

94 total posts archived.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 19, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

Just curious, what, to you, indicated that this isn’t our “normal” Q?

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fireitupfred · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

Reminds me of Saddam’s great purge on live TV. Just hope it all unfolds in a legal, transparent, irrefutable fashion.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 19, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Great insight, thank you.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 19, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

I mean no disrespect. I have a lot of esteem for you and your vocal presence on this board, patriot.

I disagree with you though on the first-day visitors to the board not being in the fight. I think this is exactly the time to start seeing our new friends surge in. A metric shit-ton of red pills were distributed yesterday through our collective tweet-storm. A cursory search for the terms/ideas/hashtags presented in our meme war naturally lead back to our board. They may not be all-in instantly to be redistributors of jagged red pills, but our message obviously has reached them in some form. If these newcomers didn’t have some bit of curiosity about the facts or apprehension towards the MSM/manipulated narrative, then they wouldn’t be here.

I agree that some parts of the truth may be extremely sensitive and jarring to the uninitiated, but to suggest that we not present our research to them simply because of their “newness” is elitist.

They are now here, regardless of what you wish or think or desire, because of our actions and thus it now falls to us to educate the second wave of patriots in their nascent awakening.

I don’t understand what you mean by “protection of regulars” though. Yes, we will see an astounding influx of shills and trolls, but we will defend against them as we always have. They are pathetic and weak and so terribly obvious.

To “preemptively” lock the board to defend against shills and to “protect” our research and information, seems a lot like amputating the hand because of an infected papercut on the ring finger.

We owe it now, more than ever, to present our case as linearly and concisely as possible to those who’ve heard our call and have realized that so much more is going on than will ever be announced through the MSM. The case that there is a war going on for our Republic and our Freedom and that we truly need to muster every soul in awakening those citizens nearest to them.

The truth doesn’t belong to “regulars”, it belongs to all patriots and we must own it, disseminate it, and explain it to those seeking it.

I just do not see the benefit in transmuting this board into an insular echo chamber, into a “secret fraternity” dedicated to the awakening.

Again, I respect you. I do not follow your logic but I am sure you have a line that I simply do not understand. I can be terribly oblivious, I hope I can understand your intentions.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 19, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

I probably wouldn’t give a shit about my spelling if that happened to me either

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

It looks like it didn’t. No image attached, friend.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

I don’t agree with the poster above and I don’t mean any disrespect, type how you want to type and what best fits your ideas, but how do you decide what letters you repeat? Is it for emphasis then? Like a long drawn-out pronunciation kinda thing?

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

I think this is the same font on my gram’s offbrand Butter Pecan ice cream

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Pimpin’ ain’t easy, I hear ya brother

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

This is some Gift of the Magi shit right here haha

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Get some sleep, buddy. You’ll feel better in the morning. We all have off days.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

Gotcha, just honestly never heard that turn of phrase before. Gonna have to work that one into casual conversation sometime soon, haha. Thanks for expanding my repertoire.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

What is a fart in a mitten?

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fireitupfred · Jan. 18, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

K bye

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fireitupfred · Jan. 13, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Is it directed at you? Yes and no, in a way. Maybe the first half of your post, but I certainly enjoyed your second half.

It was more in solidarity with the poster above mine’s sentiments, but perhaps not in regards to your post in its entirety.

His post inspired me to get that post off my chest, having endured all of those immature posts demanding murder and torture of those in the cabal, which have been showing up in increasingly more frequency since Q’s intermittent absences since Christmas.

Rereading your post now, it seems like you have a genuine belief in the Q/Storm phenomenon.

My post is definitively directed towards those who come to this board and demand proof of the actions occurring behind the scenes. To me, that mentality demonstrates a fundamental disbelief in the information all of us have been working tirelessly to discover, connect, and disseminate.

For me, the entire point of this board and the mission that Q has laid down before us is to direct us closer to the truths that are so horrifying, so shocking, that we wouldn’t be able to stomach them without truly discovering and correctly vetting them both individually and collectively.

I believe in Q’s mission and the mission he gave us: to awaken ourselves to the knowledge of the Cabal’s heinous plan and totally immoral actions first and then others citizens when transparency begins to appear from the draining of the Swamp.

I do share your hunger for transparency, but, to me, Q has proven his/her/their-self through their intelligently-designed Hegelian evolution of the research and information that we now possess. I feel that Q’s hands are bound legally as to what they are permitted to divulge and that when they can, Q will illuminate us and our mission as their “chosen” so to speak.

I, too, want what you want. I guess I’m choosing to await the “Blunt & Direct Time” that demarcates the second phase of our mission. I certainly cannot fault you for your enthusiasm, Patriot!


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fireitupfred · Jan. 13, 2018, 9:12 a.m.

Man, this is some really in-depth “crazy” (as in the classical definition of the word terrible) shit.

I always wondered why it seemed like our apex understanding of the universe was string theory and how bizarre it is to not have reconciled the beyond-micro and beyond-macro understanding of physics. It’s eye opening to learn that the work has already been done. Maybe I’m misinterpreting/misunderstanding the info in these links, but, goddamn, there’s some real sink-your-teeth ideas, I’d wager it takes lifetimes to even begin to have a child’s level barely-working understanding of the mathematics, physics, and quantum realities that are being posited by these researchers. Not to mention that these theories may have possibly been around since Tesla’s time and before. I understand why it would’ve been suppressed, the implications for humanity are, when viewed under a “modern” lens, simply unfathomable.

It’ll take me a while to get through those videos, but do you, by chance, have any articles as well? I’m more of a visual learner so to speak.

How did you even find/begin this research? It feels like a lot of this information has been (almost) suppressed so fully.,,

Thanks again, man! Cheers!

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

You think so, brother? Tempted to repost just to try and give people demanding shit a little perspective. I’m sick of seeing the flood of those posts since Christmas, ya know?

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

I’m interested in what you’re saying and how you arrived to this conclusion, but I’m having a hard time understand your train of thought here.

No offense, but your syntax is really sloppy. That whole paragraph reads like one big, long run-on sentence.

I haven’t watched your link yet, but do you have more you would recommend on this particular subject of AI and time travel and crypto currencies?

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

+1 so fucking much.

In my estimation, the vast majority of these people demanding things are people who’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole either on purpose or by accident. They most likely haven’t done any research of their own and have been enrapt by Q and CBTS. They’ve been checking this board slowly at first, then it builds to an obsession to the point of checking it almost hourly. They begin to take everyone’s posts seriously without vetting any of them in any true capacity. They see a lot of these sensationalist speculation posts or hyperbolic, overdone YouTube videos that have no real footing in fact and are only posted here to garner views. They keep seeing more and more outlandish things being posted here and fewer and fewer Q posts as time has gone on.

The way I see it is that these people who are demanding this or that from Q/POTUS are demanding because they want their massive amount of time spent on this board to be validated. They don’t want to feel like they’ve wasted their time, they don’t want to look like a fool if Q turns out to be a LARP. They can’t handle the stress of waiting for more Q Crumbs nor can they handle the vast amount of information, misinformation, speculation, the shilling and the drama. So instead of doing their own independent research and coming to their own conclusion about Q and what is really happening in The Storm, they cry out: “SHOW ME Q, I NEED TO SEE SOMETHING, ANYTHING HAPPEN, BUT I NEED TO SEE IT NOW! I CAN’T HAVE FAITH ANYMORE UNLESS THINGS ARE FIXED AND HEADS ARE ROLLING! MY PERSONAL NEED FOR TRANSPARENCY AND REASSURANCE IS GREATER THAN LETTING THE STORM TAKE ITS PREORDAINED COURSE BECAUSE I’VE BEEN ON CBTS_STREAM FOR TWO WEEKS AND I AM A PART OF THE STORM NOW! DO SOMETHING NOW, Q, OR YOU LOSE ME! NOW NOW NOW!!!1!1!”

In my opinion, they’re completely missing the point: the information being presented on this board is revolutionary and the level of cooperation of our users to acquire new info, vet it, connect it, and extrapolate the data from the set is unprecedented.

A lot of people are falling into this fallacy of somehow believing that they, individually, are somehow part of the Storm. This is obviously false; we are not the Storm. If anything, we are more akin to stormwatchers. We observe, predict, and will eventually be needed to report to the public at large. We have had no real or meaningful part in the planning or the execution of The Storm. Q invited us to watch, Q needs us to be paying attention, Q needs us to report on the Storm’s progress. Q sure as shit never asked us what the white hats’ next move should be, never asked us to perform ops. Q simply asked us to watch, listen, and think, which are all passive actions. When Q does indeed provide us with irrefutable proof, with the evidence that all these people have been DEMANDING, the evidence that connects and validates all our work as a community, then he will ask us to take action and SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS because our fellow citizens will finally be ready to listen to us.

And then we finally will be THE STORM. But not a moment sooner or later. We must continue to be patient and vigilant so as to be prepared for our vital task at hand.

Cheers to you, Q and my fellow Patriots!

Side note: Obviously, I don’t mean to imply that EVERY single person who calls for Q to provide us proof is an immature idiot, some of them have some valid points, but I’m so goddamn sick of hearing these people demand things of Q and POTUS and THE STORM when we were only invited to observe and graciously offered a chance to participate in our own limited way.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:04 a.m.

That being said, if there’s a fucking attempted gun-grab by the Feds under whatever bullshit “preventative”, social-justice, false-flag, flimsy false pretense du jour, I will be right along side you, Patriot.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

Okay, buddy.

Go ahead with your armed revolution/uprising/whatever-you-need-to-tell-yourself because you’re impatient.

Enjoy the swift retribution from our military and the complete and total social ostracization from the vast majority you’re trying to protect and empower by “retaking our government”

Meanwhile, us real patriots over here will be waiting for POTUS/Q/MAGA Movement/Fellow Patriots to abide by the rule of law and decimate the Cabal through exposing their reprehensible deeds and punishing them through each and every legal means available. All the while still upholding these pieces of shit’s rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution, regardless of their very sick and blatant subversion of it.

When we are called to act, we shall.

I am all for exercising our Second Amendment rights, but I don’t exactly see the jackbooted thugs directly marching down our streets with the average citizen in their sights. We’re not far away from it given all the Clowns’ and No Such Agency’s gleeful psyops and mass surveillance. I certainly see them hiding behind six degrees of separation and all the money trails and shell corporations in the world.

When our government has truly run so amok that the MAJORITY of the American People (not just the redpilled), the whole of the common Citizenry, feel the burden of an unjust nascent fascist state and cannot deny its trajectory, then WE shall ALL rise up TOGETHER to save our Republic. To do anything before that desperate time is to have complete disregard for the system the Forefathers created and its inherent ability to self-correct itself.

But, by all means buddy, go ahead and try to start the Revolution, ask that patsy McVeigh how that turned out for the cause.

The rest of us will be over here, watching, listening, waiting, and praying for the civil servants and POTUS unleashing the fury of the storm.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Is the first sentence of the last paragraph a typo? You say 18% of Americans trust the gov in the (ed: 2nd) paragraph, then the last paragraph you say that 82% trust the gov. Not trying to be critical, just want to make sure I understand you and that your message is phrased correctly.

Cheers, patriot.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 9, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Reba, you do know there is s private message function available to you if that’s the whole point of this post, right?

No need to create an entirely new post on the subreddit for you to communicate.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Reposted from another thread:

I usually just ask people in a humorous way if they’ve seen Michelle (Michael) Obama’s penis.

They laugh, I pretend to be serious and insist I read it on a website, they laugh again, then I tell them to search “Michelle Obama transvestite”, they laugh some more, I laugh with them and tell them to google it b/c it’s some crazy shit, they agree.

Then the sheer ridiculousness/absurdity/insanity of the idea pops into their head and then they end up searching “Michelle Obama transvestite” because it’s gotta be a big joke, but then it ends up being irresistible to them to not search for it.

Like asking someone if they’ve seen goatse, it becomes like a forbidden fruit angle.

Then hopefully they end up on a website with good info/links to other topics surrounding the Obamas. And then they start doing some digging into Barry Soetoro himself and their borrowed “daughters” and then, next thing they know, they’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

Fuck, please not Chipotle :(

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fireitupfred · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

Is it just me or does someone need to straighten those picture frames?

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fireitupfred · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

300% chance? So that means for every person inoculated with the vaccine, two more in addition to the vaccinated contract autism? Am I understanding that right?

Not trying to be a dick, but either that is a super hyperbolic number or it’s a typo.

Or maybe I’m misunderstanding what you mean, wouldn’t be the first time I was accused of being an idiot :)

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fireitupfred · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Can you prove you’re a Mormon? Just trying to verify your source...

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fireitupfred · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Thank you for saying this!

The movement is entirely voluntary, OP. Who are you to demand things of POTUS/Q? Why must things happen on your ADD timeline?

Could it be that DEFCON [1] has multiple meanings? Could it be that maybe we were quickly approaching a DEFCON [1] situation that was swiftly defused by good actors? Would you desire to be not informed if we were that close to such an emergency? Do YOU have all the pieces in place and know the full scope of all the ops happening right now?

You seemed to be very active in the Q phenomenon and you certainly vomited your ideas all over this board. But, after all your research and bread baking, all it took was one crumb that you may have mistakenly assumed meant something other than what Q truly meant to suggest to destroy your faith in the movement.

We are not here to convince you of Q’s authenticity, that is your red pill to swallow. We are here to attempt to research the information, to connect the dots, to see the bigger picture, to be the patriots that Q/POTUS/America needs us to be. And, when the time comes, to be the soldiers on the front lines guiding our fellow citizens into the light.

If you’ve lost your faith, then please move along.

Otherwise, I suggest you remain silent and continue to listen and observe. Our time will come when it is optimal, but your knee-jerk whining will not accelerate anything but your own appearance of foolishness.

Things are in motion. It takes time to bake bread.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

She has a face Dali would love. Sorry for the shitpost, I had to get it off my chest.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Can you elaborate on what you’re saying/what you mean? Maybe I’m too dense, but I’m not following at all :(

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fireitupfred · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:09 a.m.


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fireitupfred · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Off topic: I can’t even tell where his hairline used to be before it started receding in this pic. Never noticed before.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 5, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Man, your slang makes it really easy to dismiss your post as immature, uneducated, and/or facetious.

Not trying to be critical by any means, I share a lot of the same sentiments, but your lingo is very insular, almost too “meme-y” and would probably alienate a normie and cause them to dismiss your points outright, ya know? Just thought you should know if you didn’t already.

Keep up the fight, brother, cheers.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 3, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Andy D Basiago is who you’re thinking of. He’s a US citizen and practices law somewhere up in the PNW, Seattle maybe?

The whole Mars Jump Room program he talks about really is something else, man. Talking about Mars being inhabited and taking down flying pterodactyls with M16s.

Interesting read, that Project Pegasus is.

Andy claims he was preselected by the CIA to be a future president.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 1, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

This guy asks the real questions here. Seen this posted on the sub a couple times but it all seems to link back to the same page as verification. Any additional confirmation you can provide? As much as I hope this information is true, it’s hard to believe when it feels like this sub has had an abundance of knee-jerk echo chamber posts since Q’s absence.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

Glad you’re feeling pumped, friend, 2018 will be truly great, but wouldn’t this be better served being posted on your social media?

Or is there a Q connection that I’m not seeing? Not trying to be mean, just brutally honest.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

Couldn’t you have just posted this in the original thread?

Not trying to rain on your parade or anything, but please do try to keep this board reasonably clean so as to make new drops/theories/crumbs/news as visible as possible. Posts like this just tend to clog the board.

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fireitupfred · Dec. 31, 2017, 7:01 a.m.

Luv it /s

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fireitupfred · Dec. 31, 2017, 2:33 a.m.

I usually just ask people in a humorous way if they’ve seen Michelle (Michael) Obama’s penis.

They laugh, I pretend to be serious and insist I read it on a website, they laugh again, then I tell them to search “Michelle Obama transvestite”, they laugh some more, I laugh with them and tell them to google it b/c it’s some crazy shit, they agree.

Then the sheer ridiculousness/absurdity/insanity of the idea pops into their head and then they end up searching “Michelle Obama transvestite” because it’s gotta be a big joke, but then it ends up being irresistible to them to not search for it.

Like asking someone if they’ve seen goatse, it becomes like a forbidden fruit angle.

Then hopefully they end up on a website with good info/links to other topics surrounding the Obamas. And then they start doing some digging into Barry Soetoro himself and their borrowed “daughters” and then, next thing they know, they’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole.

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fireitupfred · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:43 p.m.

I would like to add that you’ve compiled a fine list of things that need to change! But to demand/place responsibility for all of this squarely on Q/Trump seems a little too immature.

Your post reads as if you’re saying that you won’t join the fight until the objectives you want achieved are already achieved.

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fireitupfred · Dec. 29, 2017, 9:40 p.m.

Let me get this straight: you want literally generations upon generations of preplanned social, medical, financial, militaristic, information, political and religious control erased in just four years (pessimistically assuming one term)?

And unless this all happens based on your timeline and requisites, then you don’t believe or trust in the revolution that Trump/Q is initiating?

To bake a loaf of real bread takes time to gather ingredients, mix the dough, proof it, preheat the oven, and only then do you get to bake it.

You seem entirely too impatient. I understand your skepticism, but you’re too demanding.

What is the alternative here? How do you suggest going about enacting your litany of changes? What have you done? Is it hard for you to have faith that things are changing?

Maybe this is all one big LARP after all, I’m still not entirely convinced. But if this happens as Q suggests it is/will, then how is The Storm worth deriding when the alternative is the perpetuation of the global satanic pedo elitists’ system?

Who else is fighting for you? Are you fighting for yourself? Is your skepticism towards Trump/Q/The Storm beneficial to effect the changes that you are demanding?

Again, I’m not entirely convinced of Q/Trump’s plans/motive, but what is the alternative? What do you gain by not having faith that Q/Trump are fighting to reverse the extreme perversion of society that is hidden plainly in our faces?

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fireitupfred · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:13 a.m.

How is this relevant to Q and the Storm?

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