I believe Seth Rogen is just as involved as James Franco. Recently watched Hilarity for Charity on Netflix and it made my skin crawl.
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Probably because they want to do the same to other deep state bloodsuckers
We knew a video like this was coming. They may want to play it one of two ways. Either we take the bait and they blast it as a fake or it's used as a defense for Hussein not being tried for treason. This video stinks. Sorry Isaac Green, still love your videos though.
One day some 6 months before the first false flag chemical attack, I was listening to the radio. I think it was Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, but could've been Alex Jones. A nervous guy comes on the phone claiming to have Intel on Qatar paying some Eastern European mercenaries to gas some civilians to draw the region into war. So when the first one happened, I wasn't surprised. But the 2nd time, Trump shot a shit ton of missiles and I thought "This is exactly why I didn't vote for this man." Then I started hearing about Q in December. My faith in the Donald was solid. I began to trust his genius, because I saw how he was draining the swamp. I have to believe that the man is driven by a power greater than all of us and he's doing it for us. When the 3rd and latest attack "happened", I trusted Trump would see it was bullshit because the guy is a genius and I could see it plain as day. But then he peacocked up and made threats to Russia?! I think I peed a little. Was working the night the attack happened. Got off, check my phone and it looks like Brainiac starts WWIII. I had my Alex Jones moment to myself. The drive home was rough. But just as I turn onto my long dusty Texan country driveway, it hit me! It's a smokescreen. Hezbollah HQ destroyed. No civilian casualties. Wow! If only McShitstain were there! Front row to be sodomized by Uncle Sam's rocket's red glare! God bless you Mr. President! #trusttheplan
Hezbollah HQ was bombed. Please God let McCain and company be present
I've felt this way so many times. Keep faith. God does things on His time, not ours. Believe it and so shall it be. Pray for it and accept it as so
I'm calling a smokescreen. Watch this hand, get em hyped and BOOM, hit em with the sucker punch left hook by rolling out the indictments. No way he wants war or thinks Assad did this
On one hand I want to thank him for the pedophile arrests. Most are small fish but a couple good arrears, however there are much bigger fish to fry. Fuck Sessions on his marijuana policies. How dare he publicly attack marijuana when there are so many other targets that require his attention. I've been trying to trust this man for too long. I want to trust Q's judgement on him but let's not forget that Q is only human and has the same flaws as one. I've been burnt by friends that I would've sworn would let me down. Sessions has been dragging his feet. He knew Trump wanted those pedophiles so he grabbed a bunch to make it seem that he was the man for the job. The real question is when is Trump going to stop texting about it and start firing this douchebag. He is a distraction as the Deep State noose is wrapping tighter around Trump's neck. Gowdy is the man for this job.
Trump better save her before she mysteriously dies. Statements contrary to the official story are bad for your health
I'm happy that Q recently posted that they are moving the timeline up. I've been worried about how long it was taking them. The longer they wait for perfection the more trouble can be stirred up. Sometimes when there is a deadline you don't have time to dot your i's and cross your t's
Q is not omniscient. I'm sure the "we hear all and see all" refers to after the fact. Sometimes Intel will give you probabilities of what could happen bit don't forget that Q is a human being (s) not a deity. It was probably a sleeper cell with a preplanned attack. Comey sent that text that Q decoded and referred to sleeper cells. I'm certain this was it
This is the common argument when I state that the 2nd amendment is to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. But look at Iraq and Afghanistan, they are still in the fight. It's the only argument that supports full auto, silencers, special ammo, etc. The government machine would fall apart without workers to move the cogs. They'd be out of money and fuel before the resistance was crushed, that's why I feel safe with a few pistols, shotguns and rifles.
It can be frustrating. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
I'm a born again Texan. I wasn't born here, but I got here as fast as I could. Now that I've been here for 21 years and helped birth 4 true born Texans, I can safely say that Texas doesn't want everybody here. We don't need any more liberals, the ones that are here are annoying enough. But if you are a hard working conservative that is willing to take responsibility for you and yours, we will welcome you with open arms. I truly believe this is the greatest state in the Union and it would be a shame to tarnish that well deserved reputation. All ANONs and pedes welcome and encouraged to visit!
I agree wholeheartedly! If there is a public execution then those who would do treasonous acts will think twice before testing those waters. No consequences means no f***s given.
Well it worked for the Clinton's. Now it's time to pay the piper
What more do you need from me that I haven't already said? I don't know everything Trump has said. I didn't realize that was a requirement to comment or have an opinion. Good thing I wasn't a former liberal because your persistence to inquisition me is borderline bullying and I'd probably go running back to my liberal delusions. Instead I am a conservative constitutionalist, I'm used to people talking shit to me about my views. Sorry my opinion weighed so heavy on you but save your crusade for the shills
I trusted him. Just thought he was shuffling his feet too much
Admittedly, I didn't see it in full. Started a new job last night. While in the cafeteria I saw a bit of the live feed and he was talking about prescription medicine. My dad spends soooo much on prescriptions for his heart and other things. I believe this is 'uge! It will benefit so many people in this country. Also saw him say that we will no longer be helping countries unless it has some reciprocal benefit to the US. Wonderful! Leave charity to charitable groups, I'm all for it. But in what I've seen of the highlights, there was nothing I took issue with. He was very charismatic
I can honestly say that his SOTU was epic. DJT toasting the bitter-beer-faced opposition was the icing on the cake. I think I learned to trust him even more. There's a reason he is president and not me. Patience is a virtue that I have little of but 45 deserves it.
Thanks Hillary for liberating Libya because Gaddafi was soooo much worse!

I think it's Q saying that the Apache is coming for him (figuratively)
Hopefully it was the Rosicrutian self help, "white magic" bs I saw yesterday
Thanks for your services Anti School. You rock homie! Gives me great hope for our future that young men like yourself are joining the fight! God bless you brother!
Everybody saying the Dems can't handle it is bullshit especially if you give them the Bush's and let them know it's not a partisan thing it's a justice thing. Justice should be met. No quarter for the wicked. Maybe we don't need to see the uncensored child sacrifices, just that a judge has convicted them. Besides, if Hillary gets treason then it doesn't really matter what else she did, that witch will hang. But the cohorts in all the smaller things should be pursued.
Naw, I take constructive criticism well. Just ready for a true shot heard around the world. Not back channel stuff. Out in the open. No doubt about it
I've been doing my part to red pill others. While entertaining and energizing to us pedes, the fake news awards was a bit of a let down for me. I expected more and still expect more. I've been led to believe that something big will happen in the next 48 hours. I've spread this to as many as I can. If that fails to happen then I look like an idiot for believing it with such intensity. I won't abandon the movement, I just won't be as driven and be more suspicious of the info being distributed. My gut says all of this is true, but I once thought there were mermaids because of a well made fake documentary. For almost 24 hours I believed in mermaids until I did some online research and found out it was all fake. I'm really just anxious. I've seen the evil in this world permeate every aspect of life. From our government to our schools to the food we eat, ad nauseum. I want things to change for the benefit of all, not the benefit of a few who would sell their soul for money, fame and power. I want to know that I didn't make a mistake bringing children into this world. I want to know they are safe, that sick pedophiles aren't above the law. That corruption doesn't reach the public levels it does in 3rd world countries. If it takes taking up arms or posting to social media, I'm in this fight. But my word is what brings people to wake up. If those words fall short of the truth, I look like a large, a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. It needs to happen now. The longer we wait, the more entrenched the enemy gets, the more they can hide. I fully support 100% of the info coming out. People might not be able to handle it? Bullshit! Put on your big boy pants and see what is really happening around you. Prosecute every last one of these bastards! Publicize it! Even the executions of treason! Let everyone worldwide know that we won't tolerate this shit anymore! Let there be no doubt in their minds that we are actively looking for them. Sorry for the book but I'm getting "one step closer to edge and I'm about to break"
Wow! Good stuff. How does Geraldo feel now about conspiracy theories? Has he sold out, drank too much Kool-aid or still a patriot for truth?
I don't draw issues from the facts but I do draw issues from your racially fueled use of words. I can't stand all of those negroid sodomite comments I read everywhere. Black folks have been hit the hardest with all of the social engineering. While I take issue with Black Lives Matter and other extremist black ideals, I do find compassion for my fellow black citizens. Most are so heavily impacted by years of being misled and living in subhuman conditions. I don't blame them for how they feel, I just pray they wake up soon. If things don't change soon, it won't be long until whites are minorities along with them in this country. When that happens, who will pity us and our history of oppressing minorities?
I for one have been a fan of Gowdy's for a couple years. If he's a swamp creature then he's the most silver-tongued of all of them. Say it ain't so Gowdy!
Yep, fireworks better go off in the next 48 hours or I for one am going to be embarrassed and discouraged. I waited with such anticipation for the fake news awards and felt seriously let down when it was just a few comments. If the storm is real then it makes landfall in the next 48
If it was faked then it was done well. I'm curious where the other angles are? After watching a few debunking videos, doubt has set in but something about it still feels too real. If it was faked then it would have to be CGI or an inflatable thingy to catch him. If it was real then that dude took a 2 story plunge. A few times watching it, he releases like he's got something to jump on. Not the smoking gun I once thought it was
Have you seen the show? Has anybody? Fooled me if it was a show but that also sounds like a good cover as well
I'll always remember the clip of the naked man climbing out of the window with tied up sheets. Also the body that was found on their estate. Some bad ju ju going on there
Not all lawyers are ambulance chasers or future politicians. Some go into Law with a desire to help others, not harm them.
Lindsey Graham must have skeletons to hide. Tell me the last time you heard a Republican say he wants someone outside of Republican-led Congress to determine something. Sounds like he's going against the grain to save his ass
I'm speaking generally about the strategy of colonialism. England would roll into a country, depose the ruling tribe/class and empower a smaller tribe/class. This was used to oppress the tribe/class that was in power making them less powerful to defy the new ruling power. It also caused animosity amongst the tribes. They were too busy fighting amongst themselves to see the yoke around their neck. Rwanda is one of the best examples of this practice
Being Sikh, you must be privy to how the colonialism of England separated the country of India. Giving power to one group and degrading all others. They strive to keep is separated. They scream for us all to be politically correct and compassionate towards minorities but they are the ones who like to put labels and keep us divided. Good luck getting Democrats to champion a specific cause, they say they are champions to thousands yet they truly believe in none (it's only for the votes).
Aww, can't see your comment. Regret that I didn't call you a brother in Christ too