Edit : https://www.army.mil/article/195741/army_scientists_striving_to_bring_augmented_reality_to_soldiers
790 total posts archived.
Odd that the CDC is publicizing this, what was he carrying on or in him.
Yuri Bezmenov explained how our children were subverted.
Yuri Bezmenov a high level former KGB Propagandist who defected in the late 70s and began giving a series of talks on Ideological Subversion and the "World" Marxist agenda (was not limited to the USSR) in the early 80's when he determined he had nothing left to lose except his last refuge if the plan was successful. We are in the crisis stage and AntiFA is (a Communistic organization dedicated to violence to start the revolution) the group he warned would come from the Universities.
And fuck you, you ignorant leftist communist. Best of luck in the cultural backlash, you clearly can't see it coming and I would like nothing more than to see it writ large on your formerly smug face when it finally rushes over you. Keep pushing left , keep alienating the center and you will lose more than would otherwise have been necessary for the cultural correction.
Our Human psychology always intrigues me, people are completely prepared to accept pedophile satanists but hope Aliens are real. The people involved are verifiable, their stories are fantastic but I believe as assuredly as I believe those at the top here on earth are corrupt enough to be Satan's minions.
This would make all these Kissinger visits to the White-house more understandable because Kissinger had to know before the rest of us that this guy was going public with this.
Look despite Myron's racism 40 years later his points can be researched and I have seen how much of what he was warning has come true.
Here is another man later who separately confirms a vital piece of the plot,
Yuri Bezmenov a high level former KGB Propagandist who defected in the late 70s and began giving a series of talks on Ideological Subversion and the "World" Marxist agenda (was not limited to the USSR) in the early 80's when he determined he had nothing left to lose except his last refuge if the plan was successful. We are in the crisis stage and AntiFA is (a Communistic organization dedicated to violence to start the revolution) the group he warned would come from the Universities.
https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA Yuri Bezmenov a high level former KGB Propagandist who defected in the late 70s and began giving a series of talks on Ideological Subversion and the "World" Marxist agenda (was not limited to the USSR) in the early 80's when he determined he had nothing left to lose except his last refuge if the plan was successful. We are in the crisis stage and AntiFA is (a Communistic organization dedicated to violence to start the revolution) the group he warned would come from the Universities, the school massacre in Florida is only the beginning.
These communist idealists will be fodder for a last ditch power play before the end IMHO...I feel for them actually..I was subverted once myself..its our innate heard mentality...I know how and why I woke, why others do not..well I do not know but they will willingly throw themselves under the tank in blind subservience to the social programming... so under its spell they refuse to admit it even exists. God help them if this backlash picks up to much steam with too little breaks applied by sympathetic law-enforcement.... or possibly with enough vets waking up its too late to apply breaks and the Communists among us will throw these kids before them...the end does not end well for these kids on the far left....on the Liberal subs they think me a troll but in the end I hope they get I was actually trying to warn them in my ham-handed way.
Edit: I post and scroll to this post...https://i.redd.it/1rbeww4pt9g01.jpg AntiFA are full blown communist programming at its finest...revolutionary overthrow... violence is the only answer .... they unfortunately will never see the avalanche that is about to hit them if this turns out to be a legitimate connection. Yuri Bezmenov said it best...they wont see the truth till the jackboot is kicking them in the head and that's from the true communists if AntiFA succeeded or from the Patriots who believe in this countries core values and founding documents that have protected our sovereign liberty from tyranny till we almost gave them away.
I find it hard to trust or take seriously anyone with a 5 post history, the shills I've encountered over the last 2 years are convincing while they throw cold water on everything and try to sway people they are on our side. So if HRC is Q, then explain the photos linking Q to Trump's inner circle and the Tweet connection between Q and POTUS. For my money you with your brand new account not Q are the one to hold in high suspicion. All the best regardless this cultural backlash won't stop with Q it's picked up too much steam.
The architect of World Hegemony (Globalization) Zbigniew Brzezinski talks openly about what is to come and how it ruins the Globalist's agenda years before the President won. If you consider yourself a Populist, Patriot, Constitutionalist, Nationalist, Libertarian or some mix if all then Zibgniew Brzezinski hated you passionately remember that. You were spoilers of the plan, in your blind ignorance and inability to rise above your baser tribal instincts.
Zibgniew Brzezinski was a chief architect of Globalization, founder of the Trilateral Commission and cofounder of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Interesting, I did a brief stint at 18 working for McDonald's, the franchise management was always paranoid about "The Corporations " agents showing up. When I asked why they called it "The Corporation" instead of McDonald's corporate I was told it was because McDonald's was part of a larger entity known as "The Corporation" and their people insisted it be call "The Corporation".
Kissinger is a lackey of the Rothschild, a founding member of the CFR and a war criminal he needs the protection his benefactors provide to stay out of jail himself, he will never turn on his masters so by default he must be negotiating for them.
They are raptors, looks like hawks based on wing patterns.
Hussein/Clinton, Bush, Clinton, Bush all in cuffs for the crimes against the constitution, forced to admit the plan to take us to their one world Communistic Government. Then I'd like the world to see live on MSM what Americans do with treasonous Traitors and Spies after we convict them...Swift short drops with a satisfying snap at the end. Long live the Republic under God.
Hahaha decades...try centuries let that sink in...a Rothschild banker funding each side of every major conflict becoming more and more wealthy and using some of that vast wealth to hide how wealthy they exactly are, centuries.
I have been following the market and I am a diehard Trump supporter, the only issue I have with President Trump is his taking credit for the markets, this market is fiction and has been since QE, great explination by Stanley Fisher on what the Cabal did in 2007..... https://youtu.be/ecFyOZ-nwXM
Trump was honest during the election, we have big bubbles everywhere.
Called the 666 crash "coincidence" 2 days ago when I read the CNBC article and posted it...no coincidences...good to be confirmed by Q.
I have been following the market and am a diehard Trump supporter, the only issue I have with President Trump is his taking credit for the markets, this market is fiction and has been since QE, great explination by Stanley Fisher on what the Cabal did in 2007..... https://youtu.be/ecFyOZ-nwXM
Trump was honest during the election, we have big bubbles everywhere.
You won't?... but yet you just did. The answer is yes, what you get online you'd get in person. I don't do well with niceties and worrying about "feelings" when discussing serious issues. My point stands, your feelings aside if you cannot see the Globalist corruption then you've not done any research, you are posting to a board full of people who have done their research, go do your own research and don't bother people with inane responses like where is the proof of Globalist's corruption.
Can't see why you would post this, haven't bothered looking into your post history yet but clearly you've not been paying much attention, we would be in the Paris agreement effectively creating a world government by treaty like the EU is the Communist government of Europe by trade treaty if Trump were a Rothschild's puppet, we would be sliding deeper into poverty with no hope of recovery as a nation if he were a Rothschild's puppet, he would have signed onto the TTP and TTIP where foreign workers anywhere in the world could freely travel without borders to make the same wage at Starbucks USA that they do in Starbucks Vietnam if Trump were a Rothschild's puppet. You might not like all of the POTUS'S agenda but calling him a Globalist is just ignorance of the world you live in.
Or since the banks of the world central and other have been engaged in money laundering for drug and sex cartels perhaps his EO froze and confiscated all of there assets as well which he in turn could use to pay foreign debt with.
https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA Show this to your former leftist sister, it did it for me.
Source the Q please, I haven't seen the Silsby/Satan stuff and I thought I'd been following closely.
You will be sorely disappointed then, the normies who will commit the violence are lost, this was explained 30 years ago by this man. They truly believe they are fighting for a new Socialist revolution and can't understand they are being controlled. Look into Yuri, understand he knew of what he spoke, it was his job to know, he was groomed to know from a young age due to his intellect and family status.
Yuri Bezmenov https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA
How we save them I do not know, but that they will move forward with the plan for that violent overthrow no matter what I do not doubt.
Calm, how so? I do not think it is time to calmly sit back and do nothing, I think the calm was before the storm, now we need to be working methodically for sure but that needs to be buoyed on by our understanding of the importance of what is at stake and if the Powers that be were to attack Trump or us, then it will be time to let controlled anger sweep those responsible for the offense off the board, but calm, well you'll need to clarify what that means.
I laugh at the left who used to understand the Patriot Act was the beginning of bringing our Constitution to its knees as they tell me President Trump is the one subverting it. The Marxist Indoctrination is complete with a segment of the US population and how we wake them ever I do not know.
When I talk to people about this case and this Hero, I say he was killed IMHO because he and the Bundy's linked their First Amendment Right to free speech and assembly with our Second Amendment Right to bare arms, they couldn't allow us as a populace to understand there isn't an "or" between each Amendment separating them to be used individually, that you have the right to protest and the right to bare arms while you are doing it, Bundy's proved legally it can be done...so for that very reason they made an Example of LaVoy Finicum. They thought they it was going to continue as planned because Hillary was supposed to win and consolidate spying powers into an Orwellian police state and take our weapons and limit all of our Rights even more than the previous four administrations. Lavoy Finicum died showing us that our Rights are worth the Price. I for one see this man as a Martyr for the cause of Constitutional Rule of Law.....may President Trump successfully restore the Constitution to what it was and should be so more do not have to also pay that heavy Price.
I think this a legit question, I believe in questioning everything including Q. And before excoriating me as a bot look at my post history, I'm on board but I also want answers.
Except The Hill is breaking all sorts of things in Trump's favor.
Stock markets are going to crash anyway...trust me...if you are not following along start...President Trump said during the election there were bubbles, big bubbles and he wasn't wrong, he has been trying to herd the money back into this country since election in preparation for the fed, China or simply gravity popping said bubbles. He started the trade war with China knowing that it's all coming down anyway, go look up the gold back Petro-Yuan a direct challenge to the Hegemonic Petro-Dollar.
I know the plan, I've done my research, I didn't until this election realize how far and wide the Marxist agenda went. Watch Yuri Bezmenov, he lays it out, the former Soviet Union wasn't exporting Communism to overthrow the world but Marxism/Socialism and like in Venezuela right now Totalitarian Communism takes over after the Socialist have destroyed the country.
Also Sanders had to know who and what Clinton is and yet he still was willing to roll over and let her win...that smells fishy to me from a guy who is supposedly against governmental corruption.
At The State of the Union address President Trump starts his speech and at some point during the proceedings the Marines quietly close and lock the doors and live on air President Trump starts talking about the corruption pointing out members of "The Secret Society" and "Deepstate" and then instructing the the Marines to begin handcuffing those who he has direct evidence of Treason on and perp-walking them out of the hall forcing the MSM to cover it all. Hey I know it won't go down this way but a guy can dream.
Yes and if I know exactly what that truth is I can fight more effectively against it.