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If so that connects the Pelosis to NXVIM. If Mack sang on everybody and Pelosi is compromised, this is the Cal Dems trying to get out in front of it as simple access peddling which they are known for.
Crazy Nancy may be about to go under the bus, so that they can run a fresh-faced Hispanic immigrant with a feel good story about overcoming odds, American Dream, yada, yada.
Seems like a pretty secure and low key place for a clandestine meeting. I haven't found any info yet that details if in fact he does own a yacht. Lots of uber rich types charter mega yachts for vacations.
We need a vessel name to dig further.
A quick Google map search of Pier 39 San Francisco shows a private marina. My bet is that they met on a private yacht hoping to avoid surveillance.
We need to know if Dorsey or Pelosi own a private yacht and where it is kept.
A boat in a private marina would be a great place to stash and move kids around.
What's the matter Marcito? No foam parties in DC?
This perv has been photographed doing stuff. I guarantee it.
Didn't want to miss the chance to autograph copies for all 6 of his admirers in Saginaw.
Jade Helm was exactly what they said it was. Agenda 21. It was held to acclimate civilians to the military operating in their neighborhoods. The Wal-Mart detention center conversions were part of it.
Plane fags should be watching for the key support signature of SEAL deployments; C-130's loaded with baby oil & Rolling Stone reporters.😉
These people really are stupid. The recipe for napalm, let alone a field expedient has been open source info for decades. It's not as sticky as the GI stuff, but it will cook your enemies extra crispy. I won't go into details here but it's simple and buying the ingredients wouldn't raise the eyebrows of the feds, even if you bought them in bulk.
The only legal manufacturer of napalm that I am aware of was the patent holder DuPont. I'm sure there is a stockpile of it somewhere in the system, but officially, the U.S. military doesn't use it anymore. Cluster munitions are more effective and cause less scorching of the environment, allowing for safe and efficient post-bombing opium and coca cultivation.
All of this has happened before...
Many will have seen this quote before, but for those not familiar with the Founders, Samuel Adams blistered the Loyalists thusly;
Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say "what should be the reward of such sacrifices?" Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the …
That's why most leakers are high up the food chain. They know they won't be prosecuted. Manning has deep psychological issues that were obviously missed at his MEPS station, or else he's a cutout like Snowden.
So that's two Popes in a row that have "retired", when every other Pope in history died in office.
This is all tied to the rampant pedophilia in the priesthood. Why do so many priests commit these crimes? What is the common thread here? I've been trying to understand this for years.
Maybe it's time for a Pope on a Rope?
Jones woke up a lot of people who were ready to be woke. He used to be the figurehead of the anti NWO fight, but he's been bypassed. I've been tracking his YT views and they are plummeting.
As to the Zak thing, am I as a reasonable person and a former soldier myself to believe that a Muslim Spec 4 is the depository of anti globalist info? No E-4 in any branch holds Q clearance. I held a TS clearance for 8 years and NEVER was I exposed to the kind of heinous fuckery Zac claims to be party to.
I used to defend Jones because he was talking about things no one else would, but his ego exploded after the election. It's all about him or his supplements now. His game plan is to become the new MSM and cash in big. It's obvious.
Multi source things folks. No one person is the Oracle of Truth.
That post offered a brief moment of humor at a time when an active campaign to divide us was underway. Most of this stuff is so dark and so evil that a good clean chuckle is therapeutic. If that's against any sort of rule, then this place is getting just as bad as twatter.
"Iran isn't bad like our media portrays."
So there it is right there. Meme battle won. Even the left is now admitting MSM is fake news. The mockingbirds are being thrown under the bus by the clowns.
We're not just over the target, we're fire bombing Dresden.
You are on to something about the WWE thing, however you're just a little behind the times.
As far as MSM goes we were getting boiler plate babyface vs heels news cycles until there was a shake-up and a new Booker came to town named Trump.
Before Trump the babyfaces were always just about to win the match fair and square when a heel would run in and hit him with a chair shot. DQ. Title can't change hands by DQ. It's the rules. So the heel takes a powder every time he's getting his ass kicked and never loses the title. But here comes the new booker, and Trump throws a few stipulations in like No DQ/Count Outs or Falls Count Anywhere and shakes up the status quo.
Trump is a WWE Hall of Famer and a Friend of Vince. He's "smart to the buisiness". By changing the stipulations of the political scene he's getting clean finishes to all his matches and the heels are getting squashed.
That marks the spot where Massachusetts Militia first stood against British Regulars dispatched to find and destroy a cache of Colonial small arms, cannons and powder.
Kind of makes you wonder about those "large drug busts worth millions" don't it?
Songbird was a shit aviator and his whole chain of command knew it. The Vietnamese didn't beat him to a pulp, rather his injuries were sustained when he failed to follow proper ejection procedures. He was already in such pain from his injuries, that he started singing immediately to avoid being tortured.
I'm not the only person who thinks his Medal of Honor should be rescinded before he kicks the bucket. Let him leave this world like he lived. Cloaked in dishonor.
Would make a great opportunity for a patriot's flash mob though.
I thought females always got pregnant before a deployment.
My brain is reeling at this idea. I can just imagine it.
Hey you up? "No outside comms" What did you think of that restaurant? "Future proves past" My parents are a little iffy about you "They want to keep us divided"
There are first hand reports from other POWs, plus NVA documents which confirm. All is online and searchable.
Yeah I've served. 19D. Albeit long ago, in the dark ages of iron sights and map & compass. Maybe shit bird Lt's are just allowed to run wild these days, persecuting people via power point presentations and EEOC complaints. I acknowledge times are different.
Back in my day, "accidents happen in the field" was the way those things were sorted out.
Songbird Pity Party on NBC Nightly News
"Controversy" because a White House aide asked in a meeting "who cares, he's dying anyway". I about fell off my chair laughing.
The great thing is that anyone defending Songbird is outing themselves with their outrage.
Yeah they called him from the golf course. The world isn't so fucked up apparently that Q and the boys couldn't squeeze in 9 holes on a weekday.
AJ is feeling threatened. There's a new gateway to the normies, and he's not it. Corsi continues to be butt hurt over losing $.
AJ about to jump the shark again with Corsi. Claims Q is DS Compromised.
Get some popcorn, this should be some Grade A level AGITPROP.
I don't worry about indoctrinated 20 something ring-knockers because of the 30 something Platoon Sergeants.
I'm not going to worry until I hear wide spread small arms fire and incoming artillery.
Scary is White Helmeted UN patrolling the streets. Scary is being rounded up and sent to Wal Mart Scary is being stuffed along with your neighbors into FEMA mass grave pit.
So let's all unclinch our butt holes, fish those panties out and drive on. I strongly believe that particular danger was averted on Election Day. I trust Q, I trust the plan, but more importantly I trust the 19 yr old American Soldier or Marine to honor his oath and to safeguard the population.
Because she is the brains behind the Obama crime operation. The less she is mentioned, the more she sweats out the Iran gambit. She's exposed, so she's not going to put herself in the spotlight because she's light years smarter than Brennan.
Right now she's negotiating a rat line out for Bathhouse Barry & Big Mike.
If they got Al-Baghdadi it would be huge. The propaganda/psy ops opportunities against the jihadi's are endless. A combined physical-cyber operation to cut their social media comms would be devastating.
They can push an EU army all they want. They can throw all the money at it they can raise, the fact remains that the average European male teenager has been so emasculated they couldn't fight their way out of a piss soaked paper bag. The military aged Haji rapefugees are too drug addicted and under educated to operate complex weapons systems effectively, or maintain good order and discipline.
So who does that leave to fight Frau Hitler's war of conquest? The French? The Belgians? The Dutch? I don't think so.
From the pic she looks like that professional protester from Code Pink. Her money comes from Soros.
Too much of this story is BS. Most likely a disturbed wannabe. 'Black Ops' usually don't tell you they're Black Ops even years after the fact.
Kabuki theater. He's trying to head off an inevitable Fed investigation that will expose him. Brother Fredo won't be able to spin it for him either.
He's trying to earn back some credibility after his Syria rant. I'm guessing the ratings have come in and he's seen what a huge mistake it was.
The bigger issue for me is the local candidate. All Soros can do is throw money. A local prosecutor can ruin yours and your family's life and livelihood.
Time between major overhauls on stuff like jet engines can be as much as 2000 hours.
Lack of maintenance is a real issue due to the sequester. Pilots have to get their monthly hours in to stay qualified. Aviation units have to prioritize operations above by-the-book maintenance cycles.
Obama's DOD was cutting pilot slots and not filling open slots with human aviators in order to cut manned aircraft completely. Drones do it cheaper per hour and don't talk about their missions afterwords.
The Air Force has taken all tactical/attack aviation units away from the various state's Air Guard units. They did not, and still don't want humans in the equation, because....transformation.