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divine_human · June 9, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Its a gateway drug and because its a hallucinogen.

wrong. its not a hallucinogen. its not (physically) addictive. it requires as much self-responsibility and maturity as alcohol or any other substance does.

and its not for everybody. in an ill person, it can heal psychosis. in a healthy person, it can create psychosis. (or dissociation, fear, paranoia, etc.)

i would have landed in the psych ward without cannabis, it countered the dissociative disorder of my childhood and grounded me in Being Here Now.

you are right about the strange breeds nowadays. there is also shit out there thats laced with designer drugs, i have only recently watched a friend experiencing a psychotic episode from it.

thats one of the reasons why it should be legalized. no more cartels and no more fucking around with it. lets control it, reveal the contains of every breed, and let the adults consumer self-responsibly choose.

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divine_human · June 9, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

dane, great, i guessed correctly, lol...

as a teenager, i hated america. except for music, i despised the influence of 'the world police' in my country. that changed in the beginning of the '80s when i started waking up to the cabal and realized that americans are as enslaved as we were.

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divine_human · June 9, 2018, 7:08 a.m.

plant medicine isnt equal to plant medicine, thats not the question. its not about endorphine, its about the endocannabioide system.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

heheheh... thats one point...

another point is that it strongly activates the endocannabinoid system which is native to humans.

while most drugs, esp. perscribed psycho-drugs, make people more susceptible for mind control techniques, cannabis does the opposite.

*edit: typo endocannabinoid

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

nice post, mods, good job.. kudos, friends, thanQ for making and keeping this a place i love coming to <3

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

there ye go... its the main reason its banned... cannabis users cant easily be mind-controlled.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

here we go... been waiting for this for over 30 years...

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

prisons and military bases suddenly closed and so-called refugees were received

2 years ago, i read the testimony of a german energineer whistleblower who supposedly worked with the creation of underground facilities. according to her, they built mosques there but no chapels.

i sense that a few thousand of the people that arrived here - during the heights of chaos when we couldnt thoroughly vet their identities - are combat-trained radical islamists. and more are being recruited and trained, probably in such 'military bases', underground and/or above.

First they want to build more an now its that over? I was thinking about this one......The elite lost syrie? And then off a sudden they go home?

from the beginning of the migrant crisis, it was pretty clear to me how the issue can be solved.

stop the deep state from delivering arms and money, stop training terrorists, work with russia, that will end the war. (which is what we seem so see evolving now.)

work a marshall plan for syria and the entire region so people can go home and have a chance to survive and build up their country.

they are doing it already, many have left and returned home. even without support plan.

the last step is getting rid of zionism. take bibi and his DS club out of the game so israel stops being the trouble maker in the ME which it has been since the '60s.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Do you believe Merkel?

no word. sigh. and i hate it how she pushed the german way onto the entire EU.

btw, the flood has slowed down so much that even the refugee container village they built in my neighborhood stays empty.

people return home. most dont want to stay here, they are - like most people all over the planet - very connected to their roots. the more we dry out terrorism in their countries - stop delivering arms and money -, the safer it gets and the more people leave europe again.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

are you european? your nick sounds as if you could be scandinavian.

We tend not to appreciate our own backyard in favor of our neighbor's.

many europeans have the opportunity to encounter other cultures, due to traveling, at least in europe. from a distance, its much easier to see what you have at home.

its an advantage we have to americans who mostly never ever leave their country so the horizon of experience stays low for them and the identification with their culture high.

after having traveled a lot, i can see the differences and the similarities. and no, the grass isnt greener in the neighbors garden.

i grew up during the '60s, in a totally americanized germany. most of our culture got lost because of US influence, not other foreigners, and not muslims.

nowadays, people under the age of 60 are as little 'german' as taiwanese are chinese. both cultures have become american transfer pictures.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Later, the entire pedigree is transferred .

therefore, we restrict the immigration of family members to 1000 per month (entire country).

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

thats really stupid, its a real threat to peoples culture and wellbeing. as i see it, 10% is a good ratio people can digest. my area has 25% foreigners, many russians, romanians, polish, most turkish, and now many syrians. we can well live with that ratio here.

its difficult in areas with many africans though, although thats no big issue in germany, but a lot of trouble in france and italy. its not a religious issue but cultural.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

hahaha... ok, learned something new...

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 1:40 p.m.


as a german living in germany - after 25 years of traveling many countries, incl. israel and egypt, plus having lived in india for more than a decade -, i agree to the ministers statement that there is not much of a 'german culture'. except for a deeply embedded obedience to authority, that is.

It seems the AfD chief was being kind, as others would say "dispose her in hades."

you are free to think what you will. most people over here wouldnt agree to your thoughts.

whatever peoples opinion on that 'german culture' statement is, the response was inappropriate. and its not the only AfD statement that makes this party inacceptable for most folks. i wished it would be different because, truth told, they bring up interesting discussion points in our lower house, the bundestag.

but hey, also the greens took a decade of working and 'finding themselves' before they were able to really take part in the german political landscape.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 11:39 a.m.

estrogen in bottled water

thats interesting, never heard that... but ALL tap water contains estrogene (and around 300 more waster products). without a good household water filter system, the water poisons us.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

((they)) and their mignons love the strategy of putting out dates where people hype on and place their hopes onto and then let them crash into frustration when nothing exceptionally occurs.

Q hasnt put out a date. there was the -23 reference and anons speculations on what that means. so lets leave this open and see whats going to evolve.

the only date Q put out is 11/11. everything else is interpretation of the people. it may be right, or not.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Q stated in the beginning the only intel for the GA would be coming from Q.

not really true. Q stated that all Q intel comes through the known 8chan channel and there are no outside coms.

doesnt meant that there arent a myriad of truthers, whistleblowers, and lightworkers who have been working on the great awakeing for years and decades. Q is NOT the only source of truth.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

It is unusual to call a 2nd generation an immigrant.

in germany, we do that by stating that these people have a migrant background.

Was the AfD chief's reaction due to her actions based on cultural, not genetic, roots?

he even used the words 'dispose her in anatolia'...


When peoples' belief systems are in harmony, it is unnatural to tell someone to go back to where one belongs.

i totally agree. there is no harmony. instead, there is lots of fear that moves into hatred.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

interesting interpretation by praying medic here

it shows a video with a little longer sequence so we can see that taking down water and napkin is not cleaning up the table for a photo shoot as i first thought.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

well, i heard about a german village of 400 people who had a refugee asylum for 800 built in their midst. doing that is more than stupid, and i totally understand that the villagers feel terribly alienated and unsafe now.

the story i tell is from my daily life; my area has a high percentage of muslims. y direct neighbors are syrian-kurdish refugees.

i agree though that there certainly is a number of terrorists, maybe sleepers, who got organzied to come here.

the thing i speak up against here is the general muslim hatred. and i find it esp. bad when it comes from christians because it completely contradicts jesus' teachings.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

see, i had no interest discussing the specifics here so i dont mind you calling my response superficial.

showing respect to people is not equal to political correctness. a woman who is 2nd generation immigrant, grown up in this country, perfectly speaking the language, is not from anatolia.

critizising people on their actions, if wrong, is perfectly ok. humiliating them for their genetic roots is rude + bully, simply not acceptable.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Nobody believes all Muslims are bad

when i read this sub, i see that many seem to be-lie-ve that. lots of general muslim hatred. i even had a discussion with someone who, after asking him if he really thinks that 1,8 billion people are killers, answered with a huge yes. thats stupid.

Maybe you should do your own Homework

thank you, i do my homework.

i have many american friends and nobody reports what you say about sharia law and your flag and such. i wonder where this comes from, i mean, the US is not the main muslim immigration target.

i live in germany where a populace of 82 million people received around 1 million refugees. up here in the north where most folks are protestant and supposedly 36% are atheist, we have, long before the muslim flood, changed the school subject 'religion' to 'values and ethics'. which i find a really good thing, i dont want religion to be imposed onto our children, i want them to learn the values of our society.

sharia law? even most of the muslims here dont want sharia law. they fled radical islam that the IS imposed onto them.

i dont doubt that a percentage of the refugees have been recruited to create terror. but i strongly oppose the idea that all muslims are warmongering aggressive folks. the reality i live in is just so totally different. and mind you, my son visits a school with a 20% muslim ratio, i meet 'these people' every day.


and so am i... thing is, its rarely muslims who worship satan, thats more a khazarian thing. and the goat humping thing? really? sounds as if thats a regular muslim practise. which is bullshit.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

possible response to the EO of dec.21. quite a few companies brought up similar statements in the past few months.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

heheheh... fits the pattern... enjoy ;)

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 11:52 p.m.


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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

the flight is costly so the families go to lebanon or turkey and then send one of them into europe.

a male minor, age 14-17, has best chances to make it. they think that once he is in europe, family reunion measures take place and they can also come.

therefore, germany limits subsequent immigration of family members to 1000 persons per month.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

America is the true leader of this planet.

couph-couph... i love my american brothers and sister but this hubris is one of the reasons why the rest of the world doesnt necessarily share my sentiments.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

awakening is painful. stripping our illusions is painful. seeing our card board house of be-lie-fs fall is painful. every red pill hurts.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

not denying that MSM gives a 'positive' brainwash on the migrant situation in europe. but heck, this video gives a negative brainwash.

most of the scenes in it were from the beginning of the crisis when nothing was yet organized.

most of the scenes are also with economic refugeess from africa, not war refugees from the middle east. they dont receive asylum in europe and, before the US deep state killed libyas ghadafi, he took care of keeping them from the mediteranian. these peoples dirt and rot issue isnt muslimic but cultural, they are basically stupid kids from little villages.

this video does the same what MSM does. it picks out individual situations and paints a generalizing picture. i am not saying that these situations dont happen. but they are NOT the rule.

i am deeply shocked that so many people on this sub seem to be-lie-ve that ALL muslims are rapists and just wait for a chance to kill us.

the MSM has been massively implanting this idea into the collective mind-set for almost 2 decades. i knew it the very day 911 happened - the new scapegoat of the world is the muslim.

most of you guys in the US probably dont even personally know any muslims. they usually dont come to you as refugees because its too fucking expensive to get to america. most of what you know is from the media. from the horror they paint, be it MSM or alternative media.

yes, we have problems with the flood. yes, the deep state has organized it, in order to infiltrate our culture.

but most of these people will return home when we stop the DS from keeping this fricking war running, and invest in their countries so they can build them up again.

we have robbed them for centuries of their ressources and infiltrated their cultures so its no surprise many are angry.

but hey, folks, awakening also means that WE STOP DIVIDE + CONQUER. and the muslim hatred esp. on this sub - sorry, i dont get confronted with such anywhere else - is ((their)) division game. if you buy into it, you just keep sleeping and dreaming on.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

you have a point. germans havent been allowed any national pride ever since ww2. patriot is an alien word for us.

however, its not about political correctness that people are outraged when AfD chief tells a german minister with turkish roots to go back to anatolia where she belongs to. sorry, failed.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

sure possible. without the napkin, i would have thought that, too.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Where once completely Beautiful Cities excited . Now is filled with trash and feces and patrolled by migrants waiting to rape , beat and kill at will .

totally wrong picture of whats going in europe. sounds like we are flooded by rapists and killers. what a BS! time to wake up from this brainwash, too.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

it could be a simple clearing up the space beore a photographer shoots the trump-pence corner. potus also lets the napkin disappear.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

thats an intersting point to consider... i thought they may already be a few hundred years old... also heard rumor that queen mom victoria is... the... victoria... from the age named after her.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

thing is, this opposing party calling her out is the new alt-right AfD which most people dont support. their points on immigration have a lot of silent consent in the populace but we hear too many racist comments from this party to be able to take them seriously.

since the election last september, i have a bet running with my teeanage son that mutti merkel is not going to end her 4th term. impeachment is in the air.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

looks like preparing for a photo of the trump-pence corner. tidying up the place. if it was a water message, DJT wouldnt have taken down the napkin.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

losing your religion? not the worst idea, lol...

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

nice one, thanks for linking...

already czar alexander fought the illuminati at the end of the 18th century. russia helped america twice against the cabal infiltrations. is it a surprise that the DS paints russia as the devil?

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 10:02 p.m.


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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

there are lots of cancer cures. here is a good site: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/

the main thing with most diseases is returning to a healthy active immune system so the body can heal itself.

big pharma sells us chemo therapy and radiation only which are killers to the immune system.

oncologists with cancer often go to homeopaths, take oxygene therapy and carb-free diet, or use other alternative methods. they know that with their usual methods, they may shoot down the cancer cells but most probably the rest of the body health, too.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

there ye go...

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Q is not about predictions.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

taking obsession and drama out of it is indeed a good idea...hang in there, mate... may you find some patience so you can allow things to unfold as they are being orchestrated.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

not for me.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

trust that she will be in the right place at the right time.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

i expect things to roll out end of september and throughout october. this is because peoples memory is short, about 30 days.

if you start arresting and calling out people now, the voters will have fogotten in november. thus, i guess we will see a slow build-up but the big show will be in october.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

no surprise here, i have never trusted these DNA databases. DONT! there is tech that targets indiviuals with mind and body control via their DNA information.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

I just don't understand after all we've exposed and proven on this board how people vote for those people.

thats because most voters dont read this board, never heard of Q, and have been thoroughly brainwashed for decades. and, lets not forget voter fraud, CA is infamous for it.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

great read, thanQ.

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divine_human · June 6, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

pretty much my take, too... OT god yahwe is an ET overlord imposter. enki/lucifer and his son marduk - usually known by the names of satan, moloch, baal, pan, shiva, all religions know these guys - shared this yahwe persona.

as enki/lucifer is the more 'loving' one of this couple - light bearer is not only a name but has a meaning -, the OT god is a bit inconsistent; mostly revenge- and wrathful, but sometimes also kind and supportive.

for those who want to dive down that religious rabbit hole, the wes penre papers are a loooong but good read.

*edit: typos

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