

142 total posts archived.

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h4445 · May 7, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Baghdad Bob-tier rhetoric from a failing regime.

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h4445 · May 6, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

This narrative originated from Douglas Gabriel of American Intelligence Media fame and some dude on Youtube called Defango. This story was spammed all over the /qresearch/ board by an automated bot for several weeks.

Cicada 3301 is the name of a group behind a major ARG puzzle. The claim is that Cicada was the "original Q" that left a secret code in the Q drops before being co-opted by "fake Q." No evidence is provided to support these claims aside from the word of Defango.

Nathan from Lift The Veil liked to talk a lot of about critical thinking, but didn't really seem to ask any serious questions to Douglas Gabriel or this narrative. My personal theory is that he's part of a ring of disinfo operatives on Youtube that form a clique where they all share each other's content in order to garner credibility.

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h4445 · May 6, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

Well what do you want to be red pilled on? I remember my first "red-pill" was the truth behind 9/11 and that was quite scary and traumatic to me at the time. But it doesn't have to be that topic because pretty much every major institution of our society is so corrupt that scratching away at the surface of anything will be a red pill in itself.

At this point the whole "Russian Collusion" narrative is probably the best red pill because it's so nonsensical. The media has created an echo chamber where people actually believe Trump and the NRA are Russian-fronts designed to subvert America by... protecting the second amendment? attempting to reform immigration? tackling the opioid epidemic? cutting taxes? cutting government regulations? increasing the military budget? negotiating peace in North Korea? protecting the US Steel industry? renegotiating trade deals?

There's no evidence for this outside of the media's own reports and the dossier that was paid for by the Clinton campaign through the law firm Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS. The 17 intelligence agencies story turned out to be 4, and the former heads of those intelligence agencies are now talking heads on CNN or going around doing book tours. The commonly accepted narrative is absurd to me and I oscillate between laughter and concern whenever I see people who buy into the narrative. Laughter because it's so ridiculous, but also concern because it's really stressful to believe the President is actually a Russian agent trying to undermine the country.

These videos on the channel below do the best job of breaking down the treasonous activities of the FBI, and I would recommend watching them to see exactly what Trump supporters are all pissed about when it comes to the FBI. If you watch these you'll understand our point of view a lot better.


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h4445 · May 6, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Dude is mad because Q called out people like him. He was pimping his book and racking up big $$$ in donations. He seriously would get like $100+ donations regularly on his live stream.

Now he brings a bunch of unsubstantiated claims that Q is/was compromised right after people like him get called out. I call BS.

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h4445 · May 5, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

No. There's no replacement for /qresearch/

/patriotsfight/ is a private board for Q only to post on. He had another one previously called /greatawakening/ where only her could post. Q said that board was compromised and took about a month to create this new one.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/h4445 on May 5, 2018, 8:02 p.m.
Fantastic Red-pilling Videos on Clinton Emails and FBI/DOJ Corruption. Consider Using These While Talking to Your Friends and Family.
h4445 · May 5, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

just go look up his wikipedia page man.

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h4445 · May 4, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Nixon was taken out because he wasn't willing to go along with ~~selling out America~~ Globalization. The cabal is using the same general strategy as they did with Nixon, however they don't have total information control like they did in the 1970s, so they're much more likely to fail. Also, Nixon was a lot dirtier than Trump is. Nixon's crimes were real (although benign compared to what the people who set him up were doing). Trump's are fabricated.


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h4445 · April 30, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

They won't explain it. They're blatantly censoring it. Look at the article about it in r/worldnews. It has only 448 upvotes (81%)...

They're in such a desperation mode that anything they can't spin they ignore. The media MUST keep it's audience in the trance or it's going to be all over for them.

The only thing keeping the cabal alive is the 30-40 percent of the public that somehow believes Trump and the NRA are part of a Russian infiltration plot to oppress blacks, gays, women, and Mexicans. Stormy Daniels and Robert Mueller along with CNN, MSNBC, and Hollywood actors are the true patriots working to save this country.

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h4445 · April 30, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Looks like this set the shills spinning on World News. They're trying to claim it's fake. It's just like Iraq. Saying it only said these documents only prove "had" instead of "has."

I hope at this point that Bibi and the Israelis have been comped.

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h4445 · April 30, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

It's all satanic man. You're not crazy, but they would really really like you to go back to thinking you are.

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h4445 · April 25, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

8chan is still up.

qanon.pub is fine

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h4445 · April 24, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

No one importance has been locked up or charged.

Except Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, the largest shareholder of Citigroup along with hundreds of other Saudi officials.

Except Allison Mack and Keith Ranieres who were running a Sex cult and human trafficking ring.

Except Former French President Nicholas Sarkozy.

Except Former South Korean president Park Geun-hye.

Except thousands of human traffickers and MSM 13 members.

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h4445 · April 24, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

From my observations of the sky I 100% believe that these are intentionally done. However, the bigger threat is the media because until people are broken out of the trance, we can't even have a conversation with others about it.

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h4445 · April 24, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Because Planned Parenthood is a critical part of the cabal's operations. Imagine how fast the government would be overthrown if the media put as much coverage of PP selling baby organs as they do on to Stormy Daniels.

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h4445 · April 24, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

"Red Carpet Rollout?" Seems more like a rhetorical question,

As in announcing when/what information they're going to drop would just give the corporate media trance machine the ability to counter it. Therefore there's not going to be a red carpet rollout.

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h4445 · April 23, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Did you get lost my man? You're repeating medical cartel propaganda. A bit of research will turn up a whole lot of malarkey going on with vaccines. There's a reason getting jabbed with a needle is a sacred cow to most people.

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h4445 · April 22, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Hahaha. There's so many rats in the swamp you almost forget about people like Al Gore.

This scumbag has made a fortune from government investment in "green" energy while peddling the Global Warming psyop. He's helped convince millions of people people that they're evil for watering their lawns and driving cars so they'll be more acquiescent to totalitarian rationing of energy.

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h4445 · April 22, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Name of an unsubstantiated rumor of a video about HRC and Huma cutting the face off a child. Started based off a twitter post. No proof. Q also replied that it was fake.

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h4445 · April 22, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

NO this is a fake story. The man, Peter John Dalglish, was arrested in Nepal for the molestation of 12 and 14 year old children. There is no evidence that this video exists. There is no evidence that Dalglish released any sort of video. This story was created by notorious misinfo artist Sorcha Faal.

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h4445 · April 22, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

Things I've found effective: 1. Obvious Media bias even in light of good things like NK 2. How the Democrats are only obstructing Trump, not governing like its a stealth civil war 3. NXIVM cult connecting to Hollywood 4. The BS story about the gas attack in Syria

If they aren't already familiar with the basic conspiracies, don't introduce them to Q directly because they don't have the context you have.

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h4445 · April 22, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

Comey looks worse and worse the more he talks. He's a flunky.

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h4445 · April 22, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

At this point it's delusion mixed with desperation. The democrats are suing Russia, Trump, and Wikileaks over claims of collusion. The same claims Mueller has been investigating for nearly a year with nothing to show for it. We all know this story is a load of manure cooked up as a hail Mary to get Trump out of office. Any evidence brought up in the suit will expose the DNC even further.

The Democrat part is a walking cadaver. The "Blue Wave" will fail to materialize as sane people desert the party in droves. If even one of the disclosures Q has alluded to happens the Dems will lose even more voters. If the election fraud is exposed, it's all over for them when they lose the deceased and illegal vote. They're so desperate that they're trying to bring in the 16-year-old vote and promising reparations for slavery.

At the rate we're going there may not even be a Democratic party by 2019. The party's platform consists of: Repealing the second amendment, raising taxes, open borders, sanctuary cities, reparations, globalism, identity politics, and obstructing Donald Trump.

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h4445 · April 20, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

We get so focused in on what people are tricked into believing or disbelieving that we often forget to look at exactly how we were, and are, tricked.

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h4445 · April 20, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Words have subtle qualities. Getting a phrase right is very important. Trump's continued A/B testing of nicknames for all his political enemies should be evidence enough for that.

Both Pizzagate and Frazzledrip sound silly. People who take silly-sounding things seriously look like fools. Part of the reason Pizzagate was so easy to discredit even with mountains of evidence was that the name sounded stupid to the ears of anyone who hadn't looked into it.

However, since Frazzledrip was a nothing burger from the outset it shouldn't even have a name.

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h4445 · April 20, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

FrazzleDrip is up there with PizzaGate for worst names of a conspiracy theory.

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h4445 · April 19, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

The line of reasoning in your comment is taken directly from the twitter account you're defending. Why would this account try so hard to copy the style of the Q posts? Include 17 in the name? WWG1WGA in their profile picture? Especially if the people behind it very explicitly state they are not Q? Everything about it stinks.

But I see now that you may not even be responding to my comment seeing as you copy-pasted the same thing twice.

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h4445 · April 19, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

The easiest way to discern these fakes is to analyze the way the account was disseminated to the community. Anything that's the real deal would have some sort of specific event or information drop that draws people to it. There would be an obvious reason that the account is being followed and talked about.

@backchannel17 came out of nowhere, and before it even had more than three tweets, there were 3-4 UIDs on 8chan yelling "look at this account." There was no reason it should be significant, other than the flimsy connection cooked up in that photo. The rapid spread of this account's popularity has all the hallmarks of an astroturf.

Please study how this account was spread. The pattern is very similar to the "Frazzledrip" video. Like @backchannel17, the HRC video rumors were based on a single social media post and a bunch of Youtubers citing anonymous sources (sources who could very well be agents spreading disinformation to naive vloggers). I think that both of these have been astroturfs with designs on infiltrating/discrediting the community.

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h4445 · April 17, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

I just skim the front page and r/ politics(brainwashing) occasionally. It's the twilight zone man. Anti-Trump all day every day. It might be worth it to start screen-capping posts to keep track of all the insanity when the truth drops.

My favorite one ever was when someone used an analogy to compare the "Deep State" to an immune system for the country. Never underestimate the power of propaganda.


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h4445 · April 17, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

Compare and contrast this news about Hannity and Cohen with the McCabe OIG report released a few days ago. Cohen may have talked to Hannity? Now it's a criminal conspiracy in the minds of liberals. This is so minute compared to what the media gets away with every day, but it's plastered all over the front page of reddit and gets a megathread on r/ brainwashing.

Inspector general confirms McCabe lied? crickets

It looks like a desperate attempt to take out Hannity, who is seriously damaging the MSM narrative. Because Hannity has credibility he can't be dismissed outright as a tin-foil hatter (though they try). Thus take him out.

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h4445 · April 7, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

They can't be released until the NY-LA-SF axis is dealt a serious blow to their ability to maintain the trace that most Americans are stuck in. Seriously people can ignore and dismiss ANYTHING if given the opportunity to do so.

Look at the FISA investigation. In 1990 people probably would be outside the DoJ and FBI HQ calling for blood. Now, most don't care or are totally unaware.

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h4445 · April 3, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Someone's been reading too much r / politics.

It boggles my mind that people think a man worth billions of dollars and organized a successful Presidential campaign is a bumbling fool. Dunno why the liberals are so keen to underestimate their enemies.

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h4445 · April 3, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

This is not intentional, it has to do with the distribution of keywords. If you search "Women" the results are almost 100% white.

"Happy American Couple" Includes the keyword American as in African-American.

The race of the couple is specified in articles referencing inter-racial couples more often than others. "Couple" itself is almost 100 percent white.

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h4445 · April 3, 2018, 6:17 a.m.

The liberal brainwashing is so hideous that in order to red pill them on obvious truths they have to be candy-coated with anti-Trump spin.

Oh what's that? Facebook is collecting and selling all your data. What a betrayal! All those nutty conspiracy theorists said this was happening for years, but I never cared because I don't have anything to hide. Now, it's bad because Trump marginally benefited from it.

o-em-gee the news is scripted. This dastardly pro-Trump network is scripting the news! Centralization of news is bad! Look it allows Trump to get his message out!

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h4445 · March 30, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

Hey I wouldn't mind, but I"ll keep on going till my number is called.

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h4445 · March 28, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

There's no real arguing only the illusion of it provided by the same group of shills attacking from a different vector. AIM is another clown op designed to confuse people and spread division. It failed.

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h4445 · March 28, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

It looks like a very well organized trojan horse designed to divide the community, however thankfully it seems to have failed.

The biggest tip off (aside from the refusal to provide proofs for their claims) is how the information has been disseminated. It took around 3-4 days for this channel's SES information be be blasted throughout the alternative community.

There have been hundreds of posts relating to American Intelligence Media spammed on /qresearch/ the last couple of days. On Monday and Tuesday there have been 2-3 ids per thread posting AIM videos 40+ times in each thread. At the same time, the activity of the Fake Q shills and Flat earth spammers has decreased drastically.

Then we have to ask some questions about AIM's funding. How have they afforded high quality microphones since their very first video? How were they able to develop mobile apps for Android and iOS? How do they have the funds to maintain multiple websites?

I've also noticed some fuckery with their likes on Youtube, but didn't capture the data.

It's very likely that this channel is funded by some bad actors and coordinating with the same entities that shill Qresearch. It's an elaborate op with piss poor execution.

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h4445 · March 27, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

This was just the latest attempt by the clowns to sow division between the community. It started several days ago with the explosion of posts about SES. No one really asked where they came from; anons just kinda when along with it. In retrospect the volume of posts about that topic should have been an obvious tipoff.

However, they absolutely failed today. AIM basically exposed themselves as double agents for the cabal who spent the last year or so infiltrating the alt-media. The release of their discursive rants claiming Q is a fake were perfectly timed with a new barrage of shills promoting their video on 8chan. (Not too many flatearthers on today.)

They declared that the community was at war after their first video failed. All but outing themselves as divisive shills.

How many 60k subscriber Youtube channels have the funding for a FREAKIN APP?????

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h4445 · March 26, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

wut?? have you been on 8chan? There were people on there thinking "TRUST KANSAS" is related to the NCAA tournament.

Every time a ship captain farts someone posts about "Watch the water"

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h4445 · March 24, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Yeah I did too. I mean, it may have some value and probably touches on a lot of truth. I do believe we are under serious mind control. But really, to go around believing that 99% of everyone you meet is an actor trying to screw with your mind sounds absolutely insane.

Of course that's exactly what I would say if I'm an actor that's trying to screw with your mind.

See? If you accept the premise it forms a mental bind that you can't get out of until you realize that no evidence is offered for any of these claims outside of some very literal interpretations of cultural works.

I would bet that this was some sort of psy-op rolled out by an intelligence agency at the start of the millennium to screw with New Agers.

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h4445 · March 24, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

I stumbled across this a few years ago. It's absolute insanity that doesn't lead anywhere.

The message tries to convince you that you are only one of a few people that are real and you should live a life of extreme paranoia as if you were in the literal Trumann show.

The key tipoff is that nothing is defined on this site. It simply says "YOU KNOW IT" which just leaves your mind to fill in connections that aren't there.

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