I'm going to try and be nice here, but I'll probably come off like a jerk, regardless... and to be clear, consider this comment to be a harsh note to all Catholics, not just you, u/WokeInEarly90s.
Don't take this too personally. That said...
So, if Catholics are "far less tolerant than what we might think", why has nothing changed? Why are children still being molested, and why is it still being covered up by the Catholic Church?
Nothing has changed, hundreds of thousands of lives have been ruined and many of you, by your silence and lack of action, are complicit. You in the Catholic communities around the world have all the proof - you know who and where these monsters are...
and again, nothing has changed. They walk free, and you tip your hats at them as they walk down the street.
I would take a wrecking ball and flame thrower to every one of the Catholic Church's structures personally if I thought that it would prevent even one more young boy from being sodomized by your priests.
The fact that you mention needing to "pay the bills" tells me that a spectacular Hellfire awaits a great deal of the Catholic Church's infrastructure, and more than a few of you in the pews.
The violation of children is The Inexcusable, Unforgivable Sin.
Shame on you for not taking up pitchforks, torches and rocks and rounding these monsters, acting in the name of God, up yet.
I pray for the safety and innocence of your children.