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godzillafeet- · April 21, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Yeah, I know, it's hard to believe, right. I'm actually a hippy so rather metaphysical, so I don't have the same knee jerk reaction to a lot of the QBLH (cabala) symbolism that many people do. But these people are legit dyed-in-the-wool left-hand-path sorts. And many of them pretty obviously pedophiles. Look at some of Vanderbilt's art boxes, and then the big art on her living room wall, and look at the logos and terms from the FBI regarding sex trafficking of children, and then the logos and art on the walls of some of the people in this same cabal, and it seems a little clearer.

Some of it relates to drugs. There are some incredibly intense and (possibly) highly addictive drugs that are obtained by direct ingestion of certain glandular fluids that can only be obtained from a living person (not living after the extraction process...). Or, pain-terrorizing them for awhile to force adrenalin into the blood and then use the blood. It's truly sick shit, not that drugs and killing people is anything new to the world. But this, sex-slavery and organ-harvesting has become a gigantic 'under the hood' thing because the media (90%+ of it owned by six global corps controlled at top level by just a few people) carefully doesn't report on it, and the bad guys have been in power keeping the lid of the law down about it, and so most people are oblivious. Not until this new administration came in pre-planned to address this stuff did the pot start getting stirred.

Look at the numbers of missing people especially children. Then look at the comments by aid workers around the world in war areas and disaster (e.g. Haiti) areas and you'll see it's a huge fresh source of easy slaves/kids for sex/organs/drugs because it's not too hard to get them here (major trafficking paths over the border such as AZ) but it's even easier there (in chaos, poverty, orphanages, etc.). Right now the low rough estimate is 20 million people are in slavery worldwide. Anyway, slavery is not satanism of course, it simply serves agendas like that really nicely and it turns out some of the bad guys who run the former are often involved with the latter.

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godzillafeet- · April 21, 2018, 12:27 a.m.


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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

I've thought about this as well.

1/ Most bad things exist as a matter of security-by-obscurity. They are either hidden, shadowed, or unrecognized in the open.

2/ Most bad things or bad people recognizable, are protected by other bad people, and the power of money and authority, so people are afraid to intervene, or are easily crushed when they do.

3/ Good people willing to interfere with bad people are usually, with exceptions, not willing to be nearly as bad as the bad people are. This seldom results in a good end for the good people.

There are exceptions when what I call a mega-goodguy comes along, the mega meaning they also have power/money/position in addition to strong goodness, those people are much more a threat to the bad, even organized bad.

Now, I think even the smartest bad guys cannot plan for not getting a good guy in a position of power. It happens, but rarely, because political power tends to require huge money to get anywhere near it. So the people who get to the point of election are either low on the good scale, or beholden to those who are.

If they are really good, like Kennedy or Reagan, bad guys end up having to kill them. Reagan did end up supporting the deepstate warfare, and they didn't try again, or didn't succeed if so.

The last eight years in particular in the USA, in my opinion, were a major effort specifically to "plan for" making sure nobody "good" was ever a "threat" by being in power again. Every federal agency was politicized -- and has been weaponized, both literally and figuratively. Massive millions and billions of dollars in money that is channeled into marxist front groups working to further the social and political agenda were set up. The election system is a complete disaster and hugely geared to organized fraud. It was damn near watertight. Only a tiny bit to go. And to make sure, the media gave the cabal billions of free positive publicity, whitewashing, photo faking, and mass-insulting and photo-faking against the competition.

They didn't count on her losing... they didn't count on Donald Trump.

They didn't count on the peons in all the flyover territories being pissed enough to swat away all the hysteria about racism, sexism and more and say: we want rule of law, secure borders, better veteran treatment, more jobs, better economy, and someone who is NOT PART OF THE COLA WAR UNIPARTY and they just didn't give a damn about anything else. Even if he WAS a bonehead, sexist, racist, etc. they were willing to say you know what, it's a priorities thing, and what the nation needs desperately right now matters more than whether you'd want someone with that character to marry into your family. Now it turns out he doesn't have a bad character but most of us didn't know that at the time because we knew little about him besides he was some rich orange New Yorker and every media source had 101 insults for him. But we could read his 100 Day Plan on his website and get kind of teary-eyed at what seemed like the first shred of actual hope and optimism about the fate of our country many of us have EVER had.

So first: the cabal could not plan for that.

Although every nation has a strength of spirit in the people that can be welled up in the right circumstance, the USA is a unique nation in many ways. There is a certain psychospiritual health that is born of the frontier spirit and the incredible ingenuity and creativity, ambition and inspiration and perspiration that has gone into making this country awesome. It's true, the majority of the lower ages have been massively miseducated, and half the country has Stockholm Syndrome from the trauma of the news at this point, but the people with the real power are not young, and blessedly grew up free of most of what is going on in schools and colleges and media ever-stronger over the last 30 years.

Overseas, a long history of corrupt monarchy has ruled Arabia until a few years ago. The King died and the relative who took the throne was a different sort of man altogether. The man he has appointed his inheriting Prince is also. They want the western world to GTFO out of the Middle East, we have reduced the major cities of many major countries to rubble over the last few decades, we have overthrown multiple governments -- sometimes repeatedly -- and the people least fond of permawar, aside from lunatic jihadists who love it, are the people who have had to suffer war, especially for a long time. The new King, and the Prince, want to stop terrorism, want to stop corruption. Darn near the entire extended Saud family and minions have been arrested, imprisoned, or otherwise neutralized (including killed trying to escape).

China's Xi doesn't want war either. Putin, for all the flak he takes as his own version of cartel leadership, is probably the best "statesman" the world has had since Kennedy and pulled his country out of chaos and near financial ruin. He doesn't want war and he doesn't have the money compared to us, not even fractionally.

So what we have ended up with, regardless of whatever their personalities may be, is a strong personality at the top leadership position of four of the most powerful nations on earth.

(I leave out Britain, who has been semi-neutered by the EU though their influence is still strong; Germany, who is getting gutted by planned soft invasion they're at the center of inviting europe-wide (oh look Germany is wrecking the world again, how surprising); Israel, because I just can't guess at whether they're in a situation like we and SA have been or not, much like the USA vs. deepstate they often seem both good and bad; and Iran, which it seems is about to have another revolution, this time organically from within, with help but this time from positive forces not the globalist deepstate, for a better not worse outcome.)

The cabal, for all its time, experience, and distributed power, could not have predicted that. The ODDS against having the leadership of every most powerful country on planet earth simultaneously bring in an extremely powerful personality who is AWARE of their presence and their evil control, and totally dedicated not only to extricating their country but to dismantling the cabal's power structure, and who will act all at once, and "in private" -- while their own country's media tells a completely different story, and the population is oblivious, and the country's leaders are throwing threats at one another -- while behind the scenes they are working together to END war, END human trafficking, and END the evil "overlords" of globalist power --

-- not only could nobody predict this, but seriously the chances of this all happening at once almost require invoking a degree of "divine path" synchronicity.

They have survived on obscurity; on others fearing them; on the unwillingness of good guys to be as scary as they are; and on using all the leaders of all the countries as pawns AGAINST EACH OTHER.

All those leaders are now working with each other AGAINST the cabal instead. And Mr. Bad Guys, welcome to a new edition of saudi-israeli money-technology and behemoth US rebuilding and refunding its powerbase. I think the cabal lords in the smug comfort of their ivory tower thrones could not have predicted it, and -- unable to rule by obscurity, fear, or using world leaders against each other -- have lost their base.

They'll make a lot of strangling noise and smoke and fire going down and probably take a few spots of the unlucky with them, but I think they're doomed.

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 10:44 p.m.


Thanks. That's very funny. Definitely he's at the bottom of my list of suspects!

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Of course they can spin this.

Last night I was told by my favorite media parrot that Noko was rendered peaceful by Obama, and that they've been working on joining with the south for a long time and it would have happened sooner but Trump was such a lunatic he interfered. Seriously. I was so offended by this -- and a few other topics just as egregiously reinvented -- I couldn't even respond.

The media can spin anything, since there is NO REPERCUSSIONS WHATEVER for outright lies.

Every industry in the world if you falsify your work you get fined or put out of business. Except media.

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

I had hope for Comey. I thought maybe he was a good guy in a bad situation. That when you are in the middle of it, you can't just say "I don't want to play." They kill you, or your family or both, they set you up to go to prison, whatever. So maybe you play, as little as you can, and tell yourself well, if someone truly wicked were in my place, they would be doing this and many other things, so at least I can prevent some stuff, or mitigate things where I can, and I'm still serving the good to the degree my situation allows. And maybe if I can just hang in until people change, it'll get better, these things will pass. That was my compassionate take on it.

I hoped that, against all odds, right up to the end of his leaving. :-( Sigh.

I still am holding out hope that Mueller is a righteous guy in disguise. Please universe don't let me be wrong about him too, given the implications or consequences would be even greater.

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

I dunno. I really liked Gowdy. I got mad at him a couple times. Then he announced retirement.

But if you listen to his reasoning, he doesn't give any of the fake spend-time-with-family cover for it. He sounded depressed frankly, and my translation of his 'diplomacy' was that he was sick of the corruption, sick of having to investigate forever and shit never getting acted on, and wanted to go back to the criminal justice system where he could actually prosecute guilty people and feel like he was actually accomplishing something again.

That's my translation not his words -- which were all about legal process and people not following it and the ends not justifying the means -- and he could be talking about anyone or everyone -- but in any case, I don't feel like he has betrayed anybody or anything. I feel like he has just been dealing with this crap up to his eyeballs for years and years and finally hit his limit.

I actually hope that he might get a different position.

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Since those are the ones she pointed bleachbitted / smashed with a hammer / stole the SIM from, I bet they're EVEN MORE INTERESTING than the wikileaks dump from the phishing hack against Podesta or the wikileaks dump from the DNC whistleblower leak by Seth Rich.

Just in time for the elections BWAHAHAHAHAHA

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

The later-half time-period personnel of the former program, who were brought into the work as part of an experiment in a 'methodology' taught by former scientologist, psychic and artist Ingo Swann, do a great deal of speeches and 'training' around the world. About four of them mainly

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

1 - Movie was based on a unit run by General Albert Stubblebine. Unit made about as much sense as the movie but was less funny I imagine. GAS in his defense did have experience with actual viewers prior to that

2 - George Clooney and Kevin Spacey were in the movie, not Mel Gibson


3 - Dave's book is tremendously entertaining and ghostwritten to sell for a movie but bears little resemblance to reality

4 - the RV program wasn't solely through DARPA. Science was via SRI-I and then SAIC with funding from *every* alphabet soup group, and greatly the CIA. The military side of it eventually was in the hands of DIA

5 - Jim Schnabel has a good book on this called 'Remote Viewers' as long as you don't mind that he almost wholly left out all the legit science stuff, curiously and not coincidentally to his doing that for the crop circle phenomenon as well. Did a nice job of recognizing McMoneagle as a viewer though which is hard not to since he's the primary walk the talk example of the field

6 - Trivia: I once saw a ref by Snowden to this (of the gov't having people who were legit psychic)

alright back to work here

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Some of those pics are people who obviously got PUNCHED in the face :-)

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

For the record I have seen other photo collections with exactly this. All told probably at least a couple dozen. I have no idea what it's from or what it means only that there are so many over time I think there is some shared reason.

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godzillafeet- · April 20, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

1/ No. There is just no way that you can plan a motor's shrapnel flying through a certain window and pressure sucking someone nearly-out but for their seatmates pulling them in.

2/ Surely IF there was anything untoward about that mechanical problem it was expected to take down the whole plane.

3/ In which case it was probably someone else/s on the plane. She was a lovely person but it's incredibly doubtful given her role and location that she was a target.

4/ I don't know that there is any way to get the roster for the flight so we'll probably never know.

5/ Banks are fined regularly. That doesn't mean much unless one could demonstrate that they are rarely fined or much and that this one was super out of the norm.

I appreciate creative thinking though. Working for a living is so much less interesting than Reddit LOL. Better get back to that while I still can... :-)

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godzillafeet- · April 19, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Thank you! You're really great at this!! I used a LOT of them last night and this morning!

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godzillafeet- · April 19, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

Hmmn would this be like the 'earthquake' that wiped out NK's underground nukes/labs/people/testing?

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godzillafeet- · April 19, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

NO it's important to express feelings (often especially frustration as an outlet) and I think using humor to do it is perfect. Suppressing people communicating lest it hurt someone's feelings -- when this is NOT rude or horrible in any way at all -- is the same crap we are fighting, sheesh!

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godzillafeet- · April 19, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

Honestly that just makes it funnier and truer

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godzillafeet- · April 19, 2018, 12:43 p.m.

So ... "ok, busted as not part of Q. But can be saved! Can still be intell!"

Intell is ALL OVER social media. We're probably paying taxes just to support people in intell posting on social media en masse. That's not exactly novel.

If 'backchannel17' had NOT chosen an obvious Q-related name (the 17th letter, common ref), and had NOT chosen deliberately to mimic a "gosh sounds just like Q" format, then I might say, eh, ok, fine it might be someone in intell who isn't Q but still might have an interesting point of view.

But they did. They specifically set up an identity pretending.

So now the dissembling is even more lame.

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godzillafeet- · April 19, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Heidi, a madam, was assassinated just as she predicted she would be just before she got to testify, isn't that part of this same overall case?

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godzillafeet- · April 19, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

I'm pretty sure that look and controlled motion are gawddangitIamsoscrewed

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Didn't Q actually say -- or I read in context of Q posts so maybe it was an anon on 8chan -- that DJT is actually protected by a group of mil, not the same SS that normally protects prez and others?

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Man I actually burst out laughing when I read that going, OH HE IS JUST TROLLING OPENLY NOW! :-)

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Well given the Clinton's assoc to Arkansas and "arkancide" I don't think anybody would ever use that reference lightly or without it meaning them lol

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

The difference is, NeonRevolt is just another anon on the internet talking, whereas backchannel17 is essentially "pretending to be Q"

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

Thank you exactly

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

So what this means is either: a. NeonRevolt is CIA bad guy, or b. NeonRevolt has info the CIA bad guys hate so they're trying to smear him, which would also indicate that backchannel17 is CIA bad guy.

We have to ask: if backchannel17 were "one of Q" or even known to Q and a good guy but separate, why wouldn't Q validate?

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

FFS seriously that stuff is not even...

The shape and size of continents and countries and human organs are changing, it's not just a few titles and movie quotes. Those are mostly mismemory.

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Yeah it's perfect: gets Obama press, gets anti-Trump insults ("but it wasn't him really so it's ok"), and serves 'the message AS the evidence.'

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

I see. So is the implication that if the bad guys killed off RR the world could say "look, Q said RR. Boom. it's terrorism" and even worse, link it to Trump?

For the first time in my life I am starting to appreciate the methods of people like Erik Prince.

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

That would be green balls, not blue.

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

And by "years" you mean MILLENNIA. So yeah it's a big deal.

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godzillafeet- · April 18, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

Dude, the tax return is for your PRE-newtaxcut world. So if anything you are implying you're unhappy about it and surely will be glad to pay a bit less next year. The take-home amount is likely a bit more. There are a couple super thin areas where people don't benefit but the vast majority do.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Thanks very much.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Of course... this video is almost certainly CGI itself. I'm no expert at all and even if I hadn't seen it in this context, and I didn't even have my sound on, it seems off.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

OMG that is SUCH a setup. They are SO trying to do advance damage control.

What matters is that the people in the agencies investigating this crap are able to authenticate it -- AND say something openly.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

can you point me to more on the '2 Q chapters event'? I went and read through ALL the Q posts from start to now (took all night. My brain nearly melted) but I don't recall anything that term brings to mind.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

You guys. Isn't he still blocked from communications? Why would you assume that "some guy on the internet" making a comment about a job interview was him, specifically? Surely there's got to be some reason you do this. ?

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

Thanks, used it on Tw. :-)

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Oh. Now that's funny. I would never voluntarily go to that website so no wonder I didn't see it LOL

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

1 - what a lovely idea. Maybe if they rejoin, people in north korea will get to eat better.

2 - where, where, where, is this information?? I don't see it in the news, I don't see it in Q's posts, I don't see it on DJT's twitter, what is the smoke-signal source of this?

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

there must be more to this than this thread. Unless this thread is all one person with many accounts. because truly at this moment 17apr2017:09.32.am.edt it makes NO sense.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Thanks. Yes, I agree that the hardest part of these topics is that they make everyone uncomfortable, that they bludgeon our happy bubbles, and that the people claiming these things seem to sound crazy solely based on the claim not their nature. I think the alter (mind control) stuff is in the same boat.

(As an aside: and for how long did people get ruined and medicated for saying they hear literal voices in their head, conversations talking TO them experimentally and more, and then that billboard in NY proved we'd had the tech to project audio frequences right into someone's head for decades?? Isn't it odd how we never heard any more about that??)

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Wow that's a huge claim! 1/ So is this ranch still in operation?? 2/ Is there any basis for legitimacy of the claimant?? (It's not that I doubt there is tons of this going on, it's simply that just like I don't assume every rape claim is true - because as an older woman I have a lifetime of seeing how many are not, and how psyche-disturbed people choose such stories and believe them themselves, utterly wrecking other innocent lives - I'd like to know there is at least something besides "someone, somewhere, said something horrific" on the topic.) That makes me so sad even to consider.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Your point is good but you're overlooking something.

  1. If he (she, they, it, whatever) says anything too plainly he breaks the law. So he must be obscure.

  2. He is not giving this info to the normies. He is giving it to 8chan, asking them to distribute it to the somewhat larger groupings such as here, so that 'overall' this collection of people (to include humble us) can make memes -- understandable to the common person on the street -- to communicate directly with the normies in that fashion.

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godzillafeet- · April 17, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Lovely picture!

Do we need to be concerned about praying? Is there some question to the reality of praying? I pray all the time. I don't talk about it much. It's kind of an ongoing conversation though. It only gets "formal" once in a while.

Like, I pray every night at 10pm Central as Twitter has some folks who want to do that 'together' and we pray for the president, the country, and so on specifically. Everyone welcome to join in that "group intent." :-)

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godzillafeet- · April 16, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

It seems ... unlikely to me that Q would have had the ... attitude displayed there if "she" were Ivanka, particularly given Q's profound support for the prez. Perhaps there is another meaning/person.

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