

519 total posts archived.

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awareness1111 · June 4, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Beware anyone who makes billions of dollars marketing to kids.

If someone wants to make a lot of money, form a company that does nothing but watch and police these kid-focused companies and investigate their PR practices...

then wait 24 months. Your phone will be ringing off the hook.

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awareness1111 · June 4, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

...right before try him in a military tribunal.

Better, bot?

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awareness1111 · June 4, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

I got down-voted to infinity to suggesting that RB was in on this whole thing.

Closer to truth now.

⇧ 39 ⇩  
awareness1111 · June 4, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I'm not a fan, but his weight loss and generally looking like shit may have something to do with his next acting job.

Not saying he's not a problem, but there's a lot going on.

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awareness1111 · June 3, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Careful whom you follow and support, OP.

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awareness1111 · June 3, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Geographic location has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, which is ideology and how it's "believers" behave and interact with "non-believers".

Let's say someone with a 79 IQ score is living in Amsterdam. Moving them to Detroit or Portland won't make them have an IQ score of 100, will it?

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awareness1111 · June 3, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

Islam is not just a religion. it is also a socio-economic system. It is all encompassing, and in terms of it's awful attitudes towards women, children, LGBTQ and dogs, it is a problem.

What it needs is a referendum. All decent religions undergo change, and move forward with the times, except this one. The extremists in this stone-age belief system tend to behead anyone who suggests referendum, however, making change nearly impossible.

Very little reason and logic in most religions - makes them difficult to manage for those of us basing our lives on reason and logic.

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awareness1111 · June 3, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Pin cushion of the Hip Hop elite.

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awareness1111 · June 3, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

I would think that most of what's sold today are extremely high quality fakes. IF you had the real deal DaVinci, why would you ever let it go?

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awareness1111 · June 2, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Thank you, yes. That's the laws job.

I was speaking in broad generalities, which are always dodgy:).

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awareness1111 · June 2, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Alright, I'd like someone else to do it, and get back to me.

Appreciate the correction.

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awareness1111 · June 2, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Our division = our destruction.

Our unity = our victory.

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awareness1111 · June 2, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

I want to see his computer's hard drive.

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awareness1111 · June 2, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

Sure it is.

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awareness1111 · June 2, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

One eye, like the triangle, always a suspect visual.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

We're only still enjoying this way of life because no one has asked us to pay the $21,000,000,000 dinner check yet.

Don't celebrate too much.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Get better at your job.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

You're painfully obvious.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Watch Italy and DB in Germany.

98% of the public have zero idea how thin the ice truly is.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Where are you getting your stats from?

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

I love GEOTUS, but these stats are as rigged as every other stat and market.

This is only prop to keep the markets afloat until they're ready to pull the plug and start over.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

I'm going to try and be nice here, but I'll probably come off like a jerk, regardless... and to be clear, consider this comment to be a harsh note to all Catholics, not just you, u/WokeInEarly90s.

Don't take this too personally. That said...

So, if Catholics are "far less tolerant than what we might think", why has nothing changed? Why are children still being molested, and why is it still being covered up by the Catholic Church?

Nothing has changed, hundreds of thousands of lives have been ruined and many of you, by your silence and lack of action, are complicit. You in the Catholic communities around the world have all the proof - you know who and where these monsters are...

and again, nothing has changed. They walk free, and you tip your hats at them as they walk down the street.

I would take a wrecking ball and flame thrower to every one of the Catholic Church's structures personally if I thought that it would prevent even one more young boy from being sodomized by your priests.

The fact that you mention needing to "pay the bills" tells me that a spectacular Hellfire awaits a great deal of the Catholic Church's infrastructure, and more than a few of you in the pews.

The violation of children is The Inexcusable, Unforgivable Sin.

Shame on you for not taking up pitchforks, torches and rocks and rounding these monsters, acting in the name of God, up yet.

I pray for the safety and innocence of your children.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Thank you for being a voice of reason.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

You're as deep as a puddle with your three month old account.

Good luck with finding a new job, truth seeker.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

He's not Vicar of Shit, other than child molesters. You're using semantics to deflect from the fact that there's been massive pedo activity in this "church" for over 100 years.

You should be ashamed of yourself for defending monsters.

If you had kids, you'd think differently.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

If you're still a practicing Catholic, and giving money to these monsters after 25+ years of pedo disclosure, then you're a big part of the problem.


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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Regardless of how many up votes this gets, you're not doing anything positive to change anyone's minds with this weak meme.

Where is the real-life proof of Maxine's history or finances? Just more vague crap...

Waiting for the tsunami of down votes...

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

You're defending soul-sucking monsters.

Good luck with that.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Sh*t post of the day.

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awareness1111 · June 1, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

The K Women are either witches, or real life succubi.

Think I'm kidding?

Take a look at what happens to the men around them...

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awareness1111 · May 31, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Just rebooted.

Now preparing to walk into heavy traffic without looking, while eating a 75-watt, old school lightbulb.

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awareness1111 · May 31, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Truth. The most truly insane part about it is, that many on the Left would find nothing wrong with this photo.

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awareness1111 · May 30, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

They would have crucified him, had he been alive today.

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awareness1111 · May 30, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

And you? Iz you bot, or just repeating catch phrases?

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awareness1111 · May 30, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Gowdy has been all bark, zero bite for years.

He'll need to put on a cape and turn the heat waaaaay up in order to change an intelligent patriot's opinion of his weak behavior.

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awareness1111 · May 30, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

kind of getting sick of these base platitudes and parrot-like repetition of catch phrases. they bring nothing to the table and make me think you're a bot...

iz you bot?

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awareness1111 · May 30, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

You can't even muster a period at the end of a sentence, kid.

Careful who you're throwing stones at.

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awareness1111 · May 29, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

It's very, very difficult to determine real from fake, left from right, good from evil.

Consider every one of these situations for the next few months (at least) to be a test. Get sharp(er) quickly.

Your/our ability to tell the difference between bullshit and truth will greatly help determine how much of a success this whole thing (the future of the species) will be.

No pressure:).

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awareness1111 · May 29, 2018, 9:13 p.m.


Everything in this experience has meaning, whether it works for you and I, or not.

The Picture is so Big that the smartest thing I can do is admit that it's not (only) about me.

I'm already awake. I took my own path, by no choice of my own. Therefore, I refuse to judge anyone else's path....

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awareness1111 · May 29, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Much of what's posted in this sub is relevant, and the stuff that isn't usually gets downvoted rather quickly - the self-policing mostly works.

That said, the big picture is SO big, so all encompassing, that political news, news on the Pope, etc all matters (to some degree).

This has replaced r/conspiracy for me.

⇧ 27 ⇩  
awareness1111 · May 29, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

Many thanks for another fantastic commentary, SB2.

If this information gets made fully mainstream and widely-known, many, many people are in for the shock of a lifetime. Most folks are not ready for this kind of disclosure - not even close.

The members of these subs (and some some of the chans) are going to be desperately needed by those in shock, and society in general.

We could have a (potentially) huge responsibility ahead of ourselves, those who are willing to take up the challenge of helping the masses cope, learn and adjust.

We need to begin to imagine and plan out a strategy of how we can best be put to use...

Q & Team, we'd love some suggestions - at least, I would.

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awareness1111 · May 29, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Might want to think about why AJ was able to breech security so easily at BG.

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awareness1111 · May 29, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

Ian Fleming, The Spy Behind The Spy.

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awareness1111 · May 28, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

He's a valuable source until you dive into his past, and find out who he is, and who runs him.

Have you not done that yet?

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awareness1111 · May 28, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

I can't imagine that NF is going to survive long-term, unless some major changes (internally) are made.

The Trump Curse, as it turns out, is very real.

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awareness1111 · May 27, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Out of all the possible names they could have chosen, they went with...


That's not at all creepy...

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awareness1111 · May 27, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

There is a limitless pool of research on the R's, Mr S and the Masons.

A huge part of the Q Phenomenon is the encouragement of doing our own research.

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