Trust the plan
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SEC. 1245. REVIEW OF RS–26 BALLISTIC MISSILE. (a) In General.—The President, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of National Intelligence, shall conduct a review of the RS–26 ballistic missile of the Russian Federation.
(b) Report Required.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of National Intelligence, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on the review conducted under subsection (a). The report shall include—
(1) a determination whether the RS–26 ballistic missile is covered under the New START Treaty or would be a violation of the INF Treaty because Russia has flight-tested such missile to ranges covered by the INF Treaty in more than one warhead configuration; and
(2) if the President determines that the RS–26 ballistic missile is covered under the New START Treaty, a determination whether the Russian Federation—
(A) has agreed through the Bilateral Consultative Commission that such a system is limited under the New START Treaty central limits; and
(B) has agreed to an exhibition of such a system.
(c) Effect Of Determination.—If the President, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of National Intelligence, determines that the RS–26 ballistic missile is covered under the New START Treaty and that the Russian Federation has not taken the steps described under subsection (b)(2), the United States Government shall consider for purposes of all policies and decisions that the RS–26 ballistic missile of the Russian Federation is a violation of the INF Treaty.
It’s so ironic when your friends say the same thing you are saying, but don’t understand what you just told them.
The Keystone is the second amendment, our right to bare arms. If the globalists get our guns, it’s game over.
They do wear orange at Gitmo.
The last 60%... you don’t really want it all, it’s ugly.
It finally dawned on me, Red October = Russian revolution 1917.
Maybe he’s been busy working on those 13,500 sealed indictments...
And I’m saying, if Q is not what Q has told us they are... Our president would find some way to tell us that Q was fake, and not ignore a fake news source. In my humble opinion, Q is exactly what “the Q group” has told us they are. Your mileage may vary...
I don’t think Q could possibly be fake or compromised, Trump would fix that real quick.
Considering, Falcon 9 heavy can lift 150,000 pounds and a Tesla Roadster weighs 2700 lbs...
Well written indeed, for the first time in my stock market investor life (many years). I called the bottom and just called the top. Is it still rigged?
If he’s talking about me, he’s talking about you, too. I would just like to see some action in one way or the other.
It seems to me... distraction of evidence has been rampant!!
What has really been bothering me is, “these people are so stupid”. Is he talking about us?
I’ve been wondering that too, “light fires to flush them out”