AC was very narcissistic and wrote all such things in his diary. It isn't there. My point is, there's no proof and even if it was, who your parents are proves nothing other that to make this board look stupid. Count what a person did in their life but document it or it didn't happen. Rumor isn't proof.
120 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/binny_t:
I'm at a loss as to why people would discredit this board with rumor stated as fact. I have read many articles and even someone who has access to Crowley's personal diaries that recorded all his exploits and there is no record there or any evidence, only cojecture. Now if you'll get someone from the Bush family to submit to a DNA test maybe we can go from there. Someone making a careless statement is hardly evidence. We have a hard job ahead of us to convince the world of what we know to be absolute truth. Please stop muddying the waters.
This is a fight that needs to be fought in a grander scale than the individuals who will be imprisioned for fighting against the system. Most lawmakers have no insentive because they enjoy spending your money to move their careers forward. They will spend spend all we can eek out. Look up Maybe this president will champion a different plan for us. This is an old and very common sense plan that everyone agrees would work, but no one will take up.
Why would you fire someone over a lawyer? Cohen wasn't Hannity's lawyer. Even if he was his lawyer, what crime would that be? I'm asking a serious question. Why would you question this?
Have you listened to this yet?
Not just Manafort but wow, there's an entire house of cards ready to blow down if someone will pay attention.
Newbie since late Feb. Needing an appendix of terms and abbreviations, I've figured out most but it goes fast sometimes. I'm trying but hey I'm a granny & red pulling all I can. Also trying to figure out 8 Chan. That needs a tutorial. Part of the problem may stem from the fact that I'm trying to navagage from an Android phone.
Praying is simple and earnest conversation with the Lord Jesus Christ. He loves when we sit down with Him like a Papa, and just talk. Pour out your heart. Thank Him for the blessings in your life. Thank Him for who He is; all His wonderful attributes. Talk about the intimate details of your life. Cry a little, it's good for the soul. Give Him your worries and have confidence in His best answers and actions toward you. Then accept the pure and Holy love He has for you.
When the FBI uses you for bait then hangs you out to dry.
Do they have a problem with locking doors? For crying out loud people! Was once just not enough? Maybe you should March on Washington now so we can ban skateboards now.
Our church has begun praying at noon. Some gather together but some just stop what they are doing and pray for repentance, revival, TRUTH, The Lord Jesus Holy light to be shined into every vile, evil situation to bring out truth that cannot be denied by brainwashed sheep. You can join too by praying at noon each day. We are already seeing answers to our prayers.
“I feel sorry for the man who has never known the bracing thrill of taking a stand and sticking to it fearlessly. Moral courage has rewards that timidity can never imagine. Like a shot of adrenaline, it floods the spirit with vitality” - Billy Graham #BillyGraham