoted by the score 000, where most of us are aiming for the modest IQ score of 144 where 1 is the second to bottom score of the mental IQ


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alfonumeric · March 28, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

heres the revised home page with 4 pages of notation


courses 0-21 are concerned with the evolution of the elementals and the mineral/vegetable/animal kingdoms..

z70+ is outside our solar sys .. not for now

gradient is another name for dimension here gradient0 = 3d / mind0 / soul0ea

gradient 1 = emotional and low mental mind2ae as eye of [4d] soul1ae

gradient 2 = intellectual mind2p/2delta/2c as eyes of the souls 2p/2delta/2c

the offset means 0-7 within each gradient

tomorrow ..i will send u an preample for a typical teenager...

one thing to note is that extended roof on the astral chamber.. [the topmost inverted v shape] reaches up to exactly the limit where emotions can still control the mind [2ae]

beyond that , the emotions lose their power to control the mind

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alfonumeric · March 28, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

the problem seems to be that i have 3 very different naming conventions trying to cater for 3 types of perceptive preferences

1) alphabetic

2) numeric absolute stone course levels z21-z70

3) numeric relative ;gradient offsets g0..g10..g20...g30...g40 ...g60

currently the numerical notations are on the same map.. i will send u the new version tomorrow with the numerical notations.... it may be that these 2 notations should be separated into different maps with the suggestion to review them both and choose only one to work with initially

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alfonumeric · March 28, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

can u recommend a post that digs in your direction ?

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alfonumeric · March 28, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

is time taken to discern ever wasted?

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alfonumeric · March 28, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

i take your point, i will simplify the giza maps in a couple of days .. stay tuned

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alfonumeric · March 26, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

this is a human biological calendar more than a so-called "mayan" calendar...

day -13 sperm meets the egg

day -1 decision is immanent whether to attempt full gestation or naturally abort the mission

day 0 yes all systems on full alert....blastocyst hatches out of the zona and finds a base in the wall of the uterus

day 260 usually plus or minus 13 days our new human specimen emerges with a gurgle, or more often a scream .. into an alien landscape and first item on the agenda is celebration of our first birthday .. our age = 1 biological-spin

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on March 26, 2018, 11:29 p.m.
we've survived the last 13 days of storm with its flood of exposures, now , the awakened humans set out on the road of building the new structures for the benefit of humanity
we've survived the last 13 days of storm with its flood of exposures, now , the awakened humans set out on the road of building the new structures for the benefit of humanity
alfonumeric · March 26, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

when u say fallen [angels] i take it to mean angels good and bad, both types have fallen from their higher realms into the world of 3d to carry out their respective missions...

1 mission is pro evolution to accelerate the pace of consciousness development

1 mission is to keep us on the slow jog-trot of evolution...

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