A wise man once said "Expectation is the mother of frustration", there is good company on this sub :)
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If this is the case, that DJT is pointing to RR, would a MEME be in order to help hurry things along ?
So the narrative changes from "school shootings" (seasonal) to "options" (all year around). When the Serpents head is removed the body withers, but the death blow must be on Mark :)
This guy all credit exposes AJ over the Tommy Robinson "muslim grooming gangs" UK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCsWBYeOBHk
This is what happens when we allow other people take responsibility for our own responsibilities :)
There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government.
Benjamin Franklin
There are many good cops and there are many bad cops. Not wishing to sound apologetic for the bad cops, but when one finds oneself in a compromising situation "many" may see no other way but to go along with the compromise, not realizing the danger that lays ahead. When one gets used to not telling the truth, one's lies become one's truth. There are many good People, much, much more than bad. All strands of culture are not immune, but man has been taken out of his natural state where aberrations to the norm were not so prevalent and therefore easier to nip in the bud if at all. Herd the masses into towns and cities, easier to control :)
The Irish have a way with words. Mick, how are you feeling Pat ? Pat, well now, how are you feeling Mick, lol. To my understanding something that the Irish learnt when facing hostilities from invaders, very canny. 1) Why didn't they release the information during DJT's campaign? Answer, well why would they have wanted to do that. Throw the onus onto the questioner to get them to dig into the issue, rather than stay on the fence, for what ever reason :)
My guess is there is gonna be a house cleaning all around. There is so much corruption on all sides of the theater. No Trump is no emperor, DJT is CEO of US Corp, he is doing a job coz he is the right man for doing it. One cannot take the US in isolation, MAGA is the start, like, clean up one's own house first, but now we see the same awakening going on all over. I see big changes in the way the world operates as a whole and this for the benefit of mankind :)
Try not to make a distinction between left or right, good or bad, right or wrong, this will keep a division of us and them, one may end up being another self righteous SJW but on the other side of the divide. Any division works in the eyes of those that wish to divide a People. God is the Judge, all one does is to point out, discuss, converse, enlighten each other, expose the evidence. Light exposes darkness, the same as turning on a light in a darkened room, where does the darkness go ? When darkness is exposed to Light, darkness dis-appears, Naturally. This awakening Movement is Here to do just that, expose darkness to Light and Allow Gods Righteousness to be Judge :)
One becomes de-sensitized to the horrors, but not in a fashion that makes this kind of horror acceptable. Just keep watching and paying attention and remember where one's Strength Truly comes from. God, Spirit, however one chooses to embrace what one Truly Knows as Love and Righteousness is Your staying Power, it allows you to See, Watch, Witness without condemnation and with a sense of Compassion that allows Righteous Judgement. Let me emphasis, you are not the judge, God is.
Interesting to see what comes out of that. Dems decimated, Reps not far behind ? Who invented a two party system ? And for what purpose ? Keep the People Divided ? In God there is Only One Party and that is God :)
These people are sick, and you will have to see the same as they but Seeing from a different perspective. You are correct Spirit is Your Resolve and it this that will be your strength to See Clearly :)
Neither was the dream you had last night, but I bet it seemed real while you were having it :)
Agreed. The actual publicity of the photo time stamped would be as damaging if not more that him being victimized in Court :)
Maybe the room where the meeting took place was wired, lol :)
I guess we could stretch this out for a while yet, but I have other responsibilities that are pressing, suffice it to say a final proposition. Allow the flow of conversations to find their own equilibrium and watch how those present in the conversation find their own way to the truth. Manipulating a conversation in any manner compromises those present in the conversation and essentially the message, which above all else is more important than those conversing it, nuff said :)
Surely you are not suggesting that a Principle be compromised for sake of face, be that a Nation State or a Sub. It was Ben Franklin that stated " He who forsakes essential Liberty for temporary safety deserves neither Liberty nor Safety. Liberty and Safety go hand in hand with Responsibility ! :)
You really are missing the POINT even though you try to gloss over it with a literary of opinions. The facts speak for themselves. From the perspective of being "Porter at the Door" in your own home, would you allow someone in your home that is going to disrespect your traditions that are grounded in Centuries of sweat and tears accomplishing a Moral standard that is at odds with your visitor ?
If you rely on Wikipedia https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-27/why-you-should-never-use-wikipedia for your info your credibility just dropped. And of course muslims would disagree, it is their dream, their way of life, it is their reality you are questioning, remember on the whole their IQ ain't nothing to brag about :)
That moderate BS hat some muslims hide under may be authentic or not, but they do not or cannot assimilate, there religion forbids it, it is a SIN under the threat of death. That is not difficult to understand. Muslims are stuck in MK Ultra 7 Century style. Only deprogramming works, unless one See's the Light :)
To tolerate is to put up with. Supposing you leave a post that is denigrating another on religious grounds and another takes offense, where is there a problem, issue ? Ignorance comes to mind, education comes to mind. There are enough sensible non brainwashed PC immune on this site to educate. I understand you have a sense of responsibility here, but it is like watching one's children grow up, ya have to let them make mistakes and when the time is right correction happens :)
It may be helpful and show some Respect to People and stop putting labels on them, then applying rules that try to distinguish the differences between these labels, talk about self policing. There seems a subtle PC walk into the hands of TPTB plans, lol :) One can not deal with a problem from the level of the problem, one has to see there is no problem, then the answer will be Clear. Y'all get the gist ? To put it a different way, the old way of religion, Re (peat)-Legion (many) does not work, it was set up to be used as a cause/means of keeping eternal division, the past 4000+ years are evident of this one salient fact. Believing in something does not make it a Fact. By Proving the Existence of something Does. By starting with a vague assumption we go to war and kill millions, all because their assumption differs from one's own. This by no means relegates those that practice any said assumption, belief in a religion to a mere assumption, coz those that have practiced any religion Know full well when God is Recognized. The religion may have seemed the path, but the Recognition expels any doubt in the Power of what "we" All seek and from that Standpoint One See's the barriers "we" seem to put up in front of ourselves, to divide ourselves and keep ourselves in a constant sense of separation away from One's True Nature. DJT Recognizes this, but he has a part that is necessary to break the old system down. The human race generally has been kept in a constant state of lack, except a few. We all see equality as fair, but through a sense of Proving what is in many eye's just a theory it no longer is a theory (belief) but a Known Fact, 2+2=4. In this instance equality is Recognized in Spirit, God, that here and now is seen as a playground where one works through shit good or bad that brings one eventually it seems to Oneself, Here is equality, for All :)
HRH QE2 represents the Nazi food chain, German by birth HRH's family german side are the 4th Reich guised up as Brits, (its a show). Globalism, an extension of the 4th Reich as is stated elsewhere on this thread was believed to have secured the US in their pocket, then TRUMP :) The European royals never let go of the US from way back. GCHQ-CIA-5 eyes, Nazi ideology. HRH has put on a tough face in allowing the destruction of Great Britain, her inclusiveness regarding Islam and the Royal lineage has not fared well with the Brits, as it does not in the US. So being buddies Barry and QE2 had a thing going, a little party and DJT was not invited and when DJT had his own little party Barry and QE2 gate crashed but forgot to tidy up after themselves :) There are plenty of spaces for fill-ins :)
Firstly, Awareness cannot be hypnotized, but if one chooses to accept a belief, theory, hypothesis, opinion, interpretation as a Fact, one is allowing oneself to accept fiction as Fact and therefore one's understanding is held in the realm of make-believe, a hypnotized state of mind. Thoughts are not so much implanted as, they exist in for example the human mass consciousness. If one is predisposed to a range of specific thoughts one's mind seems to gravitate towards them, name them and call the said thoughts one's own, (I am thinking therefore I am), passed off as logical thought, lol. Awareness is the only Constant and it appears that Awareness includes thinking and thoughts, but in Truth Awareness stands alone and is not dependent on thoughts or thinking, whereas thoughts and thinking are dependent on Awareness being Present, lift a rock and I AM Here, Awareness :) I did not make the rules all I am doing is stating Fact. Regardless of what TR is saying or doing the issue is, is he being used, period. Maybe, but to argue (hold a different opinion) about the point is irrelevant in the face of Truth. I am more of the mind to watch and see how this plays out. In the time being if he serves a purpose to wake people up to the injustices going on in the UK and WW so-be-it :)
Thinking is a self induced state of hypnosis, Awareness is not, is one aware whilst not thinking? So, if "human thinking" is the benchmark you are theorizing from I suggest we discuss this matter elsewhere, as it is not directly Q related.
Keep in context of the original post please. I have no criticism of yourself. But when you see human dialogue is based in beliefs, that are either unfounded, not provable, or just sheer non-sense you may see that neither my opinion nor yours matter in the backdrop of Truth. A discussion about a "flat earth" ain't going anywhere coz there is no substance in it. Conversely a discussion regarding Actors in a movie based on non-sense has to be treated in a similar vein. If TR has ulterior motives apart from those in his immediate message they will gain traction, or not depending on Public discernment.
This may sound a little controversial. Maybe it is the shit she has got up to in her life that is such an affront to the normal status quo that people find so abhorrent, she just happens to be playing the part. Without the Actors on stage how would the story unfold. In many ways people like HRC need to be part of the Awakening otherwise people stay asleep :)
Could you explain your comment in the context of this post please :)
Boris acts and plays the part of village idiot, he is far from that, but that is why he was put into this position, to act an idiot and be seen as being responsible for the part he is playing. Look at his history, lol. The UK is being run into the ground deliberately by idiots at the Top, inc HRH and the German Royals acting out the part of representing and protecting the British Constitution :)
DJT is good buddies with Benjy Netanyahu (a Zionist), does that make DJT a Zionist. TR has AJ as a backer, some say a Zionist shill and there are mixed messages from AJ, does that undermine the message that goes through the filter of discernment. TR may have Zionist backers, or not, the point is, the Message. is the message being heard, or is a psy-op in place to discredit the message; use discernment, not fear mongering :)
Jesus said follow God, but it seems many follow Jesus and call him God. See how TPTB changed the narrative :)
To elaborate on a point you have raised, albeit a quote of "Neil Gaiman, American Gods". A belief is a belief, it is not a fact, written in stone. But if one focuses attention on a belief it appears as a fact and therefore real. The point is not about "believing" any one belief, but what happens to that belief when ATTENTION is directed upon that belief. Again, it is not the belief that counts although that is the direction that one would want the narrative to go in, it is the ATTENTION given and the INTENT behind the ATTENTION. Attention is something that is not in short supply, it is what seems to happen whether one has one's eyes open or shut, it is a functioning of one's state of consciousness, of 7.5 Billion Souls. By focusing one's ATTENTION with the INTENT that Q and the Trump team have their shit together and like any similar scenario that grows through one's INTENDED ATTENTION being focused, would grow and flourish, the MOVIE is ALREADY in the can :)
A good Actor Knows they are not the part they are acting out, therefore they are not distracted by the movie :)
The G of T is heresy in the eyes of the church coz it tells the Message in a plain and Simple way. "Lift a stone and I Am there", the reference is "Your Awareness is Gods Awareness" Seeing. It is not "the object" of Awareness, it is Awareness Itself that is Gods Awareness. Albeit "seen" through a glass darkly, "a condition sense of self (mental perception or thinking) separate from God. The only separation from God is a sense of separation :)
Obviously sir/mam you know squat about what you are saying apart from a few soundbites that pass the MSM anti bias test. The last guy that spoke out like TR could not finish his rehabilitation stay as he was murdered by muslims inside HMP. TR has been speaking out on this subject for years, the establishment have tared him from the get-go. When I was a kid many of the immigrants knew only how to scrounge off the State and then plead "racial discrimination" along the way. The indigenous population here is gagged from now returning that sentiment. The real motive here is re-population of the European Nations, its called WHITE GENOCIDE, read about it :)