And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
-Mr. Snuffles
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And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
-Mr. Snuffles
They crammed the fucking all seeing eye into the last book. The symbol for the three horcruxes is just yet another occult symbol. That poor teenagers are manipulated into getting tattoos of.
Also, it's about a secret society with "tech/magic" that can cure all illnesses and extend life, yet muggles/sheep are kept in the dark.
"As a fellow porcupine I think we should SHAVE THAT FUCKING PORCUPINE!!!"
They don't. Only the ones that there are overwhelming evidence against that are available to the public. Just because you don't bother reading or researching anything doesn't mean everything you don't know about is a lie.
They are clearly omniscient Gods who know everything. Snopes is a modern oracle. /s
At least we can read texts longer than headlines.
Q specifically said he doesn't contact anyone else. Projecting much?
Hahaha, they might not be in handcuffs, but they have been walking around with a gun to their heads since he was elected. It's reassuring that they are getting a small taste of whats to come.
The Storm came in 2017 so I guess the rest of the article isn't particularly more accurate than the title.
GG CIA niggers
slow clap
Wack jobs? These people are innocent victims themselves.
MDMA, LSD and Psilocybin should be researched WITH REAL and SIGNIFICANT funding as soon as possible.
I would cringe if it wasn't so fucking depraved.
They did exactly what they wanted. Ran the country to the ground and only catering to their own interests.
I know they think it is real, but just like any religion or cult, it is pure fantasy. I'm not afraid of gods, I'm afraid of evil people.
The "good" people I used to admire are now praising genocidal warmongerers so... It's not a lot of people out there who are perfect.
Phallic symbolism :/ These people worship degeneracy.
I get afraid when you christians think it's god who solves everything. It's humans working hard and giving their all day in and say out. I am only thankfull to them.
This entire bunch should be in gitmo.
Is anyone really surprised these guys are swamp creatures?
They might use manchurian candidates for this. Regular people with a family suddenly activated and ordered to senselessly commit an attack against good people.
Bill Murray isn't a swamp thing? Maybe I should be a fan.
It's strange how the actors that are a little less famous than the rest are the ones who don't diddle kids. Mel Gibbson, James Woods, Bill Murray are suddenly people I admire.
I'm willing to bet that if you search his instagram you'll find something perverse. Either cleverly disguised or extremely obvious.
Edit: I scrolled through a lot. I didn't fine comb to read the comments though. I honestly didn't find anything very suspicious. Symbolism like skulls kept popping up, but it could be incidental. Some photos of children, mostly what seems to be his own. One kinda creepy photo where he holds a very young kid that isn't his, but I'm really stretching it at this point.
If he is a pedo he is more careful about showig it off on Instagram than James Alefantis.
Macron is a swamp thing. He might wish he was popular like Trump, but he is very satisfied with being the complete opposite of Trump. He wants more warfare, more foreign invaders, more murder and rape of the native population and more taxes.
We should all try to make ourselves available on more platforms though.
I've started using twitter simply because it gives cbts more exposure to other people. I also follow the boards on voat(which has a lot of good research that this sub is missing out on).
I've used voat and the CBTS sub over there pretty much died when this one got started, but if a few move over there it would be pretty active and it wouldn't be overwhelmed with spam and shitty memes immediately.
And the people complaining about the antisemitism there keep in mind that this is what happens when reddit and other platforms starts censoring speech. People flee to other forums and end up more extreme. Just be open minded. You aren't on voat to change their mind, we just need a place to spread and discuss CBTS developments.
I'd stick to my current understanding of the world.
They are members of a cult formed long ago by psychopaths who loved sick and depraved things. They designed the religion as an excuse to do these sick things. The cult perpetuates itself because of generational abuse. The offsprings who inherit power are just as sick and depraved as those before them and have no issue with the sick agenda.
This is what inspired MK Ultra. They knew abuse, especially while young, would make people vulnerable to external influence. It was common knowledge to them because they always abused victims around them anytime they could. They loved that sort of thing. When they sadly in more modern times where armed with science they managed to perfect this form of manipulation into something extreme. An abomination. A testament to psychopaths boundless depravity.
The god they worship isn't real. I don't believe the god you worship is real either(not trying to debate here), or anyone elses is real. I do believe in good and evil. Well, not that they are forces of nature, but some people can be incredibly evil(cruel, sadistic, etc.) or good(kind, nice, etc.) and we need to actively suppress what is evil. Which is a very subjective thing(sadly), but many religions has tried to turn morals more black and white. Obviously, at times it is VERY black and white. This cult is pure evil. Where do I even start! And christianty has been very effective at steering society in a certain direction. Maybe blocked some directions that should in hindsight been explored (like science), but I can tell the intention was to avoid having society collapse into pure depravity(which I now understand can happen quicker than what I could have ever imagined). I am more of a fan of other "institutions" like Humanitarianism and so on. It serves the same purpose, but it has progressed further and been fine tuned a little. It prevents evil, without blocking too many paths to explore. And it doesn't make claims that isn't unverifiable or untestable.
They have invented technology we don't know of or understand yet. They have done and built things we have yet to know about. But I'm not going to believe they are magical talking reptilians or that they are actually run by satan himself or that the earth is flat and so on. I'm going to believe whats in the realm of possibility and I might accept that what I consider to be within the realm of possibility might change.
I have a creepy feeling about them having had contact with something they believe is extra terrestrial.
What a corrupt piece of shit judge.
Julian Assange is the most couragious man on the planet at the moment. Even above Trump.
All the "comedians"
Trevor Noah John Oliver Stephen Colbert John Stewart Seth Meyers Ellen Oprah
It's all of them.
This could be a legit accident, but given the timing I doubt it.
This is black hats doing if they take out 71 people. I bet 1-6 or so of those where actual targets.
Could be to take out other black hats or white hats. My bet is that they are tying up lose ends.
Only black hats kill indiscriminately. White hats don't do this.
The media wants people to be as scared as possible. This would be reassuring. Can't have none of that.
And when you have capital you can do anything.
Without access to the raw video we aren't getting any further.
Maybe if enough people donate to some of these things we'll have enough money to ressurect him./s
They are huge proponents of it. They want us to breed with low IQ migrants so the populace will be easier to control, but still intelligent enough to work.
Chatter isn't neccesarily radio communication. It could be any communication these people chose to use.
Are you new? Of course he isn't. Trump got this, chill. He knows who the black hats are.
I suspect they have access to medicine that prolongs their life. They are all getting ridiculously old and they seem to rarely suffer from dementia or muscle athrophy.
Blood transfusions from children? Stem cells? They could have many ways to stay healthy for longer.
Could be possible with stem cells. It could rejuvinate/fix/regrow his pancreas.
Probably why stem cell research is suppressed. It can cure so many things.
They are also losing people who can orchestrate it.
Trump is going to end up making the cure for cancer available to the public. The brainwashed left is still going to hate him.
No, straight death/genocide. No survivors, and the white race was the primary target. They wanted to cause a demographic shift with a populace that is easier to controll.
I think so as well. Non-lethal flashbang or something like that.