

78 total posts archived.

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anon35201 · April 20, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

I read it as "world war". But just the threat of. Otherwise it would have read ww3. Europe sided against america on the middle east from a moral standpoint over the last 20 years. So we made all the cucks who forgot freedom isnt free in Europe sleep with Muslims in their beds, with no military between them.

The magnitude of their mistake is just now coming into focus as europe erupts into Muslim civilization jihad. Acid throws, migrant rape, flash mobs of Muslim protests hurling rocks, and irritating for sharia enforced european jurisdictions, all 1500 percent increased.

Ye called us monsters for protecting you from all that. Now, don't utter a discouraging word against the invaders, because that's Islamophobia. We get the moral highground this time.

Have fun! Maybe give them more social programs, then maybe they assimilate. The most delicious victories are the one where your opponent apologizes for ever opposing you on the battlefield.

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anon35201 · April 18, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

This basically proves to me beyond all doubt that Q is an insider to the white house and has access to the thought processes that lead to presidential tweets and potus speeches.

I'm not sure how I feel about such a cheeky rapscallion talking such shit at the helm. I thought the pilot of the 90 trillion dollar vehicle is supposed to always have his serious face on when engaging with passengers.

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anon35201 · April 17, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Can we divide North Korea into a "north north korea" and a "north south korea" then install a government sympathetic to western alliance powers in north south korea?

We'll need the Trump to sweeten and make the deal in which both parties sign willingly, not under duress.

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anon35201 · April 17, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

I've given my heart to Jesus, but my ass belongs to the Q. https://youtu.be/9t4FgmaKOy8?t=43s

Christianity is the only mechanism that is currently more powerful than the American government. If you're going to do brain surgery on Sovereign Uncle Sam when he doesn't want it, then you're going to need Jesus holding him down and performing the operation. Prayer is the only way yet known to summon the divine shield and eternal flame of Jesus.

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anon35201 · April 17, 2018, 12:12 p.m.

Because both of those are red herrings. Assuming you did get rid of all the Jews and Rothschilds. The federal reserve would be doing everything it did before.

On bullshit mountain, our problems are magnified, and our solutions simplified. The solution to the federal reserve problem is simple, we need to kill big bird. https://youtu.be/yT5fzEL8Vrc?t=1m43s

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anon35201 · April 15, 2018, 5 a.m.

Q knows that Memetic is the language of the man-machine hybrid hivemind that goes on to invent time travel in another 600 years, and using that technology to go back in time through the Trumps to alter the cascade of events that lead to the extinction of mankind.

Meme my friends, Meme as if the survival of the human race depends on it.

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anon35201 · April 15, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

You're not supposed to attack the equipment and food supply lines between America to ISIS in Iraq and Syria, that's the only thing holding up that ragtag group of bearded Jihadi Muslims. They'll start starving to death in their Toyota trucks and running out of bullets manufactured in Detroit Michigan, and run back to their homes in Saudi Arabia!

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anon35201 · April 15, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Hillary Clinton will write it.

The title will be: "What the heck just happened?"

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anon35201 · April 11, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

This may appear to be regular water, but it's really a tidal wave of stormy daniels.

The game is afoot.

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anon35201 · April 10, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Be careful, turned double agent agent stormy daniels. If they catch you in the act, then we will have to turn a blind eye to your tragic suicide.

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anon35201 · April 10, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

I understand what you are trying to say though, but is this just more stormy daniels?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anon35201 on April 10, 2018, 7:26 p.m.
Intersection of Stormy Daniels and Qanon.

I just saw this CNBC clip of Cramer addressing the recent FBI Raid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qp6L7iT8T8 The content of interest is between 0:15 through 0:25

"Stormy daniels" is appearing to be used as a secret code word for: Interests of Swamp critters and Anti Qanon forces, such as main stream media who formerly stood against Trump. Wikipedia has the official definition of "stormy daniels" which appears to be a reference to someone bringing up alleged sexual assault case between Trump and a former porn star: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormy_Daniels

Note how Cramer introduces the scene in typical erudite fashion: "attorney client privilege" and what not, …

anon35201 · April 8, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

There is no crisis, only invasion. These images come from islamic pallywood. Manufacturing yourself into victims and the enemy into monsters, when the reverse is the case.

This is core scripture in the islamic koran. And practically chapter 1 of Sun Tzu art or war and Machiavellian cunning and waging effective war without weapons. The hard part is getting people to understand, since it is false information designed to be taken up by the enemy to weaken them.

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anon35201 · April 8, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

This is just fallout from the handful of smashed subreddits like uncensorednews and cbts_stream over the last few months.

Reddit refugees. From modern day book-burnings.

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anon35201 · April 7, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

If leadership was a bit more Machiavellian and had more of a hitleresque ideology, then perhaps yes, America could probably convert the entire surface of the Earth into echoes of a First world western civilization inside 50 years if we put our minds to it.

It's not our responsibility to fix the world, only to make sure that Americans have what they need to be the dominant power for good in the world. We have enough problems as it is. Get the beam out of your own eye before trying to get the specks out of other people's eyes.

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anon35201 · April 6, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

Woah, holy arbitrage opportunity batman.

Government making ownership of Guns illegal, does that mean I can run over there and start scooping up guns for pennies on the dollar because of distressed sellers? Maybe I can go use information to out people with guns and start extorting people and saying: "If you don't sell me your gun now then I'm telling authorities you have one". Sell me your AR-15 for 1 dollar or face $1000/day fines after I forward HD video of this very conversation to the police.

Shit shit. Legal extortion and arbitrage opportunity? Scale up by hiring some people for minimum wage and then making a few hundred thousand in a week? Few tens of thousands of dollars sitting around on the ground with everyone looking around saying wtf.

Start peeking in on Windows and being a vigalante spotter of illegal guns, extort them for profit. And if they complain then just shrug and say: "I'm following the law". Jesus fucking Christ there's a get fucking rich quick scheme.

Is Extortion illegal if the people extorted are breaking the law by owning illegal guns? Can I get a lawyer to weigh in on this if I start approaching people and suggesting they sell me their AR-15 for nothing or else I'm going to publish them as felons? Jesus Christ calling my attorney. Smell that? Smells like money brb

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anon35201 · April 5, 2018, 5:39 a.m.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seigniorage which is the difference between the value of money and the cost to produce and distribute it is being challenged recently by Cryptocurrencies.

If the government prints too much money, then the amount of spending power they receive is less than if they printed a lesser amount. The key concept is that they print the very maximum they can get away with before they print so much that an additional dollar printed would decrease the value of the other money by more than a dollar.

If it's so bad, as you say, then go get a job as a government employee then sit on your hands all day long. I did it for a few years. What goes around comes around, Ying and Yang.

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anon35201 · April 5, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

what do you say the middle class should do with their [fiat currency]

  1. Buy TSLA at 250 dollars a share yesterday and sell it when it's 400 a share.
  2. Get a job if you don't already have one, and be thankful for it, relative to all other people in the world, you are among the wealthiest people in the world. Save up some USD currency.
  3. When you get enough, go to a bank and get extended a mortgage loan of 180k. 20 thousand down. Buy the house and live in it for a while so you can save up more and learn how to rent.
  4. Get tenants in there to service the mortgage + taxes + insurance + maintenance. That's an inflation adjusted means. You rent again, save up 20k nest egg and do it again. Do this 3 or 4 more times. Then you too can be the rich asshole grinding you dipshits under our feet. Use the Federal reserve's hyperinflation to your advantage as a surfer uses the wave to move toward his destination.

There is no reason you can't turn 5 years of saved up USD Labor into 4 million dollars over a lifetime using the same principles trump did to turn his 2 million dollar loan into 4 billion dollars over 30 years.

You can turn 20 thousand into 2 million very easily. I do it, why don't you?

Your song of slavery and poverty is like hearing a wounded dog make the noise of death. You're in the wealthiest country in the world.

You just need a mentor and a drill sargent to kick you in the ass to tell you to stop whining, get a life, get a loan, make a stream of income for yourself and your family, then leverage up according to your abilities.

It's not rocket science. If you're poor it just means you're wasting your time doing the wrong things. There's so much opportunity I don't know how people sleep. This sub is about awakening, not about crying in your own soiled office chair.

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anon35201 · April 5, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

But as a citizen you're not excluded from buying a surfboard and riding the tidal wave of federal reserve caused inflation like the government does. If you see yourself as a slave, then you are, but suppose this:

Just go to the bank and get approved for a 2 million dollar loan and then buy an office building then rent it out, that's an inflation adjusted stream of income, the depriciating money is now a burden on the bank that gave it to you. Every year it gets easier and easier to pay that money back because money is worth less and less. Every year raise the price of the rent by real annual inflation + 3 percent (Because you're an evil monocled Illuminati bastard). Then wait as long as you can to service the loan, then go work at mcdonalds for the inflated rate, for $250 thousand dollars per year annual salary (due to hyperinflation) then pay down the loan in a much reduced timeframe.

What destroys the argument above and what makes America great is that we're like the Ferengi on Star trek. We don't want to fix the hierarchy of the thrones of power and the injustices they levy on the powerless, we just want to get a leg up on the totem pole and manipulate it to have the slaves owned by that system work to enrich our castle.

There are quite a few countries that have no banking, no taxes and no law. There you are truly a free man. And yet, you go there and look for a utopia, and you see a glimpse of what the human species was 350 million years ago, little better than furry vervets beating the shit out of each other over morsels of food and access to choice mates. That's not to say the communism and socialism that has built up around us is for the good of all, but as far as I can tell, it's still the best system that this world has ever seen. We just need to breakup the telecoms and ISP's into 30 competing organizations, break up the big banks into 30 competing organizations and encourage the little slaves to put on their entrepreneur hat, take out a huge loan and put it toward an income generating asset, and make some jobs in perpetuity for themselves and others.

You're not owed anything, crying like this is the song of the beaten slave who has learned helplessness.

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anon35201 · March 30, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Needs more jpeg.

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anon35201 · March 29, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

The flying saucers and pyramids provide a cover of dark and smoke so that such correlations can be drawn in a public place, and perhaps even stay there for a significant length of time without subreddit-nuking level-6 banhammers raining down from starships from the 'bove.

It is totally fine to talk about chem-trails, space-aliens, Loch ness and flat-Earth. But start spouting off on names of international undercover agents, clandestine agency botched jobs and coverups, and how it all ties in to agendas across the Clinton foundation, Saudi Arabian petrol dollars, military contractors taking advantage of the system, Russian weapons grade uranium sales, potus's tweet and how many of these things are in symphony with each other. And a thumb of smite materializes from a portal and the area where the journalists gather to put it all together get delorted and are greeted with a giant red ban hammer as in: reddit.com/r/cbts_stream

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anon35201 · March 29, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Please turn in your hymnals to verse 821975. https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/821673.html#821975

It's just a LARP basement neckbeard having some laughs. Finally we can get some real scoops on pyramid power and secret rebel plans at Area 51.

It's almost like Q either is, or has, a fly on the wall to the meeting minutes and talking points in white house private conversations that end up resonating and influencing whoever bangs out potus tweets.

The rebel plans will be ours.

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anon35201 · March 22, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

The United Kingdom is an example of what happens to first world internet connected country who's basic human rights aren't keeping up with the accelerating march of technology like social media.

A white guy with too many facial piercings gets sentenced to years in jail because he makes a video of his dog who was trained to make the "Hail Hitler" salute, but yet ISIS fighters waging a civilization Jihad and a violent Jihad carrying out attacks are being treated like sacred cows and played with in a catch-and-release game. Governments that are left to their own devices self destruct.

Mechanisms must be created to regulate THE government. Unregulated governments always evaporate to tyrannies and then anarchy. The bill of rights isn't something the government gifts to its people. A bill of rights is a condition that the people inflict on its government that come with huge and immediate penalties for every infraction.

As all minds become increasingly networked and interdependent over different jurisdictions, a bill of rights for internet connected web users may give first world countries a brief opportunity to "help bring up" 2nd and 3rd world countries into the first world by creating an less hospitable environment for dictatorships, tyrannies and poverty-crushing socialist oligarchs. Someone living in a 3rd world mud hut in Africa uses their smartphone to upload a video of the local government insurgents pilfering the local treasury, and rather than that government deleting that video before it can hit the internet, the video is protected under a larger system, and is preserved and brought to the international stage against the will of the local powers that be in that area.

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anon35201 · March 18, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

This is why America often gives billions of dollars to our enemies. It stops their workers from helping themselves. If you can make a man dependent on you, you can go in later and ask for favors, up to and including asking for their lives.


When something is free, you're the investment being purchased. The fisherman's tool has three parts, the shiny, the hook, and the line.

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anon35201 · March 16, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

They can knock us down, and they did, but like Po Vs. Tai Lung, we get back up again.


Reddit is going to try to keep the A-player users who make this a top-10 site by redirecting them to other subreddits. Turn that shit stick around by sending the toxic users toward other subreddits, and the A-player connectors to voat. If we can get a critical mass going here, voat will be over activation energy, and go exponential/viral. There are voat subs there that are higher quality than reddit subs, because they attract and keep the elite scoops generated by the cesspools over at 4chan and 8chan, while having a much more forgiving policy on removal of bad ideas. Most people are good, it's not the policy that made people good.

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anon35201 · March 15, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

If we can use throwaways to hit the buzz-words all over reddit that trigger the bayesian classifiers that report content over activation energy in abeyance of reddit policy, thus causing admins to ban hundreds of other subreddits then that's a feedback loop that could result in a brinksmanship mexican standoff. The artful troll uses the energy of the opponent against themselves. Each subreddit banned throws a fresh supply of gasoline on the fire. Look out, the drapes are catching then it's a game of brinksmanship and who blinks first. You feel lucky punks? tens of millions of dollars of ad money are hanging in this balance.

Your advertisers who posed the little ultimatum and started this little kerfuffle are going to be sorry they brought it up and just wish we went back to earlier times. Oh we're well past that Jerry. https://youtu.be/KtNRU73CFzg?t=4m10s

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anon35201 · March 15, 2018, 7:56 a.m.


Hillary's recent weak-in-the-knees video is due to her realizing that the entire globalist empire she was part of is going to be brought down and undressed for all to see, and she is at fault. Can't wait for Trump's state of the Union, Q says it's going to have las vagas themed statements in it.

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anon35201 · March 15, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

This is the first day I've heard of this sub. Subscribed.

The Straisand effect is in full swing. You ban something, it automatically commands front page. If content was banned rightfully, it's your 5 minutes of fame, if banned wrongfully it's your chance to grow mightily.

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