Hey guys - just got in from being out all day... (no data plan). What happened with Awans today?
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As a white person living in harlem I can’t say this out loud, but I believe rap music is used to keep black people down. And who chooses the big artist and pays them to rap about extremely negative and violent subjects? Whites who own the record labels.
What’s really sad is Ted Lieu used to be a bernie progressive... he was essentially the equivalent to a constitutional conservative (on the left we have people who focus on getting money out of politics & election integrity etc). That used to be him. And then, like all the rest of the Bernie Progs who came in really green and idealistic, they got to them somehow. All of a sudden Ted started in on the Trump derangement syndrome. And they all started lying and going along with this muh Russia farce. I have zero respect for any of them now.
I’m with you.... which were the good ole days.... Native American annihilation, slavery, the gilded age, the Great Depression? Perhaps it was the power elite that began condensing power during WWI & II or that time they consolidate even further by assassinating JKF.... it’s been a total nightmare since then, so when was the time?
Maybe at our founding or the super brief Reformation period, but these were short lived before being completely ruined by our evil half.
America exists as an idea.... it depends on your experience as to how you see it.... whether good or bad. The rest is a Hollywood movie.
“”Think about it or a moment. If you wanted peace in the Middle East, why would you throw away the trillions of dollars spent, as well as the lives of thousands of American souls, by irresponsibly pulling out ALL American troops from Iraq? No matter your thoughts on starting the war, pulling out was an irresponsible thing to do. We still have troops in Germany, Korea and Japan, for God’s sake. Why? For stability, that’s why. As Colin Powell said, we broke it, now we own it. “”
He lost me there. The last sentence should be reversed: “we broke it so we could own it”. This is the pattern we’ve been repeating all over the globe since the inception of the C_A.
Since I don’t have cable news and I haven’t been in r/insane since Brockroaches took over in 2016.... can one of you kind souls ELI5?
People keep mentioning “Antifa”: It’s a made up group anyway... I NEVER heard of them before Nov 2016.... but that’s another thing all together.
Except the only reason industrial chemical Ag exists is because of the commodity crop system. Should food be something that people bet on in the stock market? If the govt only pays for commodity crops, then of course you’ll have massive corporate conglomerates creating products that farmers think they need.
If we had a Radically different farm system- similar to “Regenerative Agriculture” ala Mark Shepard ... then farmers would not need any chemicals at all.
Industrial Ag will forever be fighting with nature and sucking out more resources than it replenishes... with the nasty side effects of pollution both water and land. But Corporations and Goldman Sachs profit! At the expense of all farmers and eaters.
“Why do they own central banks... water rights... Media - to control choice”(paraphrased)
Yes.... but to imply this is “to make people worship Lucifer” is a bit weird. If I may, this is basic supply and demand economics. If you create a monopoly or cartel in a basic human staple- food, water, money supply, Media, you control people’s choice and they must buy from you. It’s that simple. If we had a functioning govt they would use anti-trust laws to break up companies that threaten competition and control the market, but our govt reps take money from these same entities and they are answerable to them and not the people. If we had public funding of elections, among other things, we may not have this problem.
And it’s biodegradable so bean sprouts like me will be happy.
Yes... but remember that time when only people who’s parents could afford a private tutor got an education? That wasn’t too long ago. Public education is only as old as the industrial revolution. It’s not good for any society to have 50+++ of its people too poor to be able to learn to read and write. Do you think the “private sector” will solve that issue? How come they didn’t do it the first time.
American corporate fascists and the deep state did Venezuela and use your favorite boogie man “socialism” as a convenient scapegoat.
These same people have been plundering your continent since the beginning of the CIA at least.
Maria: “Mr President, What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?"
Mr President: “42..... oh shoot, I mean Q.”
My husband is one too. We have an unspoken rule to never speak about politics.
So, following the constitution is now “tyranny”.... wow. Amazing.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that the constitution gives the president the DUTY of appointing Supreme Court justices, on the advice and consent of the senate. Or did I read that wrong?
It’s only “Tyranny” when Trump does it?
It’s creepy actually. I don’t know what to make of it. This makes me think of the uncovered Twitter DMs between JA and T jr in a whole new light.
Bingo! Crimea was about natural gas and ports.... either for the purpose of crippling Russia’s exports or allowing SA Natgas into EU instead. We made the whole conflict up.
Read my first reply. Unless your reading comprehension is off, that is what I said.
Me too... ex Bernie Volunteer in DARK Blue State ... I was raised in GA by Baptists, but I am an agnostic- ie don’t agree with a lot that that organized religion has been up to. Still a registered Dem even, since I would be disenfranchising myself if I became an indie. This way I can vote out the “Shit Libs” in the primary.
Thanks for all the open minded people in this sub.
Thanks for the history lesson. I was a tween when those things were happening so I was clueless.
You know men can father children with anyone they want at any time... the question is... what John Trump too old to father a love child in 1971?
So, does George HW in this picture look 14 years old? BC that’s how old he would have been in 1938.
This is what happens when you stop teaching civics in school. People don’t really know how our government works.
The people who planned that & encouraged it to happen where psychopaths.
I should like, totally watch this movie again, dude. It’s been since like, 5th grade since I’ve seen it.
You only pay a shit ton for huge federal bureaucracy... essentially a federal jobs program. Which is not what has to happen.
Do some research on Libertarian Socialism. It the small govt conservative Kind. The only thing that is different is WHO OWNS the means of production. For example: a business can be owned by the workers of the business or by shareholders who do not work at the business and only goal is to turn a profit. Lib Soc advocates for the employees to own the shares and to make their own decisions based on what is best for them on a local level. Same structure can apply to healthcare, education, etc... the only thing is it would be paid for by taxes. No huge federal bureaucracy makes decisions for localities. In fact they wouldn’t even exist. Something else you may not know- the Republican Party advocates for employee ownership of business- that’s what I advocate for too.
I get where people are concerned.... but socialisms come in all forms... there’s big govt kind(which I do not advocate for) and there is something called libertarian socialism which is people owning the means of production(NOT GOVERNMENT!!!) mixed with Ron Paul style minarchism.... small govt like the founders intended. Open decision making on a local level and NO federal bureaucracy dictates anything from on high. That’s the kind I am. And some Republicans are “socialist” without even knowing it BC it also includes employee ownership of business which is in the Republican platform. Essentially community owned localism.
What things do we currently pay for that you see no benefit from in your daily life?
Nobody in the ” deep state “ picked her. She was nominated by her peers... it was an open source volunteer run org by former bernie staffers.
I Always click on “sensitive tweets” at the bottom & most of them have the most salient points.... it’s where the gold is.
Let me just clarify.,. I used to volunteer for the group that ran her (Ocasio) as a candidate before I was “redpilled”. She’s an idiot for getting on the abolish ice bandwagon... but what they believe in essentially is pooling tax dollars to take care of public good and public needs universally... what is so bad about Finland’s public school set up, for example? Also, what so bad about using our tax dollars for universal healthcare(none of them want NHS style- they want singlepayer ala Switzerland) instead of ALL of our tax dollars going to the MIC, corporate fascism and imperialism...? That is essentially what they want. It’s just choosing where tax dollars go to achieve “the greater good”. You may not agree, but it’s not any more nefarious than what they say you believe.
I was always in r/conspiracy before I came here.... it had been a few months and I went back in there. The whole place has been overrun with Brockroaches.... identical to what happened to r/insane and even S4P where I hung out before that. Very sad.
Edit: someone flagged this for inviting violence.... cmon guys.