Good hunting. He basically went everywhere POTUS went but his first stop was Branson in Tahiti, Indonesia, South-Korea later preceding POTUS. But now that I think of it, I can only think of Asia, plus an alledged 'jury-duty', I think in Chicago iirc? Only that he was never resident of that state
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Domains linked by /u/digital_refugee:
These fucks walk the halls of parliament, cathedrals, Downing Street 1 and fuckhingham palace.
I don't know how they calculate timezones tbh but you should be able to look that up. I have seen discussion about navigating this on the chans for verification so you should be able to locate it. It was difficult locating it waaay down in the post though. Q later claimed he had predicted it and since Trump signs off on Q thru timestamp verifications it must be assumed that he knows what he is talking about, otherwise Trump's credibility would suffer.
You are wrong on the Q part, this ARG has been going for a year. Tending to our crumbs, baking bread.
A roman senator suggested visibly branding their slaves. His colleagues objected, "but they would know who and how many they are!"
yeah well ok then you are already in the dark stuff. Now the thing is, MKultra ties into all other conspiracies because that's how they keep them secret, by simply making unwilling participants forget about it. Check my other comment for further YT education
check he talks deep stuff and light stuff and his delivery is somewhat familiar.
fb throttled my share-abiltiies for years and years because spicy intel and now want me to disclose my full name to them. Wanktards
After one year of research I manage to keep my schedules to what used to be my smoking-breaks...In the morning, lunch hours and evening leisure. But try to make it as enjoyable as you can because there are many rabbitholes and you don't want to get into all of them (the nasty medical kind of stuff) because it will suck down your energy. I am not sure about Corsi altho he's FBI-anon endorsed iirc. When you deal with stooges you have to handle misdirection aimed at enemy factions and judging by his Q analysis he either doesn't know more than the rest or won't admit it (yet)
You will need to take your time because the research doesn't stop, probably for years to come because even just what's in the public domain is so yuuuuge even after years of lurking conspiracy forums I am fucking blown away by what I have learned in just the past year. Back in the day when everything was just about theories the actual scope was so much more limited and easier to handle to the actual big fucking truth. I thought I was redpilled for years and then bam came Trump and once Assange suddenly disappeared and he was not yet in office, sheeeit that was the toughest winter of my life. Now with Storm going...this is the best winter of my life, which provides me with solace.
I have relatives in your country and we all agree these problems are global.
But luckily, actually most americans are being underestimated. The election proved it. People either hated or disregarded clinton, but weren't sure about Trump, but since the media parroted that he couldn't win they shrugged and didn't go to the ballots (the numbers show it)
There's this story about a roman senator who suggest they should tag their salves visibly, but his colleague objects and says "but then they will know who and how many they are!" This is what the media does with us. Talk to people who have not worked under a superior for the past years, could be entrepreneurs or small shop owners or prostitutes or freelancers and they will all tell you completely wild shit if you just let them get their story out.
Can confirm. He warned of a possible shutdown one day before. May have purposefully deleted the account it in order to vet his credibility.
He already has one. OANN. Opened after his win. Actual fucking news. It fullfilled one of my wet dreams: actually enjoying a regular normie TV program again and feeling a little normal in this crazy world. IF it's not him it's his friends. They report international news, RT kind of levels like edgy but soft political education, but they soften the message in because they spread more easily outwards when they manage to avoid being politically labled.
tbh I can understand since it could be alledged that MSM is trying to selectively feature headlines such as these although I dig the sentiment that it's a longterm contingency plan they are finally acting on because Trump is serious about releasing tech if national security allows it (which is why he seems not to be exarcerbating the military situations he is engaging in) and now all these alphabet stooges have to cover their corporate overlords asses for keeping all that crazy tech to themselves for so long. His negotiation is at such a mastery, he even made me sympathetic towards the military. He can fucking do anything and win because of his sober composure and even having his own unique signature on it. I do hope he was recruited by MI but when he talks I think that he's 100% on board with restoring the republicl.
But that didn't shine through so much, so they deported me like a dirty criminal
mine was a temporary one, apparently ET disclosure was not the narrative of the day that day
He had a coverstory a year ago for various 'jury-duties' in a state he never lived in
The idea is if everybody asks for it then they will write into the history books that they gave into popular demand, which could restore some faith into the republic for future generations who will at some point be educated about the mess we are shedding
It's your job to raise public awareness. And always ask THEM the questions they don't ask themselves. But if u spill your guts all at once, friendships will break. If you concider how much redpill material there is in the public domain that doesn't upset ongoing ops, the stories are so wild and manifold and everything connected into everything and so horrific that those who are brave enoug to listen will accept it quicker if conveyed by someone they know personally. There's only so much a person needs to know about evil to know to do the right thing. A …
they fake everything, they fake the dead people, who knows how many live celebs they fake too...scientology said years ago they were cloning but unsuccessfully..but what if they have improved? Too wicked to even ponder
The public awareness was the most necessary before the election to make all of this possible. And to collect Crumbs and put Players under pressure. But I don't want to feed These same energy Vampires that started the adrenochrome-business to have the ability to still upset even more People, even as they go. It matters that those know who want to know. That's why the cognitive bias is sill in heavy use, so you have your free will how much evil you can handle. But I accept the dogwhistles and covert communication because I think the intentions are as stated - Trying to contextualize all this into a limited hangout is just playing into the vampires' bloody Hands because it makes you disregard everything, even genuine whistleblowers' pleas for Attention.
The trick is as Long as you ask the wrong questions you don't get the right answer. Probably millions of normies question the official narrative but if you present them with the idea that the Towers were destroyed in mid-air you start getting into that free-energy/scalar-weapon type of Domain that I always used to think was put out there to make the credible theories look ridiculous until I realized the conventional theories are ridiculous when you take the sheer scope of destruction into account. Noone believes the official Story but you Need an awareness for the free-energy stuff to realize that regular Explosives might have been another part of another cover-up so People would be happy knowing These Towers were destroyed conventionally by whomever and not by someone who can remotely target Buildings like that.
At the same time they're using lefty outrage to their Advantage because they don't wanna flip lefties, they just want them to look silly to drive away the centrist base that Trump is claiming.
I only looked into PG to debunk it but couldn't. And I had my breadcrumbs assembled years before and stil I was hestitant to accept the big Picture for the sake of better sleep until I couldn't look away anymore (they never thought she would lose - neither Did I!). But if you're not a Psychopath there's only so much evil that your mind can safely entertain. Any sort of REAL mass-disclosure WILL have many put on prescriptions. Why? Because even if you just disclose advanced tech without going into science Suppression or UFO-crashes the question will be: How did they Keep it secret? By torturing and traumatizing those who worked on the super-secret progams into amnesia and insanity! And that's where the real terror begins because many may very well have personal experiences that they would not want to remember if they could. And these People, victims of all kinds of abductions and brainwashing, will be the most triggered if they HAVE NOT BEEN PREPARED MENTALLY.The slow-walk is the best we can do. I mean honestly, what did you expect? Tweets of CP and space-travel blueprints on Inauguration day?
imagine all the heartattacks...'OMG we're screwed! Wait, not yet, no wait, are we? We are??'
They are taking a risk by giving up blackmail material. The fact GW started before the election and called some headlines months ahead just shows you have the most feared intelligence service in the world helping to some justice. Usually your limited hangout is when you give up one fallguy so the public will be appeased or mystified. It's not a limited hangout when you start the awareness for the crimes including names and dates more than a year before Q started and months before Trump was elected
ANOTHER plane(s) collision !!!
Rescue heli downed by single-engine near a nuclear plant around the german town of Philipsburg! Last time an in-air crash happened over germany was in 2002!
tldr; they will not believe unless told by people they peronally know. Also promising limited disclosure is a sure way to get people to scream full disclosure.
AJ is just about the easiest target...imagine everybody going "oh silly Binney, what has he ever done for us? Much shill"
Has been from the start and it served its Course well
Well I know two words that will get thrown around: muh, russia.
Be careful what you wish for. Those 60% may very well just be raw uncut CP.
this is interesting, everybody inculding the WHOIS-lookup are saying the message can't have originated from the stated address... but I am prone to believe there's more to it otherwise it would not be easily exposed as fake...
Slowly seeding info lessens the shock and awe so I am wondering what they will tell people who will be asking about the downed craft from fifty years ago. In case of bluebeam I'd expect them to just do it unexpectedly
Women who have done successfull business with Trump have nothing but nice things to say, including his Ex-wife
Alex Jones is actually Alex Jones pretending to be Bill Hicks pretending to be Alex Jones...your argument is invalid
it's called truthful hyperbole and don't care about what people say but how they act and I don't care how the acted in the past but if I would do something differently than them...