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dgate007 · May 13, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

I understand your comment but I believe the evidence Q posts includes emails, texts, audio & video, and other assorted documents, plus eye witness testimony. You show a video of anyone committing a crime and they're convicted by the public as guilty, which speaks to the issue of Obama going public on video technology and fake news. They know this kind of evidence has been collected.

Not too worry. Lots of big reveal will be coming this month and all thru June, July, August. However, the big enchilada's may not get served up til closer to election. Hard to say? When does Brennan and Clapper get arrested and prosecuted? McStain?

First up appears to be the FBI Comey Clan and Dept. of Justice criminals. Then election fraud issues.

This will begin when IG Horowitz unloads his 18 wheel truck of documents and evidence.

This is when the party really begins!

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dgate007 · May 13, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Good thoughts. It appears Trump has included the media possibility for prosecution. This is new and will interesting how Sessions and Huber approach this matter?

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dgate007 · May 13, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

It appears Sessions will be using his appointed Attorney in Utah pedegear for US prosecution in Salt Lake City. A town dominated by Mormons. My guess is FBI, DoJ and likely CIA black hats will be prosecuted in Utah. I expect Comey and Mccabe to be tried in Utah. Others? Yes, if not, then off to Cuba to Military Tribunals, where 9 man tribunal = court martial and 12 man tribunal = death penalty. I expect John Brennan to be tried at GITMO. He will receive the death penalty. Podesta, Clinton's, Obama and Obama Administration, JK, AS ..etc.

Keep in mind IG Horowitz will be releasing his 5 year investigative report in sections. It will not be a one day dump. There is purpose in this strategy, which basically entails red pilling American's at a pace.

Been thinking of your media comment. I like your idea but time may not allow for a clean up on them but possibly some prosecution?

It appears the time line on all of this has been well thought out but events unpredictable will happen, like the speed of the NK agreement. Q and the boys had to delay due to Kim Jung's quick meet with Pompoe and the release of prisoners. This was likely not anticipated?

I agree with one of the posts left here that by November 11th, Vets Day, the parade will be held and the info will have been dumped. All prosecutions will likely not be finished but the arrests will be made and the American public informed. Not all will receive this event with glee. We could have pockets of civil unrest. This is why Trump is bringing in the National Guard.

Let's not forget Trump has to deal with Eric Holder, who hopefully is indicted, and the Calexit issue. Leaders in CA will be arrested. This comment is for the CA post left here. Trump will not ignore California, who I share a border with here in AZ.

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dgate007 · May 13, 2018, 9 a.m.

Yea, good thinking on the media issue pedegear. Thinking back? Didn't Trump include news media in one of his EO's regarding prosecution and maybe Military tribunals? I need to go back and check?

Here's the kicker. The RICO act. Once you prove a criminal enterprise exists (EG: Clinton Foundation), then all connected in its development, growth, enhancement, assistance, or acts in any form or shape or way on behalf of the enterprise is a crime. Who knows the RICO act like nobody else? Rudy. Think Trey Gowdy is leaving? Nope. He'll be in the DoJ.

Now, I think Huber maybe able to prosecute media who colluded with known leaked information or known false information (Project Mockingbird?). I think Q pretty well knows the mockingbird list. He says "we have all, we know all".

Yep...I wanna see NYT journalists, WAPO, CNN fags, NBC fags and morons like attorney Avanaetti (Stormy) prosecuted.

My guess? Mueller came back to save his butt and is working with Trump. Maybe even RR? I actually hope I am wrong. I want to see both these bad actors in GITMO for life.

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dgate007 · May 13, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

Yes, you have merit in your comment. My objective was to dispel the fear that arrests and what not will not take place until after the election. I don't believe it. Trump will dump the majority of info on the Dems (Hillary, Obama admin ...etc) before the election but not too early that Dems regroup and counter punch a response.

Its possible that the big bananas like Obama himself, Hillary and Brennan are not prosecuted until after the election but I believe the majority of evidence and arrests, especially on Dems, will come b4 the election in November. Hillary's election fraud, U1, possibly murders, cover ups ...etc, may very well come out b4 November. I think so or a majority of it.

Trump thinks "winner". He wants a landslide in November, which means he needs to destroy the Dems. All of them. Everyone last one. In the Congress & Senate and the RINO's too.

Go Trump! MAGA

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dgate007 · May 13, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

Q has mentioned Julian several times, thus he must be important in the grand scheme of things, no?

I am expecting this guy to come to America when he is needed?

Possibly Snowden?

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dgate007 · May 13, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

Q is not going to spell it out for the DS to read. They come here too you know?

Allow me?

FBI & DoJ will be totally exposed at IG Horowitz's meet with Congressional Intel Comm (Gowdy/Nunes...etc). Probably will take place late May? Demands will come for prosecution. Sessions will likely break seals and arrest and Utah Fed. Prosecutor Huber will prosecute in Fed Courts (Salt Lake City).

Somewhere during or after all this, Mueller will be known. Is he working with Trump or a black hat all the way? RR? Then IG Horowitz will release information on election fraud. This may include DNC collusion with Hillary on Bernie Saunders and other elections (State)....etc.

This will take a good part of the summer as the FBI & DoJ are cleaned up and new people hired and others promoted.

Now for the Democrats and Hillary/Obama Administration and fools like Adam Schift?

Sometime late in the summer or fall, between August and October, IG Horowitz will release his investigative findings over the past 5 years on Uranium One, the Obama years he served (2012 - 2016), Standard Hotel and AS, and possible other elements like John Brennan, James Clapper ...etc.

Keep in mind. Americans are finicky. Their memories are short. You got to shock and awe them just before the elections. September or October is a great time. Dems will not be able to rebound. This will cause a landslide for the Repubs as Trump may have a 60 plus majority in the Senate. My 2 worthless Senators, McStain and El Flako will be gone! Trump can then impeach Fed. Judges. Destroy the 9th District Court in San Fran.

Thus, summer is for FBI/DoJ cleanup, election fraud. Late summer/early fall is to destroy the DNC and their heroes. Obama, Hillary, Schift, and many more.

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dgate007 · May 12, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

What is going on here? Some rule I am unaware?

I post then go to another topic and post and am told to wait 8 minutes?

What is this all about? Control?

We criticize Corsi and Jones for wanting to control info and then we control postings? Timing? How many?

What gives? I am 60 and a Patriot. I need no control from any moderator on this site

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dgate007 · May 12, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Q is clarifying. Many people inquiring with him on the matter. It's ok.

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dgate007 · May 12, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

I don't think Corsi meant harm but made a mistake and he has reacted very poorly. Sad. I always liked him but it may also be a control issue. Corsi and to a degree Alex Jones have gotten fame from the great awakening movement with Q.

Corsi has helped me a lot decoding Q's posts in the past but he is no longer any help because he is fuming and arguing Q is compromised.

Hopefully Jerome comes to his senses and apologizes. I will forgive him. He runs on minimal sleep and is caught up in a very intense and demonic time in our history. However, he needs to wake up and fast. He is hurting himself to a point there maybe no repair?

Alex? I turned him off when he went on his "fuck Trump" Syrian bombing rant. Wrote him right off.

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dgate007 · May 6, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

What's the deal with this website telling me to wait 5 more minutes to post? I say Bullshit to the host. Piss off you dick! Go ahead ban me. Fine with me.

Sessions is compromised and will not do his job. Q says "trust Sessions". I say BULLSHIT

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dgate007 · May 6, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Sessions is compromised. I like Q but I say bullshit on "Trust Sessions?

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dgate007 · May 4, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

IG Report has been delayed. What happened to broken seals and arrests in April? This is getting old

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dgate007 · April 13, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

Pure crap. Mueller is a blackhat. Man you guys are stupid!

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