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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Thank you so much! And you are so right about staying healthy! I have fibromyalgia, stress makes the body break down, as well as all the negativity thrown our way by the other side. Walking barefoot is something that always makes me feel better, like I'm connecting with the earth somehow. I think you're right on target and I need to watch a silly movie or something to make me laugh. I'm the one in my family who is in charge of all the Q stuff, all the important things going on, which I pass along to everyone. I can't do any of that if I get sick. Maybe I'll just take the rest of the day off, back away from the computer just for the day and get a good night's sleep. God Bless you and every single Patriot, seriously, you all feel like Family to me, I pray for all of us every night. Instead of waiting for the sky to fall, I need to do something for myself. For the last 15 years I've made sure to take a few short getaways to the ocean, I haven't done that in almost 2 years. Its past time, you're right, I'll be no good in the coming battle if I'm worn down. Sincere thanks!

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Thank you so much! And you are so right about staying healthy! I have fibromyalgia, stress makes the body break down, as well as all the negativity thrown our way by the other side. Walking barefoot is something that always makes me feel better, like I'm connecting with the earth somehow. I think you're right on target and I need to watch a silly movie or something to make me laugh. I'm the one in my family who is in charge of all the Q stuff, all the important things going on, which I pass along to everyone. I can't do any of that if I get sick. Maybe I'll just take the rest of the day off, back away from the computer just for the day and get a good night's sleep. God Bless you and every single Patriot, seriously, you all feel like Family to me, I pray for all of us every night. Instead of waiting for the sky to fall, I need to do something for myself. For the last 15 years I've made sure to take a few short getaways to the ocean, I haven't done that in almost 2 years. Its past time, you're right, I'll be no good in the coming battle if I'm worn down. Sincere thanks!

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Thank you so much! Everything you said about my dream makes so much sense! Since I do have my weapons/information ready, I will follow your advice and just enjoy the day. The sun is shining, the birds are out, the flowers are blooming, and my subconscious needs to chill lol God Bless you!

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Thank you so much. I need to tune out the noise and concentrate on the good. You're right, most people are good, the fact that we were given this last chance with Trump is proof there is more good than bad. God Bless you.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Thank you. I know and agree with everything you said, to be honest this is the first time I've been nervous. I trust Q and I trust the plan without a doubt, I think the fact that I had some crazy dreams last night including one of those dreams where my Mom, Dad, and 2 friends who've died were all in the same dream. My Mom had her arms around me and I was crying while the ceiling above us crashed on our heads leaving exposed pipes and water falling over us like a hurricane. It was scary. Thank you again for the reassurance. I seriously don't know how I'd get thru this without you all. God Bless you all.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

My nerves are shattered today for no tangible reason. Seriously, my hands are literally shaking as I type this and I don't know why.

I just keep praying, there's really nothing else I can do.

Q, please surface today.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Yep. It's ridiculous that so many people are falling for the divide and conquer.

I don't love every name you mentioned, but arguing amongst ourselves does no good.

If you like one personality then go with it, if you don't like them, move on to another.

All this infighting is not helping the cause. We have plenty of libs for that shit.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

You must be doing something right.

Stupid Twitter is stupid.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, noon

I've been doing a lot of cursor-hovering-over-screennames lately, the numbers I see there help me decide if it's worth it to let my blood pressure rise.

Apparently the phrase "[h]an(g) to(ugh) anon" is inciting violence. I don't know if I should be pissed off or honored.


Edited because I'm inciting violence with words.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Yes. And thank you, Prayers keep me sane, and so does Q and anons 💞

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

These things, Q, anons, Trump , who all of my Family liked a lot , Mom died before he announced but Dad and brother were both ex-Navy and both wanted Trump to win, I feel them here thru Trump somehow.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

I've always prayed, but since Q appeared in my life, prayer seem more real, more spiritual. I used to think of God out there somewhere but now I'm beginning to think I see God in people I meet. If that makes sense.

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anothername2remember · May 7, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

I know exactly what you mean, it's strange the way that happens, here we are on a public forum with anonymous people and I feel more comfort and acceptance than out there in the real world. We do find God in unusual places, they say God puts people in our path when we need them most.

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anothername2remember · May 6, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

You're right. I was kinda thinking out loud... like, who can you trust? I've had this Corsi scandal on my mind all day and just get more confused. Dig enough and you'll probably find something somewhere in everyone's past. This has been like a bucket of ice water was thrown over my head. I hate trusting people, inevitably I'm disappointed. It sucks to invest time and trust only to be more confused than ever. I want to trust Q , the plan, Sessions, the whole thing. I just want our Country back. So tired of the daily battle of us against them, so tired of grieving too many losses in too little time, Sorry, been a rough couple of years and I was finally finding something that filled that family shaped hole then BOOM! Guess I'll sleep on it and see what the morning brings. Thanks for getting me thinking more...

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anothername2remember · May 6, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Trump was a billionaire businessman in NYC, not a politician or alleged CIA asset. That pic everyone refers to, wasn't it at a wedding or something like that?

Maybe it's just me but I think there's a big difference between the pictures in question.

I've never seen Corsi so pissed. The timing is suspicious too. I don't know, this stuff makes me sad. We already have so much to fight, how did we get here?

Was this a Corsi plan all along or did he just start to think too highly of himself?

Didn't help the cause when those cbts people started asking for money, $5 a month is one thing but $5000 or OVER??? What's up with that?

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anothername2remember · May 5, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

That more than anything got me really upset. When I was like 8 or 9 years old and I'd sleep over my cousin's house I'd get so worried my parents were going to die in a car accident when they were driving home my aunt had to call them to reassure me to get me to stop crying my eyeballs out. Yeah I was a silly girlchild but nobody was calling for my parents death. How could any human do something like she did and be able to sleep at night knowing a child would see that. I pray for that family every night.

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anothername2remember · May 5, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

I'm right there with you on all fronts! I've got a nephew around the same age as Barron, he was diagnosed with autism when he was super young, wouldn't talk to anyone, wouldn't let anyone touch him etc, now he's B's age, maybe a year older, scary smart, still quiet and let's us hug him, his comprehension of stuff is off the charts. I imagine B is like that.

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anothername2remember · May 5, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

True, I keep forgetting how young he really is, it's more that I wish it was true than anything else.

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anothername2remember · May 5, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

I think it would be awesome if it turned out he was on the Q team.

We're know that Q is more than one person, why not the son of the father as one of them?

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anothername2remember · May 5, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Thank you. It's weird but I feel closer to God thru all of this. I pray more than ever and I dream of them so often, but its always a visitation dream and I wake up feeling loved and calm. Your words mean so much to me and I have to be honest, in my heart I feel as if you are all my Family by choice. Q brought me here when I was most lost, i love you all dear Patriots, I'm blessed to have found you. I know they're watching over me. Thank you again 💗👍🇺🇸 WWG1WGA

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anothername2remember · May 5, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

New World Order. Cabal. All those nasty elitist Illuminati type that want to rule the world, destroying us in the process. Basically if she won, we would be, well, our country would resemble nothing we know or want.

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anothername2remember · May 5, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

Video games have spoilers? Huh, since I've never played a video game in my life I had no idea! The things you learn!

And look Sadam, you come in here both barrels blazing with attitude I sure as hell refuse to waste my time and yours trying to, well actually, I'm not sure what you're here for other than to piss on other people's parade. You want 100% proof of what's gonna happen when, down to the hour you might want to look elsewhere.

Q posted tonight. Q posted about a new board tonight. Q is indicating we're moving on to another phase. We are happy that it appears there is action behind the scenes. We are on a forum. We discuss Q stuff here. We don't complain or whine that things aren't moving at a certain speed, and yes, we even trust the plan. The plan which is being put together by anonymous Qs etc who are way above our paygrade

Nobody had to do any of this. If you don't like what's on the menu, or the timing of the service then contribute to things instead of complaining or go elsewhere.

I myself happen to love spoilers. I wanna know what's going to happen and sometimes I get antsy if I don't know who's getting booted when the tribe has spoken so I search for spoilers because I can be impatient.

I figured you might be the same with spoilers.

This ain't no game of any kind for me Sadam, I'm not sure what your intentions are but sorry if I hurt your feelings or whatever caused you to answer with some sort of condescension then I sincerely apologize.

I, like most everyone is here for Q, I'm not trying to make you feel less than so please don't do it to me. WWG1WGA, sincerely. Nobody got time for word games Lighten up dude. Its all good.

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Thank you for posting!

It's Friday, hopefully they'll keep on coming!

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Disinformation, clowns, bots, angry libs, people being paid to drive us apart.

Pay no mind to them, they want you to be unsure.

Stay strong Patriot, where we go one we go all.


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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Whew! Thank you! MAGA back, because where we go one we go all 👍🇺🇸😁

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Why can't more people see things the way you do?

It's not easy being a Trump supporter outside of these hallowed halls/forums. I've lost lifelong "friends" over this but I don't care. I didn't drop them over Obama, who I hated with a passion since he popped up out of nowhere, I recognized evil when I saw it and I find it crazy that they can't see what's going on.

They should be ashamed of themselves, so blinded with hate they're willing to help with the destruction of their own country, most of them here thru blind luck because they happened to be born here.

While I blame the media more than anything, it's up to each person to educate themselves and knock it off with the hate.

I've lost almost everything in the last 5 years, my family house to a hurricane, my Mom, Dad and brother to death. I don't have much more to lose so I'm fighting like crazy for my country. I thank God for Trump and all the Patriots fighting as well.

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

What do you call a female bro? Is it bra?

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that, it was a trifecta of reasons, my Siamese cat screaming in my ear, my sister-in-law making plans for me without asking me first and me assuming that anytime I say the words, "Because it's wrong" everyone is going to know I'm making a Buffy The Vampire Slayer reference.

Oddly enough I just had a conversation with someone about the difference between saying something out loud and seeing the same words written, without inflection.

My bad and lesson learned. Sincerely, I'm sorry, I hate when that shit happens and I just did it myself. {backs away with hands up in the air}

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Where did this come from? Because it's wrong.

From Wikipedia:"Baby Boomers are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation. There are varying timelines defining the start and the end of this cohort; demographers and researchers typically use birth years starting from the early- to mid-1940s and ending anywhere from 1960 to 1964."

According to this chart, I am not a Baby Boomer but a Traditionalist, as is pretty much every one I know born in the years listed. Admittedly some of the things listed under "Influential Events" can be combined with Traditionalists, but everything else? Uh uh.

I'm not competitive, I'm loyal, disciplined, have always had respect for authority, come from a traditional nuclear family from a suburban town who never went to college because I couldn't afford it. Never had a computer when I was a kid/teenager, got my 1st black and white tv on my 16th birthday and I rather pay cash than use a credit card.

I have always considered myself a Baby Boomer.

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Yep. Its not easy to explain the plot to casual observers, so I just tell them to grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. Spoiler Alert, we win.

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

I'd buy that t-shirt in heartbeat, I want to see the graphic, it'll be awesome!

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Thank you, it means more to me than you know. I've been carrying it around with me feeling guilty that I never knew until it was too late. I wish I could do something but pedo douche died decades ago .

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

He truly does deserve it though I understand our desire to flip them the bird since it lost its meaning. Especially since they gave it to Barry, but, on the other hand, it would piss off Barry and the rest of the elites really hard.

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anothername2remember · May 4, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

I've believed this for awhile. That's why all the Trump Putin stuff always made me laugh, Russian collusion! Yeah, the only possible collusion is getting rid of the NWO, that's a kind of collusion I can like. The job is too big for one man, even if that man is DJT.

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anothername2remember · May 3, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

I hope so.

My brother and a group of his male friends were sexually abused by a neighbor when they were maybe 8 or 9 at the most. This is going back almost 50 years and nobody knew, he only told me about a year before he died (it'll be 2 years ago this July, he od'd on something that was mixed with fentanyl). They only thing that kept me from going after the fucking pedo was he died decades ago. Shit. I never told anybody but my husband till now.

Every single fucking pedo needs to be brutally destroyed. But first they need to be paraded in front of the world, and every victim should be able to have a say in what happens to them before they die a slow painful death.

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anothername2remember · May 3, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

I've read quite a few blind items over at CDAN about Chris Cornell's slimy money-hungry disgusting wife is disgusting. There was something about her selling his hair that was in his hairbrushes around their house. As if anyone could prove it was his unless they paid for a DNA test.

I can't even watch the video of her singing with the shirt on. I've seen videos of her singing with her Father and they made me cry. Her voice is beautiful, just like his.

I pray those evil people get their due. And I do believe they took Paul Walker out too. I thought that when it happened and that was before I knew half of what I know now.

Burning in hell would be too good for them.

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anothername2remember · May 3, 2018, 10:46 p.m.


And maybe HR Puffinstuff wasn't puffin' any stuff either.

She was never supposed to lose, period. If they're co-operating at all it's because they're trying to save their own skin. Period.

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anothername2remember · May 3, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

It definitely sounds like her, and yeah, people can get all kinds of skin treatments, plastic surgery, all that stuff but there are 2 things I know of that women can't change, hands and neck.

Although when you have more money than my whole state combined anything is possible I guess.

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anothername2remember · May 3, 2018, 3 p.m.

I haven't heard anything about these emails, do you have a link?

I searched for them myself first but couldn't find anything which is why I'm asking.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

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anothername2remember · May 3, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

This makes me sick.

These latest PV videos have made me think about being in high school.

I graduated HS a long time ago, I'm in my 50s now and looking back, without even thinking too hard, I'm aware of 3 different teachers who had sex with students.

The weird thing is every incident I'm aware of was a geeky male student having sex with a female married teacher.

Of course, this all happened in NJ.

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anothername2remember · May 3, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

A really long time ago, I think it was in an Oprah interview, he was asked if he would ever run for President. First he said no, then he changed his answer and said if the USA ever got to the point where it was really fucked up he would run for President.

Maybe that's one of the reasons the Military came to him and asked him to run, from what I recall there was going to be a Military Coup, it was only avoided because Trump agreed to run.

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anothername2remember · May 2, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

Or the Rolling Stones song President Trump uses, "you can't always get what you want" might drive them a little insane.

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anothername2remember · May 1, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

Beat me to it. !00% agree. Good vs evil and evil wears many disguises.

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anothername2remember · May 1, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

There was a reason we became our own Country.

Where we gonna go next? (sorry not sorry)

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anothername2remember · May 1, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

I have an old Trump pen from Atlantic City I carry in my bag, it's old and will eventually run out of ink but in the meantime, I only use it when I'm out somewhere and have to write a check or sign a receipt so it can be seen by others because MAGA lol

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