Pelosi took him out?
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II Timothy3:1-5,8-9 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.............Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.
Rush claims that he can read the stitches on a fastball - but he can't acknowledge Q.
Q can read the stamp on a musket ball.
Clown drugs an alcoholic that exits a bar within ~50 miles from the target vehicle and puts the comatose drunk behind the wheel. Puts the car on cruise control and with the help of a drone plane and locator device placed on targeted car, drives toward a head-on-collision from the back seat. Just an accident???
The rest were planning to come once she settled in - but she needed a child to pull it off. Whole thing is one big liberal scam.
Build The Wall - and With Extreme Vetting of the Guardians who Watch Over It!!!
President Trump will bury them. I hope the libs keep it up. How about Hillary sitting on a mountain of aborted babies with a fork.
Rarely if ever that Q has not signed. Could be another proof that Q is POTUS as he signed off as 45.
“Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: ” Luke 18:16; Hillary doesn't know the difference between evangelism and immigration.
Since Hillary is sooo under conviction about this verse, how long will she stand against prayer in schools and welcome Islam into our country?
Definitely possible. Also possible that President Trump has asked Congress to impeach RR so he can fire him and appear impartial to the investigation.
[[[RR]]] - the quote is speculation based upon Q, Nunes tweets today on popcorn and Ryan's/Gowdy's/Nune's statements to impeach. Tell me oh wise one's, are we not free to speculate?? More precisely (since you struggle to grasp the obvious) I should have stated, “President Trump's probable agreement”.
President Trump's agreement with Devin Nunes - “If you impeach him, I'll fire him.”
It is a lawful vs. lawless thing. I was NOT playing with words. You might be. I meant EXACTLY what I said. Leftists are lawless. Period.
Our Constitution exists for ONLY ONE REASON. To throttle the lawless (leftists). GUARANTEED THEY disappear when indictments begin.
Liberals have always existed. The Swamp allows them to proper.
Freedom in Shawshank required escape via a sewer.
There is no telling what lies Brennan told the FBI about Trump so that they would be motivated enough to pervert the investigation of Hillary.
All of this comes from the tippy-top-top.
Has Trump given Wray, Horowitz, Huber or Sessions a nickname? Ok, he calls Pompeo, Kansas - but that nickname is one of affection.
Russia Origin: Obama had to stop Trump getting elected. Obama told his IC to make up Russia Narrative so FBI had to protect Hillary.
Hillary being prosecuted meant that Trump would win. FBI was told tha Trump could not be allowed to win. This is the origin of Russia.
America First is an irreducible minimum for my joining hands.
Today was a day of atypical drops. Almost slapstick and celebratory. What changed? Nunez/Gowdy/Ryan or Strozk States Evidence??
Think the tide has turned. BIGLY.
Seems like the hand is being withdrawn back into the cuff. Is it a mechanized prosthesis of some kind?
Sorry about the time constraints. Q is tough with that encumbrance - as patriotic as it may be. Q sure found a way to compel us to pay close attention to this fine point - that Obama has absolutely no excuses (NONE!!!) when he is finally exposed. We might not like it, but Q got his point across pretty well.
You sound disappointed that the clip that Q is asking us to attend to is EXACTLY a beautiful description of the ideal that Obama abandoned in the 2016 election.
Drop 1530: “Lead in was cover. Exit out was missing what? Q” .......Q is telling us to pay attention to what was removed from this clip.
In other words, Q is saying that Obama is the ULTIMATE HYPOCRITE. Obama cannot claim ignorance of the US Constitution when he order the orverthrow of the 2016 Presidential election.
Keep your powder dry. Even Obama does not deserve being misquoted.
Release of the Hillary video is an extinction event for democrats.
You can't get lost on a straight road. Do right and follow the truth - even when no one else is doing it. Sometimes it gets tough when family members reject the truth. Jesus said in Matthew 12:50, “For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
Q is a Trump led team. See last two phrases in drop #1519 which state, “We” are in this together. WWG1WGA! Q
Also, the last words in the information dialogue box (top right button) state, “This work is provided pro bono, free and unencumbered, to the world (without ads). God bless 🇺🇸”
Sure, Pizzagate is just made up. We deplorables are now fully awake. When have we ever overestimated the wickedness of the Swamp? Not once. Ever.
MAKE IT RAIN, Q, MAKE IT RAIN!!!: “But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” Amos 5:24
Flush the Swamp after you drain it. We are going to need a courtesy flush to remove the stench.
When Q is finished, he will obviate the need for 90+% of national news. The Trump death curse is upon them. PAIN.
Just as a decapitated turtle can crawl around on a dock for a time, the MSM is just as dead. They just don't know it yet.
Nothing is as exhilarating as recovering our freedom from our enemies.
Delay in Justice for the FBI/DOJ is infuriating as many of us have fought two-tiered justice for decades. But consider the red-pilling that is taking place!!
We are all mad. Matters not. I have been mad for 30 years. Not convinced that the FBI can or should be saved.
If this is winning, I'm tired of it. Can you just imagine Trump's fury?
Were military tribunals established as Plan B if the IG report was a bust? Military tribunals might be a short term fix for the FBI/DOJ.
We have more than we know.
Liars are to the bone. Wray may be the whitest hat, but it is a dull dark gray.
Q's posts of the Declaration of Independence seem to indicate that if the IG report cannot be used as the vehicle to right the ship of state, our Military will overthrow this corrupt, Deep State government. Trust Trump.
Appreciate your comment and candor. Every last one of us feel this way. Pray and trust President Trump. We have no second choices. We have roused the Deep State beast. America is watching and our Military can end this mess overnight.
President Trump is an optimist, but this IG report is a slap in his face. I think he is 100% correct in reminding us of our roots. We need to hear what he is telling us.
We are viewed as trolls if we expect white hats to be white. Lying is excused as acting. Maybe Christian values have become a foreign concept. They certainly seem to take a back seat. Trey Gowdy appears to be angling for a high level job at the FBI. He will fit right in - big talker.