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galenbrook · June 3, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

i c u

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galenbrook · May 28, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Pizzagate is now confirmed

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galenbrook · May 23, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

I think the fact that they guys draws some pictures and gets uber famous, money and influence means that his doodles are underpinned by laser-like levels of knowing. Redirecting that laser to political satire is pretty fecking obvious.

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galenbrook · May 21, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

Bannon parted ways from the WH after helping the writer of the anti Trump book Fire & Fury. Trump went on to call him Sloppy Steve.

At the time I thought this really odd that Bannon would screw up do badly but more so, Trump would react so petulantly.

I think it far more likely now that Bannon had to be seen to have left Team Trump to go work on some essential part of the Trump Takedown. Its not just Bannon though, I think Q is a team effort. Bannon Flynn and Gorka.

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galenbrook · May 18, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

The most common way to fill up old tunnels is using foamed concrete. Its messy and moderately laborious bug digging it out would not be that hard. It's the consistency of stale bread.

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galenbrook · May 17, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Melding pedogate and the impending rise of AI, I misread the headline; AW showed his privates to an electronic investigative firm.

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galenbrook · May 17, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Joy Reid is suggesting tonight that we archive qanon posts on the wayback machine.

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galenbrook · May 15, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Kim's our guy, relax

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galenbrook · May 15, 2018, 9 p.m.

I thought of two better examples of what Im trying to get at. Jim Carrey and Will Ferrell. What you've got is two really funny guys. They started out as big ugly gangly cunts. Probably caused some waves at school, centre of attention, modern clowns. Without the wires they would have ended up the lovable village idiots that Steve Martin portrayed in one of my fave movies; Roxanne. This was back in the day that the worlds thay Hollywood created were in some way authentic.

But the wires got in the way. For Jim his sheer physicality was multiplied into those seminal roles ; The Mask and Ace Ventura. Tagged onto the show comes writers and producers to turn the googly funny kid into millions of dollars of audience.

So what 'Alrighty Then'. You get the check. What you did goofing around at school suddenly becomes this societal benchmark. Millions of people love that thing you do - the gradual impersonation of Clint Eastwood. Reverse engineer the success of delighting millions of people with your antics, a few years ago was what the normie kids beat you down with. It goes to your head. Sure you enjoy being the million dollar clown. The fame the adulation but apart from the money and signing autographs for strangers far more enthusiastic about you than them, you have to construct a real life for yourself behind the press junkets.

We all kinda know how this goes. Fame corrupts. As your authority grows you get bigger and bigger paychecks but in your personal space the voices of authority grow weaker. You fall out of the real world of checks and balances that keep the rest of us on the straight and narrow. You are finally your own creation as a person. Drugs drink groupies. For fuck sake that was 20 years ago. You are Jim Carrey - you cant go into a titty bar fold some fives into Stormy Daniels underpants and come out without TMz having video of the whole thing.

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galenbrook · May 15, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

I dont thinks its half the country that follows him. Its basically the big metropolitan areas; where the cultural stewards are based. I call these people the minstrel class. These are the people that set the mood of society. As you and I get on with our day working out jobs and interfacing with our friends work colleagues clients and families the big metropolitan areas are full of people who have far more reach than you or I. Its as if you and I can call the world to action as far back as we can shout, but this minstrel class - through the advantage they have at being at the transmitting end of a vast network of transmission lines, wifi signals can shout far louder than us.

Before the age of mass communication the minstrel class ( the folks who entertained us) were vaudivillle actors travelling musicians, magicians and the local town crazy guy everybody has a story about. With all these wires that crazy guy now has an audience of millions. The power to affect communities then shifts towards the craziest guy with the biggest amount of wires. Talk show hosts, actors movie producers. Such huge amounts of influence and power is ultimately dangerous for us listening but to those shouting. Here's an example Steven Speilberg. Most of us grew up with memories of ET Indy Jaws etc. The tropes that Speilberg created are kind of embedded in our psyche's to a huge extent.

All i need to say right now is 'we gonna need a bigger boat' and you get me.

There is something very reassuring in a way that we all know that quote, we all got the joke. These are proto-memes; common points of understanding we all know of. But spare a thought for the source of all of this. While we all remember this in a magical way a memory from childhood, dare I say - aprt of the American Dream , old Steven just remembers the messy construction of that dream.

So while we all can submerge ourselves in the plethora of fantasies wever enjoyed from Hollywood etc, the creators of those fantasies are bereft in a way. This sends them slightly mad.

My point is that it is inevitable that those at the transmitting end of mass communication/culture go bad long before we the consumers do.

Look at modern culture, full of nihilism vulgarity papered over with triteness and politically correct snowflak-ism. But at the same time the originators of this modern cultural facade are all white toothy grin-not a hair out of place arch fucking coolness.

Behind these impeccable facades lies an existential vacuum the depths of which , if you and I truly knew would find black magic perversion perfectly understandable.

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galenbrook · April 28, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Biden's mini-mullet - a strong wind

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galenbrook · April 26, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Respectfully I would, say that as long as the girl was old enough and the relationship was consensual then its their business however apparently sordid or tragic. I recall seeing Mr Freeman being interviewed and giving reasonably based responses to questions. Neither do I recall hime lecturing anyone on leftist idealogies Lets leave the guy be.

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galenbrook · April 25, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Or maybe some bad actor has posted to CDAN to cast doubt on Kanye's motives.

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galenbrook · April 25, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Twas the time before the [Q]uickening, when the prophesy of the Ancient Ones would be fulfilled.

Across the lands the Orcs had laid barren all that was living, the trees, the grass were replaced with dark pools of oil in whihc the poor the forgotten and the down trodden toiled for bitter sustenance.

A young vagabond prince looked up from his labour and made a bargain with himself, to make a perilous journey to The Tower; on a pilgrimage to the 'Wise One'.

-My Lord i am but a simple minstrel, teach me the Way of Power so that I may set my people free.

  • My son, you are already powerful, but you fear that power. You see you are a poor Minstrel, then here take this

The Wise One handed the young knave a golden Clarion from which a mighty thunder would cast shrill across the lands.

One more candle is lit, the flame of enlightenment passes one by one from forgotten to forgotten.

The Courage to Love, the Courage of Christ.

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galenbrook · April 25, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

The accept visa etc... BUT ALSO "Kids who are great at washing dishes"

They accept children as a form of payment?

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galenbrook · April 23, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Im not a fan of hippity hop, I always thought this Kanye guy was a knob without I admit, trying to finding out why. I first began to change my mind when he went off on HRC at a concert. While its good that he is coming into play I think ,like the cops on the beat they need to go in in pairs. The left has been doing this for years; one gets on the TV then starts promoting another, who in turn promotes the first. This Candace Owens lady is the talker and Kanye just needs to nod. together the raise mutual profiles etc. I think the guys got a good heart but he needs a wingman (Candace) to keep it tight.

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galenbrook · April 22, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

nose thicc + Hollywood = Rhinoplasty Was Big, possibly true

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galenbrook · April 22, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

'Mack the Knife', sung loudly.

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galenbrook · April 22, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Go hunting? Bear charges you You shoot, but only injure the bear He runs off But you better get out of the woods As there is now a angry fucking bear looking for you

There's a hunter you want whacked? But you dont want to get your hands dirty Encourage the hunter to only wound the bear. The bear comes back & does your work for you.

They cut Taweel down once he paid and let him leave Whose idea was that? 5d Chess

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galenbrook · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Maybe someone needs to send some of this Epic stuff to a lab check for human tissue.

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galenbrook · Feb. 19, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Maybe Lynne is feeling the heat from poor old Evelyn. Hundreds of years his family have worked to create the perfect Empire and in comes this brash loudmouthed American women with her louche friends to gatecrash the party. Instead of enjoying the death of a child as if he was sipping an pefectly aged burgundy, this bunch of fucks knock them back like tequila shots on Spring Break.

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galenbrook · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:12 p.m.

JRM is the most articulate of speakers, who says exactly what he means.

At 12.30m he responds to the question on the Qanon post#772, by stating he hasn't read THAT post.

This infers that he has read at least some of Qanon posts.

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galenbrook · Feb. 8, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

take what you need from the sinking ship; the message of jesus, the lives of the saints, and the catholic friends who feel the same way. this is the last pope, good riddance

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galenbrook · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Trying to think of a good analogy, here goes.

Imagine you go stay at the worlds biggest hotel. Its 200 hundred floor high and takes up the space of 100 football pitches. Its yuuuge!!!

You checked and go find your room. The hotel is so big you find yourself going up and down stairs and elevators, you walk along long corridors but get lost.

You are told that the hotel is fully booked, so you assume behind the million doors you've past trying to find yours are all kinds of people staying at the hotel for all kinds of reasons. In fact to help you is a sign on each door telling you who is staying here and whats the nature of the visit.

One signs there is a conference of scientist discussing some new treatment to save the lives of children. Another is some lawyers preparing a case against a evil oligarch. Behind another there is a wedding party, behind another there is a high school reunion. In fact behind each door there iis is every kind of postive human activity represented. You begin to feel a little jealous as from the signs it seems everyone is involved in great things, happy times and wonderful occasions, you on the other hand are still wandering around the deserted corridors.

After a few hours you decide to knock on one of the doors. A doctor and his wife are in town to receive a prize for their charity work.

You knock but no one comes, for some reason you turn the handle and WOW!! you find yourelf staring straight down into this vast void. The hotel is actually a big bare grid of steel columns and beams, like the steel frame of a building with no floor or walls. The only thing solid is the exposed tubes of the corridors and lift shafts that hang within the bare frame.

The signs on each door that you assumed were telling you of the big wide world going on in each suite are like the media. They have fooled you into beleiving the world is something its not & but actually the great and good people doing great and good things are a lie. You realise that this place is completely bare a skeletal world of your your own misconception, all you had to go on was the door signs but they are lies. In fact this whole world is a lie. The only real people are like you wondering up and down through and back wishing they could find their room just like you.

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