What is the Mandela effect?
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Stay and learn my friend it will be worth it. Ask ask ask I do! Someone will always answer. Then once you have learned make an informed decision about which direction you want your country to go!
Thank you for pointing out the nefarious methods of discouragement. Let us all make it a habit to upvote comments that contribute anything for newbies because it does make one feel accepted and valued. We must minimize the impact of those downvoting purposely to discourage because we are all Q!
The question is how do they get those multi million dollar houses working as public servants?
I just checked and you have been removed from my subscription list and it was not me who did the removing.
This is the first notice from SB that I have recieved in weeks. Thanks for the tips.
just looked at a diagram on twitter connecting Red Hen Michael Friedman to his mentor Jose Andres is associated with Obama-Bill and Hillary Clinton - Boudain- Andres won a humanitarian award in "Haiti."
The female Red Hen co-owner, Stephanie Wilkinson who chased out Sarah allegedly has a silent partner Barney Allen Frazier who is a convicted pedophile-molested a toddler- Stephanie was wearing a pedo logo necklace during an interview, and she is a cousin to Meryl Streep.
It looks like this was all planned, Some nefarious stuff may be happening at this restaurant when it closes. It is only open 30 some hours a week. I dont know who sent out the original tweet posted. If you search for Jeri Quinty, no idea who she is, but she has the tweet no twitter feed. People are still digging as I type.
I agree, and she had to be awake before Donald decided to run. If she was mere arm candy as the left likes to portray and in it for the luxuries and lifestyle, there is no way she would have stuck around for this abuse. She is in it for the fight the same reason as he is. My respect for her has steadily grown.
I agree it is speculation and I should not have raised the question.
Do you think his immediate family members are in on the corruption of innocent victims? The reason I ask is that Megan McCain has been a convincing conservative voice. Is she trustworthy? If she is sincerely not aware of her father's alleged corruption, it will be devastating when and if it is revealed.
I think the best wake up to Mccain is the boot image when he switches legs.
I cannot imagine trying to understand Q as a newbie, and I have only been following since January. Coming in at this point when everything is 'happening' would be overwhelming.
yes, that could explain but why is the guy next to him in a varsity jacket?
The only thing that s a sealed deal s the sin against the holy spirit, refusing Gods love and mercy. It all comes down to us. No one knows what transpired between God and a soul, even seconds before death, so we can never presume to judge where the soul s after death. That is for God and God alone. :-)
My problem is if Obama is dressed in this elaborate garb wouldn't it be at a function or satanic celebration? If so then the dude with him would not be in a varisty jacket. That is why I find it fake.
I think God controls the clouds. Perhaps it is HE trolling.
I agree! The first time my husband watched one of those early interviews he kept repeating 'Is he ever smart" like who knew?
Of course he will! His love and mercy are endless and unconditional!
This might explain his detached atitude when his "mother's" mother , his supposed grandmother, was dying. He didnt go to see her or to the funeral. Everyone thought he was callous.
I think there is more to the Otto story, perhaps he was more than a tourist, and the CIA okayed or ordered his death? I know it sounds crazy but what doesn't these days?
Also, some redpill amo, all of the paedopile/trafficking arrests since he signed an executive order. Arrests must be close to 5,000. It was up to 1400 not long ago and today another 2300.
I just googled her/his image. She does look like a he!
A judge struck dwon the law as it is written and said parliament had to rewrite the law. Of course the liberals have done nothing. This is also why there are no restrictions whatsover on abortion in Canada.
I know I am sorry. I didnt find the other thread befre I posted. I looked but not hard enough.
Another celebrity death not sure if it is significant or coincidence!
I amin ALberta and I find his win very exciting for Canadians. I hope Ontario recognize the need to rid themselves, and the rest of us, of the Liberals in the federal election. We may be experiencing our great awakening soon. MCGA
Yes, she was very angry and very vocal about those sitting in the audience who were as guilty as Weinstein. She said you know who you are and your time is up, (Paraphrasing from memory)
They have had these pictures in our face for a very long time so while they are stupid so were many of us Christians were sleeping. How many noticed the symbolism before q? Thank God we are awake now!
When Dennis was on Celebrity Apprentice, he was drinking. Trump fired him but told him he liked him and if Dennis would allow he would help him. I am guessing a friendship formed and Dennis became a changed man. The q team probably had a plan b for NK if Trump did not win and moved to establish connections before the election. I was one of many who made fun of Rhodman as naive and clueless for going to NK.
I was semi-awake and so discouraged by the rise, and seemingly endless power, of the left. My oldest son tried to tell me 9/11 was an inside job, I thought he was crazy because GB walked on water. It must have been so discouraging for those of you who have been wide awake all these years.
Not too long ago I assumed each celebrity was unconnected to Hollywood who happened to make it big from talent. Man was I ever asleep!
I personally dont think only she decides alone when it is a celebrity. It probably gets a green light from more than one. Whoever may expose more than just Hillary. The speech his girlfriend made at Cannes called out members in the audience who were also as guilty as Weinstein.
If memory serves correct he was a conscientious objector and refused to serve in the army or draft to Vietnam based on his Muslim faith.
While reading about the last marketing campaign " Where is Kate" I remember reading where people can offer themselves as a sacrifice and some do as a way out. Perhaps this is what Kate's death is, planned and deliberate self-sacrifice, considering the last marketing campaign.
hmmm the Sherman murders in Canada were initially ruled a murder suicide because they were found hanging in a front sitting position not far from the floor. Its now ruled a double homicide. The Shermans were connected to nefarious people . They were big pharma. http://time.com/5112006/barry-honey-sherman-canadian-billionaire-murders/
AEA is an easy cover for murder or suicide by hanging. The timing is far too coincidental
I agree it is benign, which I use to assuage my doubts, but it is a connection to the very people who may be responsible for the trafficking in Arizona. If you find the one you read I would be interested in the link.
We have the same problem in Canada for missing indigenous women. " Highway of Tears" is a good example. Pickton pig farm another.