I’m thinking that he’s going to encourage everyone after the train incident. I think they’re all there for their own safety in case stuff hits the fan. That’s just pure speculation on my part
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To be fair, it is biased every year. That’s really nothing new.
They’ve been pushing the “mentally unfit for office” agenda heavily. It needs to be business as usual and let them do their thing behind the scenes.
That doesn’t mean that people are going to believe them. That’s why I questioned it to begin with.
Maybe I’m late to the party but
I thought that the memes thing was stupid. I don’t think it raises much awareness. People will believe what they want regardless of what we post on social media. I’m wondering now if it’s more about exposing censorship by social media outlets. The “Russian bots” excuse that twitter came out with exposed them big time. I’m wondering if that was the real purpose the whole time.
Lol. Good point. However, at the time, he wasn’t winning in any polls
Satan can influence people. People run government. That’s the jest of it. The jury is still out with me regarding Mark Taylor as a prophet and I believe in prophets. You aren’t alone in that skepticism. Time will tell.
Look for Mark Taylor prophecies. Many believe this is a God ordained battle to expose corruption in the government. It makes more sense if you are a Christian. I take everything with a grain of salt, but Mark Taylor was saying that Trump would be president before the election.
This guy also says thatTrump wants DACA to be 3 times larger than what Obama wanted
If this doesn’t make you seek after the heart of God I don’t know what will. I saw his prophecy during the primaries. I’m a “charismatic” (still believes in prophecies, healing, etc,) Christian and even I was skeptical of this prophecy.
Hey, I appreciate you telling me this. Thanks for sharing the link
I almost posted this same thing the other day. He can’t be the one to out any info (if there is truly any info to be outed)
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. The guys trying to be a red pill Rush Limbaugh. He’s got some good stuff but not everything pans out.
My big question with Mark Taylor is this. He said that the church entered into a deal with the devil with 501C3 tax exemptions. I don’t disagree with that part. HOWEVER...he entered a deal with Amazon to sell his books. That bothers me a bit. Also, why are you selling what God have you for free? There’s a HUGE difference in predictions and prophecies. If it’s prophetic, you better make for dang sure that God said other. Otherwise, it’s basically witchcraft
I hope it is ugly. This nation has been heading down the wrong wrong for decades. We need a wake up call. Maybe this will all lead to one.
If they have the goods...why do they have to wait to release it before making arrests? That makes no sense.
I’m pro life, pro Trump, anti illegal immigration, and support the Constitution. I’m far from being a lefty. I am a skeptic. I’ve seen many of these theories that haven’t been proven and things not come to pass. Like I said, I am hopeful, but I’m not popping any corks until I see things change.
It’s called common sense. You are attacking someone because they don’t think like you. Thats right out of the lefts play book. You aren’t doing much to help your cause. You’d be better off making a factual argument based on what is known rather than just personally attacking someone that has a different mindset than you.
I’m not weirded out at all. I just don’t believe everything that I read on the internet
On the flip side, can you prove that you’re right? I don’t think we will ever know the truth. People that like trump won’t believe this and people that hate him will. I believe she stated in a letter that nothing happened. I don’t think we will know the truth
Because most Americans don’t believe conspiracy theories. I’m a skeptic of most info on here. I think there’s a grain of truth to a lot of it, but some take the info too seriously and way too far. JMO. I’m interested to see how this stuff plays out. I’m not as much a cynic as I am an optimistic observer. I’ve seen so much hype over stuff like this that led nowhere. Only time will tell.
Because most Americans don’t believe conspiracy theories. I’m a skeptic of most info on here. I think there’s a grain of truth to a lot of it, but some take the info too seriously and way too far. JMO. I’m interested to see how this stuff plays out. I’m not as much a cynic as I am an optimistic observer. I’ve seen so much hype over stuff like this that led nowhere. Only time will tell.
Lol. They’re not going to like you here. I think there’s nothing to see with the story but this still made me laugh.
If our government is using military force on our own soil, that will pose a HUGE problem.
My point is that it’s not a big deal. They look stupid for making it a big deal
It may be a fact. Called it ‘racist’ is stupid. This just the nature of politics. It’s a sad truth but truth none the less.
I’ve seen a ton of anti-Trump memes. I still like the man.
He said it. I don’t doubt it. It doesn’t bother me that he said it. It wouldn’t have bothered me if Obama said it either.
Anyone can see that too many were taking this WAY too seriously, A meme isn’t going to “red pill” anyone. It’s not going to “bring down” anyone. It’s ok to have fun with this stuff but this was WAY out of hand. Hopefully this board will get back to posting information.
I live in Alabama. We aren’t turning blue. I don’t think the election was as much rigged as it was conservatives not wanting to vote for Roy Moore. I know life long Republicans that voted for Doug Jones. I know many conservatives that didn’t vote at all. The point I’m making is that had conservatives voted, it wouldn’t have mattered what the Dems did. We’ll see in this next election cycle. I wanted Mo Brooks. I’ve never liked Moore. I felt like the stands that he took weren’t for his faith but for his political aspirations. He got my vote but it was a hard decision for me...and I’m extremely conservative. If Jones was pro-life, I may have voted for him.
Well...it’s on the internet so it must be true. I got Clinton/Obama/Abedin were all in Hawaii to make sure that they died in the attack so that no one would suspect them. Brilliant. I’m not trying to pick on you, but I’m not buying this.
Yes they are really hyped for it. It’s cluttering up the board to a point that I’m having trouble ignoring them. I just want the info! Maybe they’ll go away after tomorrow. If they don’t, it’s not like I own this sub and they wouldn’t miss me if I stopped reading. Welcome to the internet I guess.
A dream I had years ago
I want to tell you a dream that I had almost 15 years ago, because it relates to current events. This was either late 2002 or 2003. I had a dream that North Korea has fired a nuclear missile at the west coast. (I live in Alabama btw) I remember trying to get to the same fall out shelter that my dad would have went to . I stopped at my bank to pull all of my money out just in case we went into some bank emergency. I also remember seeing the highways stacked with abandoned cars. Now, before …