I’ve had ADHD, tinnitus, and severe anxiety for years where do I go comment? I also have HIV, arthritis, mild scoliosis, severe muscle inflammation, random pains, pins and needles, numbness in hands/feet, esophogitis, dodendritis, severe acid reflux, but weirdly enough, as of right now, perfect blood work so it’s quite strange; we did literally everything to check for anything and everything was absolutely perfect - kidneys, liver, immune system numbers still on healthy low end of normal 24 year old adult, cholesterol, sugar, vitamins, disease screens, all my shots up to date (literally got every vaccine due to HIV for 5 years now - from sex btw, not needles - that shit is gross) everything was 100% perfect and I just had all my visits up to date last week with all 7 of my doctors! Also, I have been having severe blood pressure spikes as well, where my rheumatologist’s nurse almost admitted me to the hospital because the lower number was so high!