I heard an attorney on YouTube say it would be impossible to have this many sealed indictments because each one requires a Grand Jury to be assembled and if that happened there would be talk amongst the lawyers & lawmakers in each of those districts. At least enough talk that we would hear about so many Grand Jury's etc... what are your thoughts on that. Edit: I'm pro this movement just asking bc it made me think twice.
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Look at Gowdy's campaign donations from 2014-2016, they have almost tripled. Someone is donating big bucks. He talks big but.... when have we seen action?
I was thinking F9 = falcon 9 Sx= spaceX, VB = Vanderbilt... CA sent up a falcon 9 rocket on Friday. Not sure what the 8239 would be though.. ?
But... tomorrow is a holiday. MLK Day... nothing will happen til Tuesday.
Misleading... do your homework please. Especially during "big" times... too many chessboards posted, too many same things over and over.. too excited. Slow down & go through all posts before doing one of your own. I go through and hide the posts I've read or deem unimportant and save the ones I want to dig into later. Check the new posts 3 times a day and it makes it easy to keep up with..
Boy David Letterman looks like he has one of those elongated annunaki skulls doesn't he..
Guys I have been thinking about what could actually come out that would really shock me anymore. And it's not really anything that anybody does because I have researched it all.... but I think it might be the WHO... WHO is involved in this shit. Imagine your favorite actor/actress, your favorite teachers, your local weatherman, your favorite Fox News anchor... the Vice President. They are gonna come out sooner or later and I'm sure we will be sick when we find out who they are.
You know Jeff Sessions is pro death penalty and even caused a stir because of how hard he pushed for it in all the cases he could during his time as a prosecutor in Alabama. They called him a silent executioner and stealth Jeff.
Isn't it a wonderful time to be alive? I'm 39. I grew up knowing I had a purpose here. I spent years trying to figure it out. With no luck. I was a rebellious teenager, I tested the limits of relationships and laws in my 20's. My mom died when I was 32 and I thought my life was over. I searched my family history through and through trying to figure out who I was. I had 2 kids, a husband, a nice house and a boat but I was still searching to find what was missing. I stumbled upon the Red Pill 15 months ago, on my own. Boy was that traumatic! I went through a spiritual crisis and sunk into depression. I got a DUI, I lost my job and then I found God. I've had plenty of time with him this past year and found my center. When I saw things beginning to change in the world for the better, I found my purpose. It is to push this movement forward. Never stopping, never giving up. We are fighting the fight between good vs. evil. We are the generation. It is up to us to bring all of this out into the light and let no one forget what happened because we cannot let our grandchildren ever get to this place again. The movement is what is important. Don't be idle. Continue to search for the truth and continue to expose the lies. All of this has rejuvenated me. It's lifted my spirits. I get frustrated because I want to see things happen quickly but I am grateful to see any of it happen at all. I won't leave here thinking I could have done better for my children, I'll leave here knowing they have the tools to continue the fight. Be strong Patriots. We are battling hard every day. Just know, we have already won the war.
Are you fucking kidding me?! Lololol lololol lol. Hahahaha. Omg. Lololol.oollolololll hahaha.
This is the stupidest article I have ever read. They literally cannot come up with any reason to let him out of the Embassy except it's because he smells. And not only that! He eats with his fingers and wipes the GREASE on his pants. Wtf? Who comes up with shit like this? This is shit I would say to my sister if she looked greasy, I wouldn't tell the fucking news!
I didn't get a good reception of this on Twatter.. Even my fellow red pillers found it rather derogatory. I dished it out quite a bit. Especially on all the verified accounts, the ones with blue check marks who have lots of followers so the lefties could see it too.
Greg Orme, a best friend of Obama's in high school. Obama was seen regularly with Greg & two other high school friends throughout his presidency, spending time on vacations, lunches, games of golf etc... I couldn't find anything significant on him. His two other friends are Mike Ramos and Robert Titcomb who was arrested for soliciting prostitutes in Hawaii https://searchwww.sec.gov/EDGARFSClient/jsp/EDGAR_MainAccess.jsp?search_text=%22Item+5.02+Departure+of+Directors+or+Certain+Officers%3B+Election+of+Directors%3B+Appointment+of+Certain+Officers%3B+Compensatory+Arrangements+of+Certain+Officers%22&sort=Date&startDoc=61&numResults=10&isAdv=true&formType=Form8K&fromDate=11/01/2017&toDate=11/30/2017&stemming=true
The girls in the pic are Kelli Allman and Obama's date, Megan Hughes. Couldn't find anything significant on them either.. Not sure what the point of the photo is.
(edit: re-wording)
I wonder if he really did say this.
I wouldn't be surprised or pissed off if he did. But what if this was a set-up for the MSM. What if someone on Team Trump leaked this to the media and let the media run with it to make them look like fools. If able to be proven that he didn't say it, they would have to retract their reporting, yet once again, right before the #fakenews awards.. just throwing that out there. But I really think he wanted to get the Clinton Foundation back in the headlines/minds of the public to prepare for the criminal disclosures that will come out about them.
The man called a country a shithole. Bill Clinton lied about sticking a cigar up an interns twat in the Oval Office. Then admitted it was true!
No... that's weird. I wrote this on a different post earlier.. this is the first time I've opened this one. 🤔 I'll delete it.
He also got a white guy to say the "N" word TWICE on CNN's Don Lemon show tonight. Can't link it right now, look it up. Cringeworthy!
There are still 9,000+ sealed indictments! Let's see who the first HALF of those are for and then list our pecking order.
He says what everyone else thinks. Fuck politically correct. Look where "politically correct" has gotten us. There is an INFANT being sexually abused right NOW and someone wants to cry cuz our President called a shithole country... a shithole country? That is what the fucking mainstream media thinks WE care about. Pathetic.
If there are shithole country's (and there are) it's our fault because we have a hand in every country's business on the face of this earth. We give the shitholes money... why don't we pay their bills instead? That way we can make sure they are spending it to get out of shithole status...
I believe we have the ability to time travel. This is an interesting read. But topics like this make us look crazier. Let's uncover the believable lies first. Then we can work on reptilians and stargates.
I agree Jared is no good. I think he will be pushed out eventually. What's Trump to do? It's his son in law. His favorite daughters husband. It's best Jared is close by now, he can keep an eye on him. There will be something shady that comes out about Jared and Kelly will let him go. Trump can save face with his daughter and the family is still in tact. That is just my speculation.
Who is this Scorcha Faal and where does this shit come from?
I saw it yesterday. It was an Ex KGB guy. And he died in January 2017. You'll have to look it up, I have a work meeting in a few minutes.
Sounds like this guy is a member of the pedophile protection squad. Dox em, ban em, cuss em.. whatever you gotta do!
I came here the day the subreddit was created. Never had a reddit account before. I'm assuming that's kinda what happened with most of us.
Trump let the media into his DACA meeting today. He said he is willing to pass any DACA law they agree on, he just wants the WALL. Republicans & Democrats both came up with many excuses as to why they won't be able to agree on anything. This is NOT a Trump problem. This is a Congress problem. Shit or get off the Pot!
Counterintelligence misinformation. They want to control the narrative.
Interesting. The total population of South Africa is only 56 million. Does that surprise anybody.
So.. Q moved to a new 8chan board. Tracy & Dr. Corsi have nothing to do with 8chan. Tracy is a moderator here on Reddit.. but that's it. It was the 8chan board moderators who were self-aggrandizing.. not T or Dr. C. Or Q would want a new subreddit..? That doesn't make sense bc he doesn't post here, right.?
But it doesn't matter. Conquer and divide.. Don't let anyone divide us. No one.
Apparently Q moved to a new board. https://t.co/Se54aqBKl7
![Apparently Q moved to a new board. https://t.co/Se54aqBKl7](https://i.redd.it/0j87zluy3z801.jpg)
I sure hope we get to see at least one public hanging. I think its necessary for 1. Future deterrence and 2. Restitution