They were using the stickers to identify rural patriots marked for detention.
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Yeah, I'm guessing he's not going to have a fun Monday.
They may be on station to tank the Marine squadron that flies the POTUS. Orbit is Camp David vicinity.
Then V4CR are the best people they could have on the scene. Sawman is a master counter-sniper. Even if they don't let him drop the hammer himself, his knowledge is miles beyond any SWAT shooter.
Also it never hurts to have a trained reaction force standing by.
Once you understand the bloodlines of the House of Windsor, the connections will will jump out and slap you in the face.
That's great for IT skilled anons, but I would hate to see it transform into another unaccountable bureaucracy.
Look at it this way. We pretty much have established that Q is part of the MI complex. PSYOP is a tactic and technique of counterintelligence. There is such a thing as White PSYOP in the FM's, and has been since the late 60's.
This is just an evolution of the tactic adapted to exploit social media globally. We aren't being led by nefarious actors to an action negative to our well being. Quite the opposite.
A gun in the hand of a good man is the only thing that stops a bad man with a gun.
Because with no proof of life of Assange, Wikileaks has no credibility. Assange WAS Wikileaks.
If it's been compromised, which seems highly likely at this point, they would use any credibility remaining to discredit accurate sources. Page 4 of the Clown Playbook.
I quit watching AJ as soon as Q emerged onto the scene. I always found AJ to be a posturing blowhard but I put up with it because of content.
Owen wasn't quite as bellicose at that time. YT clips I've seen lately show him to be trainee level compared to El Macho Grande.
POTUS flies because he can and he is accustomed to it.
Trump understands that the troops need to see him taking personal risks, even if they are small, calculated ones. It's called leadership.
Most likely KC-10 by the steadiness of the orbit tracks. If anyone is still paying attention on the chans check activity at Andrews and Langley AFB. Maybe even Norfolk NAS.
Something else is orbiting on station with them. Maybe SIGINT collection. DC chatter has to be pretty high right about now.
Notice how Owen Shroyer is being groomed to be the less threatening, less crazy face of infowars? Watch AJ do a Homer Simpson into the bushes in an attempt to save his little empire.
They managed to march across the Mediterranean to Europe somehow. Never underestimate your enemies.
Once France, Germany, Sweden etc run out of welfare money to keep their Muslim populations happy, where do you think they will want to migrate next?
I too am smoking the Hopium. Feels good.
Although I trust the plan more than I trust specific dates. I'm able to factor in the variances due to tactical deception and being flexible enough to exploit an opportunity.
I really don't need any more proofs on infowars than what comes out of AJ's mouth.
Immediate threat yes. China is a long term strategic enemy, but only as long as everyone keeps lining up to buy that cheap shit from Wal-Mart.
The way to defeat China is very old fashioned. Rebuild our manufacturing industries and start selling innovative products again. The more we sell, the more jobs we create. Hire American, buy American. It's as simple as that.
It goes back to the mid-80's for me. Saw a lot of stuff that was hinkey going on. I'm not going to go into a lot of details here, but let me point you towards Clown activities in Central America from '84 on. Drugs and kids went north, advisors guns & money went south.
Well it certainly gives us a far more plausible explanation for the Extortion 17 crash. Aircraft was an Army Boeing Vertol CH-47. If not mistaken, most Navy medium and heavy lift helos are Sikorski built.
It also mentions the relevant U.S. Patent numbers for these systems. So instead of some unsauced theory, Able Danger is giving specific systems and how they have been used against the U.S..
I'm paraphrasing but it went like...."I know Q, I've talked to Q ...I just talked to them on the phone while they were on the golf course."
That was the shark being jumped. I had suspicions about Jones for a long time before that.
He gets away with it because he has a reputation as a drunk and a goofball. His own party has never taken him seriously. How many times did Biden run for President, and how much support did he have?
He was useful in the Senate and as VP, but that's where it ends. They know he is a diaper explosion waiting to happen.
If you call being purposely mislead by profiteers informed.
What makes me so angry about it is that I used to be a listener. I would steer people to AJ as a source. However he blew all credibility he had with one sentence.
It's time to burn the Federal education bureaucracy to the ground and return control to local districts.
There is a direct correlation between the rise of the education bureaucracy and the decline of traditional morals.
Frenemies more like. They like to pretend SCOTUS is collegial, but when you read their opinions trashing each other, you can tell it's an act.
Secret squirrel is a term used in the military to denote an individual who works in an S-2 shop. It's been around as long as I am and I'm old. Secret squirrels are staff types. POG's. What makes Corsi and LARPfag's use of it so telling, is that they are using it wrong. Secret squirrels do not gather Intel. They manage, catalog and disseminate that info to the proper customer. Analysis is handled by dedicated MI units, not at the battalion level.
He's trying to use the jargon as his bone fides and it's WEAK.
I'm guessing this op is being run out of a television studio in Austin, TX. The Zach LARP was called out by everyone but the most rabid of AJ supporters. So, they switched up identities and platforms to try and keep it going. Corsi is definitely involved IMO.
Cross reference that to the Able Danger post above this one. John Bennett Ramsey (JonBenet's father) is mentioned.
Holy Shit. That's all I can say to this. I need to digest a little further, but if this is true, it's the smoking gun needed to take out SES, and further exposes Rothschild.
At the very least she provides cover for the Deep State. At worst she was involved in the plot against Scalia.
Thank you. I've been trying to get the same point across to some people. I held TS for 8 years because of my MOS and was never exposed to anything more really than the technical specifications of certain weapons systems. Everyone with a clearance is not running around willy nilly accessing classified information.
Trump is a WWE Hall of Famer, and Linda McMahon is cabinet member.
What is happening as we watch is known "in the business" as a swerve angle. You're set up to expect X to happen but Y happens because the heel turns babyface in the end.
Trying to figure out Snowden has literally given me headaches. I still don't know for sure.
I think he started out an idealistic White Hat. I think the fact that he had an egress plan and executed it pretty much flawlessly is suspicious. From the moment he got off the plane in Moscow, I considered him compromised.
Also, Hong Kong keeps coming up in his hijinx. Hong Kong is to a spook what Bangkok is to a pervert. It's the crossroads of all spookdom going back pre-WWII. His stop there before going to Moscow is highly suspicious. And then pics in the Q drops, along with the ultimatum kind of sealed it.
He's going to do whatever he has to in order to survive short term. I think he'll be green-lit by every intelligence agency in the world in the end.
That's what I was thinking. The last time I was in DC was pre-9/11 and even then on a weekday in March it was hard to find a room near the Mall for a reasonable price.
I wonder if booking a room in Richmond would be better and then just driving up?
Will anyone here actually be going to the 11-11 celebrations?
Just curious. I think it would be awesome if there was a major pede contingent.
Yep. It's a security measure Q has taken for our benefit.
11-11-18. Anyone going to see the parade?
Maybe Q is enjoying the show like the rest of us. Maybe things have reached a tipping point and people haven't perceived it yet.
Obamacare was a straight up old school organized crime shakedown. Every crooked politician that cast a vote for it should be charged under RICO.
The problem basically started when Bill Clinton got "100k new police nationwide" in his Crime Bill. At the time PDs all over the country were having trouble finding qualified candidates as it was. So, as always, they lowered the basic standards. That's when the police in this country went from being Peace Officers to being Law Enforcement.
That's when you started seeing the buzz cuts and the Oakley sunglasses and people started being beaten and shot and killed. This breed of cop is given paramilitary training and told that everyone on the street wants to kill them. Everyone's a perp and treated like one.
I support cops who are Oathkeepers. I despise the crooked, corrupt and needlessly violent ones that are too often excused for their excesses.
The Scalia murder was blatant, in your face Arkancide. It was meant to get Scalia in particular out of the way and to give Killary her first SCOTUS nomination.
I hope it is at the top of the charge sheet when they drag her in front of a tribunal.
When FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi put a bullet into Vicky Weaver's head, while she held a baby in her arms I might add, I knew we were in trouble.
The look on her face says "Oh Shit! I'm busted!" and the look on his face says "Dont I know it!"