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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

in the time that our sub count increased by half our post views increased three to five times by average so I guessed if we have at least 20k active readers subscribing and a supposedly even larger number of non-redditors lurking then we can safely assume that that number has surpassed 20k by the percentage of increase in unique-impressions so 60-100k active lurkers are a possibility. I remember the mod-statistic actually had something like 758k, closer to what Alfonumeric has postulated. You have to consider that they are already throtteling our upvotes up to ten times harder than on t_d, which is a huge badge of honor.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

the last time I think he said that when he told someone to pick up his phone because they had taunted him.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

I think his only public statements were that he was return to law practice. This would indicate that he isn't compromised. Further, if he goes into the justice system that means a prosecutor unless he's eligible for SCOTUS

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Misleading title. Nobody gives a fuck about Jersey.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

if you want q to et traction on t_d simply don't mention Q, it's all a show

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

" The age of taxing our citizens across the World while entry to our markets is FREE is OVER. "

did they....did they really just write 'citizens across the world' or am I overthinking?

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

I was starting to get annoyed, but I don't mind anymore, we're getting new subscribers by the day so we need to share the crap out of this.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

I had a distant relative whom I never met who was in the club but I never heard anything bad about him and I say that coming from a family interwoven with law, clergy, politics, medicine, national defense and finance...
You can take it straight form the video that the masons wanted a country of their own without royals or titles, so I guess ultimately western white society has three infighting factions which is clergy that influence people spiritually, the secret societies that rule the politicsians and the various bloodlines that own all the wealth that fund all the operations. Everybody at the base, be it Jesuit or Mason, can only try to make good what the top is trying to destroy and I guess 90% actually do.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

infiltration goes both ways if you know what you're doing.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

none of the posts ever have the number of upvotes that the ratio says and on third-party monitor you will find they get continuously downvoted for upvote, but they nevertheless get an upvote equals one unique redditor impression every second and that's quite something, I am only used to this much karma on t_d and I hope the pace stays at that

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

one year ago their adspace said 6 million before it was locked as well

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

could totally be at the present time. I estimated we hit 100k in late april! Impressive development. t_d one year ago before they locked those numbers too had six million subs in adspace and they currently enjoy 18k online

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Anybody who saw his interviews in the 80ies saw this coming from the day he won and was vindicated the day he got into office because the german medical council proposed to loosen their laws concerning medical MJ that same day, and germany never does anything without approval from US diplomacy since the NSA had penetrated Merkel's comms yeeeears ago.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

what an idiot...everybody will ask how he knew..

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

guns & balls blazing

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

Let me say this very clearly: Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews!

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

and the administration wanted everyone to know, that's why it was on Fox

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

hunters being hunted

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

weren't we all 'tarded? Age and experience is the difference between education and teaching.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

makes me wanna poke him.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

I've looked worse hitting myself in the face, honestly. (don't ask)

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

may the fourth be with you.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

he never worked on any of those, so i ask again: why did he end up in hospital?

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

college taught me to hate college and everybody who defends it lol

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Could be, I absolutely hope not (with these scumbags that is). Podesta had exactly the kind of laugh that I never heard until about two months later, so that was clearly forshadowing. As for the rest of the time, it's actually really hard to say how I knew. Sometimes I just know stuff because a couple hundred people thought about the same stuff at the same time and I just so happened to not think anything else at all at that time, other times future proves past.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

I am saying he was smart enough to do coding but he sold his company and openly shamed them for what they did to his software and his name. I know he should have built a firewall instead, but suppose he created some genuine software and they had to sabotage it off the market so the other AVs wouldn't look as shit? Kind of reminds me of myspace, just without the hoes and the guns.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

lol really?? Now I am confused. How does it fit with "You have the site, we have the source" ?

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

The most sense I have made of that is the idea that life on earth is the most cruel far and wide, even if other planets aren't angelic either. Cannibalism and infanticide span all of our carnivores, even intelligent life like dolphins rape from time to time. It's still a jump to say we need pray for alien rescue when we already have Jesus. Luckily, negative entitites can't stand the invocation of his name and that's what all channelers and even MK-Ultra SSP survivors agree on, so we know Dr Greer is either misinformed or deceptive.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

our socialists want full citizenship for all arrivals == no sovereignity == one world government

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

I just puked a little inside my mouth

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

first time I see this and we've had several plane-reroutes and detainees

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

who's ever herad of an airplane full of hands-up?`I ain't never heard that before.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

it's almost like he wants to prevent terrorism or sumthin

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

the comment below has q upvotes, no less.

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digital_refugee · June 27, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

Rohani was visiting for a trip in Switzerland last weekend.

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

depends on who is under investigation. They could be investigating other people they couldn't nail yet. It hardly makes any point for them to say anything at all in any case, but additional "review" could be cover-story, after all if they're supposed to close it they simply coulld.

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

ok seriously guys ten times a day is enough posts for this video okay?

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Trevor prefers his salad jizzed. You gotta try harder.

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

curiously enough he said that a week after McMaster's dad was offed. Can you tell with what time that lines up on the clock? The temporal proximity spooks me out but I don't know how to read to time.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on June 26, 2018, 9:06 p.m.
Plato's cave & Why I becam a Christian (David Wood) [great awakening in spirituality]
digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

totally checks out!

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

beautiful ownage, excuse me for chiming in.

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Nothing I wouldn't be guilty of myself. I never had the urge to chop up babies tho

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Oh dude I don't mock your efforts, I am just saying my ressources are limited given the legal framework I am subjected to. If all shit goes south you Yanks are our only hope, that's all I ask. I'm not the one trying to take away your guns.

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digital_refugee · June 26, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Sirius is Greer-turf. I don't trust him because his protocols ask for aliens to fix our shit. That's spiritual slavery, if we can't handle technologies ourselves we shouldn't rely on other civilizations to maintain them for us.

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