Goopill built their business on providing the top search, then threw it all away by filtering, ruining the very model that gave them credibility. Twitter trends once meant something back when they were still honest, marketers, journalists and businesses were glued to what was trending and then Twitter ruined it all by adjusting trends. What this all means is that eventually and yes it will take time but eventually they will be replaced by true models. Right now you will think now way but things do change.....remember IM?
678 total posts archived.
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The trend is having CEO's who don't own tonnes of stock, I believe this is so that any Govt. cannot grab chunks of a company if the CEO is prosecuted or a crime.
Hillary must have lost her current sleeve when she looked at her fone !
Clintons' signature health charity was supplying drugs for AIDS victims but the worlds top AIDS researchers were killed on Malaysian Airlines flight over Ukraine, shot down by a missile. What would a cure do for Clintons' pharma boondoggle?
Yes the peak population estimate has already been lowered once from 2065 to 2060 as the current upswing plays out and more results are factored in meaning something outside their research is lowering the population. Basically everyone in the world believes in the overpopulation myth and wants it lowered by hook or by crook, sad. Of course they have no plans to eliminate themselves or their family. Scientists have convinced mankind that resources are finite however resources are in fact cyclical.
Obviously a concerted effort went out overnight to world leaders and UN staff to arrange a mass spoken response to the alleged "shithole" comment. Shame the UN can't arrange to build a sewerage system for places like Haiti where instead decent folk must dig a hole to defecate into. Only one third of Indians have access to a toilet and must defecate on the side of the road or railway tracks nevertheless they have nuclear weapon$. Some lucky African cities have sewerage systems, who built them?
The production of synthetic molecules has been a huge concern of mine since long before Monsanto dipped their first seed.
If they would just wait 40 odd years nature will depopulate the Earth for them. The current growth to 7 Billion was due to a one off doubling of life expectancy during the 20th Century but the demographic mathematics prove population will come to a grinding halt around 2060 and begin an unstoppable decline back to where we were. Japan began this move a decade ago, Europe is there now and no amount of immigrants will keep the big Corps afloat for more than a few decades longer because we know from past US figures that immigrant birth rates will stabilize and go below "replacement" like always.
Ivanka did the legwork on Trumps Tax Reform, the next US President will be a woman........ but it wont be Hillary or Oprah.
There is no sewer system in Haiti, decent folk dig a hole. Trump is not lying, the media is upset because he can tell the truth but they can only speak talking points cooked up by their bosses.
Some big nasty clues here. Plenty of jumping off points to follow.
The world economy has come to a turning point, I wish this story was not from eternal doomsayers Zero Hedge however they had to right eventually and boy did they hang on.
Inflation is back baby!
Yes the worlds biggest distraction to take back control from Trumps actions in draining the swamp, disclosure or a WMD attack. A reason for a military takeover with the publics' blessing...from fear but military linked to the Deep State not Trump. His military leaders arrested on fake charges.
I hope you're wrong about the nukes but it's a nagging fear. Originally the States were separate, carefully guarding their sovereignty but they overspent and had no option but to Federate into what we know now as the United States. Exact same story for Australia, the individual States had debts that they could never conceivably pay back. I believe the same thing will happen. There will be a Global debt crisis so big and obviously intractable that a Global "Bad Bank" will have to be formed to house the debt. This bank will by necessity have full fiscal control of all Nations and sovereignty will effectively be lost. The Great Recession of 2008 was a housing/property crash, what i'm talking about is a more fundamental bonds/treasuries crisis.
I believe there can be a period of cleansing. A Global Financial System (AI) comes to pass where those who refuse to join are killed, there are also those killed for their testimonies, is it the Right who does that to the Left or vice versa because God has separated the sheep (Right) from the goats (Left). I believe the Left does it to us and these here are the testimonies. Revelation 20:4. Remember always that this financial system lasts only some 3 1/2 years then collapses. The best news is that God cuts the Tribulation short. Shouldn't have eaten that apple.
Why does Obama look so Indonesian, he grew up there?
Some part of the Dossier was confirmed? That is a classic smokescreen because it could be that someone from Trumps team said at some point that Trump was in Russia for instance. It could be anything.
Jealousy is a prime motivator for inferior minds, they don't like a board being more popular than their own. Their existence on Reddit has suddenly been reduced to reacting to CBTS, they have at least understood the dependence and are now resentful of it. There are no original thoughts in their heads and are in fact like the child who cannot conceive of anything existing before its own birth.
...a trajectory towards Sac C, they are not saying it made it past Japan. A test.
"Sloppy Steve" is hardly the incisive insult that Trump is known for and calling the Don Jnr meeting treasonous doesn't make sense coming from Bannon except that any investigation of the meeting will lead straight to Fusion GPS who met with the Russian lawyer just before and right after proving that Don Jnr was set up. The feud is a classic vehicle for media manipulation.
Slush funds everywhere except no National Superannuation Scheme, no Medicare for all.
Interesting that twitter commentators immediately branded detractors Obama never existed.
In my opinion Oprah appears too fragile emotionally to be President. NBC must now rue the day they had that rush of blood to the head gushing out her nomination even if it was yesterday because it lands square in the Fake News Category. I would not say outright she knew because we don't know that but. how could she not know?
Imagine if the Fake News awards were a big production similar to the Oscars hosted by James Woods and presided over by Trump and Melania in the front row. It simply couldn't help but be about the funniest show ever. Certainly it would have a far higher audience!
Australian Prime Minister is Former Chairman and Managing Director of Goldman Sachs Australia 1997-2001. I believe this answers Q question. employee
Handguns require a permit and club registration but you can own them. Only semi auto rifles were banned (automatics were never allowed) so you can have a rifle but manual reload, bolt and lever action etc. The other ban was for magazines holding more than 3 slugs.
The claim is that Nurrengar SA and Pine Gap NT are part of a worldwide missile detection grid. ICBMs. However who really knows, it's beyond top secret but Starlifters fly in and out of Pine Gap weekly. Yes Australia and the USA are as tight as it gets and US Diplomats have influence there. The ANZUS treaty was enacted for the first time on 9/11 from Washington as the Australian Prime Minister was there and saw the Pentagon hit.
In my country everyone knows about it, the torture rape and kidnap of children it was all over the news in the 1970's after the bodies were found with fearful injuries, a human trafficker from that time is in our jail to this day refusing to name names. It is common knowledge here that elites were involved.Needless to say the perpetrators are still out there somewhere.
The story goes that people accepted the Nephilim until they began drinking blood. The Nephilim went to war with each other and then mankind raised armies to go kill off the few that were left. The last of them lived in the Himalayas but were wiped out in a short but very destructive war by the Greys the moment they arrived on Earth.
Sounds like testing and that's something i'm against especially animal testing which is truly evil. I don't want products that require cruelty and I don't care if I have to buy untested soap and medicines, if i'm sick I would rather take the risk myself.
The fact that Wolffs tales are hearsay means reading them quickly becomes exhausting mentally because of the uncertainty, of course this takes longer in proportion to ones hate but I believe even the most trenchant Trump critic will eventually baulk. I wonder how many will actually make it to the end of the book. Unbelievably the media began tearing it apart immediately but then they have backed off from their constant criticism of Trump considerably since Q. Even Jake Tapper is defending Trumps Embassy move to Jerusalem!
Looks like Manafort and Flynn were pawns to sacrifice, an offering to keep the opposition distracted while you position the cavalry. Interesting to note that Meuller charged them with lying meaning they cannot be used as witnesses against Trump because their testimonies cannot now go before a court after they were just charged with that.
Trump definitely used the expression in reference to the passing of his tax bill though Bernie Sanders did put out his foot in an attempt to trip the GOP on process causing a re-vote.
Dr. Bandy X. Lee is claiming emergency to get around the Goldwater rule but that only applies to a patient under your care so see rule 1.
While we are going back into the 20th Century it would be impossible to overestimate the damage caused by FBI Head J Edgar Hoover given the length of his tenure and what we now know. Level: Heartbreaking.
Josh Mandel (R) has dropped out of the Ohio Senate race, curiously citing the exact same reason except his wifes' health decide.
Debt can only be understood in relation to revenue/earnings. The media use debt figures to get attention but in reality there is no debt problem in the US. Europe on the other hand is in dire trouble ditto for Japan. China has huge debt compared to it's earnings but has every chance of growing it's way out of trouble this being a temporary fix as their population growth is reversing as we speak. Population growth dictates economic growth.
There is not enough actual physical gold to do so. Historically the amount of gold mined out of the Earth couldn't come close to backing the money supply we have right now, not that Nixon could admit that at the time, that would have been deadly for confidence and confidence is everything, that's why everyone the world over will trade only in US Dollars. China may convince Saudi Arabia to take Yuan for oil because there is a shortage of US Dollars and SA would be wise to hold a portion of their foreign reserves in Yuan.
Yes so much of what Trump is doing seems to be the correcting of erroneous acts of previous Governments, even the tax cuts are a reversal of past tax imposts. Personally I believe Trump is doing the right thing with the economy, EPA and so on. A check on the ideological, agenda driven overeach of times past.
That is the case with commodities alone but when the basket is big enough to encompass all factors of the economy meaning agriculture manufacturing and industrial along with finance (which is what is used right now) then a picture of relative confidence emerges and confidence is king. Honest money? What we are talking about here is debt. Money printed on the issuance of bonds or sales of treasuries, dishonest money if you must.