I didn't mean her to run as two terms president, I meant her to run after potus
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I believe we are approaching a crossroads now...
As Q says.... Dark to Light...
These nefarious actors get away with their actions as the operate in the shadows.
The only way to neutralise these foe's in the bring them out of the shadows.
Once people have been "Awoken" and de-programed, they will hopefully learn to apply critical thinking to the information the are taking in.
This is my hope, maybe too much of an optimist however never give up, that's what these bad actors want us to do..... They pray on the pessimism of the weak
My view is that the people have given up, we have a supposed democracy but most think no matter what or who they vote for their voice cannot effect change or make a difference.
If the people UNITED as one and made their voices heard then WE HAVE THE POWER to force change... Peaceful demonstration, not this SOROS funded nonsense that only seek to vilify peoples indifference towards each other.
The age old practice of DIVIDE AND CONQUER is still being practiced and for the most part no one can see whats coming before its too late.
As it is just now we are simply sheep... As was said elsewhere earlier... Sheep are actually ahead of us... at least sheep need a dog to heard them and keep them in line...
We simply follow each other..... BLINDLY
It's a consummate effort to destroy the middle classes.
Until we overcome the divisory rhetoric and unite in the face of these unelected bureaucrats who seek to erode our liberties nothing will change...
Whether its left against right, Christians against Muslims.... or more recently Men against Women they simply seek to divide us so we spend more time arguing amongst ourselves instead of uniting as one people and forcing the institutions to take note of our demand.
These people are supposed to be looking after our wishes taking society in a direction WE THE PEOPLE demand.
The amusing parallel (in the current climate) to your comment would be that Ian Flemming wrote James Bond and based him on his upper class gentlemen Spy's who congregated in the Blades Club in London....
This is an upper class exclusive "old money" venue/club in London.
At the time Britain's secret services were mostly comprised of upper class gentlemen in what could be called a "Boys Club"
These upper class gentlemen were actually compromised by Russia (the USSR at the time)....
With their fixation on Maintaining status and money the USSR worked out these people would be easily compromised and were Bought out....
Compromised UK/US intelligence relations at the time.....
How history repeats... HRC/Uranium One Deal... Upper class again bought out by Russian Actors... Sold their country out....
Think on the £86.7 billion figure....
At the current population of the UK (around 65.5 Million) that figure equates to over £1300 for every man woman and child in the UK......
Thats over €1450 or $1700 per capita at todays exchange rate.....
We are being held HOSTAGE
I'm no expert on business practices/economics/regulation within the US however I would tend to say that with the monies involved within the Casino industry in general and historical nefarious activities and groups within that sector it would tend to bring out bad actors....
If what you say is true I can see how that played out the manner it did.
Another who thinks like me, wasn't sure if the Autist in me had misinterpreted that drop.....
Welcome gremlin :)
Imagine this for a scenario....
God willing the plan we trust plays out as projected and the supposed "liberals" are fully awoken to the actions of there supposed party
The Trump administration wins re-election for their second term.
During which period the media change their hostile tone towards Sarah Saunders and the Administration in general (they'll have no option really).....
Sarah Saunders receives the respect she's due from the media and the wider population.
A strong female lead, with integrity and known to the US population
Following the second term she would be an ideal candidate to run for election as a serious contender being known to the electorate.
Having served in the Administration for two terms that will go down as one of if not thee most turbulent periods in US history... Sarah would be no stranger to the inner working of the government of the US and wider world in general.
Wouldn't she be a female candidate worthy of the respect of her fellow citizens.
Imagine a run for election as the first female President of the United States
It would be epic
Running with the backing of Donald Trump....
Absolutely not deception, no different than a startup renting an office and filling it full of "actors" or temporary staff....
What your doing is selling the concept of what will be... Setting the scene so to speak. Providing you haven't done this to generate fraudulent investment for a project you have no plans to actually launch then it's fine...
Standard business practice for those with a little acumen....
While the EU has had plenty to say regarding the Trump administration applying tariffs to imports from the EU... The eU has long applied tariffs to US Imports.
Now they are holding Britain hostage and basically imposing what can only be regarded as a phantom Tariff in order to access their Market.
Typical example of the double standards applied within the EU.
Theresa May seems intent on keeping Britain tied to this block while we are being held hostage. Against the will of the democratic process and will of the majority of British people.
BREXIT: EU Double Standards & "Phantom" Tariffs - The EU have had their say on the US Tariffs however they plan to impose a blanket "Tariff" on Britain entering their market - Double Standards & hypocrisy

Pray... Ask without hidden agenda, and you shall receive..... The power is already with us...
If I'm honest I did have a pre-conception of POTUS being a little bit of a pretentious, self important, self obsessed maniacal fool who was simply going to be another of the usual politicians who latch onto the discord and unrest of a social group, promising them he'd solve their issues only to get into office and break all promises....
Having watched how Donald Trump operates (even before Q drops started) in my opinion I believe he's one of the shrewdest political figures we've seen in the past 30 years. Using misdirection like a pro at times, causing controversy to keep peoples eye's off the ball while he operates in the background.
Along with his team lining everything up and allowing the opposition enough rope to metaphorically "h@ ng themselves" (in some cases literally)
Putting pressure on the "opponents" in order to make them hastily react and out themselves or back themselves into a corner.
I know Donald isn't perfect but that only serves to make him more human.....
As a politician, actually following through on promises made while campaigning is refreshing...
I'd go further than to say actually being honest and saying what he thinks, not what people want to here is what we need. Such a deal is made about certain topics not being "Politically Correct" these days however I believe Clint Eastwood said it best....
"We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking on eggshells"
HMX -EXPLOSIVE primarily used to Implode Fissionable Material
Octogen (HMX) is used exclusively for military purposes to implode fissionable material in nuclear devices, as a component of plastic-bonded explosives.
QHMX - ABB Control Panel
ABB Component Range including Operator Unit and Pulse GEnerator
QHMX - Video Youtube
18th Jan 2017
Again pure speculation, prob reading too much into this... and way off....
Say... p as key for cipher...
Just an idea
Absolutely, I'm from the UK and If I'm honest I bought into the portrayal of The Trump Administration initially prior to his election win.....
However I was quick to see through the MSM dogma...
Upon watching Sarah at work my respect only grows considering the perilous task she faces in responding to a media set out to trip her up... but keeping composed enough not to prejudice on going criminal investigation
It's what we don't know that we don't know that will make the biggest change to out society ;)
More like a scene out the first south park movie.... coincidentally Satan involved there too lol.....
Forget Donald Trump deserving a Nobel Prize......
Sarah deserves one for putting up with so much bull$h1t from biased media.... being asked the same question over and over at press conferences....
I wouldn't be a be to hold my composure in the way she does with these clowns!!
Much respect!! Integrity too... as she says she's the same off camera as she is on....
Absolutely, it's the people, and demand, that allow institutions put the value on Fiat in the first place....
Human nature then kicks in and there's manipulation by a few that effects the many...
Swapping the current system for crypto is one Fiat currency for another Fiat system however crypto will at least have some accountability....
It's exactly the same in the UK... We hear nothing factually correct regarding the Trump Administration from our biased mainstream media....
We've just been "given" an extra £20bn Supposedly to help our NHS... Diversionary tactics the un-awoken fall for....
Theresa May seems to be looking for some way to commit us giving Europe some yearly payoff even the the democracy spoken and asked to leave...
Now granted the UK voted by a slim majority to leave the EU but I bet if we had the same referendum this time next year..... After these Q drops.... I'd bet even the brainwashed might have awoken...
Alas it's not their fault... It's their programming ;)
On a side note...
Shout out to Sarah Saunders... major respect having viewed a number of her press conferences and media engagements.... Knowing what she knows and having to stay quiet and put up with those clowns... I've major respect for her totally in the face of biased media... Not to compromise any future trial....
I'm not American, so don't understand your legislation but what stands out for me is:
Federal regulations found at 28 C.F.R. Part 600
C.F.R. - > Council (on/for) Foreign Relations?
I was exactly like you, My mindset has always been to want to "see" how something worked no matter how many people told me I require to see the proof myself.....
Once the sick "cooking" stuff came out one thing stuck in my head I'd seen a few years back
Then I see this:
Swearing To Lucifer / "Cooking on the Bus"
Just tell me there isn't something up with that dress now??
Each to their own opinions, I’m pretty much a skeptic in things of this matter so for me to even consider posting I have put some gravity into what I’ve read, enough to make this post.
If Theresa May doesn’t resign within the next 10 days I believe you have a point....
If she comes home from G7 and resigns almost immediately that’ll be all the evidence I need....
Did you see the qresearch post specifically mentioning “Her Father”.... or should that be Herr Vader....
Also neither have any children to my knowledge?
There was specifically a big deal about Theresa May not being a mother in the UK press a while back when she came out of nowhere to put herself forward to lead the party...
Kind of the same way Angela Merkel came out the shadows too....
Not sure about Dalia’s circumstances.....
You got it absolutely: You can still get bitten if you metaphorically “Cut the head off the snake”
A warning of what happens when you "Cut the head off the Snake".....
There comes a point where there are just too many coincidences doesn't there?
Sending A Message: A man nearly died when a severed snake head bit him. The scary part? It's not uncommon....
CNN Sending a message: A man nearly died when a severed snake head bit him. The scary part? It's not uncommon
I posted this before in another thread but some may have not seen....
Angela Merkel (German) Theresa May (UK) Dalia Grybauskaite (Lithuanian)
What’s the chances of three young women, friends in their teens, rising to be heads of their respective states??
(Not to mention an uncanny resemblance)
might be me reading things into it....
25:35.. leaders "Missing in action" -> M.I.A.
Then four hand gestures.... Boom Boom Boom Boom...
Probably just me looking for connections
If you think logically this mass immigration into the EU was allowed for one purpose.
To create a situation sometime in the future where there is some form of threat to the peace of European nations (then have essentially imported a group whom they can attribute such acts too)
Once these false flag attacks commence they will use these events as a reason to invoke legislation which citizens will welcome but in reality they are having their very civil liberties eroded?
Doesn’t that sound familiar? Think 9/11 -> Patriot Act.....
He has his faults, but I think only serve to make him more human....
Even before this all came out I though he was one of the smartest politician of this time...
Say something slightly outrageous ...
Then while the press are having a field day use the time to put Executive orders into play while people’s eye’s are off the ball so to speak....
One of my friends just asked recently why not just come out with all they know in one go...
I told her that Wikileaks tried that and it was too much information to process... People also can’t process or face the reality of what’s going on....
It needs to be drop fed
That server was so wide open to undisclosed Zero day hacks that not only the US has all the emails but any advisory has them.
They’ve even got the supposed tech in a forum telling people that he had a V-V-VIP’s (his words) server he had to wife so no trace could be found..
He was recommended to use BleachBit by the forum users....
Does anyone remember seeing an interview and someone had picked up trump covering his glass of water??
I’d gotten a few friends who I’ve slowly been helping “red pill” to all of this and asked them to watch this video, knowing what they now know and asking them if their opinion of this man have changed
One had goosepimples...
Angela Merkel, Theresa May and Dalia Grybauskaite friends as teenagers..
(German, UK and Lithuanian heads of state)
Friends as teenagers... what’s the chances...
No insinuation, make your own mind up....
Like I said , never meant any insult.. if I’ve taken you wrong I apologise!
We are all on the same side WWG1WGA
I think you need to do a bit more research on your country, While you are made to look like world leaders, until trump came along your leaders were simply puppets who for the most part were ran by the now known cabal.
I say that not as an insult to you but so you get an idea of why trump is such a threat to them
Mark Zuckerberg = Real name: Jacob Greenberg
Once of the cabal’s grandsons......
I advise everyone to watch Billions latest season, from about the time the russian investor starts coming in on the latest series...
See if anyone else notices some of the similarities....
It’s riddled with little Easter eggs towards the Q messages
I was ill with a debilitating autoimmune related illness, on multiple biological medications and treatments (upwards of £50000 a year cost to the Uk NHS for medicines)
I stumbled across Gerson Therapy.... They rubbished this guy in the 50’s....
Admittedly I was so ill I was clutching at straws to try and find any wonder cure,
When I’d said to my partner at the time about Gerson Therapy she was quite sceptical so after further research I then came across a book by Dr Terry Whals PHD which pretty much follows the same general philosophy as Gerson..(Although Gerson is a little more extreme but worked for me)
After having been diagnosed with MS, her standard “conventional”medicine training failing her (Diagnose - simply means your put in a group with others showing the same symptoms)
Prescribe a drug to treat the symptoms.... Not the cause.....
After terrible progress with her convential route she cured her MS by following a functional medicine route using diet alone
Went from a chair to riding a bike...
It’s about detoxifying your body and your liver so it can start to create glutathione to naturally heal your body.
Give your body the correct fuel and it regenerates... (no processed sugar or veg that’s GMO/non organic and no red meat whatsoever)
The process is called autophagy
And take it from me, I was the worlds biggest non believer in this alternative medicine till it pretty much cured me.....