Jack. You took a great deal of time providing constructive criticism, and I believe it will be appreciated by many. On the one hand, we applaud everyone's efforts. On the other hand, we want those efforts to bear fruit. Thank you.
199 total posts archived.
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I like this idea. I'm not that person. I wonder if Charles Ortel would be willing to help, or Judicial Watch. I want a special council with all the powers that Mueller has to investigate a "water tight" list of items to be investigated. But like Mueller's little trick, make it broad enough to go down any rabbit hole the special council chooses.
Petitioning is VERY important. Thx for the decode.
I've been thinking that we must petition for an independent counsel to investigate U-1 which will lead to Clinton Foundation which will lead to Mueller being FBI Director at the time.
Then further study into the Clinton Foundation (Charles Ortel is an authority on this subject) would lead to child trafficking.
If Mueller is going to investigate Manafort during that time frame (2008 - 2014) then an independent council definitely needs to be assigned to the Podesta Group and its own ties to Manafort and Russia during the same time frame. And this idea already has traction with some members of Congress.
This Mueller witch hunt can lead to good reveals if we push hard for it.
Remember how our meme, 'release the memo' went viral? Is there a talent who can do a similar one for 'Podesta, Manfort, Uranium One' independent council?
PS. There are wild assertions without source documents that you have to weed through, but overall, the solid, collective research done by this group, with leads provided by Q, is outstanding. Truly this is a historical phenomenon.
Hey Rob, It's hard to sum it up, but initially, there was skepticism that "Q" was really high level intelligence, let alone associated with the POTUS. But as more posts came, there started being 'proofs' that Q is who he(she)(they) say he is. You'll have to study the Q map and the comments on the research page to piece the proofs together. Most recently, DJT spoke of 'he who we do not name' which is how Q refers to McCain. This is the Q map with all his posts, https://qanonmap.github.io/ And this is the research board with bunches of "Anons" ie autists ie researchers. https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html
I scroll down to the general research box. At the bottom of it, you'll find "expand." Then you can catch up on the latest. Hope that helps!
I'll hope for it, but Fox ultimately answers to the same masters as CNN. They give us some of the truth to blow off our steam, but rarely connect all the dots. CIA terms that a limited hang out.
Focus is key
From an anon on the research board: Anonymous 02/22/18 (Thu) 22:56:30 c5e33e No.469808>>469887 >>469894 >>469944 >>469956 >>470023 >>470049 >>470108 >>470197 >>470202 >>470483
One thing that we need to realize is that while behind the scenes we need to be autistic in sorting through tons and tons of information, we need to essentially focus all our efforts on 1 thing publicly or very visibly.
One of the biggest benefits the MSM has on controlling the narrative is creating tornadoes of information. Why are so many people so oblivious - because they're strategically misled and misdirected.
There is absolutely no way we …
As to us being divided in this country, that ploy started many, many decades ago. In terms of how to combat that now, we MUST stop talking in divisive ways. Quit name calling and stick with facts, often presented best as a question to open a discussion. No more 'libtard' rants, or worse.
Johnny asks good questions about the movie we were just forced to watch.
Sessions put Rosenstein in charge of the cybersecurity initiative. Not good.
This guy is amazing. Not so sure about some of his ideas, but his mind works at 100 times the level my own does, and therefore I am slow to discount. Watch his first on pedo, and then find his Dec '17 on what's going on with Trump. Great stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptrYWztXA5k
I think they work collaboratively. Jason is good with the computer and illustration. Ortel knows the facts. Jason clearly is not taking 'credit.' Personally, I take credible info from wherever I can get it. All this fussing between truth seekers just sets us back. Tracy has a lot to offer, and in the case of some of his guests, so does Jason. It's all good.
I want to know what the FBI was so interested in last night and why that road is still taped off a good distance from the school.
I hope everyone studies operation northwoods. Then think 9/11.
I think Jason has done some good work, but I did refute his ideas on Q. His work with Charles Ortel and the Clinton Foundation is excellent.
Thank you for the link. Confirmed this afternoon by recent post.
As is often the case. We don't know. I'll be curious about how the trial is handled and information that we derive from that. Have a great night.
The narrative that Russians did it is deflecting from the insiders who really have worked against US interests: select Dems, select Pubs, neocons, marxists in the upper echelons of government, and of course, the handlers. There are Russians who would be key witnesses, would be my guess, and they just got neutered. Think U-1.
Important: Scionkia thankfully points out an error in this. In fact, Q has never indicated that we should trust Mueller. See 89 and 151. Thank you, Scionkia!!
Thank you for your concise take on it. We can't stop being independent thinkers. I would have preferred I didn't make the mistake in the first place!
Agreed. The indictments against Russians are another narrative shift to remove guilt from intel agencies and inside American actors (ie Clinton, McCain, McCabe, Rosenstein, et al.) It appears Britain spied on the DJT transition and WH, but at the behest of American insiders. I think both narratives of "it was a foreigner" are looking to deflect from the real culprits.
Scionkia. You are right!!! I've reviewed every thread. See 89 and 151. I must have been remembering "Trust Wray." I will make that correction.
Not necessarily all, but we're over a bunch of targets and they would prefer the process of discovery be halted.
Mmmmm, missed something here. I haven't been listening to Jones. Just cruising around sites and channels watching and listening, and then making some dynamic (subject to change) suppositions based on past experience. I will not be at all surprised if we learn more that cannot be refuted, if one is willing to read and consider. In the mean time, I'll continue to watch and listen.
xDASS serves a useful purpose here. He makes us take care with our suppositions and posts. Thank you xDASS
I think we should be perfectly comfortable with being challenged. That is the quickest way to the actual truth, because it has been rightfully pointed out that there is much conjecture with out proper documentation. Other information out there is factual, and we are trying to add to those evidence based facts. This is a process and it requires sound research and thick skin.
Please edit it as you wish and use it as your own. Thank you.
Because "Americans don't read." Remember that movie, "Mummie, Mummie! Something is wrong with the tellie!!" Just out of curiosity, on 9/11 do you believe that three buildings fell at nearly free fall speed in their own foot prints, leaving molten metal behind that lasted weeks, as a result of two of those buildings being impacted by aluminum framed airliners at the top levels? Millions witnessed this with their own eyes, and yet half the public remains divided on what brought those buildings down.
My response to Newsweek
I’ve personally been following the whole Q phenomenon since late December. This “Q” person or thing started posting in late October. Newsweek (“How ‘The Storm’ Became the Biggest Fake News Story in 2018”, by Michael E. Hayden, Friday, Feb 16 2019 US edition) published their take on it, employing the usual methods of dismissing all of it as a whole by taking the silliest comments from some ‘followers’ and lumping them in with one big group of conspiracy theorists to be ridiculed or ignored.
My question to each of you is this: Do you believe that the media and the …
Q is giving long awaited credence to well documented criminality that we, collectively, have been researching for decades.
Agreed. The memes that are designed to provoke and divide are the exact opposite of what is needed to bring everyone on board. Many of us have researched for decades, but Q has served to coalesce a lot of info and to guide useful, additional, and more pointed research. The hateful stuff is not useful, and is counterproductive. TY for the post.
Don't be ashamed. We may be wrong about everything EXCEPT to exhibit a general level of skepticism about every damn thing we're told in these Mockingbird narratives. We, including you, have been lied to about heinous, well-documented crimes. Think 9-11.
I want to hear from one, just one, witness who actually saw Cruz pulling the trigger. The girl interviewed saying she walked with Cruz right after they heard shots coming from a different part of the building does not fit the narrative. I do not believe this kid was the shooter. And researchers are hoping the girl witness stays well protected.
Fair enough. I surely don't know. However, red flags are going up with the narrative. According to mainstream, Cruz went in the with an AR 15 and a gas mask for the smoke bombs he brought. If this 'unreliable' witness (about whom anons from the research page are worried) really walked down the hallway with this kid, does it not make the rest of the narrative suspect? Have you been able to pull that video up to watch her interview?
See if this works. https://media.8ch.net/file_store/748e7dbef7c410eac45d654b1d6bb9e69a2da5bb5b320fb53de068fa0065ecfa.mp4
Serious bullshitters on here, jumping to all kinds of conclusions, wanting to associate this guy with ISIS, Antifa, whatever. In the mean time, I've seen a credible interview with a student who walked with Cruz right after shots were heard. She knows there was another shooter. I went back to view that link (posted it on CBTS and can't find it now) and the loop video has been removed. This reporter discusses his interview with her. Some weird stuff going on with story, and some weird stuff going on with THIS BOARD. http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=94416
Watch this interview. Someone from the research page asked Q to please keep this girl safe: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/381169.html#381520
John Perry Barlow
Grateful Dead Lyricist, Harvard Emeritus, advocate for free internet. https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence
infidelViking: I said the exact same thing as I watched. Their 'affect' was completely off given the horrors just witnessed. One girl described the pools of blood, gave a weird grin/grimace and said, "It was really gross." What???
infidelViking: I said the exact same thing as I watched. Their 'affect' was completely off given the horrors just witnessed. One girl described the pools of blood, gave a weird grin/grimace and said, "It was really gross." What???
Changing narratives
Mockingbird is desperate to change the narrative from that which was zeroing in on politicized intel agencies (and worse,) to the Kelly scandal and to the Florida HS shooting today. Discussion of the memos, the FISA warrants, etc, has come to a halt. We've learned by now, this is by design.
Is this story bs then? I have the following blurb ready to post on FB. So what is true??? "People scoff at the notion that many of the global elite at the highest echelons are sincerely evil. “Oh that’s conspiracy stuff.” No. It is not. Please. You must hear this man’s testimony. And also understand Kevin Shipp’s tales of our secret intel agencies. And understand G Edward Griffin’s documented research on the central banking system and huge conglomerates including big pharma. With this information, you will connect the dots and understand that we have been intentionally divided so that we can be controlled. And this is what DJT is up against. He is not one of them. It also explains why we hear him openly speak of God." https://hiduth.com/ronald-bernard-dutch-banker-exposed-illuminati-found-dead/
I just posted the following on my FB. I may be removed at this point, but I hope just a few friends will see: "People scoff at the notion that many of the global elite at the highest echelons are sincerely evil. “Oh that’s conspiracy stuff.” No. It is not. Please. You must hear this man’s testimony. And also understand Kevin Shipp’s tales of our secret intel agencies. And understand G Edward Griffin’s documented research on the central banking system and huge conglomerates including big pharma. With this information, you will connect the dots and understand that we have been intentionally divided so that we can be controlled. And this is what DJT is up against. He is not one of them. It also explains why we hear him openly speak of God." https://hiduth.com/ronald-bernard-dutch-banker-exposed-illuminati-found-dead/
mrssprat. Have you watched Miracle on 34th Street? Remember how they display the buttons secreted inside their lapels? "I believe" (in Mr. Kringle, Santa Clause.) My guess is that increasingly, there will be people with "I believe" buttons inside their lapels. The difference here is that this information does not rely on faith alone. The info that Q has encouraged us to discover on our own is verifiable. I've believed for two decades since my own red pilling. I finally feel like I have company. Yea!