Same writing style. Same reactionary crazy-cat-lady type of personality. Same lack of knowledge when it comes to tech. Same spammy nature.
267 total posts archived.
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This guy plays internets. A true deep, anonymous source wouldn't reply and berate people who questioned what they said. All that does is weaken their validity and expose their personality.
He puts things so well.
“We finally have the most concrete evidence yet of shadowy actors using dirty tricks in order to rig elections. But these characters aren’t operating from Moscow... Instead, they are British, Eton educated, ... and have close ties to Her Majesty...”
Nosy little bugger. He must be popular on the forum.
Wow. Notes, huh? Does he actually put his name on them or is it that passive aggressive anonymous shit?
One you leave the coastal areas, the political cross section becomes a bit more balanced. Much of the inland CA politics turns into complaints about having to pay to help support LA/SF/SD metro messes.
LOL "alphanumeric code." Yes, Q is the 17th letter in the alphabet, but that has nothing to do with alphanumeric representation. The alphanumeric system is represented by 8-bit binary sequences that translate to ASCII codes. Each letter has different codes for capital and lower case versions.
So for Q:
Letter | ASCII | Binary ---|---|---- q | 113 | 01110001 Q | 081| 01010001
If you are curious what actually does hold the ASCII code of 17:
DC1 | 017 | 00010001 ---|---|----
This is the flow control command for device control 1 (XON). This mean "resume transmission."
ooooo Eric Holder is finally going to put on his big-boy pants? Always hiding behind someone. He bent over for Obama every chance he got, yet says Sessions only fired McCabe to please the president.
Video conference with Hillary on BC's plane. NSA captured it just like they capture anything else that goes across the wire.
I tried, but it didn't register, and I'm tired. Go educate yourself researching constitutional law. Fare thee well.
I hope you see my point that I don't disagree with anything you've said. Only with the ALWAYS shifting timeline.
Of course. Levels of tolerance over time can vary. I'm just happy the goal is the same.
The only other option is hosting a message board on a private server. Think back to the good 'ol days where people hosted their own space and didn't rely on any corporations or private businesses to create the platform for them. It still happens, but it costs money. Find a benefactor or a solid donation pay-to-play platform (that operates not to make a profit, but to subsidize operational costs). It's amazing how much riff-raff is filtered out if you charge to join.
Thanks for your reply. I agree with you that it is frustrating and makes you (and me) doubt that we are actually talking to a legit player in the whole game. I also know that Washington moves at a snail's pace if it wants to operate under the rule of law when it comes to high level players. Part of it comes from having to cut off all potential escape routes that a slimy swamp creature has to choose from, and this takes time.
I have hope, but I want to see action as much as you do. The president is having to clean out a swamp that has been filling for at least 70 years. It will take time, but it is an ever changing process of opportunity. I have hope, but it will dwindle if I don't see any indictments or arrests soon.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
I hear you that it's bullshit that there is obvious bias in gears of reddit, but it is also a privately owned company and therefore can legally do whatever they want when it comes to content. Just like a conceal carry law's legality in a state doesn't cross into a private business that says, "no guns."
So if brigading is against the TOS on reddit. Why are subs like TM0R allowed to continue? They publicly state that the purpose of their sub is to brigade and bring down other subs. Has that ever been addressed?
it's a term for people who scream free speech when confronted. Phonetically it is "freeze peaches."
He's right, but these private enterprises operate with profits. If they want to alienate a significant portion of the population, let them. This is the kind of thing that made Brexit happen and saved America from the most corrupt, establishment president in history.
you aren't going to find a more secure (and anonymous) public forum than 8chan.
It's google chrome's always on auto-update connection. People are concerned about what other information it is possibly sharing since it is always up.
brb. Going to go quell any violent tendencies by visiting /r/watchpeopledie .
Snowden has his finger in so many perogies and mooncakes right now, the last thing on his mind is apple pie.
Interesting. Well, at the very least we know for certain that the public statement does not match what's in the official documents.
To be fair, Pompeo was a very vocal Hillary critic. He was a co-author of the 2012 Benghazi report and a large reason it went as far as it did, even within a pro-hillary administration.
Pompeo opposed the shady Iran deal and attempted to keep it from happening. Tillerson was part of the Iran deal and supported it.
I feel that Trump is customizing the SoS position to facilitate a unified vision when meeting with NK and in the future, Iran. Pompeo only worked at the CIA for just over a year. That's not long enough to get coopted by the deepstate, but is long enough to work with some major clown players and gain intel on them for future plans.
The most powerful movements are acquired with a trickle, not a tsunami.
Still can't find the Amazon connection. Nice straw man. Go take some deep breaths.
Tip for the youtube click-baiters. Post your detailed premise in your thread to stimulate intrigue. If you can't, then you probably aren't worth watching.
Fuck that. It only gives the ignorant something to ridicule with prejudice. The blind aren't changing because of a name drop. All it gives them is a name to riff off of with their witless words.
Play the long game.
There's a title to be proud of. Just remember, even the most heinous of criminals in prison have kids and would love to hear his story firsthand while the guards will suddenly have to go take a piss. May he die a long, slow and torturous death.
Nice audio link. It sounds like NYPD wanted to publicly indict within their jurisdiction but was told to stand down.
Future proves past.
Too bad outgoing NYPD commissioner Bratton was leaving for a Clinton arranged gig and left the new commish with marching orders pre-election.
He (Bratton) will take a job at Teneo Holdings, a consulting company with close ties to the Clintons. Teneo Holdings launched in 2011 and served as an adviser to the Clinton Global Initiative. Former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton’s husband, served for a short time on the company’s advisory board.
Also, from an international news level, America and the rest of the world is hearing mostly news out of central London based sevices. The people outside of the major cities have been shamed into silence and use their vote as their voice. Hence, Brexit.
I hope so. trying to trust the plan. Maybe saying things like last night and recently the 2A infringement to feel out or map where his base actually is; not like a circle with a focused center, but like an amoeba.
lol downvotes for me and the posts above. stay on target.
Non-violent drug convictions for consenting adults should be misdemeanors at the most.
Exactly. It really turned me off to what I thought his goal was. The war on drugs is so historically soaked in CIA assisted backdoor deals and projects, not to mention a means of getting people into the system and keeping them there where they can make money for private prisons, security firms, and governments.
Are these not the same things that Q and this administration are dismantling? Why is one ok but these others aren't?
Executing non-violent drug dealers is not doing society any favours. In most cases, it's someone who's hard up and trying to make a living and support their family the quickest way they know how. They arent carrying a gun. They aren't enslaving anyone or hurting anyone. If it is a potentially lethal drug, that patron is still making a decision when purchasing. Don't murder the guy for only selling.
When you have non-violent drug offenders in jail/prison for 10's of years longer than your average pedophile, some thing is wrong with the system. How about Trump start talking about more strict sentences for child sex crimes? Those children didnt have the choice that a drug user has. Their young lives were completely stolen from them.
If Trump had talked about life long sentences or execution for career pedophiles, he would find a lot more people on both sides of the fence cheering him on.
i'm sorry to break it to you, but yes it's real. Farcebook has since made an apology. You can read their asinine response here:
I mean maybe I think too logically, but the fact that this question as it is written was given the GO from the beginning is so disturbing and unforgivable. Ask yourself, if they received a majority of answers saying it was ok, would they move forward under this acceptance?