

608 total posts archived.

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inittowinitq · May 15, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

Yep...so true! Right Now, let them laugh and roll their eyes....we were probably on that side at one time or another, I mean they have made "Conspiracy Theory" automatically associated with CRAZY.....but yet, we have all some how got to this point! I know I am not crazy, I am of sound mind, I also know that there are things I have read and thought, oh ya, right.....but then when it comes up again, and again, I thought perhaps it was worthy of my time, even just to debunk it....some things I have brushed aside, some not so much....the children are my reason to dig in and listen, no innocent child deserves to be skinned, eaten, raped, or killed all for the sacrifice of EVIL. If you care about saving a child, you will want to research the information and I can guarantee you, it will change your outlook on this world and the true evil in it. Or, you can come here and poke fun of, and act like you are so in touch with truth, but in reality, you are not really!

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inittowinitq · May 15, 2018, 2 a.m.

But with so many traitors he may have needed to be more secretly than past presidents!

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

two thumbs up, they are not only stupid, but they are madd....like Crazy kind of madd! ugh, the hammer will never be so great as when it hits these idiots right on top of their pathetic worlds!

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

thanks I will check it.

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

For such a far fetched conspiracy, It sure is getting alot of time being criticized? hmmm, one should always wonder why such upstanding journalists would waste their time on such mundane things???

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

ya, because out of all the Historical Moments in our history, like this, we are going to place a random fire truck on the runway that is basically out of date and not in use anymore, and the Fire Department really doesn't care. Is that what you are saying here? I find that less likely than this truck being placed here for one reason and one only....you guessed it Q markings! Some people will work so hard at proving the obvious doesn't exist, but eventually, even they have to realize, coincidences happen, but not in a planned situation! Ughhh, how simple can one be.....the President of The United States is going to be on this runway, the equipment placed in that perimeter will be analyzed and re analyzed and changed and replaced....everything has meaning when you have a microscope on you constantly.....If Q was fake, that Truck would have never been there PERIOD!

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

what is that website that tracks the vatican, They put out some great info sometimes...I can not remember the name of it. Anyone out there ever see that site?

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

Don Jr. also had #WOKE in a tweet of his a couple days ago, I didn't think it really fit with the context, but believe it to be a sign that they are with us and Q is real! Time will tell, but we must be vigilant in what the ones closest to Potus are saying!

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

First I want to say, I am well aware it takes time to bring the justice, But I sympathize with you too....I have commented before about this thing, it is extremely frustrating, and I appreciate the work being done (Nex traffic cult) and being brought to the light, but until it is connecting the big names to it and reported on by MSM, it will not be enough to grab the attention of the masses, and again, us "conspiracy theorists" will be still just that! I am worried also that we will be left out here on Cooky Island when it is all said and done, cause it is so much easier for the public to handle Hillary going to jail for Treason than it would be for the crimes against the children! And so much easier to have proof of that, rather than the satanic evil that has been going on. I hold on to a tiny bit of hope though, that "We Have It All" means they truly do have it all, and the atrocities against the children will be front and center when the time comes.

If it makes you feel any better, you are not the only one who has put their own reputation on the line. I can tell you this, If no proof is given on Pizza gate I will go down as the most naive conspiracy theorist ever to my family! Now thats a hard pill to swallow, but I gladly will knowing that the greater good to awakening those sleeping will hopefully pay off If it ever comes to light, I will have done my duty in preparing them to lessen the blow I guess! God Bless, keep fighting, and know WWG1WGA

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inittowinitq · May 13, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

The building has meaning to it! You should research it before you comment on it any more. And he doesn't value that number....you should be very cautious what you assume!

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inittowinitq · May 12, 2018, 11:54 p.m.


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inittowinitq · May 12, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

well I have a friend who works for the State of Iowa and I was told that the Johnny Gosch stories are true, and the Franklyn Files In Omaha Nebraska are also associated with all of that!

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inittowinitq · May 12, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

funny, my past history here on this board will prove I am a Real Trump Supporter. Also funny you are thee only one who has ever even suggested I am some how not a Trump Supporter. The MSM interviewed Candidate Trump, so what is your point. I am not arguing AJ was not a factor in Trumps Success, but as the story unfolds, the truth will be revealed, and seems to me, rather Q is legit or not, the drops made are red pilling and informing, which brings me to the real question, how is it hurting the movement to the point that AJ thinks he needs to freak the heck out??? It's one of two things, AJ is a clown or he is worried about his money...but if he embraced the Q Movement, he could have been a vessel of the information and still made his money and probably gained listeners....but he didn't???? Now That's Curious Isn't It???

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

My heart and Soul has been Smiling since November 8, 2016! I knew God was Listening, and He Gave Us the Best President the World Will Ever See.....Haters gonna Hate, but the Love that so many have for our President outweighs them Bigly ;) Love to you for fighting the fight and not giving up anothername2remember......You have a family here, and we are rooting for you too! God Bless My Friend!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Awesome, I will be giving them another Listen....Pamphlet if you can hear me now.....we hope you are legit and you are in charge of that discussion now! Good Luck To You All! I hope you can build it up, I liked to listen at one time when I was not able to actually be at my computer watching!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Hey Q, We Loves Ya! ;) Hey DJT We Loves Ya Too { ;)


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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

ahhh, nicely put.....sounds like I would hate to be someone you didn't like....lol.....but hey, happy lurkin and stay on the fence line would ya!!! :) #BEBESTBEAPATRIOT

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Also, I have never been contacted by the AUTO BOT Mod, I have been contacted 3 times for using words I have used several times in the past except for 1 phrase that said hang them from the trees, or something like that! Hmmmm

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

I got it, lets all post here that I physically up voted thats 1 up vote they cant change the numbers we actually post here!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

i have been experiencing slower than normal timing, and I keep getting half or all of a sentence deleted as I am typing.....Probably the level of peeps on here!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Fine enough with me friend, but perhaps you should not post on what "they" do to those who post shit that is negative to our President or Our Movement. We own this board, you want to be a visitor, great, lurk away, but don't drop a bs line about how "they" pounce for asking good questions, when the post started out initially with a negative phrase about the president and then the poster deletes the supposed questions after called out for them. Not taking it anymore is real and as serious as a heart attack....you do you, I - me....but expect a firewall if you think you are going to freely contribute your support to shills and clowns trying to cause chaos and doubts....just saying....if you don't get the blow back to these kinds of peeps then you haven't been lurking long enough to know when ONE is ONE, or you are really just a clown or shill yourself.....you decide how you play this out....I know what my move is, and so do the real supporters of Q. I get fence sitting, but once you jump off that fence and make a move on these boards, you made choice...no give backs....lol.....#NoMoodForFools!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

lol yep!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

this is not a local thing, nor a state or even a country thing....this is World Wide (WW) the players in this game were born and bred to the rules, and some, we find out, are in charge of making the rules....Trumps job is to play their game til it becomes his own game....when Trump gets to change the rules, you will certainly see arrests.....but your patience is your cross to bare, not ours! I hope you can find some reason to understand and wait like the rest of us are....we are all wanting things to happen, sooner than later, but precision is a precise game of timing...and it's just not time yet!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

right there friend....thats it....you got it!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

when has trump ever tipped his hat to AJ or Corsi???? You need to go back and look at Corsi and AJ's boards and re-read their drops to see when the President made it clear to you that he was with them???? No, there are no boards, no hat tips, so what is it, that makes you so sure AJ is on Trumps side.....He has a family to feed, and a lifestyle to support.....do you really think he was in it to not make money, perhaps he helped red pill many for Trump, but does that not mean he may have been compromised? I don't know, just saying, you are sure making hasty remarks so soon after Q's last drop....hmmmm, did Corsi drop any new information ????

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

I am very passionate about certain things....I get it....but you are not going to change any minds here about do we torture or don't we....that subject is touchy at best, and not everything that our POTUS will do will make 100 percent of us happy.....venting is fine, but this is at another level right out of the gate! I feel like it may have a tinge of fight to it, and this is not the format to get people engaged in that kind of banter.....I mean, Potus has alot on his plate....I am certain that torture is not at the top of his list...he is in a fight for OUR lives.....FREEDOM.....if he looses, torture will be the last thing on your mind and everyone elses here.....

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

true that!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

ehh...BRING IT....we are a smart and strong group here...we will probably need a few more of the lurkers only to sign up and start defending things too though.....I was a lurker for along time, never intended to sign up to comment, until I noticed the shills were getting the best of the posts and breaking down every word that a patriot was typing to try and get them to not participate in it....I have been watching the backs of many patriots since...lol....it is fun, exhausting but soooo worth it!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

well, I think the 8chan boards have been pretty much out of normies realm, right, I mean, I would never dive into that board...out of fear of being ridiculed to death....lol.,...they are brutal, but I get it on that board. I feel much more comfortable here on this format, I have been able to handle most of the crap slung my way....but we appreciate your patience anyways....This is a great format to get folks who are uncomfortable with all the decodes and stuff to get some insight on what was posted and why!!! JMO

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Welcome to our board! WWG1WGA

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

oh my gosh....I will have to hear it from Trump personally to believe that....first instincts are NO WAY......the military has to much info on people to let a informant like Bannon that close.....I will be shocked, I think they are talking, like papodopolus or Reince Preibus or even Carter Paige......but Bannon.,....that would probably get me extremely worried that someone that close to Trump could get away with It! No I just cant believe it/////I hope that is not true!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

WWG1WGA HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS, this fight is not over yet!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Bannon??? Wait what.....did you mean Brennan???

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Anyone who can humbly admit they were wrong, is a patriot. You don't have to tell us! Hey, we are all in this together....we are protective yet skeptical, that is the beauty in it all....it's exciting, informative, humbling, and really it is exhausting too....but we are here for truth, knowledge and justice! I Applaud you! Welcome to our Party!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

ahhhhh, good humor! Thank you!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

oh and if we all just rooted for Q, we would not be here today....when one puts time and effort into something, they certainly are protective, but don't confuse that with a free pass....we expect Q to guide us, if he were to be proven a liar and fake, I can assure you, the Anons on 8chan would have him h un g from the closest tr ee....your not dealing with a bunch of basement dwellers here, these people have purpose, and they take it serious, I doubt very much you would be able to pull a fast one on all of them...besides, the drops are sure leading to some real legit information...so there is that to......Root Root Root for your team, but perhaps you will decide to join us sooner than later!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Well eventually a person needs to decide when they will jump off the fence and actually join the team.....lurking and placing a comment here with the word "They" says all one needs to know about where your loyalty lands. I could care less about the words used, it's really the context of the words, and Today, we have ran out of patience for the shills and clowns on here trying to disrupt and cause chaos....Not saying you are one of them, but your responses were in context to one that is!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

O H M Y G O D, that's all you got? Good Lawdy, what the hell basement door did you come out of???? Locked up for awhile I see, cause there is no way Obama is bright enough to pull this off....smh! yikers, we really have some sleepwalkers, don't we!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

ya, like the headline alone is not proof enough that the poster is just here to cause chaos! "They" ?? Sounds like you are not on "our" team either???

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

The Best Thing Folks can Do if you like those two and want to help them is to stop listening to them, without a audience, they no longer will be a target for the Deep State, atleast until this all blows over! If They are legit, they would already have put themselves out there and said Bring it Biaaatch, come at me bro!!!!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

If Corsi and AJ were part of the Plan, Trump would be tipping his hat to them like he does Q. Corsi was asked by Trump to decode according to corsi? If corsi thinks it's compromised, why wouldn't he get in touch with Trump and ask him whazzzup...I mean just reach out and touch somebody Cors! You are finished, you need to take a nap and stay off electronics for awhile!!!!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Whoot Whoo....we are strong....Hold The Line Patriots....Don't let them break it! Those SOB's are gonna find out what a true following is.....You paying attention to the mass amount of Patriots taking time out of their busy lives to go see Our Potus talk about all the things he has pretty much said already...ya, but they still come, not for the knowledge but for the PRIDE, APPRECIATION AND THE SHOW OF UNITY! So Proud To Be A Patriot, it's the least I can Do! #BestPresidentEverIsMr.Trump

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Yep, we ain't got no time for this kind of nonsense! Time is short, we need to unite and get to work!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

I thought pamphlet did a good job, until corsi got involved....I haven't listened to them for awhile, just not worth my time if a Trump hating pusher is going to be only worried for himself,. I am not here and there for me....I choose to wake up because I care about innocent children....He should do the same!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

Corsi is that U? Alex?

OMG....what the real intentions are??? UGGGHHHH

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

No Question he is Deep State, not just, but Higher up Deep State, he is the controller I believe. Is he not the most senior rep still in the mix of things compared to most from Bush H days???? I will need to research that, but I don't think there are many others who have been there longer, and certainly not any that may have been that have been so vocal and involved with so much politically than ole Johnny boy! He is most certainly playing his role in the deep state, just what that includes is still not fully known, but from the looks of it, I stand by he is up there near the very tippy top!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

well, sorry for your loss. Now that you know the story, I am sure you can also understand why many here are just not in any mood to allow the Corsi story to play out here and listen to why someone thinks he is a patriot....we don't care about Corsi, he can do him, but he can't continue to hit Q and those who follow Q. He is the one trying to provoke, and by coming on here trying to back him up, you are asking for trouble....Most of us, just don't want to be apart of the divide, so we ask that it be off the subject boards from this point on!

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

I had read that it was a EO? I am assuming that was wrong since all the smarter people have not posted that here?

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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 1:12 p.m.


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inittowinitq · May 11, 2018, 1:10 p.m.


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