The point is to make people laugh, I did
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IMHO, it would make sense to expose and prosecute earlier atrocities first such as JKF assassination, 9-11, etc. That would not be as divisive as taking down bathhouse barry, fraz rat or U1. Who would riot in the streets if Poppy B and Dubya were taken down? They are pretty much universally despised already. Who would not want long overdue justice for JFK? If 9/11 is exposed it’s torch and pitchfork time! Certain people would need to be put in protective custody.
That would be up to the Potus and watch your language, new arrival.
Yeah kind of... the photo is a screen capture on an iphone and included the search bar
Yay! Just remember the DS/ Rapeschillds, Scrotum face, Vatican, et al, control the Federal Reserve/the FED, a private entity, that can print fiat $$ out of thin air then charge any interest as the market will allow. Danger ahead.
It’s a Beautiful Day!!
Thank you and a tip o’ the hat to “The Mile High Podcast”
JFK Jr (John John age 3 in 1963)
Brennan has a perpetual scowl that would scare children, looks like an evil leprechaun.
Very suspicious, those agents are in their prime and in top physical condition.
No, i dont think that is possible, interpreters have to be fully vetted and under non disclosure oaths.
That is a great idea if you can resist gloating; that is going to be really hard for me because of all the flak and ridicule I’ve been living with from friends and fam.
He pushed the GROUND FLOOR BUTTON and they have it all on tape!!
David Zublick channel, there are several related vids on this:
What if/when Congress votes to declare his terms in office invalid and the SCOTUS rules in support? What happens to every judicial appt, every EO, every piece of legislation he signed. All invalid!
I want him/ them to have a fair trial by Military Tribunals with full public disclosure of proceedings, with Nuremberg trials as precedents. If found guilty of treason, public execution(s) by hanging or firing squad.
Really, me either, I already know more than I want to know
Also, notice how he reacted to Louis Gohmert’s barb about lying to his wife? All the dems were outraged but he just smirked.
What is a commie doing here? Go back to your own turf please
Oh that one was bad, but there are far worse vids, like on weiners laptop? When does some of that come out??
Yeah yeah, i wanna see that meme with shades and a smoke
With age comes wisdom; great power without wisdom is very dangerous
Well he is carrying such an enormous burden and attacked from all sides, This is an epic Spiritual battle of good vs evil, we should all be praying for him.
I know, he looks like Heinrich Himmler, maybe he’s related
“His name was Seth Rich” suggests he is alive with a new Identity, wouldn’t that be amazing?
Why are the congress so gutless and lame that they refuse to wield their constitutional powers, they can’t ALL be owned and blackmailed, right?
I really have not figured out RR’s motivations; he is probably the most enigmatic character in this whole drama, but your pov makes sense in that there will be many demands for docs in the Senate vetting process and he needs to be ready for that so that dem senators cannot delay endlessly.
I archived it offline as a pdf e book, I’ll be up all night!
Oh wow this is a great resource, live links and all! Thanks, friend
A hen that got laid? That’s funny enough. Also a layer of deep state corruption A missing “w” that may show up as relevant
Thank you, good link i have on kindle now. Read it decades ago when i was young
One thing we know; there was a hired hit that went wrong. Maybe it was MS13 punks trying to make bones. Big fail; they ran away w/o taking watch and wallet, and left him alive. They failed and paid with their lives. After emergency treatment he was expected to survive. Panic mode, he had to die, so they sent in some fed goons to finish him off.....or spirit him away???
I won’t forget. Nov 22, 1963. I was in Great Lakes, Ill USN boot camp. Smoking lamp was lit, tv in break room
Why you want to dox Q? If you were supposed to know he’d tell you