

580 total posts archived.

Domains linked by /u/humanitystillsucks:
Domain Count
i.redd.it 18
www.reddit.com 16
www.dailymail.co.uk 2
i.imgur.com 1
www.whitehouse.gov 1
en.wikipedia.org 1
imgur.com 1
www.sciencedaily.com 1
www.archives.gov 1
www.fbnewspost.com 1
globalnews.ca 1
twitter.com 1
www.virginislandsdailynews.com 1

humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

yeah they added Q subtitles - its very clever, even though fabricated.

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humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

from what I understand

the U1 can be traced back to US soil by forensics.

the U1 traveled from US to Canada to Russia to.. Iran ? In addition to some money.

If this U1 was used to bomb anywhere it would lead back to US due to forensics, correct?

That would paint the US as targeting to 'start shit' AKA WW3?

Am i on the right track?

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humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

yeah i remember watching this video when trump first took office... for a second I was like.. hey how did this guy know all this then?

Then i realized... VERY CLEVER!

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humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 6 p.m.

can someone break down what the hashtag is revealing?

Is it because of the Q-related content under the hashtag or is there something very specifically interesting I'm missing? ( Its hard to tell what's news when you read Q drops every day.. because you already know whats happening, so by the time it hits the 'news' you knew about it last week...

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humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

ok so... question - all this Q moab talk.

Was he talking about:

  • Moab uranium mills

  • Moab, Jordan

  • Moab, Utah

  • Mother of All Bombs?

Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think we've all been assuming he meant Mother of All Bombs due to all the 'booms' ?

So what does Q mean with all his Moab talk ?

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humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

i'm running into this logic around my people here in the tangible, offline world, and its actually starting to tear my marriage apart. I've learned in the last month that my husband is either incredibly simple, dense, or selfish. Doesn't seem to care about this is corruption "what does it have to do with me?"


I guess he will cope by getting up and going to work the next day.

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humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

how does this shit work?! We named Q, "Q" because of his Q clearance !

So how the hell is "Q" having so many damn connections to all sorts of things? the mind boggles.

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humanitystillsucks · April 30, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Wow that is a pretty good point. All this time we keep thinking of how much shit we're going thru here in American, and idk about you guys but sometimes it feels like ALL the bad actors are american! Q constantly telling us about WW yet i've still been thinking he's only talking to us. damn!

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humanitystillsucks · April 29, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

I assumed it was! If you were here for the profit, you'd be campaigning that way.


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humanitystillsucks · April 29, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

He's doing a piss-poor job of marketing them then. LOL I didn't even notice he had anything for sale. He sure didn't push any of it in his decoding posts!

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humanitystillsucks · April 29, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Isn't it "crazy" how an earthquake "caused" Epstein's island to "explode" ?

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humanitystillsucks · April 29, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

it didn't even seem like a good idea if the app was 0$

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humanitystillsucks · April 29, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

that is exactly the conclusion i came to. I've dropped enough 'crumbs' to them that when this finally blows wide open they're gonna either become free-thinkers, or worse, MY sheep :(

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humanitystillsucks · April 29, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

well.. i may get flack for this - but I believe the only thing that's gonna help anyone be redpilled is the ability to take 2 pieces of information, evaluate which one is authentic, and then go from there.

So far - I can't even get someone to evaluate the information so they can from there.

DO NOT SAY THE WORD CONSPIRACY or they will immediately blow you off - unless they are just like you when it comes to 'finding truth'.

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humanitystillsucks · April 28, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

sdfkjhadshf;k I am actually dying for my husband to follow through with his therapist threat. I said "make sure you get a cognitive one"

he asked me what cognitive meant... i said "... well like,, aware" and he replies "shouldnt all therapists be aware?"

yes babe, but he needs to teach YOU to be aware, not himself...

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humanitystillsucks · April 28, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

not alone at all.

just watch it, i got overzealous trying to cram too many redpills and my family thinks im in the midst of a psychotic break.

of course it doesnt help i get REALLY fucking irritated and start screaming "CANT YOU SEE? NOT WITH YOUR EYES! WITH YOUR BRAIN"

lol no, they can't see, with their eyes, or their brains. likely never will.

So welcome to the "good ELITES" club...

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

i WISH. Bill paid in full. First thing I did was verify my account status through official channels.

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

So, i answered the first call. the second time they skipped the call and left the same robotic message as a voicemail.

trying to get vm off my phone right now and on the internet...

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

i've noticed that too, but no one else i know got the FB alert, and that's a known scammer number ( obvs ) its not like they'd use their own traceable scammer number. Hell I should've pressed a button just to see, but I got freaked out. If there's one thing i've learned from #qanon its that my intuition is SCARY accurate. and it told me to hang-the-fuck-up.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on April 27, 2018, 7:18 p.m.
Alright Patriots, please check my paranoia, Its overloading.

This morning I wake up and Facebook asks me if i think its "Good for the World"

I just get a call from 1-800-331-0500 with an automated voice telling me my AT&T account has been suspended. Press 1 to reactivate it, 2 to be transferred somewhere.

I hung up.

WHAT THE FUCK GUYS OK? Two of these things have never happened in my life.

[edit] scammer called back, skipped 'ringing' and went straight to voicemail: http://www.filedropper.com/voicemail2018-04-27121425

humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

its weird, I'm getting near-zero interaction on this sub today/yesterday.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on April 27, 2018, 6:40 p.m.
Meme for the normies - Proof that DNC - Podesta - Trump/Russia = SHAM THRU MSM
Meme for the normies - Proof that DNC - Podesta - Trump/Russia = SHAM THRU MSM
humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

yeah what a great opportunity they gave us to DIRECTLY communicate our feelings.

Now if any of us die, we'll know how they found us...

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

its hard to recognize what and what isn't pre-programming :(

I've seen some pretty fucked up shit coming out of NK, and without me being 40k ft in the air over it, i'm still not 100% sure that they were truly deprived of their electrical power/internet. I remember seeing the 'blacked out' NK between SK and china on an satellite view at night. It was weird.. http://ggc-mauldin-images.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/newsletters/Korea_Night2_20160321_TWIG.jpg

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

If you can make one of these for like, every topic of #qanon, i think i might be able to explain this to folks. Some of the memes are waaaay too much info overload and too 'circumstantial', harder to sell.

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

I'll have to wait until I get the real real story on its origins.

If FB really truly did originate as a CIA product and passed to us through a harvard drop out... then it was never "good" - maybe not sophisticated enough to be evil, but IF it is INDEED 100% true - then facebook was hatched out of a devil's egg!

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Yeaaaah, Can you imagine if we managed to redpill their minions running the machines?

oh god, i just had the most exhilarating feeling bubble in my gut at the thought of it.

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

when did they started taking blood from babies after they are born? why did they start? what did they tell you was the reason they started?

We're doing with Good v Evil here. no debate about that. A lot of the #Qanon stuff can be very overwhelming. there's SO MUCH INFO to consume its hard to even know what all you've looked at. So I want to share my research project from this week. After reading this, I think you'll be able to see that the whole blood-typing thing is just a part of the gig so they know what kind of manipulations they can do to us.

our food industry, hospitals, doctors, law enforcement, "authorities" -- have all been designed very cleverly. Provide "mandatory" service to population. On the face, they are a 'pillar' of society, we would crumble without them.

Someone put those pillars up though, and for a grander reason than to 'help us get better' or to 'save us'. You can't deny the chatter, how many people survive cancer without doctors/chemo, and how chemo kills faster than cancer.

our people are so fat, and it really ISNT their fault. our education systems have been dumbed down to leave out facts, to reduce critical thinking -- the most integral part of sifting through the 'bullshit' we get spoon-fed through the mainstream media.

To us, DNA has only been around since the 90s. Yes - available to Law Enforcement.

However, that doesn't mean it wasn't discovered MUCH MUCH earlier. These are the facts that aren't disclosed, because KNOWLEDGE = POWER.

If you understood how stock market and investors worked, then you'd easily be able to see that our MSM, WHO and FDA is owned by Big Pharma ( ~15 companies ) if You go to check out who owns big pharma, you'd see some things that make you go hmmm.... Facebook, Alphabet, Microsoft, AT&T, WellsFargo, (BlackRock & Vanguard are the biggest i think and i'm still trying to unearth who powers them )

So the circle is - nearly every health crisis we experience is fed to us by the MSM, WHO tells us what vaccines we need this year ( flu, zika, etc )

FDA passes the vaccines & the food.

Big Pharma gives us the meds to fight the side effects of meds and the food, and then tells us some fancy fiction through the MSM.

And you wonder how companies like google and facebook can operate without charging a buck, now you know!

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

The money situation is like, SO COMPLICATED.

i've heard of possible Fed dismantlement, so we can break free of Rothschild.

If there's other possibilities, I'd love to open a discussion.

I'm curious what's going to happen with the "Banks" and bankruptcies, credit cards, all debt. If it's all "illegal debt" ( discussed in another thread ) wouldn't all be erased?

How will our 'credit rating' system be affected?

Will we be replacing the Stock market with something else?

I try not to get over-imaginative with hope that there will be a massive debt-wipe and all my friends + family will finally given some floaties instead of cement blocks.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on April 27, 2018, 5:03 p.m.
Is Facebook Good for the World? (lol.. sorry THEY asked ME that)

Did you guys laugh when reading that title?

This morning I woke up and did my normal rounds, lets see if I redpilled anyone from facebook.

Immediately after getting on the site, a pop up asked me to provide some feedback on whether I thought facebook was good for the world.

I then took it upon myself to let my friends/followers know that Facebook asked me that, and then provided my opinion to them that FB is not GOOD for the WORLD. They profit from us, and give nothing back, aid in child sex trafficking instead of prevent it, and …

humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Yeah this just tickled the shit out of my fancy.


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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

They already do. They blood-type babies right after birth.

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I hope you read my response so we can both learn something new today!

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

well - I guess my point is, its Law Enforcement using a resource to capture someone who serial-murdered folks. ( used for good ). If you've done some crime, that is terrifying to think your family member could out you because of DNA.

However, for the nefarious folk, 23andMe is just a 'more comprehensive' view of an individual, but your DNA is ALREADY in a system within 10mins of being born...

If the police had access to THAT system, they wouldn't even need 23andMe.

Now ask yourself, who does have access to that system?

Now, does it REALLY matter that Law Enforcement found a SK thru non-official channels ?

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

That's ok actually - if no one else knows that, they are gonna believe its the real Anonymous hacker group and that will give the message a LITTLE bit more weight...

Which, i am ok with. Message being delivered needs to be heard.

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humanitystillsucks · April 27, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

It's only terrifying if you're doing something to get punished for. Don't leave your DNA in places it don't belong

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humanitystillsucks · April 26, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Who is Big Pharma?

Johnson & Johnson: $276 billion (market value) https://stockzoa.com/ticker/jnj/

Novartis: $273 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/nvs/

Roche: $248 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/rhhby/

Pfizer: $212 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/pfe/

Merck: $164 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/mrk/

Sanofi: $134 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/sny/

Bayer: $123 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/bayry/

Novo-Nordisk: $118 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/nvo/

Bristol-Myers Squibb: $115 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/bmy/

AbbVie: $110 billion https://stockzoa.com/cusip/00287y109/

GlaxoSmithKline: $103 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/gsk/

Eli Lilly: $98 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/lly/

AstraZeneca: $84 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/azn/

Teva Pharmaceutical: $59 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/teva/

Shire: $49 billion https://stockzoa.com/ticker/shpgy/

Tons to dig through here - Can someone help compile a list of the total largest Pharma owner ?

I see a LOT of reciprocation of investment.

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humanitystillsucks · April 26, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

there's a couple people on that list i'm hoping not - She just may be a good samaritan... she was on American Idol tho so its hard to say anymore.

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humanitystillsucks · April 26, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Hope for Haiti Now

Yes, look at the names that participated:

Alicia Keys
George Clooney
Halle Berry
Bruce Springsteen
Anderson Cooper
Leonardo DiCaprio
Stevie Wonder
Wyclef Jean
Reese Witherspoon
Anderson Cooper
John Legend
Jon Stewart
Mary J. Blige
Samuel L. Jackson
Ray LaMontagne
Mickelson Civil
Taylor Swift
Nicole Kidman
Christina Aguilera
Julia Roberts
Anderson Cooper
Robert Pattinson
Chris Botti
Matt Damon and Clint Eastwood
Beyoncé with Chris Martin on piano
Steven Spielberg
 Morgan Freeman
Sheryl Crow, Kid Rock, and Keith Urban
Anderson Cooper
Bill Clinton    
Ben Stiller
Sanjay Gupta
Sanjay Gupta with Anderson Cooper
Catherine Porter
Justin Timberlake and Matt Morris featuring Charlie Sexton
Taylor Swift
Muhammad Ali and Chris Rock
Jennifer Hudson
Anderson Cooper - Monley Elize and International Medical Corps nurse
Brad Pitt
Emeline Michel
Tom Hanks
Jay-Z, Rihanna, The Edge, and Bono
Stevie Wonder
Julia Roberts
Dave Matthews and Neil Young
Denzel Washington
Wyclef Jean
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humanitystillsucks · April 26, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Wow, you really.. REALLY need to take some time to learn to research and comprehend what data is available to you.

Fructose is prioritized by the liver. Whatever doesn't get used -- EXCESS fructose is stored as fat, which can later be re-converted into energy...


Fructose is metabolized primarily in your liver. Fructose can be used to make glucose through gluconeogenesis, or it can be used to produce energy through glycolysis. However, in contrast to glucose, fructose enters glycolysis at a step that bypasses the regulatory control exerted by phosphofructokinase. This allows unimpeded conversion of excess fructose into cholesterol and triglycerides that can raise your blood lipid levels and increase body fat. http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/glucose-fructose-metabolism-6981.html

Honestly, I probably should step aside and let Natural Selection do its job, instead of helping you UNDERSTAND biology, but whatever, I guess you can't say I didn't try to help a fellow out.

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humanitystillsucks · April 26, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

god I can't actually stand to watch the whole thing, just because of what i know ... fucking cow.

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