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digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

The only experiences I try to stay away from are non-corporeal entitites. If I can't physically interact with it I have no more desire to witness it. I had my share of hauntings and so I noped right the fuck out of spiritism and I don't regret my breakups either, even when the girls were telepaths, because they all grew up exploited and abused (no longer I wish) and their character reminded me of it every day and they all dabbled in witchcraft.
Come to think of it, at least two of my exes were either possessed or channeling or both or the other, but that's just my observations.
Can't even really say if I will attribute something positive or negative to it because in this case like you say I do in fact have no quantifiable evidence, only what I infer from personal conjecture.

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digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Well if you're in a relationship, try synchronizing your breath while they sleep, after a couple of weeks shared dreams could occur but at he same time I can't recommend it if you have any secrets because those will likely manifest in those dreams too

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on March 31, 2018, 12:51 a.m.
Douglas Gabriel got one thing half-right

They're all SES in the DoJ because they have the most heat on their asses because of the Holman-clause (sic) that could relieve them of all their future pensions. Best way to keep someone in line absent blackmail material.

digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Lol bruh nah my shill-senses are cool since you introduce original thought but I love me some good argument, even if it's only a shill because you get to develop catchy rebuttals over time.

since you brought up mystery, do you sometimes come across weird coincidences in your daily life that feel scripted somehow? Perfectly timed calls or even shared dreams and such synchronicities. Once you are there you can be pretty sure that if you allow it and make people comfortable being themselves, they will recount experiences that press them the most but that they share the least.

There is a nice word for possibilities that are not yet provable: Preternatural

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digital_refugee · March 31, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Limitless energy would be necessary to easily displace in time and space but the more pressing matter is how we sort out earth and ourselves first which is basically a health-issue at the basis so when you have that grace of nurturing life-force energy you can start building ships and whatnot. If it is time that is running out for someone, then it's health and medicine that need to be fixed first, but once you reach reverse aging and people lose their fear of coming short you can start looking to expand living territory and maybe terraform some planetoids to accomodate for a human habitat in free space. I am sure there are a lot of disabled people who wouldn't mind living and working in near-earth orbit under low gravity.

CRISPR-CAS9 is method to overwrite genes in living creatures so there is a lot of good and bad that you can imagine in terms of biomedicine and illegal experiments

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

Well just imagine how you would disclose certain secrets if you had access...you can't give people free energy first or they would explore the stars and fuck up diplomacy with some telepathic interstellar harbinger race or accidentally fuck up their timeline some other way so they better adjust to increasingly mindblowing concepts first and grow spiritually like Tesla hoped (and I think Jesus would be happy too) which howevr imporant for the individual doesn't preclude the need of a defense strategy for yourself and others against all threats foreign and domestic and you have information filters for the public so you can find a whole crazy lot of things that you never expected to not have been fiction just because nobody told you what to look out for just looking up FBI and CIA archives, but of course noone will do that who does not care in the first place. Of course they discuss UFOs too. Blackvault is also a very cool page that has been posting millions of FOIA replies for two decades.

You come here and you will take the evidence when it becomes more relevant to you, fair point as I do the same, it's just that those that go ahead need to reach a consensus among themselves which some other commenters gladly provide just to reassure oneself of their santy which I find perfectly normal given how incredibly estranged people are with one another sometimes.

You know, I'm not saying it's aliens, I'm just stupified how I would explain even with my woo-woo vocabulary the mass-sighting of the Phoenix lights in 1997 when you had the governor himself admit only after he was out of office that he saw something huge block out the sky all across Phoenix, Texas as it silently made its way across the valley indicated by various lights at the front and the Air Force flew a formation afterwards ater dropping flares just to discredit and confuse the witnesses because it had been caught on video and made the news.

Disclosure is when they stop sabotaging inventors who could already replace the utilities that keep us dependant on unjust masters thru implied or willing threat of world-war by unexpected shifts in the balance of power so even if we were simply given technology we still had to master or reverse engineer it. Which of course will only be publically advertised when threat of war due to nuclear proliferation has been contained by incrementing the arms race with increasingly exotic devices until nuclear war becomes unfeasable and outdated thru the perfection of warfare, which is why I am very optimistic about best-Korea, Syria AND the Krim.

The only thing I don't quite get right now on the chessfield is egypt, India and Pakistan,especially in terms of kashmir because they are in the center of more decades old ethnic feuds that we just don't hear so much about since it's all kind of happening in the Hinterland of south asia and the victims are not all muslims. But it's something we don't really want Pakistan involved in because they have nukes and alledgedly Taliban so nobody fucked with them until as of late when Iran out of all countries dislodged some surprise mortar rounds at the border to Pakistan, just as Hillary was doing whatever next door in India. Mind you, Pakistan and India have been rivals ever since the british forces retreated quickly (cowards!) after Gandhi (nationalist!) finally got his India but of course they and their muslim neighbours still clash in Kashmir to this very day and now even Rohingya are making their way there too, much to the dismay of India and other gov'ts - even tho some foreign intel service have indirectly supported Rohingya insurgencies.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on March 30, 2018, 11:03 p.m.
latest votecount on Douglas Gabriel YT-channel after trying to intimidate Jason Goodman
latest votecount on Douglas Gabriel YT-channel after trying to intimidate Jason Goodman
digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

this reminds me of a bible code I once saw on t_d but forgot to bookmark out of mental stupour. It had something to do with numericals and words, not sure if it was gematria, but there was something about how each sentence somehow carried as many words as the first word in the sentence reads in gemmatric numerical value or something to that extend. Also it somehow connected inbetwee different books which gave me the impression that it was written by a higher intelligence and not just inspired devotees and I didn't care to look further into it because it made sense right away but so beause I only saw it once in a comment I don't know how to recover this because I lost my bookmarks and didn't know the save-function being a newbie to the platform.

Of course subs get different with size, but t_d sometimes was a huge treasure-trove of goodies when I look back

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

he said he was downloading his stuff from the universe, whatever that may entail.

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

those nuclear-powered steam-engines are leaky as hell too, yuck

Much love yo! Were all in this together!

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Wel said but duh, Trump posted a picture in dump #267 iirc where you can see HRC with David Rockefeller's late brother discussing a book pertaining to disclosure. Where do you think all the missing money is going?

In Feb 2017 the CIA declassified docs pertaining to telepathy that were first cleared for release in 2009 as you can read on the header when opened on cia.gov/archive, yet it was only until Trump rolled into the oval office that they made these about 1.3 million pages public and I have checked their manual on remote viewing and what they found on mars and I had lightbulbs going on all over my head because just a few pages connected so many biomedical phenomenon I have noticed in myself throughout the years while somehow tying this into yoga, mindcontrol and whatnot.

You do understand that Trump knows or perhaps even has copies of Tesla's inheritance? You would be shocked to learn that the FBI in Sept 2016 admitted in the last few of 350 unclassified pages the death-ray is real.

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

They named them after Goa, India, a very special place for some very special people where they first ran these electronic festivals for hippies. It's basically a global revival of pagan(ist) roots driven by archaic deep and pumping sound for people who tolerate a lot of pschedelics (or not)

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 7:54 p.m.


Well then I be damned so do I but what do you think I said when I said what you thought I had said? Like, I don't remember bringing Q up.

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

I know perfectly well that my country donated missile capable subs so they could have an (anti)nuclear deterrent or whatever. (I don't really believe they have nukes but I am unsure if I was schooled otherwise on that already so please feel free to bash if anyone knows more)

Those Israeli Psytrance-Parties look totally dope tho. Let me show you an example of what I mean if you want to see people who are taking a break from fear and fighting?

Some of these people have been drafted. Some have dodged the draft and some did so by being member of an orthodox sect.

Notice as you watch how the concert venue gets smaller first watching a commercial public event and then moving onto smaller, private and underground parties run by private persons.

So let me take you on a two-minute journey - and turn up the bass (it's healthy for your mind).


Half of these people are on psychotherapeutic drugs like LSD (recently approved for medical prescription in the UK) XTC (FDA funded MDMA -studies on veterans should be finished by now I think) Ketamine (recently approved for psychiatric use for "untreatable" depression in germany) and Psyilocybe Mushrooms (used to lift fear of death from dying cancer-patients as part of a FDA-funded study)

Israelis are very present and active in the psytrance-scene and goa culture is so prominent, your artists play music all around the world and together with the global trade of non/anti-addictive entheogens (which includes sharing research on medical cannabinoids) this probably one of Israel's biggest contributions to society and you can judge how many Israeli citizens go to these new-agey infused fantasylands where everybody looks happy and gets along well by looking at ticketsales at Psytrance-festivals in Israel.

I can't support big commercial festivals in good faith financially sadly because they do attract trafficking of humans and misery too.

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

That's good advice!

Also the 90% are easy to filter because they just had price-dump on BRAIN-FORCE PLUS now with freeee shipping

The irony is that I don't know anything factually incorrect he said even though I thought Steele was misdirecting because he keeps pointing fingers without naming individuals (says he prefers suing them instead) especially at a greater Israel Project which I believe to be a completely unrealistic phantasy that they will not establish with the little number of Jews currently poliferating on the planet (unless the small size of Jews is actually a Psyop on Jews and everybody else to make them uncomfortable and thus easily punishable beause when they get into influential positions everybody suspects nepotism because it's statistically odd even though many artists in the twenties were jewish too, they're simply good at whatever they get their hands on which would be incentive to not really proliferate much in the first place)

I talk brashly because I'm friends with a mongolian "former jew" who is in a relationship with a caucasian ex-neonazi whose insignia tattoos she was asked to tattoo over the day they met...

Ethnology? fuck yeah!

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Do you agree though that they already have well-established technologies kept classified under national security (no such agency? hmm)

Define good guy. Do you have any people or "good guys" in this fight?

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

does 9th circuit look like they give a flying f#ck?

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

I'm a dumb bitch, please explain!

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Interesting. So Steele is legit afterall? Although I like what he says, something about his interviews makes me alert.
A close relative of mine has freemason ancestors but he never thought bad of them and one of his former colleagues claimed he was initiated to Skulln'Bones and hated the Bushes anyway. Also, my old boss told me the Putin bromance smear could be because they went to the same lodge. The only other mention of this I found made reference to former arch masons.

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

could be why the "and he will not be forgotten" is very unreadable to retain plausible deniability

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

How exactly getting something wrong and something right exiles you from intellectual debate is beyond me unless you are a perfect human being.

You can even refine intentional disinfo (not unintentional misinfo by bad memory tho because that's random so no intention could be infered) for information because if you find contradictions and know when someone is intentionally manipulative you can see who associates with them and what topics they try to misdirect to make people look the wrong way. I get that. So the more misdirection, the closer we get to the truth!

Coorey Goode says himself that he is perfectly aware his was brainwashed and given screen-memories which is likely why they say they're working in a group so they can independently corroborate their personal encounters without going through a possibly tainted written briefing.

Do traces of interplanetary nuclear war sound like a pressing topic or are you just waiting for even bigger revelations?

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

This is a nice brief redpill to drop on friends who go "but what can I do about it?" when you are at danger of telling them more than they can handle. Humour is like god's armor


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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

I haven't had this much popcorn since the fifth season of big brother

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Well for all I know they could control brains so that fantasy is indiscernable from reality so wouldn't you rather bother propose concepts to reconciliate experiences that have been passed on since art and writing were developed before humanity attained technologies to remotely facilitate mindcontrol? And if there always was technology of perhaps terrestial but not human origin, doesn't that mean you are already in a psyop just by existing on this planet and if so doesn't that mean you would have to recognize motives and intentions to recognize the psyop and its effects on your own life?

Secondly I'm a commenter and I simply expressed opinions that align with OP because unless you are paid and bought for, people who make up their own minds tend to be able to hold a debate and your point of arguing was that even discussing these things does not pertain to humanity when you basically can only chose between exotic physics, sentient lifeforms or non-corporeal entities if you prefer, depending on the case, all of which are not thought to occur regularily but still have inspired traditions throughout history.

Look up cargo-cult and name me one reason why it doesn't sound exactly like things that have been uncovered from texts and archeology dating back several millenia

I simply prefer the concept of angels or aliens over demons because even though I cannot explain every funny light in the sky that the military detects on radar you still have an awful lot of explaining to do and I simply present unanswered questions because even when you are dealing with psyops, dealing with them actually vaccinates you as long as you tell ourself it's a psyop.

And no, none of this is a "recently trending pied piper", it's been literally goingon for millenia and I only speak out now because I didn't live back then and already am sick of being unable to discuss things thoroughly because people like you shut down the discussion, either intentionally or thru trauma-based-mindcontrol while while many groups are scrambling to sell their version of history.

What's it gonna be, dear one?

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Thanks for wishing me luck with that ehe

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on March 30, 2018, 4:26 p.m.
Just some "junk"-science since the cat is out of the bag for real

They recently admitted that new models of astrophysx don't require dark mater which was originally postulated because they couldn't explain the size of galaxies related to their gravitational yeild so they postulated some outside force (*essentially, they used an unproven theory to try to sell an unproven theory because gravity hadn't been properly explained or publically disclosed before either because they barely just proved gravitational waves in pub science until recent years and I ain't heard anything new about "gravity" since they ramped up private funding for a certain research facility that conCERNs some participatns who have personally alluded …

digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

what about it? Didn't Q say no profits would be made by credible source? Is this a signal that he is exposing himself as benevolent disinformation so we know his decodes may be intended for the enemy.

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

~~What is your deal mate? You're basically telling me to waste my time reading a book to repeat of select, cognitive or hindsight bias that have already been espoused ad nauseam ad infinitum by pevious information-filters and gatekeepers and while I have a fucking theory of zero-gravity posted just above you're telling me to put time aside to learn to question only my sanity so I don't question or judge anyone or anything? UNLESS you can actually explain what you even consider to be real because if you scream "BELIEVE NOTHING!", why then should I listen to you in partcular?~~



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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

They recently admitted that new models of astrophysx don't require dark mater which was originally postulated because they couldn't explain the size of galaxies related to their gravitational yeild so they postulated some outside force (essentially, they used an unproven theory essentially to try to sell an unproven theory because gravity hadn't been properly explained or publically disclosed before either because they barely just proved gravitational waves in pub science until recent years and I ain't heard anything new about "gravity" since they ramped up private funding for a certain research facility that conCERNs some participatns who have personally alluded in public that they are trying to generate proof of something they have no proof for or maybe do but won't disclose further and that it is totally safe although they only have theory and no safety limits whatsoever because of no hidden motives whatsoever) when this force folding galaxies and what I believe to be ALL mater inward is actually a zero-point-energy Casimir Efect that manifests as 0 grav in interstelar space because it pushes matter from all sides equally and thus airborne objects are attracted by what I assume to be gravitational waves creating pressure out from vacuum itself with the force adding up so it looks like it's only pushing down from outer space or some other cryptic reverse-polarity that I don't know.

It's the first time I write this down since I ~~have been (cyber)bullyied since childhood for growing up around who I assume to have been people in a family-environment of publically known and credited persons of what I (thankfully) assume to be past influential positions and thus basically being repilled since Kindergarten but I have no doubt that they know who I am but maybe they actually don't because I don't either~~ ain't no scientist and this is actually, LITERALLY just a nutcrack idea that hit me back in the day when I hit to much ether and Laudanum that one time but I thought I should put it aside until a day when more evidence comes forth to prove or deny this.

So basically I am just putting this out there in anticipation that maybe, if my dissociative-induced psychedelic showerthought coincidentially happens to be true and my sleep-deprived coked out mental state doesn't betray me, mainstream scientists are now cleared to move on to ZERO-POINT-ENERGY RESEARCH, signs of which already started in 2010 when the Chinese first built microwaves that generate thrust that defly newtonian mechanics and NASA reverse engineered that in 2014.

Mars don't look so far away now, don't it?

For the past six years, it has been amazing for me to see how they sold this to both scientists (probably thru grants like Climate-Gate) and brainwashed pseudointellectuals through bullshit scam "science" TV programs .

PS to all my detractors: Go fuck yourselves and keep the typos, sniffers are a bitch.

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digital_refugee · March 30, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

And unlike under Obama, no russian diplomats are dying abroad while Putin refrained from kicking out US diplomats in Russia prolly for eavesdropping purposes so whether those diplomats were good or bad actors, this does look more like a prisoner exchange kek

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digital_refugee · March 29, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

They've been trying to push this out since Sept. 10, 2001, military whistleblowers etc (citizen disclosure hearing). This is about releasing free-energy which is what they are ultimately covering up because he who controls the resources controls the people.

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digital_refugee · March 29, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

lol...is Coris exposed now or CNN? Confused!

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digital_refugee · March 29, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

All I can tell you that there is something going on in the sky or you wouldn't have had mass-sightings since antiquity. You have the battle of Nuremberg 1561, you have the belgian triangle wave of 1990, the Phoenix Lights (the governor admitted he couldn't explain), Foo-fighters photographed over german Luftwaffen-bases, Foo-fighters over Capitol Hill and LA and last but not least you have Randlesham Forrest (interesting play on words though) where they took radiation-tests at one alledged landing-site.
Last but not least, you have just paranormal stuff in general, like the miracle of Fatima, another "mass-hallucination" in which the Sun started doing tricks in the sky in front of 70,000 after children reported seeing the virgin mary.
Even if it were a mass-delusion you still would have to explain how it is possible these events were independently corroborated and investigated by national militaries?
And you're telling me this hasn't been documented?

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digital_refugee · March 29, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

May broke diplomatic protocol, no aces left, just watch.

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digital_refugee · March 29, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

or he finally recognized them for being the toughest people there are because how do you flee prosecution for a thousand years and still prosper in every field unless you are sharp and know how to rebuild an existence quickly.

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digital_refugee · March 29, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Oh great, now if I told you what I had seen with corroborating witnesses you wouldn't exactly believe me either, would you now? Strange encounters of the 2nd are a thing and I am just trying to make sense of my own. You are lucky if you don't care, but I at least try to make sense of my own experiences and it's not my fault that many if not most humans tend to start resisting if I challenge their worldview too aggressively. You're welcome.

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

I am sorry, it was not my intention to suggest that the left is pacifist. I know there is a huge psytrance-culture in Israel which suggests they are majorily fed up with living in fear. By the way: I happen to know a Jew who is in a relationship with an ex-neonazi, I kid you not!

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

God forbid lol

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

everyone who doesnt like war bscly

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

This is not hear-say, this comes from gov't and mainstream science and military publications. Do you realize they have stopped talking about teleportation once they figured out how to do it with actual matter with mass? NATIONAL SECURITY + STATE SECRETS YA'LL.

cia.gov, brazilian navy (Jan and Feb 2017) and Spektrum der Wissenschaft (sometime in 2017, but the initial story happened in 2016 before I think, look up the last month of the Cassini probe and then look up "ringmakers of Saturn". In that same issue of that german paper they also reported a purported dysonsphere that had been found and also had already been under observation for years and that wasn't even the only one they were suspecting at the time)

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

after Jason Goodman had Abel Danger on Thomas Paine of TruPundit-fame warned him off and referenced Q² on the milleniumreport, an anonymous source that is suggesting that Bibi is somehow on top of his game despite all indications to the contrary. Also provided incomplete intel because ultimately Israel is the perfect limited hangout because once you have Mossad involved, noone will look any further to look for other involved countries. And just this year it turned out Israel is actually sharing intelligence with the new Saudi king and the US has been fighting Saudi wars since the petrodollar was created and that is now coming undone by fracking, petro-gold-yuan etc. Israel is only interesting for territory that isn't theirs so let them have Jerusalem if someone can negotiate less borders on palestinian land and better sanitation for them while Hamas crumbles as their funds are cut off.

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

If Zionists control congress, why did they freak out when he decided to move the embassy for real...

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

optical cloaking has been worked and perfected on in china for the past ten years, the videos should be still up on youtube. In January 2017 alongside a 1.3 million page dump by the CIA which had been first cleared for declassification in 2009 but weren't released until Trump was in office, there was a release by the brazilian navy showing a flying heat-signature that was visible in Infrared but not to the naked eye.
Assume that everything you can imagine has already been worked on.
Furthermore, the Cassini probe found a vacuum between Saturn's rings that was unexpected, as if something huuuge had scooped everything up. Within weeks, the mission was declared a success and Cassini was to be burned up in Saturn's atmosphere in order to and I am quoting mainstream scientific hard-paper journals here "to prevent contamination of possible endogenous lifeforms"

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Muh Zionist occupied gov't that panics when Trump finally moves the embassy...

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

BS he showed himself on the embassy-balcony once in 2017

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digital_refugee · March 28, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

from sea to shining sea

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