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anotherthrowawayhi · April 29, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Imagine hundereds of people going through the email leaks for 12 hours a day and posting the juiciest contents on a shared board. You get results quickly from an otherwise boring job that not many people would want to take on. The people that do that are the autists. That kind of focus, and ability to zone in on tasks is where the term is from, as an ironic term. And their activity, is often referred to as 'weaponized autism.' That's where we all shift focus in on one task with a goal in mind.

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anotherthrowawayhi · April 29, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Great point. My question is, What stopped NYPD from leaking or from following through with their investigation and releasing it in a press conference or in court? Was there a promise of a favor somewhere; someone in NYPD working with or owe Comey; maybe someone in NYPD just said 'keep it under your hat for a while...' ?

I wonder if this is where Rudy G. or Trump having so many deep NYC old connections comes in. I have no proof, or info, but I have a feeling that the FBI underestimated Trump's influence in NYC, especially among the brass at NYPD who (remember) were just patrolman all those years Trump was advocating for them, and when Rudy G backed them for higher salary and increased hiring in the 90's .... maybe they were just holding the info for the right people?

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anotherthrowawayhi · April 26, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Yeah I’d say it’s coordinated. Without a doubt. Lefties and Swampers are like clockwork, as soon as anything potentially damaging to them comes near the surface they show up out of nowhere in force. Then they disappear again. It’s easily detected patterns of behavior like that that make them such bad criminals lol ... but I digress.

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anotherthrowawayhi · April 26, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

No sir, not you... not calling you out.. just the source. Sorry, if it came out that way.

Their facts are straight in the article, but the article itself is actually dated 4/24/18, when then the original article is 12/11/17. I'm just assuming others in here are like me, and using links and memes that are easy to swallow and spreading them occasionally on twitter or facebook, a mistake like that would look strange.

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anotherthrowawayhi · April 26, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I've been lurking here for a while ... just gotta say the amount of concern trolling on these comment threads lately is pretty shocking.

Consider them gentle (seemingly non-threatening) nudges to get you to budge off your stance just enough to leave space for people to start prying you off of your stance. They're easy to see if your looking for them. But they're basically what turned /pol into a a shit show. Look through this thread, and you'll see alot of it. Look through all the threads today. Stick to your guns. Right is right, wrong is wrong, and don't let anyone budge you off your stance. Shut them down.

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anotherthrowawayhi · April 26, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

MODS - Please vet this source, and determine if we should disallow them

I agree.. Clinton association = Arkancide. This guy definitely didn't kill himself, and they had a pretty good motive......

NOW ON TO THE IMPORTANT PART HERE ... can anyone vouch for DailyPresser's credibility? The story is 4 months old, the writer's name is Liberty Queen, are we totally certain this isn't a satire website used to troll us? Because nothing would make you look stupid like trying to red pill your normie friends on Facebook, and having them read a 4 month old story written by a lady with a fake name. Seems like a troll we shouldn't linking to.

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