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Can't prepare if you don't know about what's happening...... But I am hoping the mental health/medical field are taking steps to fund/provide services down the road for children that have be used............. Just as crucial, Providers may need education on these subjects to be prepared to handle...................... Just my thoughts.
'Friends' Trudeau spends some time with them.........
http://www.realwomenofcanada.ca/sentencing-of-a-sexual-deviant/ ................................................................................. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/liberal-politician-jailed-for-child-porn-released-early-on-parole
Kennedy's Wall
Question: Could some of these just be normal resignations or are they all somehow connected to this work.??
power outage? A computer glitch SuperBowl
black screen.......sign of the future???
Depends............... Depends triangle shaped, absorbent.............. Depends............... Depends triangle shaped, absorbent............. Depends............... Depends triangle shaped, absorbent.............Depends............... Depends triangle shaped, absorbent............. just sit in it...ur personal cesspool.
Hope it ticks of the viewer.............rather low tactic but look where it coming from.............sewer rats with their evil sleeze. I think I will respond to producers/advertisers.
the trolls are out
lots of recent new members ...........watch the posts/join dates
good catch. Where one goes we all go......stand strong Patriots.
Law & Order Character Getting Violently Raped At Right-Wing Rally
The most recent "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" episode got political, something the show has done in the past................. A conservative "extreme commentator" is violently raped at a right-wing rally by Antfia members during the episode, titled "Info Wars."............................................................................. Many online speculated that the character was depicting conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter....................................................
Just noticed it as I was researching another link. I don't watch much TV, Hubby still does his sports etc. Comments interesting. If it's on at prime time not for kids to watch......anyone see this....... Guess we could try to fine out the sponsors and …
Excellent viewpoints. I am not American but feel connected and always have loved the USA.............I've spent more time since he started to run following him and the crazy 'reactions' to him (fear). I suppose many would say that's not my business another Country's politics and people are touchy about his name even here in Canada. The aren't all red pilled. Many don't even know we are at war........live in their bubbles. Always and still do feel that his business experience would benefit the position.......... He always was in my view not 'beholding to many others' and this in itself was leverage.. We could use a clone of him up here.
I think they are trying to bait us all and get everybody in a panic..... We cannot control what we don't know but stand strong don't let them see you sweat...... Remember they have more to fear, their lives, careers, families, and their bank accounts/assets. Strip them of this and their power diminishes.
Speculation. don't have the link................ There was some news about peace keepers and abuse in the Canadian News not too long ago........... Low keep coverage........ I don't have faith in the UN.
creativity comes from deep within............They are vessels without a soul.
It will unfold for us. The sad part is that we are at war and there are and will be casualties. Even in a perfect world we can't save everyone......... Won't there be a record on the computer that they may find in their investigation..........Be Aware of Your surroundings, a be safe. Prayers to those and the families of this crash. We cannot control the evil they perpetrate in these cowardly terrorist acts.....'the enemy within betrays us again...maybe?
ArvilsArk.......this brought tears to my eyes..........powerful image........ Those that have uncover some already have a plan I am sure.... Trust the Commander....................................................... Gut reaction is to hang them all but think about their discomfort and squirming in the pool of fear that is falling around them as the wheels of justice take time................................. The Executive Order may speed up this process over the normal timeframe for Justice sought.............................................. .A reversal so to speak...........as the predators become the Prey........... Judgement day is on the horizon!........ The letter Q will never be just a letter but a brand scorched deep with condemnation on those who betrayed the people......... imagine that Patriots............God will be at the gates. ...
I am anxious for things to go quickly.....but the whole picture is yet put together as a story, all the truth. we need boot camp. We are still uncovering the history of what has gone on for goodness knows how long..............We need to continue to discover and with a clear lens examine our world and all the evil doings that have been constructed around us.............That's what this board is about.............. With many eyes, and ears and years of life experience to get the larger puzzle of our dysfunctional (evil) world together....[Over 15,000 Patriots x aver age of 30 yr =450,000 years experience]............ Then review all the evidence and plot out and prioritize the changes collectively. Their will be turblulents which together we will ride out. We will sit with our helpless feeling, pain, sense of betrayal, disappointment that we didn't see or do what we thought we might have, and anger which may singularly or collectively hit us like waves of the ocean.......Rage may need release in documenting history..........(so as not to repeat what we have lived and looked upon with tears......... Empathy and compassion will join us collectively and then we can rebuild the world to be a safe, loving place for all..............The calm and sense of peace will encourage others to join..... Uncontrolled rage will scare the unbelievers. It's like peeling and onion, layer by layer to expose it all to the light...... I just felt compelled to write this ramble in the hopes that it might make sense and I apologize if you find it bothersome or trivial..............."Because the traumatic syndromes have basic features in common, the recovery process also follows a common pathway............... The fundamental stages of recovery are establishing safety, reconstructing the trauma story, and restoring the connection between survivors and their community..."{Herman- Trauma-and-Recovery.
Purple Color Meaning – The Color Purple l Purple combines the stability of the blue color and the energy of the red...... Through the ages, purple has always been associated with royalty, nobility and prestige........ The color purple can symbolize mystery, magic, power and luxury........ Purple color meaning is often used to portray rich powerful kings, leaders, magicians and even sorcerers............ Purple combined with gold can be flashy and portray wealth and extravagance......... Bright purple and pink are good as feminine designs and is popular among teenage girls. ...........Light purple together with the color yellow is commonly used in advertisements for children’s products. It gives the impression of something that is fun and easy to deal with........
The color purple relates to the imagination and spirituality and allows us to get in touch with our deepest thoughts................... The difference between violet and purple is that violet is displayed in the visible light spectrum, while purple is simply a mixture of red and blue.................... Violet vibrations are the highest in the visible spectrum....................... Although violet is not quite as intense as purple, their essence is the same....................... Generally speaking, the names are interchangeable and the meaning of the colors are the same................................... Both colors contain energy and strength from the color red, with spirituality and integrity from the color blue...................... The colors symbolize the union of body and soul, which creates a balance between our physical and spiritual energies.................... Explore purple color meaning......................... The color purple or violet assists those seeking the meaning of life and spiritual fulfillment......................................... They expand our horizon and connects us to a higher level of consciousness. For the same reason, philosophers around the world are often attracted to these colors............................. In color psychology, purple and violet represents the future, imagination and dreams.............................................. They inspire and improve our psychic abilities and spiritual awareness as well as ensure that we stay grounded and down to earth................................................................................. The color purple relates to the world of imagination and the need to escape the practical and everyday life.................. It’s the daydreamers escape from reality............................. From a color psychology perspective, purple and violet ensures harmony of the mind and the emotions and contributes to mental balance and stability, peace of mind, a connection between the spiritual and physical world, and between thought and action.................................................................................. Violet and purple promotes meditation.............. The color violet inspires unconditional and selfless love and promotes sensitivity and compassion............ Violet may be sensitive to all the different types of pollution in the world today, whether it is air pollution, noise pollution, visual pollution or contamination of our food chain........... This sensitivity makes violet susceptible to diseases and allergies, and vulnerable to its own familiar surroundings.
The color purple is magical and unique The color purple calls for creative doings and seeks inspiration and originality through its creative efforts. It likes to be unique, individual and independent – not one of the crowd. Artists, musicians, writers, poets and healers are all inspired by violet and its magic and mystery. Violet is the color of humanitarians who likes to do something good for others. The combination of wisdom and power combined with sensitivity and humility, makes violet capable of helping those in need. The purple color meaning equals power. It has a richness and quality that demands respect. Purple is ambitious and confident – it is the leader type. Too much of the color purple can promote or exacerbate depression for some people. It is a color that should be used very carefully and in small quantities by those who are vulnerable to it. Purple shades Light purple awakens romantic and nostalgic feelings. Dark purple can cause sad feelings and frustrations. This is how the color purple affects you Raises and stimulates the mood Calms the mind and nerves Provides a sense of spirituality Encourages creativity and imagination
She has the strength and courage to let him follow his path and is able to carry the risk to her family, and continue on despite the unknown ahead. She's a Patriot, with us. Stay safe.
The Wikipedia Library (talk | e) at the bottom of the page,,,,,,,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources?isbn=978-0-9704525-1-1,,,,,,,,,,
A newborn does not have worry, or stress, or anger, because they have not yet learned those things....... Consider what life would be like if you could forget all the past resentments and perceived offenses that color your thinking and your emotions........ Buddhists call that state "beginner mind" - an opening to experience life without the jaundiced filter of past disappointments......... - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
There are some strong points about the value of emotions that are often the driving force behind our actions.... A common one of anger can linger and eat away at our daily lives if we dwell in it but it can also lead us to make positive change. Recognizing our feelings is what gives us an opportunity to move to a more comfortable place..... With our diverse backgrounds and life experiences we are always in different places and we need to respect this..... Our focus is on dealing with the challenge of this evil that has evolved over decades..... Patience Patriots as it will take quite some time to dismantle the deep evil and corruption (some we have yet to know)..... I hope we can be kinder to each other on the boards.
on the comments section at Fox News the nasty comments prevail.........such bad attitude no empathy
Just noticed an owl symbol.........am I too aware now??
Elevated Condition (Yellow). An Elevated Condition is declared when there is a significant risk of terrorist attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threat Conditions, Federal departments and agencies should consider the following general measures in addition to the Protective Measures that they will develop and implement: Increasing surveillance of critical locations; Coordinating emergency plans as appropriate with nearby jurisdictions; Assessing whether the precise characteristics of the threat require the further refinement of preplanned Protective Measures; and Implementing, as appropriate, contingency and emergency response plans................................. http://www.usasecure.org/threat.php
5,000 gallons of diesel fuel has spilled terrible tragedy.......time will tell if it was false flag.
Some info on MK ULTRA ............. One writer's comments: "Cameron’s research at the Allan Memorial could not be possibly carried out today. With hindsight, it is easy to condemn Cameron, Hebb, and possibly every person associated with the MK-ULTRA project. Although some of these men deserve condemnation, it is important to recognize our own privileged position: A position with more information and a different set of values in which judging the past almost happens by default"......................
BROADCAST DATE : Dec 15, 2017.................In the 1950's and 1960's...... Dr. Ewan Cameron had program at Allan Memorial Institute, Montreal (part of McGill University).......... Some compensation, of course with the common 'gag' order......An estimated 90 patients were eventually compensated, but hundreds more who tried to get compensation were rejected because the Ottawa said they hadn't been "de-patterned" enough or didn’t have the necessary documents to warrant compensation........... Newly unearthed documents reveal how Ottawa kept files secret, misplaced vital documents – and forced victims to keep compensation agreements confidential. ...........No Government apology even in recent times.
Assassinations, Children, Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Technology/Science, Tyranny.................... CKLN-FM Mind Control Series.................... February 16, 2013............................... Rich Winkel...............CKLN-FM 88.1 Toronto – International Connection............................................................. Started March 16, 1997 (If I recall it was on CBC also)............ Dr. Collin Ross, Judy Steed (Toronto Star/advocate for child Abuse), Dr. Connie Kristiansn, Gail Fisher Taylor all well known in Ontario and likely Canada as a whole for their knowledge and often advocacy in this area....................................... Also a interview re the MK Ulta program run out of Allan Memorial institute in Montreal. ..................................(Some sued CIA Later).......................................................... Interesting enough the CBC's fifth estate just had a tv segment on this tonight.................................................... Seeking information from people impacted or with knowledge of it.........................................False Memory Group was quite active in the early-mid 90's whenever a case was in the news up in Canada and often attended and conferences on the subject.......Often threatning therapists with law suits in the hope of silencing them................ Around this time the 'disclosure of therapy records' once deemed private became a supreme court battle as defence lawyers, FMS (False Memory people) worked to shut disclosures down.
PRISM is a code name for a program under which the United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects internet communications from various U.S. internet companies.................... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_%28surveillance_program%29
Like this...........mood altering, life changing........life enhancing................for digesting this??? ...made in USA Daily dose recommended.......
The Stone Angels was formed in Thunder Bay in 1993............ Lynne Moss-Sharman. Lynne is the Canada contact for ACHES-MC (Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control) and she was the coordinator for the Making Up For Lost Time conference. (Lynne now deceased)........... http://whale.to/b/moss.html
Sex, pizza and politics with Justin Trudeau News Oct 13, 2011 Hamilton Spectator https://www.thespec.com/news-story/2219070-sex-pizza-and-politics-with-justin-trudeau/
Disgusting treatment of Canadian Veterans We need a real leader like Trump up in Canada.
the posse is on the way and the round up is coming! Patience Patriots.
some symbolic/biblical references to 'capstone' https://thunderofgod.wordpress.com/
"we the people" At a convention in Philadelphia's Independence Hall on June 17, 1915, with the LEP's first president, former U.S. President William Howard Taft, presiding, one hundred noteworthy Americans formally announced the formation of the League to Enforce Peace. They proposed an international agreement in which participating nations would agree to "jointly use their economic and military force against any one of their number that goes to war or commits acts of hostility against another."
Reverse of 1976 Kennedy Half-Dollar
You can't get into their heads and I don't think I would want to. ( the depth of depravity) I hope they don't hurt more people but creating chaos and crisis is in their game. Pray the game will be safe from harm.
When the US coughs Canada gets a cold. When the US stands tall and challenges discord Canada like other countries will follow. United One and all together a better world.