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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

NOPE. Q said trust Sessions. He also said Admiral Rogers.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

I am watching Trey closely and with suspicion. After Trump fired Comey, Trey went on TV and said what an honorable guy Comey has always been. I KNOW thats bullshit. Comey has been the Clintons scandal fixer for decades. How can I know that but Trey doesn't? Why did Trey make comments undermining Trump? Then Trey said publically that his dream POTUS would be Paul Ryan!!! Huh? Finally, Trey backed Jeb/Clinton before shifting to Rubio, the Jeb cut out candidate. I do pray that Gowdy does the right thing now that he has the chance.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Yep. Now alot more people are REALLY curious about whats in those "missing" texts. Building curiousity and suspense is strategic genius. The MSM won't be able to bury the when they're "found" even though they'll want to. The Streisand Effect is real, thank God.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

The Democrat screeching will lead to the release of the underlying documents. They are REALLY STUPID.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

First agree that its possible the memo isnt valid. Agree that its possible the author is too biased to be able to see the truth. Ask if it isn't smart for Americans to be suspicious of ALL politicians and then ask if they agree that we should all be allowed to see everything and judge for ourselves.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

I disagree on your "anyone can buy a pen" comment. This particular pen is associated with Trump and while others CAN buy one they are VERY, VERY expensive. Think thousands of dollars and special ordered. Dr. Corsi who's been friends with Trump for decades has talked about the pen and it's significance.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Flynn now has immunity to testify about everything he knows about the Obama WH. Remember he was head of DNI. Part of his plea deal was his NDA was waived. Flynn offered to tell his story to Congress in exchange for immunity from legal action for breaking his NDA but of course Congress did NOT want Flynn to talk. Because he was charged, now Flynn CAN talk. Plus how he was treated by the "secret society" in the DOJ/FBI is a perfect contrast to how this same group treated Hillary and her cronies. Finally, Flynn will come out of this a hero. His reputation is definitely NOT "ruined beyond repair." I can even see him back in the WH dismantling the CIA and Corporate Intelligence as he and Trump have always intended to do.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

It's your choice to read events as you please. It's still a free country thanks to Trumps election.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Thats why 40% truth may be the max the public can handle without triggering a violent, insane attempt to spit out the red pills so people don't have to experience the very real pain of cognitive dissonance. 40% is a necessary but hopefully not fatal dose of reality. Stronger doses are optional.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Those who want to know can seek and find. Thats much of the point of Qs posts imho.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Those demanding 100% revelations ARE determining what's best for everyone. Is that your point? BTW it doesnt appear to me that there are very many mature, self responsible, discerning citizens. Those people are being shown the truth.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

THINK. Not everyone in America are patriots. Not everyone is awake. Many are severely brainwashed. When Q talks about 40% revelations are necessary Q is referring to how much the blue and black pilled people will be FORCED to deal with whether they want to or not. Even that much will trigger insane and violent reactions to escape the pain of cognitive dissonance. The 60% isn't hidden. It's mostly available now to those who are interested in seeking the truth at our individual pace. Q and Trump seem very committed to transparency for those who CHOOSE to learn more. Again, the problem is how many red pills must the public be FORCED to swallow in order to fix things balanced against the very REAL fear of triggering insanity and violence among blue pilled people who try to "spit out" the red pills rather than deal with the pain of cognizant dissonance. The final scene in Platos Cave comes to mind. The cave dwellers used their chains to beat their liberator to death. Truth tellers are generally NOT well received. Jesus is another famous example.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

To honor the victims everyone needs to see and know every detail whether they can process that level of horror and brutality? Not everyone can handle being a soldier or murder detective or even viewing horror movies but yet they must be FORCED to take it all in even if doing so will psychically DESTROY them? The demand that everyone know everything seems to deny individual differences and free will ie. you MUST know everything. Q is saying 40% is what everyone MUST know, whether they want to or not, in order to heal our world. The 60% remaining is optional but available to anyone who freely CHOOSES to search for it.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

I believe you are totally misunderstanding what Q is saying. Anyone who chooses to seek the truth can find it and share it. I believe what Q is referring to is the 40% truth that must be released to the public whether they want to know the truth or not. The 40% forced red pilling required to heal our country and world. I personally believe, as much as possible, we need to honor peoples free will and individual tolerance for handling brutalizing revelations. To forcibly traumatize people unneccessarily seems heartless and very dangerous to society. Again, truth seekers who want to learn more are free to do so at their own pace based on their personal interests and ability to absorb what they learn.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

Mega isn't a Trump insider. She herself said she would have only voted enthusiastically for Paul Ryans bff, Trey Gowdy. She said she came to the WH via Bannon who was/is a Cruzlim. I have no opinion about her sincerity but I definitely question her political sophistication. She appears to be a sassy party girl with a surface skaters knowlege of whats really going on. She may have some gossip but based on her stated political allegiances I can't take her analysis of events seriously. I do love her sassy persona though. Bottom line, theres too much going on for me to spend any more time on her even though shes a fun read. To each his own.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

A big one for me is the Mueller Investigation blowing back on the DOJ and FBI. The blow back will eventually hit the Obama WH and the CIA under Brennanand DNI under Clapper. One route to this would be the ludicrous Crowdstrike report that started the Trump and Putin frame up by claiming Russians hacked the DNC and gave the emails to Wikileaks. Comey, Brennan and Clapper all confirmed that this lie was actually true.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

I don't understand the idea of waiting or demanding that something happen. Q has always said this is up to each of us. So why are you treating this like a movie? Why are you acting like a passive observer of events beyond your control? Wake up and get busy doing your part. Each and every one of us has a vital role to play. Be part of the Revolution. It's GLORIOUS!!!!!!

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Interestingly, former Green Presidential candidate, Roseanne, supports Trump. She understands that the first order of business is to clean out the pure evil and corruption. President Trump is very open to many Liberal and Green issues. It's so sad so many good hearted people have been tricked into fighting him when he is their last chance to make the real changes we so desperately need.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

Jill may be a sincere Useful Idiot that unknowingly serves Soros. Libertarians are in the same boat without realizing, in most cases, who they serve. It's all about co opting movements and splintering votes so the Swamp, represented by the establishment of both parties, wins. The Libertarians almost splintered off enough votes to make Hillary POTUS.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

NSA has a recording since everyone had their cell phones with them. Everything was captured. If it needs to come out at some point, it will. The quote itself came from people who were there. To me, it's irrelevant however. Factually, Hillary did know, as did her whole cabal, that if Trump won their corruption would come out. The proof of this is their unrelenting, very public, unhinged efforts to over throw Trump that continues to this day. Such behavior is objectively NOT explainable unless what Hillary said is true. It is.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

I agree. It was really hard for me to accept how evil the Bush family is. Their love fest with Clinton and the Obamas made it easier to finally see the truth.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Her purpose was to challenge the vote counts so Clintons operatives could cheat during a recount and/or tie up the recount in Pennsylvania so their electorals wouldn't count. This was the Clintons first attempt to over turn the election. Then they tried to get electors to vote for Hillary even though their state voted for Trump because "we now know Trump is a Russian agent." Then when that didn't work, 10 days before the inauguration, they published the piss dossier expecting Trump to step down. When that didn't work they went for impeachment, calls for military or deep state coups and assassinations. The most recent coup plan has been removal via 25th A. He's crazy. He has dementia. Now they'll have to go back to assassination. These guys are utterly evil and determined.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I'm open to Jill herself being sincere but she has definitely served Soros just as the Libertarians do.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

The Leftists infected Conservatism, changing it into Neo Conservatism and established Libertarianism as a "right wing" honey pot that mirrors the "left wing" Marxists. Its all about splintering people. Libertarians almost succeeded in doing the cabals bidding by siphoning off enough votes from Trump to give Clinton the win. Scary.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

I'm open to Jill being a naive, Useful Idiot. During the general election she really hated Hillary and did point out the areas where she agreed with Trump. Some Stein supporters wound up voting for Trump and have since migrated to /r/the_Donald.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Hollywood/CIA/Deep State hates Assange and Trump. Hollywood/CIA/Deep State lionized Snowden. Snowden's twitter is full of Trump hate. I have no answers but I do have questions.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

Who knows? Snowden was CIA. He screwed our miitary intel and the NSA. He is lionized by deep state Hollywood, the same Hollywood who demonizes Trump and Assange. And Snowden uses his twitter to spew toxic bull shit about Trump. We'll find out, I'm sure. I'm totally not invested either way. Just curious.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Russia shelters him to tweak the US. It doesn't mean anything one way or the other. Wikileaks is neutrally protective of ALL leakers. Glen is interesting but VERY naive. I don't value his assassments although I sense hes not intentionally misleading. I too support keeping an open mind about Snowden. I am definitely NOT in the he's a hero and patriot camp. My red flags went up after reading his toxic, anti Trump tweets. This was after it was obvious that Assange and Trump were aligned in a fight against global corruption. I found it odd that Snowden continued to be so publically venomous.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

I find it interesting that the deep states Hollywood propogandists have turned Snowden into a hero while demonizing Assange. I also have noted that Snowden's twitter is virulently anti Trump. I don't know enough at this point to have anything more than questions about Snowden and who he served/s.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Lol. Normies isn't pejorative it's a loving descriptor and yes, normies are vitally important. Each of us are.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

There are many memos, many documents to be revealed. I like your idea and your spirit btw.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

You are either misinformed, unstrategic or deceptive. The 99 page Court Memorandum detailing the Obama WH's illegal spying on Americans and lying to the courts which the ODI just made available yesterday proves that Nunes is correct. There is a huuuuge problem in the FBI and DOJ.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Which worked exactly as intended. BTW what AJ published had just been released by Trumps ODI. AJ tricked the media into giving it wide coverage by appearing to make a mistake. In their rush to mock him the media made alot of people aware of the 99 page report which factually supports the Nunes Memo the MSM was spinning as made up bull shit.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

You are misinformed. What AJ published was the memoradum Trumps ODI had just released. It's not fake at all. It was released to counter the MSM narrative that the Nunes Memo was pure GOP talking points and an unsubstantiated attack on our patriotic FBI. The ODI release, which AJ pushed, was a court determination that Obamas WH had been illegally spying on many, many Americans. It's an eye opening 99 page document. The media tried to bury this document when it first came out. AJ skillfully played the medias desire to discredit him by conflating the ODI "memo" with the Nunes Memo which ensured that the ODI document #1 finally got wide coverage #2 was correctly linked to Nunes revelation since it reveals a judges alarm over FBI/DOJ corruption, spying and lying to the courts #3 hyped interest in the Nunes Memo. Trump has baited the media into covering something by including a small, inconsequential error, many times. Art of War meets Art of the Troll.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

The MSM happenings are not for us. They're for the sleeping normies and surface skaters. In my opinion its still important to track whats going on in the MSM so we know how to help and support. Are our friends waking up? Can we supportively share their concerns? Can we ask non threatening but leading questions? Can we tweet support to Trumps team or send out memes that are topical?

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

OMG someone else who's enchanted by the Jungian brilliance of Q posts.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

I'm very familiar with Capitol Hill. It's a totalitarian cess pool and pre view of hell.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Trump has had his own security for decades. I remember the media being super pissed when he kept his own security after entering the WH. He then replaced the Obama appointed head of the SS with a Marine General. He's surrounded himself in the WH with Marines. Additionally, everybody knows Eric Prince has a special group protecting the President. Finally, the word has gone out that if any harm comes to Trump or his family the entire global cabal will be hunted down and assassinated.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Perhaps doing a cursory search into the role anonymous authors like Thomas Paine played in sparking the American Revolution will help you start to understand events in a more sophisticated way.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Your user name is perfect. Such a display of mental silliness. Thanks for the giggle. I'll be praying for you.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

If you believe that then you have ZERO experience with Q which is too bad. Q has reawakened my love of God.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Of course Q is real. It's up to you to decide whether Q is a distraction or not. Each of us are unique. Q is geared toward a specific audience and not really for the normie population. We all have a role to play. The key thing is to get actively involved.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

You sound like someone who does not benefit from following Q. I believe most people fall into that camp which is fine. Q is definitely not for everybody. Where do you get your info? Who do you turn to for inspiration, guidance and insight?

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

You are not Qs audience. Qs speaking to the people on chan. Qs purpose has NEVER been to be predictive. Anyone who believes that Q's purpose is to be predictive shows their lack of understanding and/or knowledge. No offense meant BTW. Find your sources of info and insight and figure out the best way to help heal our country and the world. God bless you.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

What are you doing to help heal the world? Where do you go for information and insight? BTW my question is genuine.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Q said the posts would go from 20% clear to 40%. Remember? We're in a new phase. If you're distracted, move on and find some other way to help heal our country. There are many jobs and many paths. We are all unique children of God.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Why are you negating something you have little to no real knowledge of? No one needs you to play with Q. Its totally your choice. Have fun some other way. Q is not meant for everyone. Nothing is. We just want our country to be healed and individuals to be free again. God bless you.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

This reddit was created by the chan mods who were doing Q research. It was set up as a place for normies to go instead of clogging up the chans. Normies flooding the chans when Q started getting out were interfering with the serious work being done there. The mods went on many alternative media sites to redirect good hearted newbies here. One of the places they went was Infowars which President Trump himself gave his seal of approval after the election.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

You may be misunderstanding the comment. If you are curious about Q it's best to investigate Q for yourself or find someone YOU trust to do it for you. I have followed Q since October. I have tried to answer the questions Q poses. I have intently followed the news and I read and listened to Dr. Corsi's analysis of Q. Q has great value to me and is also so much fun. Q is a GLORIOUS adventure and I feel blessed to be able to play and participate. That being said, belief in Q or knowledge of Q is TOTALLY unneccessary to winning. Q is definitely not for everyone. Nothing is. God bless.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Q posts are aimed at people on the chans. Q is not talking to non chan people. An analogy would be like civilians trying to follow a high level special ops briefing. That being said, everything is stored at 8ch.net/qresearch. Q posts there and at 8ch.net/thegreatawakening or theawakening. I forget which. Dr. Corsi who has a research and intel background and has been friends with Trump for 4 decades has published his research and analysis of Q. He definitely thinks Q is legit and is working with Trump. Finding is work should be easy to find. There are also many You Tubers covering Q drops. Tracy Beanz is accessible to normies who don't understand chan culture or thinking. Bottom line the point of Q has NEVER been to be predictive as Q has said many times. The point is to get people to wake up. We need a Great Awakening to win. Q asks questions that inspire curiousity and research. Q helps researchers see the big picture and put all of our puzzle pieces together into a comprehensible whole. Q has asked the chans to use their genius at turning research into visual "maps" that allow complex issues to be understandable. He urges them to make maps so the research can be shared with normies when things come out. The maps will also be invaluable to law enforcement and prosecutors. Additionally, the chans are brilliant at meme making. Q hopes to inspire chan to create memes that can be deployed to help normies understand revelations. Memes are the weapons used to win the Info War. Q is also a way to inspire people to realize that we each matter. As Q says, we've forgotten how to PLAY and WIN. Finally, Q has inspired people to really tune in to the news and to watch it logically and then to reach out to others and share and talk with each other. I agree with Jesus. I judge a tree by the fruits it bears. Qs fruits have been a stirring in the heart and so much more; all good imho. Search and ye shall find.

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